Thursday, May 24, 2007
Building Department Conference Room
Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer
Sean Conrad, City Planner
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Tom Jentz, Planning Director
Craig Kerzman, Building Official
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner
Mark Crowley, Construction Manager
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
Nicole Johnson, City Planner
P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Guests: Terry Kramer; and James Freyholtz, M.D.O.T.
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders:
Hutton Ranch would like a reduction in their bond.
Muskrat Slough is coming along.
Kalispell Center Mall would like to come back before this committee. Mark has told them
that they need to complete their site improvements. The City may agree to a bond reduction,
but not a complete release. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Tinseth — 750 N Meridian; new roof expansion — nothing new on this project.
Morrison-Maierle — Old School Station; new office building — They have made some
revisions. The major change is with the cul-de-sac regarding fire access issues. They changed
some issues that we had discussed with them last week They need a good site grading plan.
The future parking area will be hydro -seeded for the present. They will need to submit a
complete landscaping plan, grading and drainage plan, and lighting plan. The bike path will be
bonded for. They need pedestrian access to the street. Front striped island should be a
landscape island. Drainage easement needs to be cleared with Susie. PJ will call John. If
drainage easement is underground, they could do a sidewalk instead of landscaping.
Two Mile Drive and Financial Drive — Forty foot right of way, sidewalks on both sides, and
a street. They want to put in two single -story, cottage -style, Assisted Living/Alzheimer units.
There would be a waiver of an SID. This is surrounded by B-3 zoning, but this property is
zoned as RA-1. The lot size is 100 feet by 270 feet. B-3 zoning would provide the setbacks
that he needs to build on it. As an RA-1, we would need 20 feet more for setbacks to make
Financial Drive a 60 foot right-of-way. There is one Cottonwood tree that will be taken out.
There will be two staff per unit and one supervisor. There will be shared access with Jim
Thompson, and a curb cut at the other end. There will be a shared courtyard between the two
buildings. Would we be asking for an additional 20 foot right of way or a 5 to 10 foot utility
easement. Public Works would need 5 feet on either side for a water main. We need to
determine what the width of Two Mile is at this location. Thirty feet from center of lane,
address the water line, may need some screening when the building permit is issued. They
may need to relocate the water line.
Three Mile Drive and Meridian — Proposal for subdivision split at the Glacier Center.
Zoned B-1. They need to update their survey. M.D.O. T. bought the right of way. James will
get the right of way agreements to Sean. There are some covenants that may limit the use in
here. There is a required greenbelt on the west side. Parking configuration.
Scenic Tracts — Tim Birk — A notice came from Flathead County on this project. Tim wants
to split Tract 5 into several lots. The City would recommend they build the infrastructure to
City urban standards. We need to solve the road and easement issues regarding the road
being private or public. On the face of the plat, it should be noted that this is a private right-
of-way open to the public, and at such time as the city or county government takes over the
road, it would be required to do so. Easement needs to go all the way over to the west of the
property. The internal roadway must be designed and constructed to City standards. The
road must have a proper travel surface, curb, gutter, sidewalk, and live landscaping. Water
flows may not be very high. They will have Evergreen water. Check with F. Ray on this.
They are doing cash in lieu of parks.
Northlands — On Northridge, with access to Four Mile Drive. The City will require a 60 foot
extension of Summit Ridge Drive. The City wants to extend the water line there.
Annexation — Two and a half acres on Highway 93, south of the City Airport. They want to
cut this into two lots. The City may need an easement through this to access their 20 acres.
Lone Pine Trails — Townhouse lot — they thought it had a 20 foot rear setback, but it is only
ten feet. They want to do a BLA and obtain some parkland from the developers. They would
probably be fine if they do not do a BLA. They can't sell off the parkland, and may have
floodplain issues.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
cc: Police
City Manager
Comm. Dev.
Public Works
City Clerk
City Airport