06-13-06 ARC MinutesMINUTES
DATE: Tuesday, June 13, 2006; 7:30 a.m., Red's Wines & Blues
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Hinchey (Acting Chair), Bill Goodman, Corey Johnson,
Mark Norley
OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff - PJ Sorensen, Tom Jentz
Guests — Don Hines; Ray Schuman (Glacier Bank); Todd Foley
(Morrison-Maierle/Hutton Ranch); James Devine and David
Mitchell (CTA/First Interstate Bank); Laurel Wehr and Marla
Richmond (Taco Johns); Michael Bland and Jason Hatten (7t' Day
Adventist and Cedar Commons)
Hear the Public: None
Old Business: None
New Business:
Kurt's Polaris (2400A Hwy 93 S) is replacing the face on a freestanding sign and adding
some wall signs. Don Hines was present as the property owner, and PJ presented the
application. Bill moved to approve, Mark seconded. Approved 4-0.
Glacier Bank (146 Main St) is adding 2 wall signs on the old Conlins Building. PJ
presented the application, and Ray Schuman was present to discuss the signs on behalf of
the bank. They are looking at the same signs on the existing bank building after
construction is completed. Corey moved to approve, Bill seconded. The motion included
approval of the signs for the existing bank provided they match the signs on the old
Conlins building. Approved 4-0.
Hutton Ranch overall lighting & landscaping plan is being submitted with the idea that
individual projects could then plug into the overall plans. Todd Foley was present, but
Bruce Lutz was not available. Comments included questions about architectural variations
and pedestrian connectivity near buildings. The plans will likely be changed along the
roadway that bisects the property due to an increased right-of-way requirement from
MDOT. The final changes will be brought back for final approval. Mark moved to
approve, Corey seconded. Approved 4-0.
First Interstate Bank (Hutton Ranch/Hwy 93 N) is building a branch office. Corey
recused himself. James Devine and David Mitchell presented the project. Mark moved to
approve, Bill seconded. Approved 3-0.
Taco John's (150 N Main) is constructing a new entryway and various exterior
treatments, including wall signs and a change in the freestanding sign (the freestanding
sign will be reviewed later). Laurel Wehr and Marla Richmond presented the project.
Some discussion about the domination of the red color, and concerns were lessened
because the photo shown was from a different location with a much larger entry. Corey
moved to approve, Bill seconded. Approved 4-0.
7t" Day Adventist (494 9th Ave EN) is proposing an addition to its existing community
distribution center. Michael Blend and Jason Flatten presented the project. The building
will be beige with a toasty brown trim. The parking will be paved, with landscaping and a
hedge buffer to the south. The existing building is block and the addition will be T-111.
Bill moved to approve, Mark seconded. Approved 4-0.
Cedar Commons (3rd Ave E) is a 28 unit apartment complex, and was presented by
Michael Blend and Jason Flatten. The building is beige with white trim. Discussion
centered primarily on the west/street end of the front building. Conditions include adding
shutters to the west end, aspen trees between the building and the street, and a dutch hip
on that end of the roof. Bill moved to approve, Corey seconded. Approved 4-0.
Other Discussion:
Starbucks: They submitted photos of a similar location in an effort to address the
committee's concerns, which included that it is not a mountain/northwest theme and that it
is not complementary to the Wells Fargo building.
Administrative Matters: Discussion regarding meeting location.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:55