08-09-07 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, August 9, 2007 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, Assoc. Civil Engineer Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer Sean Conrad, City Planner Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Nicole Johnson, City Planner P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Guests: Jim Atkinson, Flathead County Agency on Aging and James Freyholtz, M.D.O.T. Hear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: None. OLD BUSINESS: Mountain Mudd — 2267 Hwy 93 S; new drive-thru espresso stand — No updated drawings 245 Windward Way — conversion of existing congregate care facility to medical office building (plus an addition) — David Mitchell was here last week, but we have received nothing new since then. We have a rough draft of the revisions. He plans to extend the parking lot back around the building. They will need all their parking. There is some concern regarding their drainage as it relates to retaining walls on and off site. They will need to provide some spot elevations and a drainage plan and give detailed calculations to Susie. Also, there are concerns about the existing drainage area that is going to become a parking area. They need to get a geo-tech to find where these things infiltrate to. Applicant needs to provide more details. The two front compact parking spaces are not ideal. They could eliminate them ifwe go with a 1 to 300 parking ratio. There may be retention water at the end of the driveway. They will need to make sure that good traffic visibility is maintained where the driveway intersects the road. NEW BUSINESS: Appleway Apartments — 3 5 Appleway; new apartment buildings on the north side. One 16- plex and two 8-plex buildings. Most of the parking lot, etc. is installed, but there is a section that has not been striped yet. Additional light poles will go in. They need to fix some sidewalk issues west of the west entrance. They have drainage issues. Public Works will go view the site. The sidewalk on the southeast side needs to be installed first. They already have two construction entrances and they need to use those instead of Appleway. They did build the bike path. 242/248 — 2nd Avenue West — conversion of tenant space — existing building on the same block as Syke's. Change of use for Glacier Signs and Monuments (used to be next to Moose's). No major site issues. Fire has been notified as they have had some fire issues with the building. They will come back with some awnings. Mark will go view the site. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Trumble Creek Crossing Phase 2 — will be coming in. Seventh Day Adventist — coming in for a new use permit for storage. We didn't have any requirements for sidewalks the last time for them to improve the street. This will not be required. The biggest issue out there is fire flows for commercial use. OTHER REPORTS: Bay Ridge Estates Subdivision — Annexation and zoning request. North of Three Mile. Property is accessed by Meadows Lane. There is a 60 foot wide county easement. Part of their road would be private. The neighbors are not happy. Spring Lane Road would be in a flood zone under the initial configuration. They are applying for an R-3 zone. They are leaving the two houses in there and they must meet the setbacks. Public Works will not approve the road situation. The 3 :1 ratio on lot dimensions is not met. Bowser Creek Loop would need to be straightened out. They must show the flood plan study analysis on the map. The primary park area has a steep slope. There is also one third of an acre in the north portion of the property east of lot 28 that is parkland. They are proposing a rural city standard for the south portion of the road. This would have to be approved by the City Council. Spring Lane would need a temporary turn around or cul-de-sac for the 150 foot requirement. Discussion was held as to putting the road into Quarter Horse Subdivision. Willow Glen Drive - on the southern end by Muskrat Slough. It came into the city a few years ago and has R-4 zoning. There are road access issues. Limit access point on Willow Glen to one. Flag lot portion for legal access for two lots. Doesn't meet any kind of road requirements. There are flood issues, and there may be fire issues. They may be able to do two lots with a duplex on each. The common area is below the water line. Emporium Building — Will be doing internal remodel for a restaurant. Diamond Ridge — Person that owned the existing house and signed the documents should be bound to do the improvements. Along Three Mile there should be a bike path and buffer. Discussion was held. Tom 7entz will need to write another letter regarding connectivity. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works 2