02-27-07 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, February 27, 2007; 7:30 a.m., Red's Wines & Blues Vintage Room, 36 Second Street East MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Norley, Bill Goodman, John Hinchey, Corey Johnson (Chair) OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff - PJ Sorensen Guests — Jim Hansz (Public Works); Mark Johnson & Tom Klein (The Meadows) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: Bill moved to approve February 13 minutes; Mark seconded. Approved 4-0. Old Business: City of Kalispell Public Works Department is proposing an addition to their shop complex at 1400 lgt Ave W. The addition was approved last year with the condition that the final landscaping/street boulevard plan be submitted for review. After working out fire code issues, they are ready to move forward on the project. Mark moved to approve, John seconded. Approved 4-0. New Business: The Meadows (south side of 4 Mile Drive) is a condominium project which is the subject of a PUD previously approved by the Council. They have submitted plans for the clubhouse, and are also presenting the design for the residential units. The residential units will have cultured stone, board and batten siding, essentially grey and cedar colors, composite shingles, "larson red" trim, grey garage doors and pella brown windows. They presented a color elevation for the front of the 8 unit building, with back and white for the rear elevations. The other units are basically the same, but involve a hip roof on the 4 unit. There will be asphalt driveways. The clubhouse elevation was also black & white, but uses the same colors and materials. Lighting was discussed. Bill moved to approve with the provision that the approval covers the entire project, and only significant changes on future buildings would come back before the committee. John seconded. The committee would suggest some minor variations in color, etc. for architectural interest, and would not consider those variations to be significant. Approved 4-0. Other Discussion: None Meeting Adjourned at 8:05