Thursday, May 17, 2007
Building Department Conference Room
Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner
Sean Conrad, City Planner Mark Crowley, Construction Manager
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Nicole Johnson, City Planner
Craig Kerzman, Building Official F. Ray Ruffatto, Deputy Fire Marshal
P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Susie Turner, Assoc. Civil Engineer
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Guests: Brett Birk and Wally Wilkinson, Developers; Greg Lukasik, Marrison-Maierle;
Darryl Byle, DSB; and James Freyholtz, M.D.O.T.
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders:
Kalispell Center Mall/Red Lion — They still have work to do. Fire has a separate bond
through Swank. US Bank is responsible for their own area. The southeast corner portion
will have no change. The approach on Highway 93 is misaligned. They need to finish this up
and get it done. Center and First need to be improved. No decent pedestrian approach. They
need to contact Public Works. F. Ray commented that their pork chops are too narrow. They
also need to replant the street trees along Center. Access is on First and Center and off of
Main Street. Refer them back to their original plans that Site Review approved previously.
PJ needs their parking counts. We may do a partial release of the bond.
Tinseth — 750 N Meridian; new roof expansion — nothing new turned in.
338 Main Street — remodel/apartments —Darryl Byle - next door to tarp, '/z block down,
taking off part of the back of the building and adding some back on, and remodeling the inside
of the building. Changing the facade to be reviewed by Architecture Review Committee.
They need to make sure the roof drains down and goes into the sanitary sewer. Approved by
Site Review.
Morrison—Maierle — Greg Lukasik — Old School Station; new office building —
Approximately 13,000 sq. ft., two-story building plus room for future addition (we are only
reviewing the current proposal and not the future addition). They will be putting in a 10 foot
jogging path. Chad will check with Jennifer on this. Could bond for the improvement for 18
months. The storm water runs along the property line. Sidewalk shown crossing the property
line and into parking area. There is a 10 foot utility line. Greg will check on this. Public
Works may need a site grading plan. Fire will need a utility plan showing the existing hydrant
at 30-40 scale. Getting around the building, we need to be able to reach 150 feet around and
if this is not possible, we will either need additional access, a hard pad, or sprinklering the
building.. They could do this as two separate buildings. Need topography maps to tie into
the other. Would like to make the north edge as storm water with a detention pond. Define
the parking at the end. The hydrant aisle will need some more definition around it. Parking
would be 1 to 400 today and the number should be okay, although the future addition may be
at 1:300. More definition with lighting and landscaping plans. Needs to show buffer. Need
more landscaping islands. Find out what they will put in at the future parking lot—dust/weed
control/etc. Where is the edge of the bank? Could install some bike racks.
Cottonwood Estates — Brett Birk and Wally Wilkinson, Developers — This is a County
subdivision, but has the issue of the Evergreen Sewer District. Working on Development
Agreement with City Attorney Charlie Harball. Need to provide comments. This will need to
be developed to City standards. County zone is R-3. What minimum lot size are they
proposing? There are 91 lots on 40 acres, so there will be a 10,000 sq. ft. average lot size.
This would probably be R-3 City zoning. That would entail a 7,000 sq. ft. minimum, with a
60' width. Some swales have low spots in the park area. No flood plain through the lots.
What is happening around it? Two approaches on Helena Flats. Extending 60' access
attaching the north piece. There are 100 acres owned by the same family members. They will
need a traffic impact study. Lighting will need to meet City standards. No proposed
connection to the south. Public Works would require this on a City subdivision. Right of
way dedication or construction of a road. Will require water and sewer to be extended if it's
set aside as a right of way. Length of cul-de-sac roads is 700 and one is 600. The City
standard is no more than 600 from the center line of the right of way to the center line of the
right of way in the bulb. Hydrants will need to be every 500 feet. They are in about every
350 feet, which is okay with Fire. Base flood elevations have been established. Could be
annexed in the future. They are adjacent to the Evergreen Sewer District. They have a two
acre park in the middle that will have grass, with no amenities planned. There should be a
minimum of 11 percent of the lots for park land. They have almost 7 acres of park, but
drainage swales as parkland would keep the park from having some kind of function to it. It
could be drained to a small specific location. They could do cash in lieu and then the City
could develop the parkland more. Their preliminary plat that was approved by the County
satisfied the County parkland requirements. Public Works has given their comments to Brett
already. Because Evergreen will be operating the system initially, they will be using the
County pump requirements. They have a lift station at the edge of the park. They have street
trees. They should coordinate their street trees with our Parks Dept. There are covenants.
They will need to submit a complete engineering report that would include calculations.
Every department needs to submit any additional comments in writing to the City Attorney.
Frank stated he has real technical comments based on the City standards. We would assume
this as City R-3. They would need to go back to the County Commissioners to alter the
preliminary plat if there is a major change. R-3 would bind them to 10,000 sq ft. lot sizes.
The traffic study is a City requirement. Frank looked this up and it showed it would generate
950 trips per day. This amount would require the traffic study. The next step would be
according to what the City Attorney would determine. The Development Agreement will be
more specific than just stating "City standards". The County is requiring a bike path on
Helena Flats Road. The Developer is committed to doing this. Impact fees were discussed.
This is ultimately determined by the City Council.
Annexation and Zoning request for property owned by Mark Owens, requesting R-2
zoning, single family. This is located south of Silverbrook. There will not be any
development plans at this time. They just want to secure zoning.
Jackola — Between Penco and Murdock's — Split off a tract along Highway 93. Waiving
preliminary plat. There is a 40 foot private frontage road. They would need to show that this
project would have access to this frontage road. The lot would be zoned B-2. Need some
plans for what they are going to do there along the frontage road. They should put in curb,
gutter, and sidewalk along the frontage road. Public Works requests that someone provide a
design to upgrade the frontage road. The road easement in the back needs to be extinguished.
Annexation — North of Three Mile, south of Quarterhorse Estates. Road with cul-de-sac,
40 foot easement that goes to the back property, proposing R-3 zoning. Fire has issues with
this as we can't provide service without a wide enough road and no hydrants, run utilities into
these lots and tie them in, get a cross easement and a working hydrant. F. Ray will provide a
letter to Nicole in this regard.
Courthouse East — Bonding and drainage have been approved by Public Works.
Eisinger's — Certificate of Survey with boundary line adjustment is completed. They came in
with a landscape plan that needs to be more detailed. F. Ray will review their Fire Code
issues. The fill slope needs to be stabilized with growing vegetation within 14 days — drainage
issue only; floodplain is only at the toe of the slope. Parks and Fire will let PJ know we they
have final approval.
Public Works — They have just hired a new additional Construction Manager in Public
Works. He is Charlie Johnson who used to work for the Flathead County Road Department.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
cc: Police
City Manager
Comm. Dev.
Public Works
City Clerk
City Airport