04-11-06 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, April 11, 2006; 7:30 a.m., Legacy Restaurant MEMBERS PRESENT: Gini Ogle (Chair), Bill Goodman, Corey Johnson, Mark Norley, Ken Miller, John Hinchey, Carol Nelson OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff - PJ Sorensen, Sean Conrad, Tom Jentz Applicants — Chris and Debbie Karlberg; Judy Peterson and Pat Mahar; Bob Voelker; Frank Castles Hear the Public: None Minutes: Minutes of March 28, 2006, meeting approved New Business: Curves (200 E Idaho) is planning an addition to the existing Napa sign. The sign will match the new wall sign. Mark moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 6-0. 328 S. Main is redoing their facade. Discussion included matching various historical aspects, use of iron letters, and bringing the marquee back about 14 inches. They will use rusty brick with black accents and brushed aluminum. They will have to eliminate the up - lighting, but can do the down -lighting. John moved to approve; Corey seconded. Approved 6-0. Hilton Garden Inn (1840 Hwy 93 S) is considering purchasing the old Armory. They will need a PUD overlay for the casino use associated with the project, and a recommendation from the committee should be provided due to the height (in excess of 40 ft). Sean gave an overview, and Bob Voelker presented the project. They will use EFIS and hardi-plank with earth tones. The pavilion is a signature. Parking will primarily be in the back. Discussed the well site requirements, and the historical background of the height and casino requirements under the zoning ordinance. The committee wants to see the landscaping plan once it is developed — they are looking for a variety which would look good in both summer and winter. Sign cannot be in the right-of-way. Could they add stone/brick? Ken moved to approve subject to submitting the landscape plan. Carol seconded. Motion passed 6-0. Public Works (1400 I't Ave W) is planning to add a garage/shop addition to an existing building at the City Shops complex. No new lighting will be added. Landscaping? Mark moved to approve the building subject to submittal of a plan for a landscape boulevard strip along the length of the street frontage, with the plan to be approved prior to issuing a building permit. John seconded. Motion passed 7-0. Old Business: A Mother's Blessing (188 5th Avenue WN) is proposing a freestanding sign. They did not come to the meeting. There were issues raised regarding readability, color scheme, and general site issues. Corey moved to deny the application, and have them come in at the next meeting to discuss options. Mark seconded. Motion passed 7-0. Other Discussion: None Meeting Adjourned at 8:45