03-13-17 and 03-21-17 Work Session Agenda and MaterialsClerk's Office 201 1st Avenue East PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 Phone: (406) 758-7756 cityclerk@kalispell.com www.kalisnell.com MEMORANDUM REPORT TO: Doug Russell, City Manager PIZ- FROM: Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk & Communications Manager MEETING DATE: March 13, 2017 Work Session RE: Discussion regarding Resolution to reestablish the Kalispell Downtown Business Improvement District (KBID) with Expanded Boundaries BACKGROUND: The Kalispell Downtown Business Improvement District is expiring pursuant to state statute. The KBID was established to promote the success of downtown Kalispell and is funded and directed by the property owners of downtown Kalispell. These efforts include beautification, downtown events, marketing, social media, facade improvements and working with the City of Kalispell and other organizations to represent property owners. To establish a district per Montana Code Annotated (MCA) 7-12-1111, property owners of at least 60% of the land area within the proposed boundaries must petition the City for the creation of the district. Since business owners representing 62.84% of the land area within the proposed district submitted petitions to establish the business improvement district with the expanded boundaries, Council passed Resolution 5793 on December 19, 2016 per MCA 7-12-1112. Resolution 5793 stated Council intention to consider the establishment of the district, called for the public hearing to be held January 17, 2017, and caused notice of the hearing to be published and mailed to all business property owners in the proposed district. Business property owners were notified that they may file a protest with the City against the formation of the district and that the protest must be received within 15 days of the first publication and mailing. Per MCA 7- 12-1114, if the total protests filed amounted to any of the following percentages the Council could take no further action upon the proposed district for one year. (a) more than 50% of the total taxable valuation of property within proposed district; or (b) more than 50% of the property owners in the proposed district; or (c) more than 50% of the total projected assessments for property within the proposed district. Aggregating the protests received resulted in the following percentages: (a) 12.87% of the total taxable valuation of property within the proposed district; (b) 10.67% of the property owners in the proposed district; (c) 12.27% of the total projected assessments for property within the proposed district. Staff considered all protests received in the above calculations, even those protests not received until after the official protest close date per state code. The sum of all protests received did not reach the 50% protest threshold. Therefore during the February 6, 2017 City Council meeting, staff placed consideration of a Resolution before Council to establish the Kalispell Downtown Business Improvement District with the boundaries set forth in the petitions and included in the Resolution of Intention 5793. An approved motion and vote during the agenda approval process of the February 6, 2017 meeting removed this item from the agenda and placed it on a subsequent work session. During the February 27, 2017 work session, Council requested that staff gather specific additional information about the District and directed staff to hold another work session to discuss answers to questions posed. Information attached to this memorandum is provided to answer Council questions. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss the establishment of a Downtown Business Improvement District pursuant to the terms of Title 7, Chapter 12, Part 11 of Montana Code Annotated. ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum from City Attorney Charles Harball Memorandum and Attachments from Finance Director Rick Wills Correspondence from the KBID Letter from KBID Board of Directors Letter from KBID Board member Jon Fetveit Downtown Plan Vision and Values KBID Proposed Budget FY 17/18 Levy Assessment per year Facade Grant Totals Facade Improvement Program 2017 Prior attachments can be found in the February 27, 2017 work session packet linked here. City of Kalispell Charles A. Harball Office of City Attorney City Attorney 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Doug Russell, City Manager FROM: Charles Harball, City Attorney Tel 406.758.7709 Fax 406.758.7771 charball@kalispell.com SUBJECT: Analysis of Montana Law as it Applies to Business Improvement Districts MEETING DATE: March 13, 2017 — Council Workshop BACKGROUND: As the City Council is considering the creation of a downtown business improvement district [BID] to replace the BID that is expiring, it has made inquiries to city staff to clarify a number of issues so that the Council can make an informed decision. I have attached to this memorandum an analysis worksheet based upon the relevant Montana statutes to respond to most of these questions. The only question that Montana law does not clearly address is the question of the timing of approval of a BID and what deadlines may be applicable to the assessment and funding stream. The reason for this is that more than one government entity is involved in the process and each entity has its own time constraints to complete its tasks. For the purposes of the actions by the City Council, its final decision of levy and assessment need only be made and sent on to Flathead County, as with all of its other levies and assessments, when the final valuations are available from the State Department of Revenue [DOR] and the final budget is approved. This occurs generally sometime in August of each year. The DOR and Flathead County, each have their own time constraints and understandings of when these items must reach their desks for appropriate action. Thus far, my inquiries to the DOR and to Flathead County have received somewhat mixed responses, but generally indicate that the work of the DOR and the County have already been accomplished in this matter. As indicated in the February 27th workshop, the last funding that the existing BID will receive will come from the revenues received in the scheduled May 2017 tax payments. That revenue, and any funds remaining in the BID account will be used to accomplish any remaining tasks on the work plan that was submitted and approved in the last budget. In the event that the Council creates a new BID and issues a levy and assessment for that in the 2017-2018 budget, the new BID would presumably receive its first funding from the revenues of the November 2017 tax collections, if, in fact, the application is timely for the purposes of the DOR and the County. AResolution Creating Or Expanding District 7-12-1115. Resolution creating or expanding district. 1 When no protests have been delivered to the governing body within 15 days after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passing of the resolution of intention), 2 when a protest shall have been found by the governing body to be insufficient or has been overruled, or 3 when a protest against the extent of the proposed district or proposed expansion of a district has been heard and denied,4 the governing body has jurisdiction to order the creation or expansion of the district) and 5 shall pass a resolution creating or expanding the district in accordance with the resolution of intention. I have provided an interpretation of MCA 7-12-1115 in the sidebar, which I believe is consistent with the holding in BudKal v. Kalispell, which concludes that the Council has the authority (the discretion) to create or not create the district, but if it does create (or expand) a district, the district created must be consistent with the extent of the district (boundaries) described within the Notice of Resolution that it issues. Given the facts before the governing body at this time, it has the following choices: If the Council determines that there is insufficient evidence to show that the proposed district "serves the public interest by promoting the health, safety, prosperity, security and general welfare of the inhabitants of the district and of the people of the state" and would be of "special benefit to the property within the boundaries of the district" and is an "aid in promotion and marketing within the district," MCA 7-12-1102 it may decline to create the district. If the Council determines that there is sufficient evidence to make the necessary findings of fact for the purposes set forth above, it may then make the fmding that the protests filed were insufficient to meet the thresholds set forth in MCA 7-12-1114, based upon the protests actually filed within the 15-day protest period. It may then go forward with a resolution creating the Business Improvement District to the extent of the proposed district (with the boundaries) that was described in the Resolution of Intent previously passed and approved by Council. If the Council determines that there is sufficient evidence to make the necessary fmdings of fact for the purposes set forth above, but fmds that the extent of the proposed district (the proposed boundaries described in the Resolution of Intent) brings about discrete disproportionate cost to benefit results between certain areas within the proposed district, it may consider the following choices: Comment [CHI]: I.The first scenario presented is the situation in which the Council has received no protests as evidence against the establishment of the BID Comment [CH2]: 2.The second scenario is when protests have been received but do not reach the 50%threshold either because the totality of the protest is insufficient or because some protests received were overruled as invalid making the total insufficient Comment [CH3]: 3.The third scenario is when the extent (the proposed boundaries) of the proposed district is protested and the council has considered this protest and denied it. Comment [CH4]: 4.This is a statement that if any of the three scenarios described above exist, the governing body has the legal authority to order the creation or expansion of the district — it doesn't say that it must create the district. Comment [CHS]: S.This is a statement that if the governing body does determine to create the district, it must do so in accordance with the boundaries legally described in the resolution of intent that was noticed and publicly commented upon. a. It may pass a resolution declining to create the district based upon the fmding that there would be inherent and incurable inequities to the properties to be assessed in the proposed district. b. It may delineate a smaller extent of the district within the proposed boundaries in order to make the district more homogenous and issue a new Resolution of Intent describing the new smaller boundaries and allowing for a new protest and comment period prior to considering a resolution to create a district. c. It may pass a resolution to create the district as proposed and then create a tiered assessment schedule that addresses the cost to benefit inequities that may be found to exist. Annual Budget And Work Plan -- Approval -- Procedure -- Tax 7-12-1132. Annual budget and work plan -- approval -- procedure -- tax. (1) At a time determined by the governing body, the board shall submit to the governing body for approval a work plan and budget for the ensuing fiscal year. (2) A board created for the purpose of 7-12-1102(4) in a municipality or county where a nonprofit convention and visitors bureau, as defined in 15-65-101, is operating shall consult with the nonprofit convention and visitors bureau in developing a work plan and budget for the ensuing fiscal year. (3) Following public notice that a work plan and budget have been submitted and that the governing body will levy an assessment to defray the cost of the work plan and budget, the governing body shall hold a public hearing on objections to the work plan and budget. After the hearing, the governing body may modify the work plan and budget as it considers necessary and appropriate. (4) After approval of the work plan and budget and to defray the cost of the work plan and budget for the next fiscal year, the governing body shall by resolution levy an assessment upon all of the property in the district using as a basis one of the methods prescribed in 7-12-1133. (5) A copy of the resolution must be delivered to the treasurer of the local government to be placed on the tax roll and collected in the same manner as other taxes. The City Council has used a process in which it considers the work plan and budget of the BID within the same process of its consideration of the general city budget and this has served to meet all of the legal due process requirements of the law. The BID never recommended to the City that it should consider any different assessment model than the one first approved upon the creation of the district and, to my knowledge, never requested an increase or decrease to the levy 12 Comment [CH6]: The proponents of the district distributed petitions to the property owners that included an example assessment model and assessment projections for each property for the purpose of showing what the tax burden might be if the governing body chose that assessment model and levy. The governing body, however, has complete discretion over the model and levy that it will impose, as it deems equitable and in the best interests of the City. Comment [CH7]: The determination of the assessment model and levy comes after the action by the governing body to approve the work plan and budget in the process. Comment [CH8]: As with the other levies imposed by the governing body, the assessment resolution for the district is delivered to the County Treasurer. amounts, but rather crafted the work plan around what the revenues would support. Therefore, there was limited discussion by the Council about the alternatives. However, based upon MCA 7-12-1132, the Council may determine to segregate the BID process from the other budgeting processes, or may determine to designate more time and consideration to the assessment process, remaining mindful to the timing necessary to place the levy on the tax rolls. Nor is the Council apparently restricted by the statute from changing the levy from year to year to meet the budget revenues required to accomplish the work plan submitted by the BID and approved by the Council. Assessment Of Costs -- Area, Lot, Taxable Valuation, Square Footage, And Flat -Fee Options -- Provisions For Property Classifications 7-12-1133. Assessment of costs -- area, lot, taxable valuation, square footage, and flat - fee options -- provisions for property classifications. (1) At the same time that the board submits the annual budget and work plan to the governing body as provided in 7-12-1132, the board shall also recommend to the governing body a method of levying an assessment on the property within the district that will best ensure that the assessment on each lot or parcel is equitable in proportion to the benefits to be received. (2) The governing body shall annually assess the entire cost of the district against the entire district using a method that best ensures that the assessment on each lot or parcel is equitable in proportion to the benefits to be received. In determining the method of assessment to be used, the governing body shall consider the recommendations of the board. �he governing board shall levy the assessment using one of the following methods: (a) each lot or parcel of land within the district may be assessed for that part of the whole cost that its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys, and public places-, (b) if the governing body determines that the benefits derived by each lot or parcel are substantially equivalent, the cost may be ,assessed equally to each lot or parcel located within the district without regard to the area of the lot or parcel; / (c) if the governing body determines that benefits derived by each lot or parcel are proportional, / the governing body may use standard criteria), such as individual occupancy or daily use, and make the assessment on a flat -fee basis based on the criteria; (d) each lot or parcel of land, including the improvements on the lot or parcel, may be assessed for that part of the whole cost of the district that its taxable valuation) bears to the total taxable valuation of the property of the district; 13 Comment [CH9]: The governing body is limited to the assessment models listed here, individually, or a combination of these models. Comment [CH10]: This is the square footage of a property divided by the total square footage of the district, multiplied by the levy. To be used if it is assumed that each property benefits based upon its relative size. Comment [CH11]: Each lot is therefore 1 divided by the total number of lots, multiplied by the levy. To be used if it is assumed that each lot benefits the same as every other lot. Comment [CH12]: Each lot is proportioned based upon a standard criterion (a criterion that is common to all properties in the district, occupancy for instance). Whatever proportion designation is given to that property is divided by the total criteria of the district, multiplied by the levy. Comment [CH13]: The taxable valuation of each lot is divided by the total taxable valuation of the district, multiplied by the levy. To be used if it is assumed that the property benefits based upon its value. (e) ,each building may be assessed for that part of the whole cost of the district that the occupied or income -producing area of the building above the first floor bears to the area of the entire district: Comment [CH14]: Portions of an entire property may be discounted (buildings above the first floor) if those areas are unoccupied and not income producing. (f) if the governing body determines that benefits derived by each lot or parcel are disproportional, the governing body may use classification criteria, such as location within the district, economic impact, or any other measurable criteria, in conjunction with methods of assessing fees outlined in this subsection (2). Each classification must have its own rate. There may not be more than six classifications upon which a charge is imposed. (g) by using any �ombin (2)(fl. of the assessment options provided in subsections (3) If a district is expanded, the land within the expanded area or property with a similar purpose in the district must be assessed as provided for in subsection (2) for the duration of the district. Throughout the history of the Kalispell BID, the City Council has approved an assessment method that is a combination of taxable value and parcel size which is a common methodology for the existing BIDS in the state. The levy has been consistently set at (Taxable Value * .0375) + (Area *.015). For instance, at this levy under this assessment model, a typical Main Street property with a taxable value of $6,022 and an area of 3,500 square feet pays an annual BID assessment of $277.53. The rationale for this methodology has been that this blend of parcel size and taxable value that is weighted toward the value of the property, provides a reasonable equitable representation of benefits received from the assessment paid. The Council, however, has the statutory discretion to consider any of the methods, or blend of methods, set forth in MCA 7-12-1133. The City Council also has the option, under subparagraph (2)(f) of the statute to establish assessment tiers within the district if it is possible to distinguish degrees of benefits received by properties paying the assessments. For instance, if it is possible to determine, based upon evidence that has been provided to the Council, that the properties more than two blocks off of Main Street receive some percentage less benefit from the assessment paid than those properties within two blocks of Main Street, a lesser levy may be applied to those receiving the lesser benefit. Board Of Trustees -- Appointment -- Number -- Term Of Office 7-12-1121. Board of trustees -- appointment -- number -- term of office. (1) When the governing body of a local government adopts an ordinance creating a business improvement district the appointing authority, with the approval of the governing body, shall appoint not less than five or more than seven owners of property within the district or their assignees to compose the board of trustees of the district. The director for a business improvement district created for the purpose of 7- 12-1102(4) must be the executive director of a nonprofit convention and visitors bureau, as defined in 15-65-101, if a nonprofit convention and visitors bureau is operating within the governing body's jurisdiction. 15 Comment [CH15]: In addition to the other methods of assessment, the governing body may classify property based upon a measurable criterion (such as location or economic impact) to discriminate in the application of assessment methodologies or levies based upon the benefits received by properties. Comment [CH16]: The governing body may further use any combination of methodologies. Comment [CH17]: Although there currently exists a BID for downtown Kalispell, it is expiring. Strictly speaking, a positive action on these petitions is not renewing the district but rather is creating a new district. Therefore, the newly established district (now the appointing authority) must submit 5 to 7 names on a slate to the Council for approval. (2) The number of members of the board, once established, may be changed within these limits from time to time by subsequent resolutions of the governing body of the local government. A resolution to reduce board membership may not require resignation of any member prior to completion of the member's appointed term. (3) Three of the members who are first appointed must be designated to serve for terms of 1, 2, and 3 years, respectively, from the date of their appointments, and two must be designated to serve for terms of 4 years from the date of their appointments. For a seven -member commission, there must be two additional appointments for terms of 2 years and 3 years, respectively. Comment [CH18]: This requirement (4) After initial appointment, members must be appointed for a term of office of 4 years, except ensures that the terms are staggered so that there will be opportunities for a new member that a vacancy occurring during a term must be filled for the unexpired term. A member holds office on the board every year. until a successor has been appointed and qualified. Pursuant to MCA 7-12-1121, the newly established BID must have a new board appointed and approved to serve the BID. There is no requirement that the members be different than the members currently serving on the board for the existing BID. The staggered terms will have to be reestablished pursuant to the above cited statute. Further, because the BID is new creation, as is its Board, it should enter into new contracts for its endeavors and should not rely upon the current contracts under the existing BID. Organization Of Board Of Trustees -- No Compensation 7-12-1122. Organization of board of trustees -- no compensation. (1) The appointing authority shall designate which member of the board is to be the first presiding officer. When the office of presiding officer of the board becomes vacant, the board shall elect a presiding officer from among its members. The term of office as presiding officer of the board, unless otherwise prescribed by the governing body, must be for 1 calendar year or for that portion of a year remaining after each presiding officer is designated or elected. (2) (Members may not receive compensation. "Compensation" is understood to be payment in exchange for time and efforts given to work of the entity that employs the person seeking the compensation. Although there may not be a formal employer/employee relationship involved, the relationship must not lead to "favors" given for the work otherwise voluntarily provided. In this case, the BID must show that board members who received grants made available through the BID received no greater consideration or favor than any other eligible person. In this case the availability of the grants were well publicized and there were never more applicants than awards given. 16 Comment [CH19]: This is an unambiguous statement of the law, although some may wish to parse the word "compensation' and what it may mean. Independent Contractor Certification 39-71-417. Independent contractor certificationl. (1) (a) (i) Except as provided in subsection (1)(a)(ii), a person who regularly and customarily performs services at a location other than the person's own fixed business location shall apply to the department for an independent contractor exemption certificate unless the person has elected to be bound personally and individually by the provisions of compensation plan No. 1, 2, or 3. (ii) An officer or manager who is exempt under 39-71-401(2)(r)(iii) or (2)(r)(iv) may apply, but is not required to apply, to the department for an independent contractor exemption certificate. (b) A person who meets the requirements of this section and receives an independent contractor exemption certificate is not required to obtain a personal workers' compensation insurance policy. (c) For the purposes of this section, "person" means: (i) a sole proprietor; (ii) a working member of a partnership; (iii) a working member of a limited liability partnership; (iv) a working member of a member -managed limited liability company; or (v) a manager of a manager -managed limited liability company that is engaged in the work of the construction industry as defined in 39-71-116. (2) The department shall adopt rules relating to an original application for or renewal of an independent contractor exemption certificate. The department shall adopt by rule the amount of the fee for an application or certificate renewal. The application or renewal must be accompanied by the fee. (3) The department shall deposit the application or renewal fee in an account in the state special revenue fund to pay the costs of administering the program. (4) (a) To obtain an independent contractor exemption certificate, the applicant shall swear to and acknowledge the following: (i) that the applicant has been and will continue to be free from control or direction over the performance of the person's own services, both under contract and in fact; and (ii) that the applicant is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business and will provide sufficient documentation of that fact to the department. (b) For the purposes of subsection (4)(a)(i), an endorsement required for licensure, as provided in 37-47-303, does not imply or constitute control. (5) (a) An applicant for an independent contractor exemption certificate shall submit an application under oath on a form prescribed by the department and containing the following: (i) the applicant's name and address; (ii) the applicant's social security number; (iii) each occupation for which the applicant is seeking independent contractor certification; and (iv) other documentation as provided by department rule to assist in determining if the applicant has an independently established business. 17 Comment [CH2O]: This statute was enacted to codify the interpretation of the state Supreme Court on what does and what does not qualify as independent contractor status for purposes of the worker's compensation insurance requirement. This statute is designed to streamline the process and allow a contractor to submit his information to the State Department of Licensing and Industry and receive a certificate approving his status as an independent contractor thereby relieving the entity contracting with him from making its own inquiry. (b) The department shall adopt a retention schedule that maintains copies of documents submitted in support of an initial application or renewal application for an independent contractor exemption certificate for a minimum of 3 years after an application has been received by the department. The department shall, to the extent feasible, produce renewal applications that reduce the burden on renewal applicants to supply information that has been previously provided to the department as part of the application process. (c) An applicant who applies on or after July 1, 2011, to renew an independent contractor exemption certificate is not required to submit documents that have been previously submitted to the department if: (i) the applicant certifies under oath that the previously submitted documents are still valid and current; and (ii) the department, if it considers it necessary, independently verifies a specific document or decides that a document has not expired pursuant to the document's own terms and is therefore still valid and current. (6) The department shall issue an independent contractor exemption certificate to an applicant if the department determines that an applicant meets the requirements of this section. (7) (a) When the department approves an application for an independent contractor exemption certificate and the person is working under the independent contractor exemption certificate, the person's status is conclusively presumed to be that of an independent contractor. (b) A person working under an approved independent contractor exemption certificate has waived all rights and benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act and is precluded from obtaining benefits unless the person has elected to be bound personally and individually by the provisions of compensation plan No. 1, 2, or 3. (c) For the purposes of the Workers' Compensation Act, a person is working under an independent contractor exemption certificate if: (i) the person is performing work in the trade, business, occupation, or profession listed on the person's independent contractor exemption certificate; and (ii) the hiring agent and the person holding the independent contractor exemption certificate do not have a written or an oral agreement that the independent contractor exemption certificate holder's status with respect to that hiring agent is that of an employee. (8) Once issued, an independent contractor exemption certificate remains in effect for 2 years unless: (a) suspended or revoked pursuant to 39-71-418; or (b) canceled by the independent contractor. (9) If the department's independent contractor central unit denies an application for an independent contractor exemption certificate, the applicant may contest that decision as provided in 39-71-415(2 ). The question was asked whether or not the "ambassador" retained by the BID to provide maintenance duties in the district is an "employee" or an "independent contractor". The gist of the question was to inquire whether or not the issue of coverage under worker's compensation z insurance has been adequately addressed. The BID responded that the ambassador has a current and valid certificate from the state showing him to have all of the requisites, including insurance, of an independent contractor, which relieves the BID from acquiring worker's compensation insurance for him. R City of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 Telephone (406) 758-7000 Fax - (406) 758-7758 MONTANA REPORT TO: Doug Russell, City Manager FROM: Rick Wills, Finance Director SUBJECT: Business Improvement District Financial Details MEETING DATE: March 13, 2017 — Work Session BACKGROUND: As the City Council is considering the creation of a downtown business improvement district [BID] to replace the BID that is expiring, it has made inquiries to city staff to clarify a number of issues so that the Council can make an informed decision. Most of the questions posed regarding finances can be answered in the attached BID budget line item break downs. Please note that the time frames on the various pdf attachments may vary. These dates coincide with the use of the particular line item for expenditures by the BID. Also, with a few exceptions, the City of Kalispell retains claims (expenditure/expense) records for five complete fiscal years. At this point, any expenditure/expense research prior to July 1, 2011 (FY12), is limited to the information recorded in the City's electronic financial records. The total credit card interest and late fees paid by the BID from the beginning of fiscal year 2012 to the present is $117.64. There is a $5,000 credit limit on the credit card that is only used by the BID. A City providing accounting services to a component unit is not unique to the City of Kalispell. The City of Great Falls provides the same services, in the same manner, for their BID. ATTACHMENTS: BID Contract Services 349 BID Contract Services 350 BID Contract Services 351 BID Contract Services 352 BID Contract Services 353 BID Contract Services 354 BID Contract Services 357 BID Visa Details Other Carbonari Associates Line Item Name Invoice Description From: 07.01.2011 To: 06.30.2017 Amount 2700-490-470330-349 MILEAGE/SUPPLIES/CONFERENCES/RENT DnS Technologies 0 Inv:7534 810 work done on comptrs june Inv:7534 151 work done on comptrs june Inv:7567 200 install dell desktop GLACIER COUNTRY REG TOURISM COMM 0 Inv:13218 190 Glacier Country Partner Dues GREAT FALLS BID 0 Inv:092712 85 registration for conference INSTY-PRINTS 0 Inv:217360 13.9 COLOR COPIES Inv:219120 19.95 WHITE SPECIAL Kalispell Chamber Of Commerce 0 Inv:6396 330 bronze membership: carbonari MWED 0 Inv:L15037 20 FLATHEAD FORECAST MEMBER VISA VALLEY BANK 0 Staples 62.99 hp ink AVG 84.99 security software Staples 45.55 misc office supplies Smiths 28.98 misc other supplies Office Max 30.98 hp ink Helena Best Western 136.89 travel USPS 88.1 postage Office Max 128.31 misc. office supplies Facebook 30 social media UM BBER 80 OUTLOOK SEMINAR REGISTRATION Staples 179.97 HP INK/PAPER UM BBER 85 OUTLOOK SEMINAR REGISTRATION Office Max 78.99 hp ink MT Governors Conference 140 registration for conference Dropbox 99 RENEW DROP BOX Office Max 129.98 PRINTER INK Dropbox 99 RENEW DROP BOX Jorgensons Inn Helena 179.62 Travel Office Max 34.93 misc. office supplies Staples 9.98 office supplies Staples 72.27 office supplies Office Max 68.94 paper, binders, etc. Office Max 55.97 misc office supplies USPS 49 postage Office Max 9.99 office supplies Smiths 48.95 booth treats AVG 59.99 pc tuneup software Staples 97.99 PRINTER Holiday Inn Bozeman 183.9 travel Kalispell Chamber Of Commerce 490 banquet table Kalispell Chamber Of Commerce 560 KALISPELL CHAMBER BANQUET Quality Inn Great Falls 173.42 travel AVG 99.99 internet security software Office Max 83.97 misc. office supplies Dropbox 99 RENEW DROPBOX Holiday Inn Billings 258.66 travel Vendor Total 1161 190 85 33.85 330 20 6064 Inv:123011 32.81 interest/late fee MT Governors Conference 140 registration for conference USPS 49 POSTAGE 8TH ANNUAL ECONOMIC UPDATE 25 registration for conference Office Max 46.98 hp ink, misc office USPS 92 postage Office Max 167.09 misc. office supplies J2 10.62 misc. office supplies Lowes 139 HANDTRUCK Office Max 86.96 PRINTER INK, misc office Office Max 83.59 misc supplies Howard Johnsons Helena 152.64 travel Dropbox 99 renew UM BBER 87.66 OUTLOOK SEMINAR REGISTRATION Helena Best Western 160.45 travel Office Max 74.98 ink, computer cable AVG 31.9 driver update MT Governors Conference 160 registration for conference MT Book & Toy Co. 16 walkable city book Holiday Inn Helena 233.12 travel CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 15773.74 Inv:010317 185 rent Inv:010413 185 rent Inv:030915 185 rent Inv:040512 125 rent Inv:052015 379.5 NEW MOBILITY WORKSHOP Inv:060616 185 rent Inv:070116 185 rent Inv:080315 185 rent Inv:090915 185 rent Inv:100416 185 rent Inv:100715 185 rent Inv:1033 125 rent Inv:1037 400 mileage reimb/conf reg. Inv:1038 125 rent Inv:1040 125 rent Inv:1045 125 rent Inv:1047 125 rent Inv:1050 125 rent Inv:1053 185 rent Inv:1055 185 rent Inv:1058 185 rent Inv:1060 185 rent Inv:1062 185 rent Inv:1066 185 rent 55.48 misc. supplies reimb. Inv:1070 185 rent Inv:1073 185 rent 185 rent Inv:1075 254 travel reimb. 158.34 seminar reg./supplies & postage reimb. Inv:1077 185 rent Inv:1084 185 rent Inv:1086 185 rent Inv:1088 185 rent Inv:1091 Inv:1092 Inv:1096 Inv:1098 Inv:110112 Inv:120711 I nv:2000 I nv:2003 I nv:2004 I nv:2008 Inv:2010 I nv:2011 Inv:2013 I nv:2016 I nv:2018 I nv:2021 I nv:2021 Inv:2022 Inv:2023 Inv:2026 Inv:2028 Inv:2028 Inv:2029 I nv:2030 Inv:2035 Inv:2035 Inv:2036 Inv:2038 I nv:2042 I nv:2049 I nv:2051 Inv:2053 Inv:2055-1 Inv:2055-1 Inv:2055-1 Inv:2056 Inv:2060 Inv:2062 Inv:2069 I nv:2070 I nv:2074 Inv:2075 Inv:2078 DOWNTOWN IDEA EXCHANGE I nv:050113 Inv:111412 INTEGRITY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Inv:012517 Inv:102015 Inv:111813 Inv:559283 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 331.82 travel reimb. 125 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 467.89 travel reimb. 185 rent 185 rent 552.16 travel reimb. 79.98 costco reimb.- ink 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 263.6 travel reimb. 275.97 reimb. For printer 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 230 travel reimb. 165 reg business days 185 rent 185 rent 230 travel reimb. 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 165 conference registration 220 travel reimb. 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 185 rent 0 236.5 yr subscription 167.1 downtown promo reporter 0 600 Storage Room Rental Nov -May 600 Storage Room Rental Glacier BI 600 storage room rental 6 mo 45 UNLOCKED ALLYWAY DOOR 403.6 2445 Inv:DEC-MAY2015 600 STORAGE ROOM RENTAL ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-349 0 26506.19 *** Grand Totals *** 0 26506.19 DnS Technologies 0 1161 GLACIER COUNTRY REG TOURISM COM 0 190 GREAT FALLS BID 0 85 INSTY-PRINTS 0 33.85 Kalispell Chamber Of Commerce 0 330 MWED 0 20 VISA VALLEY BANK 0 6064 CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 15773.74 DOWNTOWN IDEA EXCHANGE 0 403.6 INTEGRITY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 0 2445 *** Grand Totals *** 0 26506.19 Line Item Name Invoice Description Vendor From: 07.01.2009 To: 06.30.2017 Amount Total 2700-490-470330-350 CONTRACT STAFF - COORDINATOR INSTY-PRINTS 0 29.95 Inv:187861 29.95 BID -printing LC STAFFING 0 4791.66 Inv:072310 585.9 BID-P Faessel 6/27 7/11 7/18 Inv:080610 390.6 BID-P Faessel wks end 7/25&8/1 Inv:44988 648.68 kpd-boe, kbid-faessel Inv:45357 488.25 faessel and boe temp workers Inv:46359 425.48 1 boe 2 wks, p faessel 3 wks Inv:46672 476.1 temp employees, faessel/boe Inv:47149 299.25 temp employee P Faessel Inv:50107 236.25 d addario and p faessel Inv:50464 267.76 faessel, braach, daddario,mars Inv:52136 834.75 daddario, marsh, faessel, flec Inv:72663 138.64 4/14/13 p faessel VISA VALLEY BANK 0 778.44 Inv:040111 160 mar statements Inv:042011 166.78 april charges Inv:060811 197 may visa charges Inv:100110 254.66 monthly statement Valley Wide Classified 0 221.05 Inv:05598695 221.05 BID -new position ad CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 201090.07 Inv:010317 2433.33 CONTRACT Inv:010413 2333.33 misc duties per contract Inv:030915 2433.33 CONTRACT MARCH 2O15 Inv:040512 2333.33 misc duties per contract Inv:060616 2433.33 CONTRACT Inv:070116 2433.33 Contract July 2016 Inv:080315 2433.33 AUGUST2015 Inv:090915 2433.33 MISC DUTIES PER CONTRACT Inv:092010 2184.31 duties per contract, milage Inv:1001 2270.33 BID-misc duties,conf reg,etc Inv:1003 2130.46 BID-misc duties,mileage,suppli Inv:100416 2433.33 Contract Inv:1005 2308.38 BID-misc duties,mileage,suppli Inv:1007 2115.33 bid -duties per contract,etc Inv:100715 2433.33 CONTRACT Inv:1009 2111.33 BID-misc duties per contract Inv:1011 2197.31 BID-misc duties,mileage,cell Inv:1014 2114.33 milage, cell phone Inv:1016 2648.33 misc duties per contract Inv:1017 2187.81 misc duties per contract/milag Inv:1018 2176.81 misc duties per contract Inv:1019 2180.31 misc duties per contract Inv:1020 2177.31 misc duties per contract Inv:1021 2186.31 misc duties per contract Inv:1022 2736.49 misc duties per contract Inv:1025 2454.66 misc duties per contract Inv:1026 2516.42 misc duties per contract Inv:1033 2291.66 misc duties per contract 67.76 cell phone & wireless 125 office rent Inv:1035 2291.66 misc duties per contract Inv:1037 2291.66 misc duties per contract Inv:1038 2291.66 misc duties per contract Inv:1040 2291.66 misc duties per contract Inv:1045 2291.66 misc duties per contract Inv:1047 2291.66 misc dues per contract Inv:1050 2333.33 misc duties per contract Inv:1053 2333.33 misc duties per contract Inv:1055 2333.33 misc dues per contract Inv:1058 2333.33 misc duties per contract Inv:1060 2333.33 misc duties per contract Inv:1062 2333.33 misc duties per contract Inv:1066 2333.33 misc duties per contract Inv:1070 2333.33 duties per contrct Inv:1073 2383.33 misc duties per contract Inv:1075 2383.33 duties per contract Inv:1077 2383.33 duties per contract Inv:1084 2383.33 misc duties per contract Inv:1086 2383.33 misc. duties Inv:1088 2383.33 misc. duties Inv:1091 2383.33 duties per contract Inv:1092 2383.33 misc. duties Inv:1096 2383.33 duties per contract Inv:1098 2383.33 misc duties Inv:110112 2333.33 misc duties per contract Inv:120711 2291.66 misc duties per contract Inv:120814 500 CHRISTMAS BONUS Inv:120913 500 bonus 18 reimb. Mileage 125 office rent Inv:13643 2291.66 misc duties per contract Inv:16B 500 Year End Bonus Inv:2000 2383.33 duties per contract Inv:2003 2383.33 duties per contract Inv:2004 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2008 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2010 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2011 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2013 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2016 2433.33 DUTIES PER CONTRACT AUG 2014 Inv:2018 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2021 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2023 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2026 2433.33 CONTRACT DECEMBER 2014 Inv:2028 2433.33 CONTRACT JAN Inv:2030 2433.33 FEB 2015 CONTRACT Inv:2035 2433.33 MARCH 2O15 CONTRACT Inv:2036 2433.33 MAY 2015 CONTRACT Inv:2038 2433.33 JUNE 2015 Inv:2042 2433.33 CONTRACT J U LY 2015 Inv:2049 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2051 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2053 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2055 500 Year End Bonus as per Board Inv:2055-1 2433.33 Contract Feb 2016 Inv:2056 2433.33 Contract March 2016 Inv:2060 2433.33 April Contract Inv:2062 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2069 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2070 2433.33 Contract Sept 2016 Inv:2075 2433.33 duties per contract Inv:2078 2433.33 duties per contract Philadelphia Insurance Co 0 6844 Inv:P18864299 6844 annual dues FBIA 0 150 Inv:051011 150 subscription ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-350 0 213905.17 *** Grand Totals *** 0 213905.17 INSTY-PRINTS 0 29.95 LC STAFFING 0 4791.66 VISA VALLEY BANK 0 778.44 Valley Wide Classified 0 221.05 CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 201090.07 Philadelphia Insurance Co 0 6844 FBIA 0 150 *** Grand Totals *** 0 213905.17 Line Item Name Invoice Description Vendor From: 07.01.2009 To: 06.30.2017 Amount Total 2700-490-470330-351 CONTRACTSVC/DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Chad Fadely 0 500 Inv:021611 500 winterfest concert Dakota Fence Company 0 335 Inv:110512 335 bench arms EAGLE COMMUNICATIONS 0 4300 Inv:232803 480 kda 7270-advertising Inv:236397 480 advertising for KDA Inv:265248 885 advertising Inv:279340 1505 279340, 275919, 276189, ads Inv:282979 950 advertising GRIZZLY SECURITY ALARMS INC 0 9000 Inv:102313 9000 design, print, wayfinding proj Great Bear Builders, Inc 0 210 Inv:1783 210 install flower pot hangers HANKINSON ELECTRIC INC 0 2835 Inv:190638 2835 INST. 3 SERVICES NEAR SCHOOL Nico Heitert 0 225 Inv:112911 225 editing, text gen, audio prod IMAGINATION STATION 0 1500 Inv:101813 1500 facade improv. grant I NSTY-PRINTS 0 1785.64 Inv:042910 1181.04 multi-postcards,bus cards,etc Inv:102110 15 per pam copies Inv:192366 15 bond, collating, folding Inv:193093 66.75 copies-pam Inv:194277 75.6 bond Inv:194802 15 bindery, cutting, folding Inv:197996 50 copies, folding, mailing Inv:200228 99.2 color, bind, collate, staple Inv:223486 7.5 Bond BID Map Renewal Inv:223497 7.5 Bond - Map Inv:225811 169.6 20 LB WHT Bond Paper Inv:226613 68.45 one color one b/w Inv:65953 15 per pam copies LC STAFFING 0 708.75 Inv:50825 708.75 faessel, addario, marsh NW MT Historical Society 0 65 Inv:pcarbonair 65 room rental-hollensteiner-stah Pacific Steel & Recycling 0 500 Inv:1191663 500 alum channel, alum angle Signs Now 0 110 Inv:21385 110 signs SNOWGHOST DESIGN INC 0 380 Inv:5805 380 BID Renewal Flyer THE TOWNE PRINTER 0 184 Inv:36167 184 Letterheads, Return Envelopes Thomas Printing Inc 0 435 Inv:20454 435 wooden coin brochure, mail pre Trippons.com 0 1000 Inv:15 1000 subscription agreement University Of Montana 0 50 Inv:010611 50 reg:"paying for the recession" VISA VALLEY BANK 0 3474.99 USPS 65 postage Inv:042011 153.16 april charges Murdochs/Cardinal 213.43 gardening supplies and maint. USPS 257.5 postage Inv:060811 366.9 may visa charges USPS 187.5 postage Inv:063011 1193.38 june charges USPS 55.6 postage Graffiti Solutions 147.16 graffiti remover Inv:110110 208.32 Sept statements USPS 4.81 postage Inv:120110 380 nov billing statement Inv:123010 46.51 monthly statements Lowes 195.72 xmas lights Wild Geese Gardens 0 Inv:041814 3330 18 ivory silk plants FLTHD BEACON 0 Inv:13231 770 victoria days, safety page CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 19.59 reimb. Trash bags Inv:1037 125 rent Inv:2074 2433.33 Contract Northwest Canopy 0 Inv:091810 1560 30x60 canopy Kalispell BID 0 Inv:011111 500 reimburse for ad daily intrlke Center for Restorative Justice 0 Inv:021511 88.66 reimburse -tag kit, shadow mix JULIUS MACKER 0 Inv:090111 1150 tv spot, audio/video;blog post Don K Subaru 0 Inv:040111 1800 winterfest pealr django Flowers by Hansen Inc 0 Inv:080987/1 63.9 beatiful bouclet/robin graham Inv:110513 1800 facade improvement granr GO LOCAL FLATHEAD 0 Inv:042911 205 full color advertisement Inv:092110 250 full color ad Inv:110709 250 BID -ad in "buy local" periodic William & Jana Goodman 0 Inv:050912 600 6 mo rental storage km bldg Inv:226 59.97 BID -snow shovels peer court Shadow Enterprises, LLC 0 Inv:10224 3400 park bench restoration Inv:10319 3000 park bench restoration Inv:10468 3000 park bench restoration Inv:10626 4166.25 park bench restoration Kalispell Downtown Association 0 Inv:011111 500 reimburse for ad daily interlk Inv:020711 500 a chocolate affair Inv:101711 912 reimburse for tv commercials WESTERN SYSTEMS 0 Inv:10061 1838.1 pelco pole, ple base, brackets Designworks Graphic Design 0 Inv:042810 558 BID -walking tour brochures Inv:063010 2061.5 BID -walking tour brochures 3330 770 2577.92 1560 500 88.66 1150 1800 1863.9 Film,, 659.97 13566.25 1912 1838.1 3745 Inv:7686 1125.5 bid -tour brochure,sign artwork New Castle Electric, Inc 0 1000 Inv:2666 1000 BID -install 100 amp meter main Bee Broadcasting Radio Network 0 466.05 Inv:112088831 466.05 advertising Rose Communications, Inc 0 293.55 Inv:112086397 293.55 advertising JON FETVEIT 0 2866 Inv:022410a 66 reimburse purchase office 2003 Inv:092713 2800 facade improvement grant Montana Radio Cafe KXZI 0 450 Inv:53618 150 30 mentions per month jan-feb Inv:53651 150 30 mentions/mo feb-mar Inv:53690 150 30 mentions mar-apr KAJ-TV 0 1540 Inv:54823 288 advertising Inv:594351 50 advertising Inv:610368 814 610368, 611603, 613501, 616610 Inv:620568 388 advertising NPAX 0 564 Inv:548622 144 advertising Inv:611502 280 611502, 616513, advertising Inv:621543 140 advertising PLANT LAND 0 190 Inv:012215 190 HANGERS LAMP HANGERS ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-351 0 71034.78 *** Grand Totals *** 0 71034.78 Chad Fadely 0 500 Dakota Fence Company 0 335 EAGLE COMMUNICATIONS 0 4300 GRIZZLY SECURITY ALARMS INC 0 9000 Great Bear Builders, Inc 0 210 HANKINSON ELECTRIC INC 0 2835 Nico Heitert 0 225 IMAGINATION STATION 0 1500 I NSTY-PRINTS 0 1785.64 LC STAFFING 0 708.75 NW MT Historical Society 0 65 Pacific Steel & Recycling 0 500 Signs Now 0 110 SNOWGHOST DESIGN INC 0 380 THE TOWNE PRINTER 0 184 Thomas Printing Inc 0 435 Trippons.com 0 1000 University Of Montana 0 50 VISA VALLEY BANK 0 3474.99 Wild Geese Gardens 0 3330 FLTHD BEACON 0 770 CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 2577.92 Northwest Canopy 0 1560 Kalispell BID 0 500 Center for Restorative Justice 0 88.66 JULIUS MACKER 0 1150 Don K Subaru 0 1800 Flowers by Hansen Inc 0 1863.9 GO LOCAL FLATHEAD 0 705 William & Jana Goodman 0 659.97 Shadow Enterprises, LLC 0 13566.25 Kalispell Downtown Association 0 1912 WESTERN SYSTEMS 0 1838.1 Designworks Graphic Design 0 3745 New Castle Electric, Inc 0 1000 Bee Broadcasting Radio Network 0 466.05 Rose Communications, Inc 0 293.55 JON FETVEIT 0 2866 Montana Radio Cafe KXZI 0 450 KAJ-TV 0 1540 NPAX 0 564 PLANT LAND 0 190 *** Grand Totals *** 0 71034.78 Line Item Name Invoice Description Vendor From: 07.01.2010 To: 06.30.2017 Amount Total 2700-490-470330-352 WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT AND MGMT JENNIFER KELLY 0 800 Inv:043014 200 facebook, social media posts Inv:090112 200 facebook social media posts Inv:100112 200 facebook social media posts Inv:100912 200 facebook social media posts FLTHD BEACON 0 1050 Inv:22138 850 Marketing & Media Retainer Aug Inv:53391 200 MEDIA RETAINER 406 GRAPHICS LLC 0 12532.8 Inv:100253 225 BID-website development Inv:100265 123.3 web development monthly update Inv:100281 352.5 website updates for kal bid Inv:100292 399.5 calendar updates Inv:100298 433.5 events calendar, updates Inv:100305 630 annual hosting/adminjuly-june Inv:100310 383 template updates, calendars Inv:100327 333.5 add events, changes to website Inv:100331 433 updates, directory, events Inv:100348 204.5 monthly updates, add events Inv:100358 221.5 web development, event adds Inv:100374 630 annual hosting/admin fees Inv:100378 409.5 web development, add events Inv:100399 331.5 web dev, monthly updates Inv:100423 415 website updates Inv:100440 287.5 website updates Inv:100446 630 annual hosting/admin fees Inv:100472 537.5 web development, updates Inv:100485 450 website updates Inv:100509 637.5 monthly & spec events updates Inv:100512 630 hosting & admin fees, registra Inv:100539 300 MONTHLY UPDATES Inv:100579 512.5 WEBSITE UPDATES Inv:100585 630 ANNUAL HOSTING FEES Inv:100642 630 Annual hosting & Admin Fees Inv:100645 862.5 Monthly Updates 1/16-6/16 Inv:180 900 web development John Champagne Enterprises 0 300 Inv:011311 300 video capturing JULIUS MACKER 0 2710 Inv:031411 660 video shoot for KBID Inv:040111 850 bid blog set up fee Inv:051111 600 monthly fb, twitter, blog mngm Inv:060811 600 monthly facebook, twitter, etc WHIFFS LLC 0 5000 I nv:091013 5000 facade improvement grant ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-352 0 22392.8 *** Grand Totals *** 0 22392.8 JENNIFER KELLY 0 800 FLTHD BEACON 0 1050 406 GRAPHICS LLC 0 12532.8 John Champagne Enterprises 0 300 JULIUS MACKER 0 2710 WHIPPS LLC 0 5000 *** Grand Totals *** 0 22392.8 Line Item Name Invoice Description From: 07.01.2011 To: 06.30.2017 Amount 2700-490-470330-353 OTHER CONTRACT STAFF LC STAFFING 0 Inv:101713 1166.04 meier, faessel, mielke Inv:53162 1149.75 d addario, faessel Inv:54028 519.76 d addario, faessel, wisnewski Inv:54409 535.5 d addario, wisnewski, faessel Inv:54878 693.01 da addario, wisnewski, faessel Inv:55801 842.64 d addario, noss III, faessel Inv:56674 433.13 hocking, noss III, faessel Inv:62001 1500.19 j cormer for may services Inv:62221 707.27 j comer, p faessel Inv:63146 1368.89 faessel, polansky Inv:63381 543.81 faessel, polansky-wk end 7/8 Inv:63566 1280.15 bolz, faessel, polansky Inv:64301 2779.25 faessel, polansky august Inv:64982 900.79 faessel, polansky Inv:65414 1247.39 faessel, polansky Inv:65855 996.29 faessel, polansky Inv:66311 1591.41 polansky, faessel, hoon Inv:67233 415.92 p faessel 11/4 Inv:67479 329.27 p faessel 11/11 Inv:67677 164.64 p faessel 11/18 Inv:68180 190.63 pfaessel 12/2/12 Inv:68426 277.28 p faessel 12/9/12 Inv:72905 277.28 p faessel 4/21 Inv:73075 277.28 p faessel 4/28 Inv:74120 1484.2 jacobsen, faessel Inv:74476 379.2 p faessel 6/2/13 Inv:74694 474 p faessel 6/9/13 Inv:75015 511.92 p faessel 6/16 Inv:75313 568.8 p faessel 6/23 Inv:75549 578.28 p faessel 6/30/13 Inv:75789 530.88 p faessel week of 7/7/13 Inv:76135 568.8 faessel07/14/13 Inv:76376 606.72 faessel07/21/13 Inv:76752 606.72 p faessel 7/28/13 Inv:76938 623.05 p faessel, d tharp 8/4/13 Inv:77311 520.15 p faessel & d tharp 8/11 Inv:77489 578.28 p faessel 8/18 Inv:77819 1848.6 faessel, meier, mielke Inv:79441 1649.52 p faessel Inv:80041 549.84 p faessel 10/20 Inv:80207 502.44 f faessel 10/27 Inv:80474 568.8 faessel 11/3 Inv:80731 568.8 faessel 11/10 Inv:81065 549.84 p faessel 11/17 Inv:81505 891.12 p faessell 11/24 & 12/1 Inv:81779 94.8 p faessel 12/8 Inv:83606 170.64 pfaessel 2/2/14 Inv:85416 587.76 maint p faessel 4/20 Inv:85619 549.84 maint p faessel 4/27 Inv:85772 720.48 p faessel 5/4/14 Vendor Total 56656.46 Inv:86031 587.76 p faessel 5/11/14 Inv:86291 549.84 p faessel 5/18/14 Inv:86431 587.76 p faessel 5/25/14 Inv:86743 2066.64 PAUL FAESSEL WEEKEND 6/1-6/15 Inv:87360 606.72 MAIN WORKER PAUL FAESSEL Inv:87587 739.44 PAUL FAESSEL 06/29/14 Inv:87901 729.96 PAUL FAESSEL 07/06/14 Inv:88127 758.4 PAUL FAESSEL 07/13/14 Inv:88257 758.4 PAUL FAESSEL 07/20/14 Inv:88478 758.4 07/27/14 PAUL FAESSEL Inv:88806 906.9 MAINT WORKER 8/3/14 Inv:88943 492.13 MAINT WORKER 08/10//14 DAUGS Inv:89252 758.4 08/17/14 PAUL FAESSEL Inv:89479 758.4 082414 PAUL FAESSEL Inv:89614 758.4 p faessel Inv:89958 682.56 MAINT WORKER Inv:90169 769.78 MAINT WORKER Inv:90384 720.48 MAINT WORKER Inv:90697 729.96 MAINT WORKER Inv:90822 606.72 MAINT WORKER 10/05/14 Inv:91037 663.6 MAINT WORKER 10/12/14 Inv:91254 711 MAIN WORKER 10/19/14 Inv:91538 606.72 MAINT WORKER 10/26/14 Inv:91715 511.92 MAINT WORKER 11/2/14 Inv:91935 720.48 MIANT WORKER 11/09/14 Inv:92145 284.4 MAINT WORKER 11/16/14 Inv:92352 265.44 MAINT WORKER 11/23/14 Inv:92531 94.8 11/30/14 MAINT WORKER 13262 VISA VALLEY BANK 0 Master Monograms 110 shirts for downtown maint. 83918 PAUL FAESSEL 0 Inv:010416 250 2015 Bonus per Board of Dir Inv:031016 320 contract work Inv:040215 645 BONUS FOR WORK PERFORMED Inv:040416 256 Contract 032716-040316 Inv:040615 1104 CONTRACT WORK 69 HOURS Inv:042015 968 60.5 HOURS Inv:042016 560 Contract Work 4/10-4/17 Inv:050416 952 Contract Work 4/24 - 5/01 Inv:051616 1080 Contract Work for May 2016 Inv:051815 1000 MAY GENERAL HOURS Inv:060115 1280 GENERAL HOURS JUNE Inv:060216 1168 Contract work in May Inv:061516 1184 Contract Work Perform 6/5-6/12 Inv:061715 1280 CONTRACT WORK PERFORMED Inv:062816 1192 Contract Work 6/19-6/26 Inv:071216 1278.75 Contract Work 7/3/16, 7/10/16 Inv:071515 1280 WORKING HOURS Inv:072715 1280 GENERAL HOURS Inv:072816 1320 Contract 7/17/16-7/24/16 Inv:081015 1176 GENERAL HOURS Inv:081116 1320 Contract Work 7/31/16-8/07/16 Inv:082316 1303.5 Week Ending 8/14/16, 8/21/16 Inv:082515 1280 WORK HOURS 110 C[IIIki �I.7 ** Totals ** *** Grand Totals *** Inv:090616 1295.25 Contract Work 8/28/16-09/04/16 Inv:090915 1184 CONTRACT WORK Inv:091916 1229.25 9/11/16-9/18/16 Contract Work Inv:1003 1024 GENERAL WORK 04/17-05/01/15 Inv:100416 1229.25 Contract Work 9/25, 10/2 Inv:1005 1104 GENERALSERVICES Inv:100715 1144 Contract Work Inv:101916 1064.25 Contract Work 10/9/16-10/16/16 Inv:102015 1144 Contract Work Performed Inv:110315 1024 Contract Work Performed Inv:110316 948.75 Contract Work 10/23-10/30/16 Inv:111716 931.25 Contract Work 11/6-11/13/16 Inv:111915 1040 Contract Work Performed Inv:112916 313.5 Contract Work 11/14, 11/21 Inv:113015 576 Contract Work Inv:120616 250 Year End Bonus Inv:92415 1120 Contract Work Sept 2015 2700-490-470330-353 0 96865.21 0 96865.21 LC STAFFING 0 56656.46 VISA VALLEY BANK 0 110 PAUL FAESSEL 0 40098.75 *** Grand Totals *** 0 96865.21 Line Item Name Invoice Description Vendor From: 07.01.2004 To: 06.30.2017 Amount Total 2700-490-470330-354 CONCERTS ANDRE FLOYD 0 1100 Inv:072309 500 BID-Thursday!Fest 7/23/09 Inv:082809 600 BID-Thursday!Fest music 8/25/9 CHS MOUNTAIN WEST CO-OP 0 62.97 Inv:060909 62.97 multi-couplers,fertilizer,etc Chad Fadely 0 300 Inv:080609 300 BID-Thursday!Fest mus 7/30/09 Petty Cash/Trsr - BID 0 754.35 Inv:061009 263.78 petty cash - BID Inv:062509 241.83 reimburse purchases Inv:071209 166.12 reimburse purchases Inv:082409 82.62 BID -supplies DAILY INTER LAKE (DISPLAY) 0 1550 Inv:052409 348 multi -ads Inv:070109 180 multi -ads Inv:080109 1022 spc st/BID-ads Law Office of Diane Conradi 0 13233.48 Inv:010508 770.04 litigation -Kal Downtown Bus D Inv:031708 2529.32 litigation for Kal downtown bi Inv:041208 30 e-mail to Bill Goodman Inv:06049 1176.97 Downtown Business Improv Distr Inv:071408 1236.68 litigation Kal BID Inv:091608 293.4 litigation involving Kal BID Inv:100708 384 litigation Kal Downtown BID Inv:110808 1813.07 litigation-Kal Downtown Bus di Inv:Retainer 5000 City/BUD-KAL Flthd County GIS 0 177.75 Inv:74231 177.75 copies & map products Troy Evans 0 400 Inv:100111 400 storytelling at winterfest JIM SNELL 0 30 Inv:9714 30 bud-kal vs city of Kalispell Hammer Hewitt &Jacobs PPLC 0 15506.78 Inv:10167 1650.36 bud-kal vs city of kalispell Inv:10335 2301.2 bud-kal vs city of kalispell Inv:10505 105 bid -bud kal vs city of kalispe Inv:10831 15 bid -bud kal vs city Inv:11031 2267.36 bid -bud kal vs city of kalispe Inv:11212 226.3 bud-kal vs city of kalispell Inv:11520 1680 bud-kal vs city Inv:11698 4406.28 bud-Kal vs city of Kalispell Inv:12279 30 bud-kal vs city of kalispell Inv:12396 75 bid -bud Kal vs city Inv:12576 30 bud-kal vs city of kalispell Inv:7636,7637 1150.28 Atty-Prof.Services Inv:8931 45.5 phone calls -Bud Kal vs city Inv:9157 404.5 bid-kal vs city of kalispell Inv:9594 115 bud-kal vs city of Kalispell Inv:9714 30 atty-bud kal vs city of kalisp Inv:9859/10040 975 bud-kal vs city of kalispell INSTY-PRINTS 0 2970.45 Inv:062309 10 airport/BID-copies/poster Inv:102808 224.02 multi -printing Inv:183227 2430 BID -printing Inv:198317 215.98 smoke detector flyer, tickets Inv:201482 90.45 newsletters, bid concert KOFI 1180 AM Stereo 0 1572 Inv:063009 250 BID -ads Inv:080409 762 BID -ads Inv:090309 560 BID -ads NORTHWEST PORTABLES LLC 0 910 Inv:083109 90 multi-chem toilet rental Inv:26628 280 BID-chem toilet rental 7/2 7/9 Inv:26787 180 BID -rental 7/16/09 & 7/23/09 Inv:26925/2702 360 BID-rental7/30,8/6,13,20 VISA VALLEY BANK 0 2093.3 Inv:052110 2093.3 city stmts May 2010 Wild Geese Gardens 0 1022.5 Inv:052809 1022.5 multi-trees,planting,f lowers FLTHD BEACON 0 2300 Inv:070109 700 BID -ads Inv:080309 800 BID -ads Inv:123109 800 hr/BID-ads 406 GRAPHICS LLC 0 3870 Inv:050809 2100 web site development deposit Inv:100187 1630 BID-website development Inv:100219 140 BID -Jan 2010 comp updates Lorie Hafer/Alternative Thymes 0 8500 Inv:1 2000 BID-thursday fest,farmers mrkt Inv:100509 500 BID -personal expenses Inv:2 2000 BID-Thursday!Fest contract wrk Inv:3 2000 BID -independent contract work Inv:4 2000 BID-Thursday!Fest work Best Insurance 0 6508.64 Inv:061209 6408.64 insurance policy BID/KDA spcl Inv:CL2366756 100 BID: add\'I insured:Glacier Ban KALS FM 0 1197 Inv:073109 741 BID -ads Inv:083109 456 BID -ads Junkermier,Clark,Campanella,St 0 443.05 Inv:073109 443.05 BID -fees KDA 0 3198.66 Inv:121809 3198.66 Thu rsdayFest!booth rental William & Jana Goodman 0 1395.38 Inv:060309 95.38 reimburse brochure holder purc Inv:062509 1300 BID -reimburse purchases Kalispell Downtown Association 0 4128 Inv:041612 600 music for winterfest concerts Inv:081909 3528 BID -Christmas garland The MT Concierge 0 150 Inv:011409BID 150 research/compile car bike club Designworks Graphic Design 0 900 Inv:050609 900 develop logo downtown business Hanna Bjornson 0 142.5 Inv:062509 142.5 BID -reimburse Thursday!Fest po Mike McFarland 0 300 Inv:070109 300 BID-Thursday!Fest 7/2/09 Lost and Found 0 200 Inv:070809 200 BID-Thursday!Fest 7/9/09 New Castle Electric, Inc 0 62.47 Inv:2466 62.47 BID -conduit Melanie Cross 0 244 Inv:041112 122 reimburse banner purchase Inv:070209 122 BID -reimburse banner purchase Bitterroot Screen Printers 0 1916.9 Inv:062909 1674.9 BID-ThursdayFest banners Inv:3528 242 BID-ThursdayFest! securityt\'s Bee Broadcasting Radio Network 0 265.6 Inv:062609 265.6 BID -ads Rose Communications, Inc 0 1997.98 Inv:063009 132.8 BID -ads Inv:073109 398.4 BID -ads Inv:083109 935.58 BID -ads Inv:083109a 531.2 BID -ads Ryan Witt 0 300 Inv:073109 300 BID-ThursdayFest! 7/15/09 La Nota 0 300 Inv:080609 300 BID-ThursdayFest muscian 8/6 Tim Kilpatrick 0 300 Inv:082809 300 BID-ThursdayFest musician Blue Argon 0 300 Inv:082809 300 BID-ThursdayFest musician ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-354 0 80603.76 *** Grand Totals *** 0 80603.76 ANDRE FLOYD 0 1100 CHS MOUNTAIN WEST CO-OP 0 62.97 Chad Fadely 0 300 Petty Cash/Trsr - BID 0 754.35 DAILY INTER LAKE (DISPLAY) 0 1550 Law Office of Diane Conradi 0 13233.48 Flthd County GIS 0 177.75 Troy Evans 0 400 JIM SNELL 0 30 Hammer Hewitt & Jacobs PPLC 0 15506.78 INSTY-PRINTS 0 2970.45 KOFI 1180 AM Stereo 0 1572 NORTHWEST PORTABLES LLC 0 910 VISA VALLEY BANK 0 2093.3 Wild Geese Gardens 0 1022.5 FLTHD BEACON 0 2300 406 GRAPHICS LLC 0 3870 Lorie Hafer/Alternative Thymes 0 8500 Best Insurance 0 6508.64 KALS FM 0 1197 Junkermier,Clark,Campanella,St 0 443.05 KDA 0 3198.66 William & Jana Goodman 0 1395.38 Kalispell Downtown Association 0 4128 The MT Concierge 0 150 Designworks Graphic Design 0 900 Hanna Bjornson 0 142.5 Mike McFarland 0 300 Lost and Found 0 200 New Castle Electric, Inc 0 62.47 Melanie Cross 0 244 Bitterroot Screen Printers 0 1916.9 Bee Broadcasting Radio Network 0 265.6 Rose Communications, Inc 0 1997.98 Ryan Witt 0 300 La Nota 0 300 Tim Kilpatrick 0 300 Blue Argon 0 300 *** Grand Totals *** 0 80603.76 Line Item Name Invoice Description Vendor From: 07.01.2010 To: 06.30.2017 Amount Total 2700-490-470330-357 CONTRACTOR-TWITTER/FACEBOOK JENNIFER KELLY 0 5600 Inv:013114 200 jan facebook media posts Inv:022814 200 social media posts Inv:033013 200 social media posts Inv:043013 200 facebook social media posts Inv:053114 200 FACEBOOK SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Inv:062714 200 FACEBOOK SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Inv:073113 200 facebook media posts Inv:073114 200 JULY SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Inv:083114 200 FACEBOOK SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Inv:092814 200 SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Inv:09282014 200 SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Inv:092913 200 social media posts facebook Inv:100112 200 facebook social media posts Inv:100912 200 facebook social media posts Inv:103113 200 facebook social media posts Inv:11/27/13 200 facebook social media posts Inv:112414 200 FACEBOOK MEDIA POSTS Inv:12/31/2014 200 DECEMBER FACEBOOK Inv:120112 200 social media posts Inv:123112 200 facebook, social media posts Inv:123113 200 media posts Inv:13113 200 media updates Inv:22713 200 media updates Inv:33113 200 facebook, social media posts Inv:53013 200 media posts for kbid Inv:JULY 200 media posts Inv:JUNE 200 facebook, social media posts Inv:OCTOBER 200 facebook social media posts VISA VALLEY BANK 0 1498.56 Facebook 113.86 advertising Facebook 10 social media Plant Land 1336 hanging plants & baskets Facebook 38.7 social media FLTHD BEACON 0 10857.65 Inv:21338 850 Social Media, Marketing Jan 16 Inv:21409 850 Social Media, Marketing Feb 16 Inv:21535 19.49 Facebook - Historic Downtown Inv:21537 850 Social Media Marketing for Mar Inv:21585 850 Social Media Marketing for Apr Inv:21711 850 May 2016 Retainer Inv:21929 850 Marketing/Social Media June Inv:22028 850 July Marketing/Media Retainer Inv:22255 200 Social Media/Marketing Retaine Inv:22444 200 Social Media Retainer Nov Inv:22679 200 Social Media Retainer Dec 2016 Inv:22724 200 Social Media Retainer Jan 2017 Inv:22808 308.94 Social Media Retainer, FB Ads Inv:53874 229.32 FACEBOOK ADVERTISING APRIL Inv:54179 299.9 SOCIAL MEDIA RETAINER Inv:57115 650 Social Media - Monthly Inv:57615 650 Social Media - Monthly Inv:58306 650 Social Media - Monthly Inv:58762 650 Social Media Retainer Inv:59652 650 Social Media Monthly 406 GRAPHICS LLC 0 1175 Inv:100616 1175 Contract Work 5/2015-11/2015 T E Lewis 0 700 Inv:003 300 sponsorship and consulting Inv:007 400 sponsorship & consulting JULIUS MACKER 0 8537.5 Inv:010112 600 jan accoutn management Inv:020212 600 video production, twitter,blog Inv:03091 650 facebook, twitter management Inv:041612 600 facebook, twitter, blog posts Inv:050112 600 kali gets you glacier productn Inv:062612 250 commercial, modification Inv:063012 1637.5 facebook/blog/twitter/youtube Inv:070711 600 monthly facebook, twitter main Inv:081111 600 monthly facebook, twitter, blo Inv:090111 600 tv spot, audio/video;blog post Inv:101311 600 1 yr sponsorship blog spot Inv:110111 600 nov account maint-fb, twitter Inv:120111 600 dec account management Kalispell Downtown Association 0 400 Inv:MARCH2O15 400 SOCIAL MEDIA FLATHEAD BEACON ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-357 0 28768.71 *** Grand Totals *** 0 28768.71 JENNIFER KELLY 0 5600 VISA VALLEY BANK 0 1498.56 FLTHD BEACON 0 10857.65 406 GRAPHICS LLC 0 1175 T E Lewis 0 700 JULIUS MACKER 0 8537.5 Kalispell Downtown Association 0 400 *** Grand Totals *** 0 28768.71 BID VISA OFFICE SUPPLIES - PAPER/INK/FOLDERS/PENS/ETC. misc. 128.31 misc. 34.93 misc. 9.98 misc. 72.27 misc. 9.99 misc. 139.9 misc. 65.14 misc. 10.62 misc. 46.98 misc. 111.95 misc. 10.6 misc. 86.96 misc. 179.97 misc. 68.94 MISC. 28.98 misc. 45.55 misc. 63.95 misc. 129.98 INTERNET SECURITY SOFTWARE 84.99 INTERNET SECURITY SOFTWARE 99.99 COMPUTER DRIVER UPDATE 29.99 PRINTER 97.99 POSTAGE 65 POSTAGE 92 POSTAGE 49 POSTAGE 49 POSTAGE 56.35 POSTAGE 228.98 POSTAGE 187.5 POSTAGE 56 POSTAGE 33 1557.96 816.83 ADVERTISING FACEBOOK 84.91 FACEBOOK 221 FACEBOOK 13.68 FACEBOOK 30 FACEBOOK 44.37 FACEBOOK 61.3 FACEBOOK 45.63 FACEBOOK 38.7 LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER 954.26 LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER 936.65 GARDENING SUPPLIES/TOOLS 104.97 MISC. 64.14 misc. 252.95 misc. 12.47 MISC. 36.55 misc. 95.02 misc. 168.96 misc. 44.47 misc. 163.96 MISC. 22.98 misc. 114.98 misc. 62.1 SHIRTS FOR DOWNTOWN MAINT. PERSON 110 HAND TRUCK 139 GARDEN CART 119 2430.5 1511.55 PROMOTIONAL SUPPLIES/ITEMS ADMIT ONE PRODUCTS -TICKETS 230.3 SPLIT ROCK GIFT CERT. 20 TASTE OF KALISPELL BANNER/OTHER 210.44 COINS & CARATS GIFT CERT. 100 DOWNTOWN AMBASSADOR SHIRTS 64.95 WESTERN OUTDOORS GIFT CERT. 25 MT DOWNTOWN CONF. RAFFLE BASKET 91.83 FOLDING TABLES 1119.93 FLOWERS LAMP POST HANGING BASKETS 3000 PLANT BASKETS 2400 HANGING PLANTS - BASKETS 1336 HANGING PLANTS - BASKETS 3392 THURSDAY FESTT-SHIRTS/OTHER SUPPLIES 438 CLEANING SUPPLIES 120.78 5K RUN AWARDS 507.69 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 569 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 750 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 200 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 750 1862.45 10128 438 120.78 507.69 2269 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES QUALITY INN GREAT FALLS 173.42 MT GOVERNORS CONF. REG. 140 JORGENSONS INN & SUITES HELENA 179.62 8TH ANNUAL EC. UPDATE SEMINAR REG. 25 OUTLOOK SEMINAR REG. 80 2014 MT GOVERNORS CONF. REG. 140 HOLIDAY INN BILLINGS 258.66 HOLIDAY INN HELENA 233.12 BEST WESTERN HELENA 144.45 MT GOVERNORS CONF. REG. 160 HOWARD JOHNSON HELENA 152.64 BEST WESTERN HELENA 136.89 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS/DECORATIONS misc. 159.89 misc. 918.62 misc. 383.68 misc. 119.9 misc. 195.72 misc. 219.67 COMMUNICATION DROPBOX 99 DROPBOX 99 DROPBOX 99 DROPBOX 99 1823.8 1997.48 396 WAY FINDING SIGNS 2440.25 2440.25 28300.29 Line Item Name Invoice Description From: 07.01.2009 To: 06.30.2017 Amount 2700-490-470330-345 CELL PHONE CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 Inv:010317 64.77 Contract, Office Rent, Cell Inv:010413 68.71 misc duties per contract Inv:030915 64.77 CONTRACT MARCH 2O15 Inv:040512 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:060616 64.77 Contract, Office Rent, Phone Inv:070116 64.77 Contract July 2016 Rent, Phone Inv:080315 64.77 AUGUST 2015 Inv:090915 64.77 MISC DUTIES PER CONTRACT Inv:100416 64.77 Contract, Office Rent, Phone Inv:100715 64.77 Misc Duties, Rent, Cell phone Inv:1009 70.24 BID-misc duties per contract Inv:1014 69.98 milage, cell phone Inv:1016 164.03 misc duties per contract Inv:1022 69.98 misc duties per contract Inv:1025 35.13 misc duties per contract Inv:1033 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1037 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1038 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1040 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1045 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1047 67.76 misc dues per contract Inv:1050 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1053 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1055 67.76 misc dues per contract Inv:1058 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1060 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1062 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:1066 68.71 misc duties per contract Inv:1070 68.71 duties per contrct, rent, phon Inv:1073 68.71 misc duties per contract Inv:1075 68.71 duties per contract, phone Inv:1077 68.71 duties per contract, phone Inv:1084 68.71 misc duties per contract Inv:1086 68.71 misc. duties/july rent / cell Inv:1088 68.71 misc. duties; office rent,cell Inv:1091 68.71 duties per contract, rent Inv:1092 68.71 misc. duties, rent, phone Inv:1096 68.71 duties per contract, phone Inv:1098 68.71 misc duties, rent, phone Inv:110112 68.71 misc duties per contract Inv:120711 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:13643 67.76 misc duties per contract Inv:2000 68.71 duties per contract, rent Inv:2003 68.71 duties per contract, rent Inv:2004 64.77 misc duties, rent, phone Inv:2008 64.77 misc duties per contract, rent Vendor Total 4856.84 Inv:2010 64.77 duties per contract, travel, Inv:2011 64.77 duties, rent, phone Inv:2013 64.77 OFFICE RENT CELL PHONE Inv:2016 64.77 DUTIES PER CONTRACT AUG 2014 Inv:2018 64.77 OFFICE RENT AUGUST Inv:2021 64.77 OFFICE RENT AUG, CELL PHONE Inv:2023 64.77 OFFICE RENT, PHONE Inv:2026 64.77 CONTRACT DECEMBER 2014 Inv:2028 64.77 CONTRACT JAN Inv:2030 64.77 FEB 2015 CONTRACT Inv:2035 64.77 MARCH 2O15 CONTRACT Inv:2036 64.77 MAY 2015 CONTRACT Inv:2038 64.77 JUNE 2015 Inv:2042 64.77 CONTRACT JULY 2015 Inv:2049 64.77 Office Rent, Phone, Contract Inv:2051 64.77 Contract, Office Rent, Phone Inv:2053 64.77 Contract, Office Rent, Phone Inv:2055-1 64.77 Contract Feb 2016 Inv:2056 64.77 Contract March 2016 Inv:2060 64.77 April Contract, Phone, Rent Inv:2062 64.77 Contract, Rent, Phone Inv:2069 64.77 Contract, Rent, Phone Inv:2070 64.77 Contract Sept 2016 Inv:2074 64.77 Contract, Rent, Cell Phone Inv:2075 64.77 Contract, Rent, Phone Inv:2078 64.77 Contract, Office Rent, Phone ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-345 0 4856.84 2700-490-470330-355 FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 13643 CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 40 Inv:1096 40 REIMB. MT WEST EC DEV MEETING ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-355 0 40 2700-490-470330-364 CLEANING/FLOWERS CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 148.84 Inv:1079 99.99 reimburse purchase -roundup Inv:2010 39.27 remb. Broom/keys for strorage Inv:2011 9.58 reimb. Zip ties for flower pots ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-364 0 148.84 2700-490-470330-365 ADVERTISING/PUBLICATIONS CARBONARI ASSOCIATES, INC 0 615.75 Inv:1073 40 reimb. For (2) gift certs. Inv:109 575.75 WOODEN NICKELS ** Totals ** 2700-490-470330-365 0 615.75 Kalispell Business Improvement District P. O. Box 1997 Kalispell, Mt. 59903 Fit: A Nil (406) 253-6923 DOWNTOWN MMUSPLLL Mayor Johnson and City Council members, We wish to thank you for the opportunity to answer some of your questions from the work session of February 27. Your Finance Director has reviewed and provided you a break out listing of KBID expenditures as per your request. The expenditures have been reviewed and don't appear to need further explanation. If you have any questions on the information, we are prepared to answer them. We believe that you will find everything in order. For your review, we have attached a listing of all FaVade Improvement grants, the year in which they were authorized and completed, the amount of the grant & private investment. A new column was added to clearly delineate grants that were authorized to board members current or past. Once again, when the program was developed in 2013 letters were sent to the property owners within the district, the program was added to our downtown website and there was an article in the Daily Interlake explaining the program. Beginning in 2013 through 2016 the KBID has awarded 18 Facade Improvement grants totaling a little over $58,000. This has stimulated owner investment of $146,265 for a total investment of $204,000. The goal of the program is designed to provide an incentive for private sector improvement of commercial buildings downtown. Everyone wins with property values being maintained and increased within the district. The KBID Board awarded 5 grants to sitting board members however no one who qualified for a grant has been turned down for a grant other than one property that was turned down because they were out of the district and another was a request by the Imagination IF Library who was turned down because they are not a contributing property to the district. Board members are contributing members of the District and should be entitled to apply for a grant if funds are available, just like any contributing member of the District. Fagade grant files for the 18 approved grants are available in the City Manager's office for council review if you desire. Additionally, we were asked about bylaws. The Business Improvement District is created through Montana Code and it is the boards belief that there was no need for additional "by laws" as MCA covers the organizational structure and work of the KBID. Finally, we were asked to comment on a vision, future projects, goals and projected expenses. You should have received an email from Jon Fetveit, Chairman of the KBID regarding the vision and work plan. In the email Mr. Fetveit stated; "The Board would like you to know that we have been working with the City of Kalispell Planning Department to define and document a long term vision for downtown Kalispell. KBID board members and other downtown property owners have been solicited for feedback and ideas to be included in this planning document." The latest draft on which we provided input would be the best source of this information. A copy of the planning document vision is attached. We believe that a vision for Downtown is a collective process and must include city leaders, property owners, business owners and residents. Below please see the current Vision, Mission and Purpose. Mission Statement: To promote and foster economic growth and stability within the Business Improvement District while preserving Downtown Kalispell's rich historic and cultural identity. Vision Statement: By preserving historic charm, fostering growth, promoting a sense of community and improving image, Downtown Kalispell will develop into an attractive location for investors, property owners, business owners, and residents, and become a destination point for visitors. Purpose: To accomplish its vision of creating a vibrant and dynamic business district the KBID will: -Build effective partnerships with businesses, institutions, property owners and city government to maintain a clean and safe community. -Attract, retain and promote quality businesses and retail segments to support our local economy. -Promote Kalispell as a renowned destination point with a business, retail and institutional mix offering unique products, services and events. -Coordinate programs designed to promote Kalispell as the preferred place to shop, work, learn and live. With regards to the budget, Mr. Fetveit wrote, "we believe that creating and distributing a long-term detailed budget for the KBID would be inappropriate. A new board will be responsible for the KBID budget in the coming years and they may significantly change their work plan over time to be as effective as possible with limited funds. The existing KBID board has attached a draft budget for 2017/2018 to hand off to the new board. " He continued in the email to state, "The property owners in the district signed petitions with the understanding that the KBID will be maintaining most of the same programs and services provided over the past few years. We have also communicated proposed goals and direction for the new KBID in several documents that were sent to the property owners and provided to the council. With the expansion, the KBID assessments would be increasing from approximately $75,000 this fiscal year to $115,000 next fiscal year. Funding for new projects and programs must be carefully allocated from year to year as the dollars available for such programs are not great. We expect the new KBID will continue to seek and utilize outside grants as available, and work with the City of Kalispell and other organizations on new projects to find funding to accomplish the work." With the proposed new budget for review by a new KBID board for 2017/2018 you will find an increase in line item 353 which is other contract staff. The increased amount will allow for an additional part time person to assist a full time person with maintenance of the district. We believe that the Downtown Ambassador is an important role in the district and it is our hope that the new board will extend the service to the expanded area of the district. There is also an increase in line item 352. Our goal would be to develop an online marketing resource for properties within the district and create the ability on our web site to track and market downtown vacancies. Line item 364 has also been increased to allow for additional flowers in some of the new expanded boundaries. Line item 351 is better titled projects. FUTURE Projects and Goals that will be proposed to anew KBID board are listed below. It is our belief that planning and lobbying efforts are extremely important and is reflected in the list. • Work with the City of Kalispell to review parking downtown and determine the feasibility of diagonal parking on side streets to allow for additional parking spots and/or parking garage or additional lots and discover funding opportunities • Develop a pedestrian and bike friendly downtown with bike lanes and bike racks • Pursue grant opportunities for bike racks • Farade Improvement program continued • Provide a training for KBID members with regards to on-line marketing and the use of social media • Advocate for legislative change with the State alcohol quota system • Complete the Downtown Plan with city planners and advocate for adoption • Increase the Downtown Ambassador program to include the enlarged district • Strongly advocate for the KBID regarding transportation issues • Develop more effective lines of communication with all property owners in the district through email and other channels so we can report on activities and collect feedback and new ideas • Centralizing and funding efforts to attract new businesses and fill vacancies • Pursue creative alternatives to allow more entertainment, restaurants and bars to succeed downtown • Work with the City of Kalispell and Montana West Economic Development to study and evaluate the opportunities for the renovation of the Opera House as a possible event venue • Continue on -going efforts to support events downtown • Create a stronger awareness about how the KBID can advocate for downtown businesses with city hall It is important to remember that the KBID is a self -directed economic development effort by and for the property owners of downtown Kalispell. The efforts of the KBID have been critical to the improvements we've seen in the entire downtown area. Every property owner in the district benefits when the area thrives economically and socially. The boundary of the KBID was expanded by the board of directors, to recognize and include properties that fully represent what constitutes downtown Kalispell. A strong downtown district benefits everyone within the district by programs that help to maintain property values and promotes Kalispell as a unique business and residential environment. Again, thank you for the opportunity to respond to your questions. We remain available to answer any further questions and hope that we can move this process forward. Best regards, The Kalispell Business Improvement District Board of Directors A .m n O d E } O N > v in c V A O u V Ftf p LL_ � Ln c w = p 7 M v E L6 LA u Ln O U E N .D cC " eC ,p y i^[00 O 7 O .D 5 E N cOn N C O C N ^ E E a 3 o �o O E o o w o cd � 7 w w e c 3 b� E b,u y °3 xcz a a� ti. ❑ C y Q C c. O w ti C 'O ..C. 4. �' CC od)Qclii w U y 'Q b .� n -5 v o �o •C� o GJ E q a� N w = E ?o a ao.� o y y o FE 3 c ,°0 cD 4-•a y- ' cD a gocd o °U Ci Cp C3 cd ou y o -S c O L y po W w 0� cV ca � O" s O C -� � 3 G FO C7 w0 w 3 •� O R. o p C, t N pcls "T. 3 " °n co c �'b o'�aci oE� ���� G�w �> °qcd .c U a c'a o. U E p O O N Ccu v c; O cu y "3 cw C. w e 3 x c o x b 3 cu O .b '3 c E 7g ccd y O oiwo f, C C C O C 'c+- y c 3 C .�G 0 0 a n 0 y aQ cd o cca K 3 a�i ai al y ° wb U cCi .i oq O rr H U O O 7 y .w C. C In fD c o o w cEd b d cOi p bg C4, +O+ p U p O O O~ To 0, O vo b F+ y .o 00ao o y x o� Cr o w ti o w w C y 0.0 oGu as o °' O L> c a o o °8a�i iv °on oa o oc awc °'•Q S eT oy o o v Q❑ c; C Qn w c�o>'oc��° i� v •C7 aT+ O �.2 O O p '� O O O �• N u o as 'o °EcD ^' o c o an -c o o ° w o ai T a o ° o '� y C o c 3L cl 3 0 =y � a abS a� y [ b Eo �-a) N E o n E= °a"o❑ h d E 3 c00 H. E c0a c� G N Q> w : \ \ u < R .2 ]2 E \k2 k\2 \\c .Ek \ 2 § 2\ƒ% _aoo 12 2 :22f $ / 0 \2,= 2tft &tut e., �$f\ ° a§ .E- E K�2Jk k\�\ t! &22q �: _• 2$/\ t§ea /A2t @@E� 2==� / c 2U0 E \ � k k c§= a E 2 ? 3 p �Ef� \k\� j k d 14 Sjo \ ¥ § 55/8 k/\\ (k� \ \/\) •��te }\/ƒ \ 3 C�4 THE DOWNTOWN PLAN: "The world we have created today as a result of our thinking thus far has problems which cannot be solved by thinking the way we thought when we created them." - Aibert Einstein, scientist (1879-1955) The Vision: .Downtown Kalispell will be a vibrant place to live, work, shop, dine and visit amongst beautiful historic buildings and landscaped streets. A well -maintained municipal infrastructure will provide essential services to business and residents while allowing for the redevelopment of existing buildings and shape the location and density of future development. Planning policies and effective leadership will protect downtown's heritage while accommodating new development that creates a thriving economy which harmonizes with its surroundings. 3 The Values: Why is Downtown Kalispell valuable and in need of special consideration? Because Downtown Kalispell is the heart of the city and having a healthy heart is essential to having a strong city. The following is a list of reasons why Downtown Kalispell is valuable and worthy of special consideration. 1) Downtown provides a sense of community and place - What draws people to downtown, i.e. - restaurants, events, Main Street, historic buildings, employment, art, etc. 2) Downtown reflects how the community sees itself - Is it healthy and viable, or does it represent local disinterest and failure? 3) Downtown is the historic core of the community - Historic buildings highlight the community's heritage. 4) Downtown is a prominent employment center - Downtown is a major employment area within the city. 5) Downtown includes many independently owned businesses - Includes many family owned businesses that support one another. 6) Downtown is a significant portion of the city's tax base - Downtown generates more tax revenue per acre than any area of the city. 7) Downtown is an indispensable shopping and service center - Offers unique retail and service opportunities. 8) Downtown is a major tourist draw - Travelers want to see unique places and local treasures such as Downtown Kalispell. 9) Downtown is the government center - City Hall, City Police and Fire, County Administration, County Courthouse and U.S. Post Office are all located within the downtown boundary. 4 Vision and Values Coming Together: American downtowns from all areas and of all different sizes have been experiencing a renaissance. More people are seeking an active, exciting environment with abundant retail and cultural opportunities that downtowns can provide. Successful downtowns have an urban landscape that includes historic population centers that demonstrate an urban development pattern of grid streets and alleys. These places serve as centers for commerce, civic, and cultural activities for the surrounding area. They have a pedestrian -orientation with sidewalk systems. Fortunately, Downtown Kalispell contains all of the common features associated with a successful downtown. The goal of this plan is to enhance those features so that Downtown Kalispell can achieve its full potential by year 2035. BY THE YEAR 2035, DOWNTOWN KALISPELL WILL BE MORE VIBRANT THAN IT IS TODAY THANKS TO A GREATER VARIETY AND NUMBER OF RESTAURANTS, NICHE RETAIL STORES, HOUSING, AND A PERFORMING ARTS VENUE THAT GIVE PEOPLE REASONS TO COME TO DOWNTOWN. MAIN STREET WILL BE MADE MORE PEDESTRI_AN FRIENDLY BY INCORPORATING WIDER SIDEWALKS, OUTDOOR GATHERING SPACES, PUBLIC ART, STREET LANDSCAPING AND STREET TREES, NARROWED PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS, REDUCED DRIVING LANES AND CONVENIENT ANGULAR PARKING. BLOCK FACES WOULD BE VOID OF ANY EMPTY SPACES OR PARKING LOTS. A MIX OF ACTIVITY WILL BE OUT ON THE PUBLIC WAY SUCH AS MERCHANDISE DISPLAY AND SIDEWALK CAFE ACTIVITY INCLUDING SUCH FEATURES AS PARKLETS POCKET PARKS AND THE LIKE. )0, DOWNTOWN WILL BE A DESTINATION THAT ATTRACTS AND APPEALS TO LOCALS AND TOURISTS RATHER THAN A DRIVE THROUGH TOWN. ➢ DOWNTOWN WILL ANCHOR THE CORE AREA TO THE NORTH. THERE WILL BE A FLOW OF PEOPLE USING THE EAST -WEST TRAIL SYSTEM IN THE CORE AREA THAT ENTER THE DOWNTOWN AND ENJOY ITS UNIQUENESS. 5 A CONSISTENT THEME/CHARACTER OF THE DOWNTOWN REFLECTING ITS UNIQUE HISTORIC QUALITIES WOULD BE USED. DOWNTOWN STOREFRONTS WOULD NOT HAVE ANY VOID SPACES AND ALL OF THE BUILDINGS WOULD BE FULLY UTILIZED. > DOWNTOWN'S PARKING WILL BE SEEN AS CONVENIENT AND AVAILABLE. DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS AND EMPLOYEES WOULD NOT PARK IN SPACES THAT ARE MOST CONVENIENT TO CUSTOMERS. THERE WILL BE ADEQUATE PARKING TO SERVE THE NEEDS OF BUSINESS, RESTAURANTS, EMPLOYEES AND RESIDENTS. Dovvy .t own XalaspelR in 2035 will be: a ANCHORED BY MAIN STREET WHERE THERE'S A LOT OF ACTION, THAT IS VIBRANT WITH LOCAL PEOPLE AND ATTRACTIVE TO TOURISTS, AND THAT ONE CAN ENJOY DAY AND EVENING BECAUSE BUSINESSES ARE REGULARLY OPEN INTO THE EVENING HOURS. A PEDESTRIAN -FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT THAT ENCOURAGES VISITORS AND RESIDENTS TO UTILIZE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS. A BIKE -FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT WITH SAFE ROUTES FOR BIKES AND AVAILABLE BIDE RACKS TO ENCOURAGE BICYCLISTS TO STAY DOWNTOWN. A SAFE AND CLEAN DOWNTOWN THAT HAS BEEN MADE BEAUTIFUL WITH FLOWERS, TREES, COLOR, AND ART. A HISTORIC, QUAINT, CHARMING, AND INDIVIDUALISTIC DOWNTOWN THAT IS BUSY, CONVENIENT, AND PROSPEROUS. A DOWNTOWN HAVING A CLEAR PERSONALITY AND MIX OF RETAIL, FOOD, OFFICE, ART, HOUSING AND ENTERTAINMENT. o A DOWNTOWN THAT HAS A VARIETY OF BUSINESS, IS THE CULTURAL HUB OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, AND THAT SERVES THE ENTIRE FLATHEAD VALLEY. BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND: 2700-490-47033 0 EXPENDITURE DETAIL/SUMMARY Proposed BUDGET BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 PROGRAM: STAFFING: 349 Mileage/Supplies/Conferences/ Rent $5,500 $5,500 350 Contract staff- coordinator $30,000 $30,000 353 Contract staff- other- (1 FT & I PT) $20,000 $35,000 IMPROVEMENTS: 244 Way finding signs $0 $0 COMMUNICATIONS: 322 Newsletter $350 $350 345 Cell Phone/Wireless $800 $800 352 Web Site Development/logo $2,000 $4,000 357 Social Media & on line marketing $10,200 $6,000 DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY: 351 Development Activity: Contract services $5,000 $7,600 355 Fagade Improvement Program $10,000 $10,000 365 Advertising/Publications $0 $500 366 Sponsorship/Events $2,000 $2,000 530 Insurance $7,500 $7,500 TOURISM: 356 Printing $0 $0 BEAUTIFICATION: 360 Art $1,000 $0 364 Cleaning & Flowers $4,350 $6,000 522 Administrative Transfer - City of Kalispell $4,688 $4,700 Total Budget $103,388 $119,950 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND: 2700-49 0-47 03 3 0 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating Total Cash REVENUES 363010 Assessments 311100 Levy 312000 Penalty & Interest 334015 Mt. Main Street Project Grant 335230 Class 8 PP Reimb. 363040 Pen & Int. on Spec. Assess. 365000 Reimbursement/Contributions $371,010 Interest Total Revenue EXPENSES Operating ENDING CASH CASH: Operating Proposed BUDGET BUDGET FY16/17 FY17118 $26,613 $0 $26,613 $0 $23,500 $41,450 $52,000 $74,500 $100 $0 $7,500 $0 S640 $0 $0 $0 $3,750 $3,750 $250 $250 $87,740 $119,950 $103,388 $119,950 ($10,965) $0 DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WAS CREATED May 17, 2004 by Resolution 4891A adopting a budget and providing funding through a mill levy and assessment combination. N M O rl Ll) Ln �o TT N en O ko LLM N 00 H ® O � 't 00 O O ^ M r4 rIjlD � ON N 1-4p ei t/} i!} � O h c9 Ln m 00 Ol O O O rN L, -1 O Lr M L71 N cn o AA- Ln -1 00 00 CD O � M M lD N O lD U) M N O N N O N VF kA 00 O O M r' O r M O M lD M rj Ln h m N i./} iI? 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C m C �_c' -C Q O V C7 F w- 6 N O d a) 3 m J V' w_ z j V m Q N p al i a m .0 O_ 0 O 0 0 w c C a N N O- O 00 p t Ua C,6 J a .0 O m c o t a t m 0 m v p 2 ai m .x T m O o Z Q LL — 0 (7 to 00 Q Q (7 Y 00 � ") , F (7 — 1 V KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The Kalispell Business Improvement District Fagade Improvement Grant (FIG) program is designed to provide an incentive for private sector improvement of commercial buildings in the Downtown Business Improvement District (KBID). The FIG program aims to make revitalization efforts affordable by providing matching grant funds up to $5000. The program is geared towards facade projects that protect the historic integrity of the building and improve the overall appearance of the downtown area. The following guidelines are intended to be used in the structuring of facade improvement grants. The FIG program is funded by the Kalispell Business Improvement District (KBID). GENERAL PROVISIONS Purpose The purpose of the policies and procedures contained within this manual is to present the criteria which govern the facade improvement activities assisted with funds made available through the KBID FIG program. Objectives Fa4ade improvement activities assisted with funds made available through the FIG program are intended to meet the following objectives: To encourage the leveraging of new private investment into Downtown Kalispell in the form of fixed asset investment, particularly related to exterior building improvements. To preserve, enhance and restore the historical and architecture significance of buildings in Downtown Kalispell. To perpetuate a positive and proactive business climate in Downtown Kalispell that encourages the revitalization of buildings and supports business improvement. Amendments and Modifications The KBID may from time to time amend the provisions imposed by the policies and procedures contained within this manual. ADMINISTRATION 1. KBID can establish a facade grant review committee, consisting of two members. The members can be either members of the KBID board of directors, or the City of Kalispell architectural review committee, or community members with design experience. Members of the committee shall be approved by the KBID board of directors and the KBID coordinator. 2. The committee will have the authority to review, select and recommend grant applications for approval of the KBID board of directors. 3. Grant applications will be evaluated based on a clear and documented set of criteria including: a. Impact — Overall impact of the project on the Kalispell Business Improvement District. Are inappropriate design elements removed? Will the project eliminate what was previously a liability for the district? Does the project seek to restore the historical or architectural significance of the building? b. Financial Leverage — Projects that leverage more private investment will be graded higher than those seeking the maximum match. c. Cost/Schedule — Is the project feasible from a cost and schedule point of view? d. Sustainability/Permanence — How permanent are the improvements (signs are more changeable than new glazing, for example) and is there a maintenance plan for improvements? Does the business own the building? If not, how much time remains on the lease? e. Community Contribution - Is the applicant a good neighbor? Is the area around the business kept clean and free of debris on a consistent basis? Does the business participate in organized Downtown Kalispell promotions or other community based activities? Does the applicant actively promote downtown Kalispell and their own business? 4. Committee members will be selected at the beginning of each round of grant funding and will serve for the entire round. Committee members may serve for multiple rounds. 5. The FIG program shall be administered by the KBID Coordinator who shall be known as the "Administrator". The Administrator shall explain the FIG program to prospective applicants, provide written information, assist applicants in completing applications, and process requests for funding. 6 In the event there is a conflict of interest between a committee member and a particular grant application, an alternate committee member will be appointed by the Administrator to review the application. 7. The Administrator shall be responsible for the maintenance of all other records for the FIG program and report annually to the KBID regarding use of FIG funds. 8. KBID reserves the right to cancel a grant agreement in the event of failure to comply with this agreement. Meetings Meetings of the fa4ade grant committee shall be held on an as -needed basis. All committee members shall be given reasonable prior notice of each meeting. A majority of the committee in attendance at a meeting constituting a quorum shall be required for official committee action. Official actions must have the support of the majority of the total committee. Records • Written records of all program activities, including program inquiries, program meetings, grant applications, annual reports, and other documents, shall be properly maintained. All files shall be kept at the KBID Office, 14 3rd St. E., Suite 260, Kalispell, Mt. 59901, with limited access by authorized personnel. Each grant applicant should have a file containing the following minimum information: • Initial notes from Administrator indicating proposed project meets key criteria • Application form with supporting documentation and correspondence Copy of committee minutes summarizing the action taken on the grant request • Each grant recipient should have a file containing the above information plus: Copy of grant agreement • Grantee's project schedule • Site visit notes • Photographs of completed project ELIGIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS Eligible Area • The area served by the FIG program is the Downtown Kalispell Business Improvement District (KBID) shown on Map 1. (Shaded inside area) Eligible Applicants • Applications may be submitted by a property owner or tenant within the area shown on Map 1. • Tenants must provide proof of lease authority or a written statement declaring the property owner's agreement to the improvements. • Tenants must have at least two years remaining on their lease or an option to renew. • Properties must be commercial or residential properties turning commercial. • Applicants shall not be disqualified based on age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, development disability, sexual orientation or national origin. Eligible Activities Grants shall be available to eligible applicants for the following activities: • Store signage (new and rehabilitating existing and historic signage) Removal of inappropriate or out-of- date signage • Awnings — repair or installation • Rehabilitation or compatible reconstruction of storefronts • Removing non -historic elements from building facades • Removal of metal siding and exterior slip covers (surfaces) Exterior cleaning, painting and/or paint removal • Masonry repair and repainting • Repair and replacement of architectural details or materials • Window repair or in certain cases replacement • Restoration or replacement of deteriorated or hazardous sidewalks • Improvements to backs of buildings are eligible if done in conjunction with a front facade improvement or if the front facade is already considered satisfactory according to program guidelines. Ineligible Activities Program grants shall not be available for the following activities: • Improvements made prior to grant approval. • Interior rehabilitation unless it is essential to rehabilitate the building's fagade • Interior decoration • Refinancing of existing debt • Inventory and equipment • Sweat equity (payments for applicant's own labor) although building materials/supplies are eligible for funding if the applicant does not use an outside contractor • General business operations expenses (payroll, taxes, utilities, etc.) Minimum Requirements To be eligible for funding, a proposed project must meet all of the following minimum requirements: • Private Funds Leveraged. The applicant must leverage a minimum of one dollar ($1.00) of private funds for every one dollar ($1.00) of grant funds requested. • Historic Preservation. One of the objectives of the FIG program is to preserve the historical character of buildings in the KBID. Exterior renovations shall to the extent practical, preserve and promote the significant architectural and historic features of the building. • Compliance with Applicable Laws. Applicants shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and codes. • Project Completion. Projects must begin within three (3) months of grant approval and be completed within six (6) months of grant approval. Signage and awning projects must be completed within three (3) months of approval. Extensions may be requested depending on the scope of the project. Building Design Requirements One of the objectives of the FIG program is to preserve the historical character of buildings in the Downtown area. • Exterior renovations shall to the extent practical, preserve and promote the significant architectural and historic features of the building. • All construction work shall comply with applicable local, state and federal building codes. • The program is geared towards fagade projects that protect the historic integrity of the building and improve the overall appearance of the downtown area. • The goal is to return the building facades in the downtown area to their appearance following their initial construction; however, it is recognized that some buildings may have a different period of architectural significance that supersedes the original construction appearance. • Ideal projects will retain or repair original features and use historic materials. For example, installation of vinyl siding would not be funded but the repair and repainting of original wood siding would. • Projects should draw upon the history and architecture of the building while still reflecting the current use. • The goal is not to try to recreate some past time in the history of Kalispell; instead, it is to draw upon the architectural and historic distinctiveness of the downtown as a means to enhance its value. • Creative new uses for existing building stock will be strongly encouraged, as well as modern yet compatible awnings, signage, lighting and other fixtures to enhance the appearance of storefronts and downtown. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Minimum standards shall include the following: • Loan amounts are subject to the availability of program funds but shall not exceed $5000. The facade grant committee has the authority to recommend award of grants exceeding the $5000 maximum if a project is deemed especially beneficial to the FIG program objectives • Grantees will be required to sign a grant agreement (Exhibit A) guaranteeing the project will be completed according to the details included on the grant application and approved by the Facade Grant Committee and KBID Board of Directors. • Grants will be paid in a lump sum at the end of the project as a reimbursement of costs incurred. APPLICATION PROCEDURES • Discussion of requirements prior to submitting an application. Interested parties will be directed to contact the Administrator to propose a project. • The Administrator will review the project to determine if it meets key project criteria. If so, the interested party will be asked to fill out an application and a facade grant committee meeting will be scheduled within 30 days. • Timing - The program will have a continual application period based on "rounds". Rounds begin with each new budget cycle beginning July 1 of each year. Subsequent rounds will be proposed based on program demand and available funding. Applications may be submitted at any time during a round. Priority Applications shall be reviewed in the order received and based on readiness for the proposed project to proceed. In the event that grant funds requested exceed available funds, the following criteria will be used to determine which projects will be awarded the grants: 1. Eligibility of the applicants. 2. Eligibility of the project to be undertaken. 3. The extent to which private funds are to be leveraged. 4. Size of the grant requested. 5. Timing of the proposed expenditures. 6. Completeness of the application. 7. Other factors as deemed appropriate. Grant Application Applicants shall submit an application using the form in Exhibit B which includes the following information: • Applicant Name • Applicant type — Property owner or tenant For tenants, permission letter from Property Owner or Lease proving lease authority For tenants, copy of lease showing two (2) years remaining or option to renew • Contact information for tenant and/or property owner including address, telephone number, fax number and email address • Type of improvement Two color photographs of project prior to improvement • Description of proposed improvement Sketches or drawings of proposed improvement including placement, color, dimensions and materials • Estimated total project cost • Dollar amount of grant request • Proposed start date • Estimated completion date • Description of additional work to interior or exterior Indication of interest in design assistance • Date and Signature of applicant Review Process 1. Preliminary Review. The Administrator will review the application for completeness and verify that the applicant is eligible and the proposed project meets minimum requirements. 2. Formal Review. The fagade grant cmittee will meet within 30 days of application verification to review the application and either recommend approval to the KBID board of directors or reject an award. If a fa4ade grant committee is not available the request will go before the board of directors. 3. Notice of Award. If the application is approved by the KBID board of directors either by email or at their next scheduled board meeting, the Administrator will contact the business owner to explain the terms of the grant and sign a grant agreement. 4. Rejection of Award. If the application is not approved, the Administrator will send a letter to the applicant stating the reasons for rejection and offer to meet with the applicant to explore ways to strengthen the grant request or to identify alternative funding sources. If an application is denied, a new application can be submitted at anytime. DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS Prior to releasing grant funds, the following documentation must be in place. 1. Notice of Award. The fagade grant committee must have reviewed and approved a complete application for an eligible applicant. 2. Grant Agreement. The Administrator shall prepare a grant agreement based on the example in Exhibit A and it shall be signed by grantee and Administrator. 3. Evidence of Permits, etc. Documentation shall be provided by the applicant that all necessary permits, licenses, and any other registrations required have been obtained by the applicant prior to the release of program funds. 4. Lien Waivers. Lien waivers must be submitted from all contractors and subcontractors. 5. Evidence of Program Expenditures. Documentation shall be provided by the business to evidence program expenditures prior to release of funds. Documentation shall include bills and invoices or receipts for materials, final bills of sale or canceled checks. All documentation shall be reviewed and approved by the Administrator. 6. Inspection. The Administrator shall perform a visual inspection to ensure that project activities were completed per the grant agreement. A photograph of the completed project will be filed. MAP 1 } w W WASHINGTON ST U) E WASHINGTON ST J Q Z } a w w z LLJw -i w HIGHWAY 2 J Q ,i W QUi w d a Q o w w Q o z z J J N w Q > Q E MONTANA ST DWY... _ w w a a a w w o c) J r w I N Q Q w r- w W E RAILROAD ST ro W CENTER ST E CENTER ST } w J w w 1STSTW w J 1STSTE J Q J J J } w Q a J a r 2ND ST W 2ND ST E J 3 3: w a w 'a w 'a Y w M (n w 'a ST E Nw �' I Q J w w ' o JJ a i w w Q w' M 4TH ST W 4TH ST Ea w p > o w' J STH ST W STH ST E N d Kalispell Business Improvement District is the shaded area in the middle of this map. Exhibit A Kalispell Business Improvement District FAr ADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT AGREEMENT A. Grantee agrees to complete the project as described in the application and approved by the KBIA board of directors. This grant may be used only for eligible project activities described in the Grantee's fagade improvement grant application and approved by the KBID board of directors. B. Grantee agrees to adhere to the project schedule requirements outlined in the program manual. C. Grantee agrees to preserve and promote the significant architectural and historic features of the building. D. Grantee agrees to provide additional information and documents as the KBID may request and allow KBID and its representatives to have reasonable access to the site for the purpose of evaluating the progress and completion of the project. E. Grantee agrees to comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and codes. F. Grantee agrees to maintain the property and improvement. G. Grantee agrees to allow the KBID to promote the project including, but not limited to, displaying a KBID logo sign at the site, during and after construction, and using photographs and descriptions of the project in KBID promotional materials or social media. H. The KBID reserves the right to withhold any payments to be made under this grant award if, in the KBID's sole discretion, such action is necessary: (1) because Grantee has not fully complied with the terms and conditions of the grant; (2) to protect the purpose and objectives of the grant; or (3) to comply with any law or regulation applicable to Grantee, to the KBID, or this grant. On behalf of Grantee, I understand and agree to the foregoing terms and conditions of the KBID grant, and hereby certify my authority to execute this agreement on Grantee's behalf. Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: On behalf of Grantor, I hereby agree to provide a fa4ade improvement grant based on the terms and conditions described above. Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: