Thursday, February 22, 2007
Building Department Conference Room
Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner Sean Conrad, City Planner
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Nicole Johnson, City Planner
F. Ray Ruffatto, Fire Inspector P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr. Jennifer Young, Recreation Supervisor
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Guests: Jim Atkinson (Flathead County Agency on Aging); James Freyholtz (M.D.O.T.);
and Hubert Turner, Developer
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders: None.
The Meadows — 4 Mile Drive development; application for the new clubhouse building.
They will be coming in soon with the buildings in Phase 1. They may sprinkler the buildings
or get an access road. They will likely sprinkler the outside four and also the clubhouse.
Landscaping around the clubhouse gives it a courtyard appearance. PUD issues are still being
worked out with Charlie Harball.
Double J Econolodge — 1680 Hwy 93 S — addition to existing hotel for six new rooms —
3, 800 sq. ft. The City drainage line may be under the building. The alley there is City owned
and they have parking on both sides of it, including a 20' strip across the alley. They need to
find out exactly where the drainage line is. They may need to add additional hydrants.
Milbrandt Apartments — 1711 — 5th Ave E; adding 2-unit building to existing 14 unit
apartment complex. Two different CUP's. They are building a duplex with three garages;
two for the duplex and one for the house next to it. Eagle Transit is okay with this setup.
Ashley Heights — Hubert Turner — subdivision, Sunnyside Drive and Bismarck, requesting
annexation into the City, R-4 zoning, townhouse lots, small park area, landscape island in the
middle of the right-of-way. May need to request a variance for the road around the island.
Easement, 60' wide private road, try to make a connection by dedicating a portion of this
subdivision to provide connectivity. Sunnyside is closed off. There are fire access concerns.
The open space will be a tot lot and then there will be cash in lieu that will go to a park across
the road. The open space would need some playground equipment. They need to speak with
Susie Turner in Public Works as to placement of the retention area -- may be a concern.
Some concern regarding buildable areas of some lots, especially lot 5. The existing house next
to the lot would be a remnant and is included in the annexation and zone change, but is not
part of the subdivision. They have reserved extra ROW for the bypass. Noise decibel levels
would need to be considered with their house placement on the lot, or put in a noise
prevention wall, increase setbacks, or put in some type of berming.
Cottage Gardens — Three Mile Drive — asking for R-3 zoning, single family residential.
7,000 sq. ft. and larger lots. They have redone the street configurations. They are asking for
a variance request for a small access road to serve two lots in the back. The City does not
support these sort of access roads. They may need to request a variance for the three lots in
the middle, as the regulations require each lot to have a 40' x 40' buildable area. They will
have standard City streets with boulevards, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. M.D.O.T. may also
have a problem with the access road. They could put in a cul-de-sac. They could put in
townhouses in the middle three lots. They have a park land area available. They will need an
approach permit from M.D.O.T. for the access road. M.D.O.T. will need some traffic
analysis information from them and they will need to do all the necessary improvements to the
specifications of M.D.O.T. They will need to have a detailed flood plain study.
Three Mile Views — Three Mile Drive near North Riding Road. The road is in. This is
zoned RA-1. They would like to do a series of townhouses. A 20' landscaping area should
be a single common area rather than an easement so the City could take it over later on for a
bike path. This may force some of the proposed townhouse sites to be single family units.
Retention pond issue. We will suggest a uniform fence along that easement. Minimum of 20'
access on City street. 16' presently at the southeast corner. Park land to be cash in lieu.
Espresso Stand - Sands Surveying — One parcel on Highway 2 between the highway and Fatt
Sunburst — They pulled their project.
City Shop — Their landscaping plan has been give to Parks. This is going to Architectural
Review next Tuesday.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
cc: Police
City Manager
Comm. Dev.
Public Works
City Clerk
City Airport