07-06-17 Business Improvement District AgendaDOWNTOWN KRISPEU 2017 - 2027 KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Joint Board Meeting Agenda Thursday, July 6, 2017 - Moved to Thursday due to the Fourth of July Holiday 8:00 - 10:00 AM Whipps Building Conference Room 14 3rd Street East, Second Floor Kalispell, Mt. 59901 Call Meeting to order - Chairman Fetveit Motion & vote to July 6 Agenda & Minutes of June 6, 2017 HEARING OF THE PUBLIC BUSINESS Downtown Plan - Tom Jentz and Jarod Nygren Montana Main Street grant opportunity - Pam and Katharine Thompson Fagade Improvement Program timeline Letter of support request from National Trust for Historic Preservation NEW BUSINESS Next meeting Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 8:00 AM ADJOURNMENT P. O. Box 1997, Kalispell, Mt. 59903 * (406) 253-6923 * pamkdowntownkalispell.com www.downtownkalispell.com