Thursday, July 26, 2007
Building Department Conference Room
Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner Sean Conrad, City Planner
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Nicole Johnson, City Planner
P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr.
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Guests: James Freyholtz, M.D.O.T.; and Kirk Fritz, Mountain Mudd
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders: None.
Mountain Mudd — 2267 Hwy 93 S; new drive-thru espresso stand — Updated site plan.
Going to a one-way window with the other side as a walk up window with a step up to
discourage drive -up traffic. He could put in landscape islands around it to keep cars from
driving up to the window but still provide handicapped wheelchair access. Discussion was
held regarding traffic possibly going in from Highway 93 and out to Kelly Road. James said
its better the way it is shown to keep potential stacking on Kelly Road. He will move the
building a little north, allowing four stacking spaces on the property. Jeff said they need a
handicapped van accessible parking space. Parking is 1 to 200. The slope may be a problem
for the handicapped person though. The State apparently issued a building permit for the
existing building to be moved (foundation permit) even though it was in the city at the time.
Confirm property line locations. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Glacier Mall — Sean met with the Glacier Mall people yesterday. Their application will be
coming in the first week in August. They are proposing three access points on Hwy 93.
Southern, right in/right out, 1/8th of a mile up in the Life Style section, and then'/4 of a mile
up, there will be a Rose Crossing signal. The decision would be up to MDOT. The traffic
impact study is looked at closely by MDOT. Possible a light at Reserve and 2 accesses onto
Whitefish Stage Road.
Diamond Ridge Estates —existing house on Three Mile Drive. The house and its road are
not part of the subdivision. We asked for the 20' landscaping buffer and a bike path there.
Also along where this house is. The person who lives in the house doesn't want the bike path
in front of his house. We will have a missing section of the bike path along Three Mile Drive.
The lot has been annexed. If this parcel benefited by this subdivision or if a portion was
included within the subdivision, then the bike path potentially could go in as part of the
required conditions of the plat. This property's right-of-way may be the County's, in which
case they may allow the bike path in the right-of-way and the path could then by jogged out
into the right-of-way in this section only.
245 Windward Way — in Buffalo Commons — Existing Assistant Living facility that will be
changed into medical offices. This will be on the Agenda next week.
Hutton Ranch — Jeff asked for left turn arrows coming out of Hutton Ranch. James noted
the request for MDOT.
Tally Lake Ranger Station — Landscaping is being changed, from sod to native grasses.
They are also changing the trees and moving a tree. This is up to the Parks Dept. and does
not have to go through Site Review. They could take it to Architectural Review.
Flathead Valley Hockey Association — A structure (120' x 200') is proposed to possible go
in Woodland Park where the old pool (Bruckhauser Pool) used to be. This would be a
temporary, fabric structure for one to five years with an ice ring. The purpose would be to
keep the snow off the ring and to keep the maintenance down. The building would need a set
of construction drawings and a site plan, which would need to be engineer stamped drawings.
There is only ten feet on each side, so there is not much room for seating. The permanent ice
rink facility will be a 4,500 seat, enclosed facility, and will be located near the Glacier
Lifestyle Center.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m
cc: Police
City Manager
Comm. Dev.
Public Works
City Clerk
City Airport