04-11-17AGENDA KALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2017 The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission will be held on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, Kalispell City Hall, 201 Pt Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana. The Agenda for the meeting will be: A. Call to Order and Roll Call B. Approval of Minutes of March 14, 2017 C. Hear the Public — The public may comment on any matter on the agenda or not on the agenda. (Comments are typically held to 3 minutes or less.) D. Public Hearing: The Planning Board will hold a public hearing and take public comments on the agenda items listed below: 1. A request from Kalispell Meeting Halls, INC for a text amendment to the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance to allow "private" schools within the commercial zoning districts (B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4 and B-5) provided a conditional use permit is obtained. 2. A request from Northwest Automotive for a conditional use permit for an auto repair business within the B-4 Zoning District. 3. A request from LV Enterprises, INC. for a conditional use permit for an accessory casino within the B-2 Zoning District. 4. A request from AMI Development and DNRC for a for a major subdivision of a 6.8 acre tract of land located within DNRC Section 36 into 7 commercial lots ranging from approximately .35 acres to 2.3 acres in size. 5. Spartan Holdings, LLC is requesting permission to annex an approximately 56 acre property into the city. Upon annexation the applicant is also requesting a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Placeholder and Growth Policy Map amendment. 6. Kalispell Growth Policy Update — PLAN -IT 2035. The Kalispell City Council Growth Policy sub -committee has spent the past year reviewing and updating the text of the Kalispell Growth Policy. The updated draft addresses a number of key topics that affect the future growth and development of the City of Kalispell. E. Old Business F. New Business G. Adjournment Next Meeting: May 9, 2017