06-26-17 Work Session Agenda and MaterialsCITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA Monday, June 26, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 201 First Avenue East A. CALL TO ORDER B. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Downtown Business Improvement District Budget Discussion 2. Urban Forestry Assessment Discussion 3. Stormwater Utility Assessment Discussion C. PUBLIC COMMENT Persons wishing to address the council are asked to do so at this time. Those addressing the council are requested to give their name and address for the record. Please limit comments to three minutes. D. CITY MANAGER, COUNCIL, AND MAYOR REPORTS E. ADJOURNMENT UPCOMING SCHEDULE / FOR YOUR INFORMATION Next Regular Meeting — July 3, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers City Offices Closed Independence Day — Tuesday, July 4, 2017 Coffee with the Chief — Tuesday, July 18, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. — Winchester Room at Sykes Diner, 202 2nd Avenue West Next Work Session — July 10, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers Reasonable accommodations will be made to enable individuals with disabilities to attend this meeting. Please notify the City Clerk at 758-7756. Page 1 of 1 Clerk's Office 201 Vt Avenue East PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 Phone: (406) 758-7756 cityclerk@kalispell.com www.kalisuell.com MEMORANDUM REPORT TO: Mayor Johnson and City Council FROM: Doug Russell, City Managers 12- MEETING DATE: June 26, 2017 Work Session RE: Review of KBID work -plan and proposed budget BACKGROUND: At a previous meeting, the City Council authorized the creation of a Downtown Business Improvement District to promote the success of downtown Kalispell. At that time, Council expressed an interest in holding a work session with the new board to review the work plan and proposed budget. The board has met and has submitted a work plan and budget for review. These materials are attached to this memo. RECOMMENDATION: Review and discuss the submitted work plan and budget from the Downtown Business Improvement District. ATTACHMENTS: Kalispell Business Improvement District Proposed Work -plan and Budget KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 2017 -2018 BUDGET DOWNTOWN XAI SPED Board of Directors Jon Fetveit, Chair Debbie Snyder Jayson Peters Chris Petersen Eric Robbins Jarrod Shew Karen Sanderson Retiring District Marshall Noice John Hinchey Lee Kozlowski June 7, 2017 Mayor and City Council, It is with unanimous agreement that the new Board of Directors forward the Kalispell Business Improvement District 2017 — 2018 budgets. You will find attached the 2017 — 2018 budget for the expiring Business Improvement District. The expiring district will be focused on maintaining the programs in place until the new district starts receiving funds in the fall of 2017. Additionally, the new district has also attached their proposed budget. The new board has reviewed the assessment formula and after discussion made a determination to offer the budget based on the formula that was utilized to secure the petitions for creation of the new district. During this budget year, the Board of Directors will spend additional time reviewing and discussing alternative assessment formulas that could be established for future budgets. As you know this is a new district that will start receiving funds in November 2017. The Board of Directors will be reviewing in the near future the Mission, Vision and Purpose of the new district. In preparing for this work, discussion has been held regarding the purpose of other agencies working on the success of downtown. It is the boards perception that the purpose of the Kalispell Tourism Business Improvement District is to put "heads in beds" and that the Kalispell Downtown Association brings people into downtown by promoting events to generate business traffic. Their focus is on storefront business. 11'0 Box 1997 Kalispell. MT 59903 (406) 253-6923 ���� ��.dow ntownkalispelLcom KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT The Kalispell Business Improvement District's primary driver is increased property values by creating an inviting business environment. The primary metrics will be property values and occupancy rates. In order to accomplish these goals the district will focus on the following four objectives. Cooperative marketing for downtown by; • Focusing on infrastructure needs Building our brand - Do business downtown, socialize downtown, be downtown Kalispell entrance signage, on line presence, Facebook and more effective communication tools. 2. Advocate for and organize property owners on critical issues such as; • CORE area redevelopment • Downtown parking and traffic solutions • Courthouse couplet • Zoning 3. Design and implement a program to recruit, equip and place new businesses into vacant properties within the district. 4. Create a downtown that is more family, pedestrian and bike friendly to increase foot traffic and capacity and remain practical for automobile traffic. • Bike racks • Clean up parking lots • Signage • Flowers The Kalispell Business Improvement District will continue to work closely with the City of Kalispell, the Downtown Association, the Kalispell Tourism Business Improvement District, the Kalispell Convention and Visitors Bureau, Montana West Economic Development and most importantly our downtown businesses and property owners. Our goal is to coordinate efforts that will promote and strengthen downtown Kalispell. We will continue to help our businesses and property owners find solutions to the challenges they face and look for opportunities to improve our economic growth and prosperity. Thank you for your consideration of our budgets for fiscal year 2017 — 2018. Sincerely, Kalispell Business Improvement District Board of Directors PO Box 1997 Kalispell. MT 59903 (- 06) 253-6923 %viNN .dosvntosvnkalispell_coni BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND: 2700490470330 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating Total Cash REVENUES 363010 Assessments 311100 Levy 312000 Penalty & Interest 335230 Class 8 PP Reimb. 365000 Donations/Grants 371010 Interest Total Revenue TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENSES Operating ENDING CASH CASH: Operating estimated proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY14/15 FY15/16 FY16/17 FY16/17 FY17/18 $77,818 $57,258 $26,045 $26,045 $20,777 $77,818 $57,258 $26,045 $26,045 $20,777 $23,577 $56,854 $223 $622 $4,397 $372 $23,319 $50,706 $926 $643 $11,970 $197 $23,500 $52,000 $100 $640 $11,250 $250 $23,388 $47,743 $100 $660 $13,313 $100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,200 $0 $86,045 $87,761 $87,740 $85,304 $1,200 $163,863 $145,019 $113,785 $t11,349 $21,977 $106,605 $118,974 $103,388 $90,572 $21,977 $57,258 $26,045 $10,397 $20,777 $0 Program Description Downtown Business Improvement District was created May 17, 2004 by Resp;itopm 4891 A adopting a budget and providing funding through a mill levy and assement combination 23 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND: 2700-490-470330 EXPENDITURE DETAIL/SUMMARY PROGRAM: STAFFING: 349 Mileage/Supplies/Conferences/ Rent 350 Contract staff - coordinator 353 Contract staff - other COMMUNICATIONS: 322 Newsletter 345 Cell Phone/Wireless 352 Web Site Development/logo 357 Social Media and On-line Marketing DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY- 351 Development Activity: Contract services 355 Fagade Improvement Program 365 Advertising/Publications 366 Sponsorship/Events 530 Insurance TOURISM: 356 Printing BEAUTIFICATION: 360 Art 364 Cleaning & Flowers 522 Administrative Transfer Total Budget Expenses through August estimated proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY14/15 FY15/16 FY16/17 FY16/17 FY17/18 $5,716 $4,037 $5,500 $3,734 $370 $29,700 $29,700 $30,000 $30,000 $4,867 $23,192 $19,210 $20,000 $20,000 $5,280 $265 $350 $236 $0 $777 $777 $800 $800 $195 $1,642 $1,493 $2,000 $2,000 $500 $2,282 $9,545 $10,200 $3,000 $1,000 $190 $1,024 $5,000 $2,849 $4,146 $11,575 $24,085 $10,000 $10,634 $0 $13,069 $6,759 $0 $325 $0 $2,590 $2,720 $2,000 $150 $0 $7,183 $7,526 $7,500 $7,806 $0 $0 $1,880 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 $3,627 $4,334 $4,350 $4,350 $0 $4,797 $5,884 $4,688 $4,688 $5,619 $106,605 $118,974 $103,388 $90,572 $21,977 24 2017 - 2027 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 2017 - 2018 BID - Draft budget PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH REVENUES EXPENSES Total Cash Assessments Levy Penalty & Interest Mt. Main Street Project Grant Class 8 PP Reimb. Pen & Int. on Spec. Assess. k,rants Inter departmem transfers Reimbursement/Contributions Interest Total Revenue Operating ENDING CASH CASH: Operating Proposed NEW BID BUDGET FY17/18 $0 $41,637 $73,991 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,200 $0 $250 $117,078 $117,078 $0 2017 - 2027 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 2017 - 2018 BID - Draft Budget EXPENDITURE DETAIL/SUMMARY Proposed September 2017 - June LUIS BUDGET FY17/18 PROGRAM: STAFFING: Rent $2,820 Office Supplies $1,200 Con&vences/ travel $1,458 Contract staff coordinator $24,334 Contract staff - other- ( 1 FT & I PT) $23,500 IMPROVEMENTS: Way finding signs $0 COMMUNICATIONS Newsletter $350 Cell Phone/Wireless $700 Web Site Development $4,000 Social Media & on line marketing $6,000 DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY: Development Activity $20,916 FaFade Improvement Program $10,000 I'rlll( ,\llvcrl I,m! $500 Sponsorship/Events $2,000 Insurance $7,800 TOURISM: Printing $0 BEAUTIFICATION: Art $0 Flan crs $6,000 Administrative Transfer - City of Kalispell $5,500 Total Budget $117,078 ;I10F4-1;FRA TO: Mayor Johnson and City Council FROM: Doug Russell, City Manager TIC SUBJECT: Urban Forest Assessment MEETING DATE: June 26, 2017 City of Kalispell 201 1" Ave E. P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 (406) 758-7757 Fax (406) 758-7758 BACKGROUND: At past workshops, council has been reviewing the forestry budget, program, and proposed assessment increases. At this work session, we will present to Council potential funding options (assessment increases, cap removals, raising caps, contracted services), review various levels of service and methods of addressing deferred maintenance. ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Forestry Assessment Based on input from Council at our last Urban Forestry workshop, tonig we have prepared several new scenarios. Forestry History and Increases I* Based on 3.4% Increase in Salaries and 2% Increase in OEtM Increase Annual Assessment with Existing Caps Parks & Recreation Assessment at .00295 FY 16/17 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 FY 24/25 FY 25/26 FY 26/27 FY 27/28 Budget Estimated Actual Proposed Cash $149,096 $149,086 $113,396 $93,277-$236,707-$585,546-$953,805-$1,342,066-$1,642,035-$1,949,846-$2,245,732-$2,561,236-$2,896,979 Assessments $210,000 $210,000 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,035 Misc Rev $58,500 $19,310 $24,200 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 Inception Lease $40,000 TOTAL AVAI L $417,586 $378,396 $514,681 $434,862 $104,878-$243,961-$612,220-$1,000,481-$1,300,450-$1,608,261-$1,904,147-$2,219,651-$2,555,394 Budget Salaries $167,929 $167,929 $175,898 $181,968 $188,052 $194,445 $201,057 $207,893 $214,961 $222,270 $229,827 $237,641 $245,721 2 FTE's $71,181 $134,619 $139,196 $143,929 $148,822 $153,882 $159,114 $164,524 $170,118 $175,902 $181,883 O&M $113,669 $113,669 $119,335 $121,722 $125,373 $129,135 $133,009 $136,999 $141,109 $145,342 $149,702 $154,193 $158,819 Contracted services hazards $100,600 $102,612 $104,664 $106,758 Cyclic contracted pruning small trees $28,025 $28,586 $29,157 $29,740 $30,335 $30,942 Cyclic contracted pruning large trees $93,535 $95,405.70 $97,313.81 $99,260.09 $10,1,245.29 $103,270.20 $105,335.60 $107,442.31 $109,591.16 $111,782.98 chipper $0 $55,000 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 TOTAL EXPEND $281,598 $265,000 $421,404 $671,569 $690,424 $709,844 $729,945 $641,554 $649,396 $637,471 $657,089 $677,327 $698,205 Ending Cash $135,999 $113,396 $93,277-$236,707-$585,546-$953,805-$1,342,066-$1,642,035-$1,949,846-$2,245,732-$2,561,236-$2,896,979-$3,253,599 Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = .00295 $22.35 Residental capped at $150 24 Vacant capped at $150 127 Parkland capped at $150 9 $265,00D is the finance department estimated actual of expenditures for FY 16/17 Commerical capped at $300 95 FY 18 Arborist included FY 19 Arborist and Groundsmen included Exisiting Caps based on .00171 Residental - 16, Vacant Land - 94, Parkland - 6, Commercial - 49 No Contracted Hazard Removals till FY 19 then 4 years Contracted Cyclic Pruning to expedite backlog FY19 through FY 28 Fund goes into the red at the end of FY 19 Forestry History and Increases I* Based on 3.4% Increase in Salaries and 2% Increase in OEtM Increase Annual Assessment with Existing Caps with $200,000 additional Funding parks & Recreation Assessment at .00295 FY 16/17 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/2D FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 FY 24/25 FY 25/26 FY 26/27 FY 27/28 Budget Estimated Actual Proposed Cash $149,DB6 $149,086 $113,396 $293,277 $163,293 -$185,546 -$553,805 -$942,066 -$1,242,D35 -$1,549,846 -$1,845,732 -$2,161,236 -$2,496,979 Additional funds $200,000 $200,000 _ Assessments $210,000 $210,000 $337,085 $337,085 $337,DB5 $337,085 $337,085 $337,Q85 $337,DB5 $337,DB5 $337,D85 $337,085 $337,D85 Misc Rev $58,500 $19,310 $24,200 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 Inception Lease $40,000 _ TOTAL AVAI L $417,586 $378,396 ' $714,691 $934,862 $504,878 $156,039 -$212,220 -$600,481 -$90Q,450 -$1,208,261 -$1,504,147 -$1,819,651 -$2,155,394 Budget Salaries $167,929 $167,929 $175,898 $181,868 $188;052 $194,445 $201,057 $207,893 $214,961 $222,270 $229,827 $237,641 $245,721 2 FTE's $71,181 $134,619 $139,196 $143,929 $148,822 $153,882 $159,114 $164,524 $170,118 $175,902 $181,883 O&M $113,669 $113,669 $119,335 $121,722 $125,373 $129,135 $133,009 $136,999 $141,1D9 $145,342 $149,7D2 $154,193 $158,819 Contracted services hazards $100,6D0 $102,612 _ $104,664 $106,758 Cyclic contracted pruning small trees $28,D25 $28,596 _ $29,157 $29,740 $3Q,335 $30,942 Cyclic contracted pruning large trees $93,535 $95,4D5.70 $97,313.81 $99,260.09 $101,245.29 $103,270.20 $105,335.60 $107,442.31 $109,591.16 $111,782.98 chipper $0 $55,DDD $11,2DQ $11,2DQ $11,2DQ $11,200 $11,2DQ TOTAL EXPEND $281,599 $265,DDD $421,4D4 $671,569 $690,424 $709,844 $729,845 $641,554 $649,396 $637,471 $657,D89 $677,327 $699,205 Ending Cash $135,999 $113,396 $293,277 $163,293-$185,546-$553,8D5-$942,066-$1,242,035-$1,549,846-$1,845,732-$2,161,236-$2,496,979-$2,853,599 Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = $22.35 Residental capped at $15D 24 Vacant capped at $150 127 Parkland capped at $150 9 $265,000 is the finance department estimated actual of expenditures for FY 16/17 Commerical capped at $300 95 FY 18 Arborist included FY 19 Arborist and Groundsmen included Exisiting Caps based on .00171 Residental - 16, Vacant Land - 94, Parkland - 6, Commercial - 49 No Contracted Hazard Removals till FY 19 through FY 22 Additional Funds (general Fund Reserves, Emergency Funds) Contracted Cyclic Pruning to expedite backlog FY19 through FY 28 Fund goes into the red at the end of FY 20 Forestry History and Increases I* Based on 3.4% Increase in Salaries and 2% Increase in OEtM Increase Annual Assessment with Existing Caps Assessment at .0 06327 Parks � Recreation FY 16/17 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 FY 24/25 FY 25/26 FY 26/27 FY 27/28 Budget Estimated Actual Proposed Cash $149,086 $149,086 $113,396 $192,766 $62,871 $116,133 $152,027 $170,013 $169,533 $161,211 $164,814 $148,798 $112,545 Assessments $210,DDD $210,DDD $636,574 $636,574l $636,574' $636,574 $636,574 $636,574 $636,574 $636,57 $636,574 $636,574 $636,574 Misc Rev $58,500 $19,310 $24,200 $4,500 _ $4,500 _ $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 _ $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 Inception Lease $40,000 TOTAL AVAI L $417,586 $378,396 $814,170 $833,940 $703,945 $757,2D7 $793,101 $811,087 $810,607 $802,285 $905,888 $789,872 $753,619 Budget Salaries $167,929 $167,929 $175,888 $131,868 $138,052 _ $194,445 $201,057 $207,893 $214,961 $222,270 $229,827 $237,641 $245,721 2 FTE's $71,181 $134,619 $139,196 $143,929 $148,822 $153,882 $159,114 $164,524 $170,118 $175,902 $181,883 O&M $113,669 $113,669 $119,335 $121,722 $125,373 $129,135 $133,009 $136,999 $141,1D9 $145,342 $149,702 $154,193 $158,819 Contracted services hazards $200,000 $200,ODD Cyclic contracted pruning small trees $28,025 $28,586 $29,157 $29,740 $30,335 $30,942 Cyclic contracted pruning large trees $93,535 $95,405.70 $97,313.81 $99,260.09 $101,245.29 $103,270.20 $105,335.60 $107,442.31 $109,591.16 $111,782.98 chipper $D $55,000 $11,200 $11,200 $11,2DD $11,200 $11,2DD TOTAL EXPEND $281,598 $265,DDD $621,404 $770,969 $587,812 $605,180 $623,088 $641,554 $649,396 $637,471 $657,089 $677,327 $698,205 Ending Cash $135,988 $113,396 $192,766 $62,871 $116,133 $152,027 $17D,013 $169,533 $161,211 $164,814 $148,798 $112,545 $55,414 Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = $47.92 $265,DDD is the finance department estimated actual of expenditures for FY 16/17 FY 18 Arborist included FY 19 Arborist and Groundsmen included Exisiting Caps based on. 00171 Residental - 16, Vacant Land - 94, Parkland - 6, Commercial - 49 Contracted Hazard Removals Starts FY 18 and continues through FY 19 Contracted Cyclic Pruning to expedite backlog FY19 through FY 28 Fund goes into the red at the end of FY 29 Residental capped at $15D 122 Vacant capped at $150 208 Parkland capped at $150 12 Commerical capped at $300 196 Forestry History and Increases Based on 3.4% Increase in Salaries and 2% Increase in OEtM Increase Annual Assessment with Existing Caps with $200,000 additional Funding Assessment at .005814 Cash Additional Reven Assessments Misc Rev Inception Lease TOTAL AVAI L FY 16/17 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 budget Estimated Actual Proposed $149,086 $149,086 $113,396 $349,690 M 'M r $200,000 $200,000 $210,000 $210,000 $593,498 $593,498 _ $58,500 $19,310 $24,200 $4,500 $40,000 $417,586 $378,396' $971,094 $1,147,688 Budget Salaries $167,929 $167,929 2 FTE's O&M $113,669 $113,669 Contracted services hazards Cyclic contracted pruning small trees Cyclic contracted pruning large trees chipper $0 TOTAL EXPEND $281,598 $265,000 Ending Cash $135,999 $113,396 Parks & Recreation FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 FY 24/25 FY 25/26 FY 26/27 FY 27/28 $376,719 $386,905 $379,723 $354,633 $311,077 $259,679 $220,206 $161,114 $81,785 $593,498. $593,498 $593,498 $593,498 $593,498 $593,498 $593,498 JL_ $593,498 $593,498 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $974,717 $984,903 $977,721 $952,631 $909,075 $857,677 $918,204 $759,112 $679,783 $175,888 $181,868 $188,052 $194,445 $201,057 $207,893 $214,961 $222,270 $229,827 $237,641 $245,721 $71,181 $134,619 $139,196 $143,929 $148,822 $153,882 $159,114 $164,524 $170,118 $175,902 $181,883 $119,335 $121,722 $125,373 $129,135 $133,009 $136,999 $141,109 $145,342 $149,702 $154,193 $158,819 $200,000 $200,000 $28,025 $28,586 $29,157 $29,740 $30,335 $30,942 $93,535 $95,405.70 $97,313.81 $99,260.09 $101,245.29 $103,270.20 $105,335.60 $107,442.31L$109,591.16 $111,782.98 $55,000 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $621,404 $770,969 $597,912 $605,180 $623,088 $641,554 $649,396 $637,471 $657,089 $677,327 $698,205 $349,690 $376,719 $386,905 $379,723 $354,633 $311,077 $259,679 $220,206 $161,114 $81,785 -$18,422 Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = $44.04 Residental capped at $150 100 $265,000 is the finance department estimated actual of expenditures for FY 16/17 FY 18 Arhorist included FY 19 Arborist and Groundsmen included Exisiting Caps based on. OD171 Residental - 16, Vacant Land - 94, Parkland - 6, Commercial - 49 Contracted Hazard Removals Starts FY 18 and continues through FY 19 Contracted Cyclic Pruning to expedite backlog FY19 through FY 28 FY 18/19 2 FTE's arborist and groundsperson Fund goes into the red at the end of FY 28 Additional Funds (General Fund Reserves, Emergency Funds) ' Vacant capped at $150 202 Parkland capped at $150 11 Commerical capped at $300 181 Cash Raise Caps Assessments Misc Rev Inception Lease TOTAL AVAI L Forestry History and Increases Based on 3.4% Increase in Salaries and 2% Increase in OEtM Increase Annual Assessment and Raise Caps Assessment at .00295 FY 16/17 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 Budget Estimated Actual Proposed $149,086 $149,086 $113,396 $185,861 $49,061 $95,418 $124,407 $135,488 $292,584 $292,594 $292,584 $292,584 $292,584 $292,594 $210,000 $210,D00 $337,085 $337,D85 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $58,500 $19,310 $24,200 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 r $40,000 7'ln%,,,_Parks & Recreation FY 23/24 FY 24/25 FY 25/26 FY 26/27 FY 27/28 $128,102 $112,875 $1D9,573 $86,652 $43,494 $292,594 $292,594 $292,584 $292,594 $292,584 $337,D85 $337,DB5 $337,085 $337,D85 $337,DB5 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $417,586 $378,396 $807,265 $820,030 $683,23D $729,586 $758,576 $769,657 $762,271 $747,044 $743,742 $720,821 $677,663 Budget Salaries $167,929 $167,929 $175,888 $181,868 $198,052 $194,445 $201,057 $207,893 $214,961 $222,270 $229,827 $237,641 $245,721 2 FTE's $71,181 $134,619 $139,196 $143,929 $148,822 $153,882 $159,114 $164,524 $170,118 $175,902 $181,883 O&M $113,669 $113,669 $119,335 $121,722 $125,373 $129,135 $133,009 $136,999 $141,109 $145,342 $149,702 $154,193 $158,819 Contracted services hazards $200,000 $20D,DDD Cyclic contracted pruning small trees $28,D25 $28,586 $29,157 $29,740 $30,335 $3D,942 Cyclic contracted pruning large trees $93,535 $95,445.7D $97,313.81 $99,260.09 $101,245.29 $103,27D.20 $105,335.60 $107,442.31 $1D9,591.16 $111,782.98 chipper $0 $55,000 $11,200 $11,20D $11,200 $11,200 $11,20D TOTAL EXPEND $281,598 $265,DDD $621,404 $770,969 $597,812 $6D5,180 $623,088 $641,554 $649,396 $637,471 $657,089 $677,327 $698,205 Ending Cash $135,988 $113,396 $185,861 $49,061 $95,418 $124,407 $135,488 $128,102 $112,875 $109,573 $86,652 $43,494 -$20,543 Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = $22.35 No Residental caps Vacant capped at $7000 16 Parkland capped at $7000 0 $265,000 is the finance department estimated actual of expenditures for FY 16/17 No Commerical caps FY 18 Arborist included FY 19 Arborist and Groundsmen included M Exisiting Caps based on. OD171 Residental - 16, Vacant Land - 94, Parkland - 6, Commercial - 49 Contracted Hazard Removals Starts FY 18 and continues through FY 19 Contracted Cyclic Pruning to expedite backlog FY19 through FY 28 FY 18/19 2 FTIE's arborist and groundsperson Fund goes into the red at the end of FY 28 Caps raised or removed Cash Additional Funds Raise Caps Assessments Misc Rev Inception Lease TOTAL AVAI L Forestry History and Increases Based on 3.4% Increase in Salaries and 2% Increase in OEtM Increase Annual Assessment and Raise Caps Assessment at .00295 FY 16/17 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 19/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 FY 24/25 FY 25/26 6u dget Estimated Actual Proposed $149,086 $149,086 $113,396 $354,889 $387,117 $402,502 $400,519 $380,629 $200,000 $200,OOO $261,612 $261,612 $261,612 $261,612 $261,612 $261,612 $210,000 $210,000 $337,095 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $58,500 $19,310 $24,200 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $40,00G ;s & Recreation FY 26/27 FY 27/28 $342,272 $296,073 $261,798 $207,906 $133,776 $261,612 $261,612 $261,612 $261,612 $261,612 $337,085 $337,085 $337,035 $337,085 $337,085 $4,500 $4,500 54,500 $4,500 $4,500 $417,586 $378,396 ' $976,293 $1,158,086 $990,314 $1,005,699 $1,003,716 $983,826 $945,469 $899,270 $864,995 $811,103 $736,973 Budget Salaries $167,929 $167,929 $175,888 $181,868 $188,052 $194,445 $201,057 $207,893 $214,961 $222,270 $229,827 $237,641 $245,721 2 FTE's $71,191 $134,619 $139,196 $143,929 $148,822 $153,992 $159,114 $164,524 $170,118 $175,902 $191,883 O&M $113,669 $113,669 $119,335 $121,722 $125,373 $129,135 $133,009 $136,999 $141,109 $145,342 $149,702 $154,193 $158,819 Contracted services hazards $200,000 $200,000 Cyclic contracted pruning small trees $28,025 $28,586 $29,157 $29,740 $30,335 $30,942 Cyclic contracted pruning large trees $93,535 $95,405.70 $97,313.81 $99,260.09 $101,245.29 $103,270.20 $105,335.60 $107,442.31 $109,591.16 $111,782.98 chipper $0 $55,OOO $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 TOTAL EXPEND $281,598 $265,000 $621,404 $770,969 $587,812 $605,180 $623,088 $641,554 $649,396 $637,471 $657,089 $677,327 $698,205 Ending Cash $135,988 $113,396 $354,889 $387,117 $402,502 $400,519 $380,629 $342,272 $296,073 $261,798 $207,906 $133,776 $39,767 Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = $22.35 No Residental caps Vacant capped at $5200 19 Parkland capped at $5200 $265,000 is the finance department estimated actual of expenditures for FY 16/17 No Commerical caps FY 18 Arborist included FY 19 Arborist and Groundsmen included Exisiting Caps based on .00171 Residental - 16, Vacant Land - 94, Parkland - 6, Commercial - 49 Contracted Hazard Removals Starts FY 18 and continues through FY 19 Contracted Cyclic Pruning to expedite backlog FY19 through FY 28 FY 18/19 2 FTE's arborist and graundsperson Fund goes into the red at the end of FY 29 Caps raised or removed Additional Funds (General Fund Reserves, Emergency Funds) Forestry History and Increases Based on 3.4% Increase in Salaries and 2% Increase in OEtM Increase Annual Assessment and Raise Caps Assessment at .00295 Assessment at .00513 Parks Recreation IF FY 16/17 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 -FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 FY 24/25� FY 25/26 FY 26/27 FY 27/28 Budget Estimated Actual Proposed Cash $149,086 $149,096 $113,396 $91,229-$140,203-$386,430-$650,D25-$931,528-$1,231,497-$1,539,308-$1,835,194-$2,150,699-$2,486,441 Assessments $210,000 $210,0002 $535,037 $535,D37 $337,085 $337,085 ' $337,D85 $337,085 $337,085 $337,D85 JL.. $337,085 $337,085 ' $337,085 Misc Rev $58,500 $19,310 $24,200 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 _ $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 Inception Lease $40,000 TOTAL AVAI L $417,596 $378,396 $712,633 $630,766 $201,382-$44,845-$308,440-$589,943-$889,912-$1,197,723-$1,493,6D9-$1,809,114-$2,144,856 Budget Salaries $167,929 $167,929 $175,888 $181,868 $188,052 $194,445 $201,D57 $207,893 $214,961 $222,270 $229,827 $237,641 $245,721 2 FTE's $71,181 $134,619 $139,196 $143,929 $148,822 $153,882 $159,114 $164,524 $170,118 $175,902 $181,883 O&M $113,669 $113,669 $119,335 $121,722 $125,373 $129,135 $133,009 $136,999 $141,109 $145,342 $149,7D2 $154,193 $158,819 Contracted services hazards $200,000 $200,D00 _ Cyclic contracted pruning small trees $28,025 $28,586 $29,157 $29,740 $30,335 $30,942 Cyclic contracted pruning large trees $93,535 $95,4D5.70 $97,313.81 $99,260.09 $1D1,245.29 $103,270.20 $105,335.601 $107,442.31 $109,591.16 $111,782.98 chipper $0 $55,000 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 TOTAL EXPEND $291,598 $265,DDD $621,4D4 $770,969 $587,912 $605,180 $623,088 $641,554 $649,396 $637,471 $657,089 $677,327 $698,205 Ending Cash $135,988 $113,396 $91,229-$140,203-$386,430 -$650,025-$931,528-$1,231,497-$1,539,308-$1,835,194-$2,150,699-$2,486,441-$2,843,061 Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = $38.86 for 2 years Residental capped at $150 80 Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = $22.35 Vacant capped at $150 189 Parkland capped at $150 11 Commerical capped at $300 168 $265,00D is the finance department estimated actual of expenditures for FY 16/17 FY 18 Arborist included FY 19 Arborist and Groundsmen included Exisiting Caps based on .00171 Residental - 16, Vacant Land - 94, Parkland - 6, Commercial - 49 Contracted Hazard Removals Starts FY 18 and continues through FY 19 Contracted Cyclic Pruning to expedite backlog FY19 through FY 28 FY 18/19 2 F FE's arborist and groundsperson Fund goes into the red at the end of FY 19 Forestry History and Increases Based on 3.4% Increase in Salaries and 2% Increase in OEtM Increase Annual Assessment and Raise Caps Assessment at .00295 parks & Recreation Assessment at .00513 FY 16/17 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 1B/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 FY 24/25 FY 25/26 FY 26/27 FY 27/28 Budget Estimated Actual Proposed Cash $149,086 $149,086 $113,396 $354,349 $386,037 $402,930 $402,455 $394,072 $347,223 $302o532 $269,766 $217,381 $144,759 Raise Caps $263,120 $263,120 $263,120 $263,120 $263,120 $263,12a $263,120 $263,120 $263,12a $263,120 $263,120 Assessments $210,000 $210,000 $535,037 $535,037 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 $337,085 Misc Rev $58,500 $19,310 $24,200 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 Inception Lease $40,000 TOTAL AVAI L $417,586 $378,396 ' $975,753 $1,157,006 $990,742 $1,007,635 $1,007,160 $988,777 $951,928 $907,237 $874,471 $822,086 $749,464 Budget Salaries $167,929 $167,929 $175,888 $181,868 $188,052 $194,445 $201,057 $207,893 $2.14,961 $222,270 $229,827 $237,641 $245,721 2 FTE's $71,181 $134,619 $139,196 $143,929 $148,822 $153,882 $159,114 $164,524 $170,118 $175,902 $181,883 O&M $113,669 $113,669 $119,335 $121,722 $125,373 $129,135 $133,009 $136,999 $141,109 $145,342 $149,702 $154,193 $158,819 Contracted services hazards $200,000 $200,000 Cyclic contracted pruning small trees $28,025 $28,586 $29,157 $29,740 $30,335 $30,942 Cyclic contracted pruning large trees $93,535 $95,405.70 $97,313.81 $99,260.09 $101,245.29 $103,270.20 $105,335.60 $107,442.31 $109,591.16 $111,782.98 chipper $0 $55,000 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 TOTAL EXPEND $281,598 $265,000 $621,404 $770,969 $587,812 $605,180 $623,088 $641,554 $649,396 $637,471 $657,089 $677,327 $698,205 Ending Cash $135,988 $113,396 $354,349 $386,037 $402,930 $402,455 $384,072 $347,223 $302,532 $269,766 $217,381 $144,759 $51,259 Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = $38.86 for 2 years No Residental caps Average Lot Size - 7,575 sq ft = $22.35 Vacant capped at $1850 55 Parkland capped at $1850 1 No Commerical caps $265,000 is the finance department estimated actual of expenditures for FY 16/17 FY 18 Arborist included FY 19 Arborist and Groundsmen included Exisiting Caps based on. 00171 Residental - 16, Vacant Land - 94, Parkland - 6, Commercial - 49 Contracted Hazard Removals Starts FY 18 and continues through FY 19 Contracted Cyclic Pruning to expedite backlog FY19 through FY 28 FY 18/19 2 FTE's arborist and groundsperson Assesment would be higher FY18 & 19 and drop down FY20 Raise Existing Caps Fund goes into the red at the end of FY 29 PUBLIC 201 ISEAvenue East PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 Phone: 406-758-7720 Fax: 406-758-7831 www.kalispell.com Ipublic_works MEMORANDUM To: Doug Russell, City Manager From: Susie Turner, Public Works Director Re: Review of Stormwater Assessment Meeting Date: June 26, 2017 BACKGROUND: At this work session, staff will review five different assessment adjustments to meet Council's potentially preferred level of service option for the stormwater fund. Option 1 supports resources for maintenance, operations, capital projects, and permit compliance for a 10 year projection period. Options 2 through 5 supports the same level of service as Option 1 and also includes different stormwater impact fee percent reduction offsets for future growth capital projects. Provided as reference is the Stormwater Assessment Review presentation for the work session. ATTACHMENT: 1. Stormwater Assessment Review-6/26/2017 rmwr Assessmenv•i w 9 all"n, v 6/26/2017 55% Total (20%, 10%,10%, 10% 5%) Level of Service Options 2 1 67% Total y (35%, 9%, 9%, 10% 4%) Meets Criteria A to E Meets Criterial A to F 25% Impact Fee 0 Reduction 10 80% Total (50%, 9%, 7%, 9% 5% ) Meets Criterial A to F 92% Total (64%, 8%, 8%, 8% 4%) Meets Criterial A to F 75% Impact Fee Reduction Criteria Analysis A. Maintenance and Operation ■ Resources to maintain & operate utility and meet current permit requirements B. 1.5 Additional Full Time Employees ■ Engineer Technician ■ Stormwater Operator (Split with Sewer) ■ Resources for M&O system and meet current permit requirements C. Equipment Replacement ■ Replace equipment per replacement schedule D. Capital Project Funds ■ Fund projects to improve and maintain the stormwater system ■ Install WQ treatment structures to meet permit compliance E. Healthy Fund for 10 Years Comparatively ■ Revenues > Expenditures ■ Check - Operating Ending Cash @ 50% of Expenditure F. Includes Impact Fee Reduction Offsets in Capital Projects (Options 2-5) 50% Impact Fee Reduction 68% Total (36%, 10%, 9%, 9% 4%) Meets Criterial A to F 28% Impact Fee Reduction Rates Capital Projects -10Years-Option proposed proposed proposed proposed proposed proposed proposed proposed proposed proposed proposed BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ID LOS Capital Outlay: from rates (10100) FY17/18 FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY25/26 FY26/27 FY27/28 951 B 9 St. E. Strmwtr Impry FYI 5,2Mi.Dr Drain Imp FYI $250,000 952 B Storm Drain Correction Funds $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 953 B Willows Prj FY14&15; Shop Complex Pavement Restoration $38,200 954 B S. Meadows Phase I-Fy12; Phase2-FY13,Phase3-FYI6 955 B Sylvan Dr Repair Phase I-FY16 Carryover $390,000 STX-54 B STX 54 4th Ave E Stormwater (non -bonded portion) $30,000 STX-6 B Liberty Street Storm Drain Improvements $200,563 STX-41 B North Main Storm Improvement Project $166,914 STX-42 B Ehn's Stormwater Improvement Project $210,625 SIX-45 B 3rd Ave E and 8th St E Intersection Drainage Improvements $211,709 SIX-46 B 4th St W and 9th Ave W Intersection Drainage Improvements $357,143 SIX-49 B Stormwater Quality Treatment Facility- Wyoming Street Outfall $125,334 SIX-50 B Stormwater Quality Treatment Facility-8th ave W and 11 St W Outfall $297,594 SIX-51 B Stormwater Quality Treatment Facility- 1st Ave W South of City Shops $297,594 SIX-52 B Stormwater Quality Treatment Facility- Meridian Detention Facility Outfall $273,092 SIX-56 B West Center Street from 7th Ave W to I Oth Ave W Storm Addition $379,418 B Subtotal $808,200 $266,914 $225,334 $310,625 $397,594 $397,594 $373,092 $311,709 $479,418 $300,563 $457,143 Assessment Review- Option BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating Cash, Designated for Equipment 10190 Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects REVENUES Revenue Total 343370 Storm Assessments -billed (10100) Assessments -designated for equipment (10190) Assessments -designated for capital projects (10193) EXPENSES Expenses Total EXPENSES FROM RATES (10100) Capital Equipment -replacement (10190) Capital projects (10193) Capital Outlay - Bonded Debt Operations ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating 10190 Cash, Designated Equipment Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects Check Annual Comparison-20%,10%,10%,10%, 5% Increase FY17/18 FY18/19 FY19/20 I FY20/21 I FY21/22 $1,264,720 $471,111 $409,155 $442,872 $536,987 $171,186 $85,786 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $0 $200,000 $233,086 $307,752 $347,127 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 $1,063,654 $1,170,019 $1,287,021 $1,415,724 $1,486,510 $813,654 $795,019 $912,021 $990,724 $1,061,510 $50,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $200,000 $300,000 $300,000 $350,000 $350,000 FY22/23 $676,257 $34,510 $299,533 1 FY23/24 I FY24/25 I FY25/26 I FY26/27 I FY27/28 $788,952 $874,078 $930,593 $957,403 $953,358 $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 $251,939 $228,847 $267,138 $137,720 $187,157 $1,486,510 $1,486,510 $1,486,510 $1,486,510 $1,486,510 $1,486,510 $1,061,510 $1,061,510 $1,061,510 $1,061,510 $1,061,510 $1,061,510 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $1,742,663 $1,231,390 $1,191,563 $1,293,160 $1,389,758 $1,438,335 $1,404,401 $1,361,629 $1,634,543 $1,421,043 $1,652,685 $1,599,763 $849,476 $870,804 $889,109 $914,739 $941,315 $968,884 $997,495 $1,027,200 $1,058,054 $1,090,117 $135,400 $107,500 $87,925 $85,925 $69,925 $91,925 $54,925 $44,925 $120,425 $54,925 $97,925 $0 $266,914 $225,334 $310,625 $397,594 $397,594 $373,092 $311,709 $479,418 $300,563 $457,143 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,499 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $471,111 $409,155 $442,872 $536,987 $676,257 $788,952 $874,078 $930,593 $957,403 $953,358 $917,251 $85,786 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $34,510 $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 $19,457 $200,000 $233,086 $307,752 $347,127 $299,533 $251,939 $228,847 $267,138 $137,720 $187,157 $80,014 false false true true true true true true true true true Square Current 5fh Year Adj Differen Difference ce/Mon $1,900,000 Footage Year $15.08 $30.16 $37.71 fh $1.26 $2.51 $3.14 $1,700,000 $1,500,000 $1,300,000 Residential 4,000 $22.28 $37.36 Residential 8,000 $44.55 $74.72 Residential 10,000 $55.69 $93.40 Commercial 20,000 $199.80 $135.28 $11.27 $1,100,000 $335.08 90% $837.69 Commercial 50,000 $499.50 $338.19 $28.18 $900,000 90% $418.86 Commercial 20,000 $249.76 $169.10 1 $14.09 $700,000 100% Commercial 50,000 $624.40 $1,047.16 $422.76 $35.23 --w-rcevenue i otai -I-Expenses Total FY17/18 FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY25/26 FY26/27 FY27/28 2017 Draft Stormwater Impact Fee Impact Fee Component Existing Future Total Fee with Future Projects Only Storrnwater Facilities $264 .$182 $446 5% Administrative Charge 13 9 22 Subtotal $277 .$191 $468 Fee with CEP 124 Extension Stormwater Facilities $0 $333 $.33.3 5 Administrative Charge 0 17 17 .Subtotal $0 $350 $.350 Fee with COP 118 Extension Stormwater Facilities $0 $399 $.398 5 Administrative Charge 0 2 20 Subtotal 0 $419 418 Net Allowable Impact Fee $277 $959 $1,236 Future + Total Impact Fee COP 124 + (No Adm.)=$1,177/ERU Fee with Future + CEP 124 & 118 Projects Existing COP 188 Total .Stormwater Facilities $264 $913 $1,177 Reductions $/ERU Administrative Charge 13 46 59 25%- $ 883 50%-$589 Net Allowable Impact Fee $277 $959 $1,236 75%-$249 Rates Capital Project Addition for Impact Fee Offset Option 2 through 5 YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 ERU's/Year at 2% growthrate 426 434 443 452 461 470 480 489 499 509 519 530 540 $/ERU 2018 to 2028 Total Total Impact Fee (no adm) $1,177 $501,402 $510,818 $521,034 $531,456 $542,085 $552,926 $564,960 $575,553 $587,064 $598,806 $610,782 $623,810 $635,580 5% Reduction Applied to $/ERU $883 $376,052 $383,114 $390,776 $398,592 $406,564 $414,695 $423,720 $431,665 $440,298 $449,104 $458,086 $467,858 $476,685 Option 2 25% Rates Offset $125,351 $127,705 $130,259 $132,864 $135,521 $138,232 $141,240 $143,888 $146,766 $149,701 $152,695 $155,953 $158,895 $1,586,014 0% Reduction Applied to $/ERU $589 $250,701 $255,409 $260,517 $265,728 $271,043 $276,463 $282,480 $287,777 $293,532 $299,403 $305,391 $311,905 $317,790 Option 3 50% Rates Offset $250,701 $255,409 $260,517 $265,728 $271,043 $276,463 $282,480 $287,777 $293,532 $299,403 $305,391 $311,905 $317,790 $3,172,028 5% Reduction Applied to $/ERU $294 $125,351 $127,705 $130,259 $132,864 $135,521 $138,232 $141,240 $143,888 $146,766 $149,701 $152,695 $155,953 $158,895 Option 4 75% Rates Offset $376,052 $383,114 $390,776 $398,592 $406,564 $414,695 $423,720 $431,665 $440,298 $449,104 $458,086 $467,858 $476,685 $4,758,042 OP 124 Project Removed from Total $/ERU $844 $359,544 $366,296 $373,622 $381,095 $388,717 $396,491 $405,120 $412,716 $420,970 $429,390 $437,978 $447,320 $455,760 Option 5 28% Rates Offset $141,858 $144,522 $147,412 $150,361 $153,368 $156,435 $159,840 $162,837 $166,094 $169,416 $172,804 $176,490 $179,820 $1,794,877 o Step One: Applied percent reduction to total impact fee (administrative charge not included). Multiply reduced $/ERU by annual projected ERU/Year at 2% growth rate. o Step Two: Annual offset calculated by subtracting reduced annual amount from total fee o Step Three: Applied as Capital Project in Rates Projection Table for 2018 to 2028 (next slides) • Option 5 o Step One: Subtract COP 124 cost of $333/ERU from total o Step Two and Three same as Options 2-4 Annual Comparison -Increase Square Current 5fh Year Diff/ Difference/ Footage Adj Year Month Residential 4,000 $22.28 $40.87 $18.60 $1.55 Residential 8,000 $44.55 $81.75 $37.20 $3.10 Residential 10,000 $55.69 $102.19 $46.50 $3.87 Commercial 20,000 $199.80 $366.61 $166.81 $13.90 90% Commercial 50,000 $499.50 $916.53 $417.03 $34.75 90% Commercial 20,000 $249.76 $458.29 $208.53 $17.38 100% Commercial 50,000 $624.40 $1,145.71 $521.31 $43.44 100% Assessment Review- Option 2: 25% Impact Fee Reduction Offset BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating 10190 Cash, Designated for Equipment Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects REVENUES Total Adi 67% Revenue Total 343370 Storm Assessments -billed (10100) Assessments -designated for equipment (10190) Assessments -designated for capital projects (10193) EXPENSES Expenses Total EXPENSES FROM RATES (10100) Capital Equipment - replacement (10190) Capital projects (10193) Capital Outlay - Bonded Debt Operations ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating 10190 Cash, Designated Equipment Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects FY17/18 FY18/19 FY19/20 I FY20/21 I FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY25/26 I FY26/27 FY27/28 $1,264,720 $473,809 $413,275 $446,143 $550,165 $688,103 $796,817 $875,085 $921,806 $935,828 $915,738 $171,186 $85,786 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $34,510 $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 $0 $330,259 $496,208 $706,396 $884,002 $977,648 $1,073,943 $1,197,617 $1,385,609 $1,408,886 $1,614,276 35% 9% 9% 10% 4% $1,196,611 $1,304,306 $1,421,693 $1,563,863 $1,626,417 $1,626,417 $1,626,417 $1,626,417 $1,626,417 $1,626,417 $1,626,417 $816,352 $796,442 $911,172 $1,000,631 $1,060,177 $1,057,529 $1,054,651 $1,051,716 $1,048,722 $1,045,465 $1,042,522 $50,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $330,259 $432,864 $435,521 $488,232 $491,240 $493,888 $496,766 $499,701 $502,695 $505,953 $508,895 $1,742,663 $1,231,390 $1,191,563 $1,293,160 $1,389,758 $1,438,335 $1,404,401 $1,361,629 $1,634,543 $1,421,043 $1,652,685 $1,599,763 $849,476 $870,804 $889,109 $914,739 $941,315 $968,884 $997,495 $1,027,200 $1,058,054 $1,090,117 $135,400 $107,500 $87,925 $85,925 $69,925 $91,925 $54,925 $44,925 $120,425 $54,925 $97,925 $0 $266,914 $225,334 $310,625 $397,594 $397,594 $373,092 $311,709 $479,418 $300,563 $457,143 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,499 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $473,809 $85,786 $330,259 Check false $2,000,000 $1,900,000 $1,800,000 $1,700,000 $1,600,000 $1,500,000 $1,400,000 $1,300,000 $1,200,000 $1,100,000 $1,000,000 $413,275 $446,143 $550,165 $688,103 $796,817 $875,085 $921,806 $935,828 $915,738 $860,644 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $34,510 $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 $19,457 $496,208 $706,396 $884,002 $977,648 $1,073,943 $1,197,617 $1,385,609 $1,408,886 $1,614,276 ***$1,666,028 false true true true true true true true true true NOTE: * * * $1,586,014 collected for growth projects over 11 years. X X FY17/18 FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY25/26 FY26/27 FY27/28 Assessment Review- Option 3: 50% Impact Fee Reduction Offset BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating Cash, Designated for Equipment 10190 Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects REVENUES Total Adj 80% Revenue Total 343370 Storm Assessments -billed (10100) Assessments -designated for equipment (10190) Assessments -designated for capital projects (10193) EXPENSES Expenses Total EXPENSES FROM RATES (10100) Capital Equipment - replacement (10190) Capital projects (10193) Capital Outlay - Bonded Debt Operations ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating 10190 Cash, Designated Equipment Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects Check Annual Comparison -Increase Square Footage Current 5fh Year Adj Diff/ Year Difference/ Month Residential 4,000 $22.28 $44.60 $22.33 $1.86 Residential 8,000 $44.55 $89.20 $44.65 $3.72 Residential 10,000 $55.69 $111.51 $55.82 $4.65 Commercial 20,000 $199.80 $400.05 $200.25 $16.69 90% Commercial 50,000 $499.50 $1,000.12 $500.62 $41.72 90% Commercial 20,000 $249.76 $500.08 $250.32 $20.86 100% Commercial 50,000 $624.40 $1,250.20 $625.80 1 $52.15 100% FY17/18 I FY18/19 FY19/20 I FY20/21 I FY21/22 FY22/23 I FY23/24 FY24/25 FY25/26 FY26/27 I FY27/28 $1,264,720 $476,508 $428,033 $454,361 $546,524 $691,552 $804,707 $884,539 $929,889 $939,545 $911,833 $171,186 $85,786 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $34,510 $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 $0 $460,517 $759,331 $1,105,039 $1,420,878 $1,655,764 $1,895,946 $2,166,386 $2,504,080 $2,680,053 $3,041,395 50% 9% 7% 9% 5% $1,329,568 $1,449,229 $1,550,675 $1,690,235 $1,774,747 $1,774,747 $1,774,747 $1,774,747 $1,774,747 $1,774,747 $1,774,747 $819,050 $808,501 $904,632 $988,772 $1,067,267 $1,061,971 $1,056,215 $1,050,344 $1,044,356 $1,037,842 $1,031,957 $50,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $460,517 $565,728 $571,043 $626,463 $632,480 $637,777 $643,532 $649,403 $655,391 $661,905 $667,790 $1,742,663 $1,231,390 $1,191,563 $1,293,160 $1,389,758 $1,438,335 $1,404,401 $1,361,629 $1,634,543 $1,421,043 $1,652,685 $1,599,763 $849,476 $870,804 $889,109 $914,739 $941,315 $968,884 $997,495 $1,027,200 $1,058,054 $1,090,117 $135,400 $107,500 $87,925 $85,925 $69,925 $91,925 $54,925 $44,925 $120,425 $54,925 $97,925 $0 $266,914 $225,334 $310,625 $397,594 $397,594 $373,092 $311,709 $479,418 $300,563 $457,143 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,499 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $476,508 $428,033 $454,361 $546,524 $691,552 $804,707 $884,539 $929,889 $939,545 $911,833 $846,173 $85,786 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $34,510 _ $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 $19,457 $460,517 $759,331 $1,105,039 $1,420,878 $1,655,764 $1,895,946 $2,166,386 $2,504,080 $2,680,053 $3,041,395 ***$3,252,042 false false true true true true true true true true true NOTE: * * * $3,172,028 collected for growth projects over 11 years. $2,000,000 - Revenue Total $1,800,000 Expenses Total $1,600,000 - X !" $1,400,000 X iK $1,200,000 X X $1, 000,000 FY17/18 FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY25/26 FY26/27 FY27/28 Assessment Review- Option 4: 75% Impact Fee Reduction Offset BEGINNING CASH FY17/18 I FY18/19 I FY19/20 I FY20/21 I FY21/22 I FY22/23 I FY23/24 I FY24/25 I FY25/26 I FY26/27 I FY27/28 10100 CASH: Operating $1,264,720 $470,342 $409,728 $445,410 $540,299 $673,782 $772,743 $835,503 $860,845 $847,501 $793,530 10190 Cash, Designated for Equipment Replacement $171,186 $85,786 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $34,510 $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 10193 Cash,Designated Capital Projects "$0 $590,776 $1,022,453 $1,503,683 $1,957,753 $2,333,879 $2,717,950 $3,135,156 $3,622,551 $3,951,219 $4,468,514 REVENUES Total Adj 92% 64% 8% 8% 8% 4% Revenue Total $1,453,661 $1,569,953 $1,695,550 $1,831,194 $1,904,441 $1,904,441 $1,904,441 $1,904,441 $1,904,441 $1,904,441 $1,904,441 343370 Storm Assessments -billed (10100) $812,885 $796,362 $913,986 $991,499 $1,055,721 $1,047,777 $1,039,143 $1,030,337 $1,021,355 $1,011,584 $1,002,756 Assessments -designated for equipment (10190) $50,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 41 Assessments -designated for capital projects (10193) $590,776 $698,592 $706,564 $764,695 $773,720 $781,665 $790,298 $799,104 $808,086 $817,858 $826,685 EXPENSES Expenses Total EXPENSES FROM RATES (10100) Capital Equipment - replacement (10190) Capital projects (10193) Capital Outlay - Bonded Debt Operations ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating 10190 Cash, Designated Equipment Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects Annual Comparison -Increase Square Current 5fh Year Diff/ Difference/ Footage Adj Year Month Residential 4,000 $22.28 $47.86 $25.59 $2.13 Residential 8,000 $44.55 $95.72 $51.17 $4.26 Residential 10,000 $55.69 $119.65 $63.96 $5.33 Commercial 20,000 $199.80 $429.28 $229.48 $19.12 90% Commercial 50,000 $499.50 $1,073.21 $573.71 $47.81 90% Commercial 20,000 $249.76 $536.63 $286.87 $23.91 100% Commercial 50,000 $624.40 $1,341.56 $717.16 $59.76 100% $1,742,663 $1,231,390 $1,191,563 $1,293,160 $1,389,758 $1,438,335 $1,404,401 $1,361,629 $1,634,543 $1,421,043 $1,652,685 $1,599,763 $849,476 $870,804 $889,109 $914,739 $941,315 $968,884 $997,495 $1,027,200 $1,058,054 $1,090,117 $135,400 $107,500 $87,925 $85,925 $69,925 $91,925 $54,925 $44,925 $120,425 $54,925 $97,925 $0 $266,914 $225,334 $3) $397,594 $397,594 $373,092 $311,709 $479,418 $300,563 $457, j, $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,499 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $470,342 $409,728 $445,410 $540,299 $673,782 $772,743 $835,503 $860,845 $847,501 $793,530 $698,670 $85,786 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $34,510 $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 $19,457 $590,776 $1,022,453 $1,503,683 $1,957,753 $2,333,879 $2,717,950 $3,135,156 $3,622,551 $3,951,219 $4,468,514 ***$4,838,056 Check false false true true true true true true true true true NOTE: *** S4,758,042 collected for growth projects over 11 years. $2,000,000 $1,900,000 $1,800,000 $1,700,000 $1,600,000 $1,500,000 $1,400,000 $1,300,000 $1,200,000 $1,100,000 $1,000,000 FY17/18 FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 Total s Total FY23/24 FY24/25 FY25/26 FY26/27 FY27/28 Assessment Review- Option 5: 28%Impact Fee Reduction Offset (Minus COP 124) BEGINNING CASH FY17/18 I FY18/19 I FY19/20 I FY20/21 I FY21/22 I FY22/23 I FY23/24 I FY24/25 I FY25/26 I FY26/27 I FY27/28 10100 CASH: Operating $1,264,720 $465,519 $409,205 $447,897 $545,299 $676,684 $778,497 $849,485 $888,539 $894,499 $865,920 10190 Cash, Designated for Equipment Replacement $171,186 $85,786 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $34,510 $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 10193 Cash,Designated Capital Projects $347,412 $530,859 $758,893 $954,704 $1,066,950 $1,182,193 $1,325,195 $1,532,901 $1,576,287 $1,802,214 REVENUES Total Adj 68% 36% 10% 9% 9% 4% Revenue Total $1,205,475 $1,326,022 $1,445,364 $1,575,447 $1,638,465 $1,638,465 $1,638,465 $1,638,465 $1,638,465 $1,638,465 $1,638,465 343370 Storm Assessments -billed (10100) $808,062 $800,661 $916,996 $994,011 $1,053,625 $1,050,628 $1,047,371 $1,044,049 $1,040,661 $1,036,975 $1,033,645 Assessments -designated for equipment (10190) $50,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 Assessments -designated for capital projects (10193) $347,412 $450,361 $453,368 $506,435 $509,840 $512,837 $516,094 $519,416 $522,804 $526,490 $529,820 EXPENSES Expenses Total $1,742,663 $1,231,390 $1,191,563 $1,293,160 $1,389,758 $1,438,335 $1,404,401 $1,361,629 $1,634,543 $1,421,043 $1,652,685 EXPENSES FROM RATES (10100) $1,599,763 $849,476 $870,804 $889,109 $914,739 $941,315 $968,884 $997,495 $1,027,200 $1,058,054 $1,090,117 Capital Equipment - replacement (10190) $135,400 $107,500 $87,925 $85,925 $69,925 $91,925 $54,925 $44,925 $120,425 $54,925 $97,925 Capital projects(10193) 'W0 $266,914 $225,334 $310,625 $397,594 $397,594 $373,092 $311,709 $479,418 $300,563 $457,143 Capital Outlay- Bonded Debt Operations $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,499 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating $465,519 $409,205 $447,897 $545,299 $676,684 $778,497 $849,485 $888,539 $894,499 $865,920 $801,948 10190 Cash, Designated Equipment Replacement $85,786 $53,286 $40,361 $29,435 $34,510 $17,584 $37,659 $67,733 $22,308 $42,383 $19,457 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects $347,412 $530,859 $758,893 $954,704 $1,066,950 $1,182,193 $1,325,195 $1,532,901 $1,576,287 $1,802,214 ***$1,874,891 Check false false true true true true true true true true true Annual Comparison -Increase Square Current 5fh Year Diff/ Difference/ Footage Adj Year Month Residential 4,000 $22.28 $41.18 $18.90 $1.58 Residential 8,000 $44.55 $82.35 $37.80 $3.15 Residential 10,000 $55.69 $102.94 $47.25 $3.94 Commercial 20,000 $199.80 $369.33 $169.53 $14.13 90% Commercial 50,000 $499.50 $923.32 $423.82 $35.32 90% Commercial 20,000 $249.76 $461.68 $211.92 $17.66 100% Commercial 50,000 $624.40 $1,154.20 $529.80 $44.15 100% $1,800,000 $1,700,000 $1,600,000 $1,500,000 $1,400,000 $1,300,000 $1,200,000 $1,100,000 $1,000,000 V, =r- X FY17/18 FY18/19 FY19/20 X/ NOTE: * * * $1,794,877 collected for growth projects over 11 years. tRevenue Total -I-Expenses Total FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 FY23/24 FY24/25 FY25/26 FY26/27 Ell FY27/28 Assessment AdjustmentComparison Option 1 Final Year Description So FT Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Current Rate/Year I Difference/Year I Difference/Month Stratford Village SFR 4,000 $26.73 $29.40 $32.34 $35.58 $37.36 $22.28 $15.08 $1.26 Leisure Heights SFR 8,000 $53.46 $58.81 $64.69 $71.16 $74.72 $44.55 $30.16 $2.51 Glacier Commons SFR 10,000 $66.83 $73.51 $80.86 $88.95 $93.40 $55.69 $37.71 $3.14 Commercial 90% 20,000 $239.76 $263.74 $290.11 $319.12 $335.08 $199.80 $135.28 $11.27 Commercial (90%) 50,000 $599.40 $659.34 $725.27 $797.80 $837.69 $499.50 $338.19 $28.18 Commercial 100% 20,000 $299.71 $329.68 $362.65 $398.92 $418.86 $249.76 $169.10 $14.09 Commercial (100%)l 50,000 $749.28 $824.21 $906.63 $997.29 $1,047.16 $624.40 $422.76 $35.23 % Increase 55% 20% 10% 1 10% 1 10% 5% Option 2: 25% Impact Fee Reduction Offset Final Year Description So FT Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Current Rate/Yearl Difference/Year I Difference/Month Stratford Village SFR 4,000 $30.07 $32.78 $35.73 $39.30 $40.87 $22.28 $18.60 $1.55 Leisure Heights SFR 8,000 $60.15 $65.56 $71.46 $78.60 $81.75 $44.55 $37.20 $3.10 Glacier Commons SFR 10,000 $75.18 $81.95 $89.32 $98.26 $102.19 $55.69 $46.50 $3.87 Commercial (90%) 20,000 $269.73 $294.01 $320.47 $352.51 $366.61 $199.80 $166.81 $13.90 Commercial (90%) 50,000 $674.33 $735.01 $801.17 $881.28 $916.53 $499.50 $417.03 $34.75 Commercial 100% 20,000 $337.18 $367.52 $400.60 $440.66 $458.29 $249.76 $208.53 $17.38 Commercial (100%) 50,000 $842.94 $918.80 $1,001.50 $1,101.65 $1,145.71 $624.40 $521.31 $43.44 % Increase 67% 35% 9% 1 9% 1 10% 4% Option 3: 50% Impact Fee Reduction Offset Final Year Description So FT Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Current Rate/Yearl Difference/Year I Difference/Month Stratford Village SFR 4,000 $33.41 $36.42 $38.97 $42.48 $44.60 $22.28 $22.33 $1.86 Leisure Heights SFR 8,000 $66.83 $72.84 $77.94 $84.96 $89.20 $44.55 $44.65 $3.72 Glacier Commons SFR 10,000 $83.54 $91.05 $97.43 $106.20 $111.51 $55.69 $55.82 $4.65 Commercial (90%) 20,000 $299.70 $326.67 $349.54 $381.00 $400.05 $199.80 $200.25 $16.69 Commercial 90% 50,000 $749.25 $816.68 $873.85 $952.50 $1,000.12 $499.50 $500.62 $41.72 Commercial (100%) 20,000 $374.64 $408.36 $436.94 $476.27 $500.08 $249.76 $250.32 $20.86 Commercial 100% 50,000 $936.60 $1,020.89 $1,092.36 $1,190.67 $1,250.20 $624.40 $625.80 $52.15 % Increase 1 80% 1 50% 1 9% 1 7% 1 9% 1 5% Assess Description ment Adjustment Comparison(Cont.)o Option I Final Year So FT Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Current Rate/Year I Difference/Year I Difference/Month Stratford Village SFR 4,000 $26.73 $29.40 $32.34 $35.58 $37.36 $22.28 $15.08 $1.26 Leisure Heights SFR 8,000 $53.46 $58.81 $64.69 $71.16 $74.72 $44.55 $30.16 $2.51 Glacier Commons SFR 10,000 $66.83 $73.51 $80.86 $88.95 $93.40 $55.69 $37.71 $3.14 Commercial 90% 20,000 $239.76 $263.74 $290.11 $319.12 $335.08 $199.80 $135.28 $11.27 Commercial (90%) 50,000 $599.40 $659.34 $725.27 $797.80 $837.69 $499.50 $338.19 $28.18 Commercial 100% 20,000 $299.71 $329.68 $362.65 $398.92 $418.86 $249.76 $169.10 $14.09 Commercial (100%) 50,000 $749.28 $824.21 $906.63 $997.29 $1,047.16 $624.40 $422.76 $35.23 % Increase 1 55% 1 20% Descrintion Sn FT Rate/Year 10% 1 10% 1 10% Option 4: 75% Impact Fee Reduction Offset Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year 5% Final Year Rate/Year Current Rate/Year I Difference/Year I Difference/Month Stratford Village SFR 4,000 $36.53 $39.46 $42.61 $46.02 $47.86 $22.28 $25.59 $2.13 Leisure Heights SFR 8,000 $73.07 $78.91 $85.22 $92.04 $95.72 $44.55 $51.17 $4.26 Glacier Commons SFR 10,000 $91.33 $98.64 $106.53 $115.05 $119.65 $55.69 $63.96 $5.33 Commercial (90%) 20,000 $327.67 $353.89 $382.20 $412.77 $429.28 $199.80 $229.48 $19.12 Commercial 90% 50,000 $819.18 $884.71 $955.49 $1,031.93 $1,073.21 $499.50 $573.71 $47.81 Commercial (100%) 20,000 $409.61 $442.37 $477.76 $515.99 $536.63 $249.76 $286.87 $23.91 Commercial 100% 50,000 $1,024.02 $1,105.94 $1,194.41 $1,289.97 $1,341.56 $624.40 $717.16 $59.76 % Increase 92% 64% 8% 1 8% 1 8% 4% Option 5: 28% Impact Fee Reduction Offset Final Year Description Sa FT Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Rate/Year Current Rate/Year I Difference/Year I Difference/Month Stratford Village SFR 4,000 $30.30 $33.32 $36.32 $39.59 $41.18 $22.28 $18.90 $1.58 Leisure Heights SFR 8,000 $60.59 $66.65 $72.65 $79.19 $82.35 $44.55 $37.80 $3.15 Glacier Commons SFR 10,000 $75.74 $83.31 $90.81 $98.98 $102.94 $55.69 $47.25 $3.94 Commercial (90%) 20,000 $271.73 $298.90 $325.80 $355.12 $369.33 $199.80 $169.53 $14.13 Commercial (90%) 50,000 $679.32 $747.25 $814.50 $887.81 $923.32 $499.50 $423.82 $35.32 Commercial 100% 20,000 $339.67 $373.64 $407.27 $443.92 $461.68 $249.76 $211.92 $17.66 Commercial (100%) 50,000 $849.18 $934.10 $1,018.17 $1,109.81 $1,154.20 $624.40 $529.80 $44.15 % Increase 1 68% 1 36% 1 10% 1 9% 1 9% 1 4%