03-15-07 Parking Commission MinutesMONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES
Date: March 15, 2007
Location: Conference Room, KPC Office
All in attendance:
Janet Clark, Chairperson, Mark Pirrie, Bill Goodman,
Richard Nelson and John Hinchey
Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, Office Manager
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at: 7:49 a.m., By: Janet Clark, Chairperson
2. Minutes of February, 2007 Board Meeting:
Moved to approve by John Hinchey, Mark Pirrie seconds, Approved by all present.
3. Hearing of the Public:
No One Present
4. Financial Statement of February 2007:
Moved to approve financials Mark Pirrie, Bill Goodman seconds. Approved by all present.
S. Updates from KPC office:
Tickets: Last year wrote tickets 310-52% collected
Wrote off $220 tickets this month; Wrote off $310 tickets this month last year
Notice & Summons: Rachel finished the backlog of Summons & Judgments from 2003 to
present. Court cases with Judgments total $812 so far. We can collect the judgments thru
garnishment. There is $347 in Summons ready for collections. This is $1159 in unfinished
court cases. This does not include single tickets we are unable to collect. Rachel's next job will
be to explore our options and get garnishment & collections started. As soon as we have
collections started up we can start collections on the single tickets also. Current notices and
summons are up to date.
Parking Permits: Parking Permit Revenue last year at this time was $9,265.00
6. Unfinished Business:
Ed Trippet — Contract has been signed for another year. When we have our lots cleaned and
striped for the season we will also check with Ed concerning his lot.
Valley Bank — Janet will call Jim Patrick regarding any new updates and review of the
construction process when it takes place.
Line Spacing — Mark was to contact Jim Hansz regarding this project. Mark did contact Jim
Hanz and he said it would not be a problem to get this done even on Main Street. Any other
kind of work would have to be approved by the state this would not be a problem. Mark will
follow through with this to make sure it is on their summer schedule.
Raising Permit Prices — Tabled twice. Discussion followed. Motion by Bill Goodman to keep
prices at the same rate and not raise them, so moved by Richard Nelson. Rachel will make up
a flyer to let customer know we would not be raising permit prices this year. These will be put
in with permit renewals going out to customers.
Raising Contractor Permit Prices — Tabled twice. Discussion followed. Motion by Bill Goodman
to keep prices at the same rate and not raise them, so moved by Richard Nelson.
7. New Business:
Michael Blend, Building Owner — Michael Blend has talked to Rachel concerning parking for
their business customers. Possibly putting meters back in that lot or designating certain spots
for their customers. He requested a list of parking permit holders for the lot which Rachel
provided him with. He would like to approach the board with this issue. He will be speaking
with permit holders and the business owners and will be putting together a letter to submit to
the board. Discussion followed. Rachel will talk to Jack and see if we could put in 2 meters
with out affecting our permit holders. Is too busy a lot for this? Michael will be on the agenda
for the April meeting.
Central School South Lot — Bill Goodman's proposal to the Mayor & City Council regarding a
new parking lot on the south side of Central School Museum. This lot would mirror the north
lot which holds 36 spaces. This lot is a bit larger and might allow for 42 new spaces depending
on design. With City Hall moving to its new location this area will have greatly increased
parking pressure we need to look ahead and see if this could be part of the solution. Bill
Goodman made a motion to move to send this letter to City Council and the Mayor. Richard
Nelson seconds the motion. Open for Discussion. Bill and Richard say I. Nays were Janet Clark,
and John Hinchey. Mark Pirrie was the tie breaker with a Nay. Discussion followed. Mission
statement was referred to. The Nays have the vote.
School District #5 (Linderman) Letter — Bill Goodman made a suggestion to send a letter to
School District #5 (Linderman) regarding parking for the 2007/2008 school year stating there
would be no special considerations and they would need to purchase any permits they would
need. Discussion followed. Mark Pirrie made a motion to send School District #5 a copy of our
permit parking policies and a letter telling them to get ready for the fall of '07 school year this
is our policies for parking cars there. Second by John Hinchey.
8. Adiournment•
Adjourned at: 8:55 a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by: Mark Pirrie, Second by Bill Goodman.
The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately
meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents.