Used Asphalt Paver Invitation for Bids Affidavit of PublicationNo. 24808 r� iNVITATi")N FOR BIDS The City of Kalispell; Montas forna will receive sealed�� meet,or Used Asphalt Paver exceed the minimum officeofifica- the Department of Lions on fife in the P Public; Works, City Hall, Kalispell, Montana. instructions to bidders are avail- able at www•katispell.corn, within the Bids & Proposals tab. Bid- ding documents may be exam- ined or obtained from thrkseCity aof Kalispell Public East, rt- ment, 201 Fit Avenue Kalispell, Montana 59901. An bidder wishing further informa- tion may obtain the bloc Works rom the City of Kalispell fl First Avenue Department, East, Kalispell, Montana 59901, or by calling the City of Kalispell pat Public Works Department 406-758-7720. Sealed bids shall be addressed d to the City Clerk, P.O. Boxa3_1997, Kalispell, Montana and entitled: Bid for Ube As- phalt Paver. Bids w re- ceivedill by the City clerk, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901 until 2:30 P.M - Sep- tember 21, 2017. All bid be publicly opened and read � d at 2:30 P.M. vnf September Room of 2017 in the . wnq 9W First Avenue East, LIIL,1 I sua, - - Kalispell, Montana. All bidders shall, as bid seca rtiri ul accompany the bid with money of the United States, a cashier's check, certified k draft, heck, bank money order, or ban drawn and issued by a national ion l bank located in Montana y banking corporation inbidcorporated ❑r in Montana Or� a suretycor- n bo bonds, executed Y � __:___4 in r4ht 4�1- poration aulho �z-Gu LU �w . __. ness in Montana, in the am ount of ten per cent su0 h )bank the amount bid. Any in- strument shall bell.e Payable contract is to the awarded, of Kali ded, the bidder whose bond r is accepted and who {n� aandere- after refuse to enter ex- ecute the proposed contract, or as stated in the covenant, shall absolutely forfeit such moneys or bank instruments to the City, and became immediately liable on said bid bond in said sum. The money, bank instrument bid bond shall be returned to the un- successful bidders. No bid shall be withdrawn teor a the period of sixty (60) day scheduled time of receiving ids without the consent Council. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any technicality accept id or informalityand deemed in the which may best interest of the City. The successful bidder Fede be re- quired to abide by State laws. Authorized by order of the City Council of the qU of Kalispell, Moritaria, -in . -a regular-' meeting held on August 21, 2017. STATE OF M ONTANA FLATHEAD COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MARY BOOTH BEING DULY S WORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: THAT SHE IS THE LEGAL CLERK OF THE DAILY INTER LADE A DAILY NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF RALI S PELL, IN THE COUNTY OF FLATHEAD, STATE OF MONTAN.A, AND THAT No. 24808 LEGAL ADVERTISMENT WAS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE REGULAR AND ENTIRE ISSUE OF SAID PAPER., AND IN EACH AND EVERY COPY THEREOF ON THE DATES OF SEPTEMBER 3, 1 O, 2017 .Al l D 1 i iE RA T E Lfi it i RurE D F J R i i iE AB v V E PRINTING DOES NOT EXCEED THE. MINIMUM GOING RATE CHARGED TO ANY OTHER ADVERTISER. FOR THE SAME PUBLICATION, SET IN THE SAME SIZE TYPE AND PUBLISHED FOR THE SAME NUMBER OF INSERTIONS. Subscribed and swore. to Before me this September 10, 2017 Dorothy I. Glen oss Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing in Kalispell My commission expires 9/ 12/2021 ,(I Gt ti DOROTHY I GLENCRoSS i P Notary Public for the q �; State of Montana Notarial k Residing at KALI5PEL.L, MT Sea 4je My Commission Expires OF -MO September 12, 2021 City of Kalispell Aimee Brunckhorst, CIVIC, City Clerk C'r,r.�r,m�►OI' 1 n 2017