05-09-06 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, May 9, 2006; 7:30 a.m., Legacy Restaurant MEMBERS PRESENT: Gini Ogle (Chair), Bill Goodman, Corey Johnson, Mark Norley, Carol Nelson, Ken Miller OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff - PJ Sorensen Guests — Ron LaRue (Heritage Bank); Brian Schutt (Crevier); Tom Able (VFW); Sharon Jackola (Woodland Clinic) Hear the Public: None Old Business: A Mother's Blessing has been put on hold while the applicant works on a new sign. New Business: Heritage Bank (20 N Main) is proposing a new bank building in the mall parking lot. Ron LaRue presented the project. It will be designed to match the hotel. It will have a green metal roof. There will be no freestanding signs, and there will be a sign on the south side of the building only. Landscaping looked good. Carol moved to approve, Mark seconded. Approved 5-0. Woodland Clinic (610 7th St E) is an addition to an existing non -conforming doctor's office. Sharon Jackola presented the project. The committee raised some concern about tying the addition into the rest of the building. The appearance from the south (parking lot) side is good, but the west (street) side needs to blend together better. Discussion about the proximity of stone/brick and windows. Suggestion to add some taller landscaping near the building on the west side and use the stone material in other landscaping features to help bring everything together. Corey move to approve (with the recommendation that the use of stone be extended and added as described above, and that the landscaping be added on the west side), Ken seconded. Approved 5-0. VFW (330 I't Ave W) is proposing a new VFW hall on the old bowling alley site. Tom Able presented the project. They will use real stone (specifics TBA, will not be on rear) and have a stucco finish. The committee commented that the roof line looks good. Mark moved to approve, Carol seconded. Approved 5-0. Crevier's School of Cosmetology (134 I't St W) would like to add an approximately 400 sq ft lobby addition onto its existing building. They may have some parking issues which will have to be addressed. Brian Schutt presented the project. The committee had concerns with how the addition tied in to the rest of the building, and felt that the roof line did not compliment the existing roof. Some questions about color and window patterns. Ken moved to table, Corey seconded. Motion passed 6-0. McKenzie River (2230 Hwy 93 S) has submitted applications for a freestanding sign and wall signs. There were no representatives present. The wall signs looked good, and could move forward without further action from the committee. The committee felt that the freestanding sign should be lower, detracts from the building, and would set a bad precedent. Bill moved to deny the application, Mark seconded. Motion passed 6-0. Other Discussion: Administrative Matters: Discussed submittal requirements. Pre -application meetings with the committee should be encouraged. Multiple copies would be helpful. Staff should ask for photos of the site, site plan, landscaping, signage (if available — may come before the board under a separate submittal), lighting, building elevations (preferably color), and samples of the proposed color/material. Meeting Adjourned at 9:05