04-30-07 Cities-County AgendaJOINT CITIES MEETING ILA 0, 7-7- 7 COLUMBIA FALLS CITY HAL.1, ........... M e m b e rs of [-. h e Co I u in b la !,-,'a I I s , Kal i spe 11, an d W h fte-fis h City Co u. nd.1 s, w i-1 1. be m ee t 1 ng w-1 th represent-tatives from the Montama M uni.cip�-fl, Insu rance Au thorfly on Monday, April 3 )('t The meeting will becyi.n at 7:0(.) p.m. at the Columbia Falls Cfty Hall. located at .1.30 6th Street West. DISCUSSION OUTLINE Motilari,-A Mum.cipal Insurance Authority (MM.'I..A) Brief History &- Proo-ram Overview Workers' Compensation Coverage Ill. 1-Jabilltv Coven-ule- I'V. Propenv d V. General Discussi.on Points VL Risk Manaaement Discussion PAlits t V11. Quesholls