TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2017
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission will be held on
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, Kalispell City
Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana.
The Agenda for the meeting will be:
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes of June 13, 2017
C. Hear the Public — The public may comment on any matter on the agenda or not on the agenda.
(Comments are typically held to 3 minutes or less.)
D. Public Hearing:
The Planning Board will hold a public hearing and take public comments on the agenda items listed below:
1. File # KCU-17-07 — A request from Lisa Wade for a conditional use permit for 14-unit apartment complex
within the RA-1 Zoning District on two parcels of land. The apartment complex would be comprised of one
(1) six -unit building and one (1) 8-unit building.
2. File # KCU-17-06 — A request from Jackola Engineering and Architecture for a conditional use permit for a
3- story, 24-unit apartment building within the B-2 Zoning District.
3. File # KA-17-03 — A request from Herman and Sharon Androes to annex a .67 acre parcel into the City and
Zone the land City R-2 upon annexation.
4. File # KZC-17-02 — A request from the Kalispell City Planning Department to rezone a portion of the Core
Area from B-2 (General Business), B-5 (Industrial Business) and I-1 (Light Industrial) to B-3 (Core Area
5. File # KPUD-17-03 — Major Brand Distributing Company, INC. (Town Pump) has submitted a PUD
application on a 6.9-acre parcel of land located within B-2/Siderius Commons PUD Placeholder Zoning
6. File # KCU-17-08 —A request from Richard and Susan McCadden for a dance studio within the R-5 Zoning
E. Old Business
F. New Business
G. Adjournment
Work Session:
A Work Session will be held immediately following the regular meeting to discuss the following item:
1. Downtown Plan
Next Meeting: August 15, 2017