07-19-07 Parking Commission MinutesMONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES
Date: July 19, 2007
Location: Conference Room, KPC Office
All in attendance:
Janet Clark, Chairperson, Mark Pirrie, Bill Goodman, and Joel Schoknecht
Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, Office Manager
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at: 7:34 a.m., By: Janet Clark, Chairperson
2. Minutes of June, 2007 Board Meeting:
Moved to approve by Mark Pirrie, Bill Goodman seconds, Approved by all present.
3. Hearing of the Public:
No One Present
4. Financial Statement of June 2007:
Discussion Followed. Adjustments for the end of the fiscal year not quite complete yet.
Moved to approve financials Mark Pirrie, Joel Schoknecht seconds. Approved by all present.
S. Updates from KPC office:
Tickets, Parking Permits, & Meters — Janet called for questions on the enclosed reports.
Notices and Summons —Behind on notices will be caught up by next week.
Collections: KPC has chosen Collection Professionals, Inc. We will not be writing off any more
tickets at the end of each month just at the end of the year beginning this fiscal year (Out of
State etc.) CPI contract ready to sign. Michael will be up on Mon or Tue of this next week.
Garnishments- continuous work in progress. Gradually getting Writ of Exec turned in and
sent off to Alert.
6. Unfinished Business:
Montana Building — Contract has been signed, signage has been posted, permits provided
to tenants as well as a letter outlining permit policies. We have started monitoring the lot.
Trippet Lot/Jay Gorder new lot owner— Contract has been sent to Jill and Jay will sign
when he gets back in town. After contract is signed we will have payments sent directly to
them instead of Ed Trippet.
Valley Bank —Update? Any new information from Jim Patrick. No recent updated information.
Line Spacing — Mark to follow through with this and make sure it was on the summer
schedule. Up date? Mark did talk to Jim Hansz at the City and in order for them to stripe Main
Street, and the side streets not including the avenues, it would cost $4600. Discussion
followed. Possible discussion with Jim Patrick in the future.
Parking Study — Discussion regarding getting a parking study done. KPC would like to see it
done before the end of the summer. Bill volunteered to make some calls and look into this for
the board. Janet will call Jim Patrick to see if he will visit our board meeting next month to
discuss a few issues. KPC would like to be on the agenda/attend for City Council workshop in
7. New Business:
CS Museum Volunteer — Request to let a part-time volunteer park in CS lot due to frailty
and the confusion of the laundry trucks coming and going in the back alley where the
volunteers park. Discussion followed. Rachel will call and explain that we really cannot do this
as it set precedence and the parking commission wants to make sure we are fair to all. A
solution for them would be to buy a permit in that lot as we have some available and share it
between volunteers.
8. Adiournment•
Adjourned at: 8:12:a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by: Bill Goodman, Second by Mark Pirrie.
The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately
meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents.