Buffalo Commons PUD Ordinance 1401 - AmendmentORD I ANCE NO. 1401 AN ORDINANCE AMIENDING ORDINANCE NO* 1226 (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, BUFFALO COMMONS) BY AMENDING THE HEIGHT LIMIT FOR THE MEDICAL/PROFESSIONAL FACILITIES POD, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Le c 1 arat ions of Covenants,, Conditions, and Restrict ions , Buf falo commoris , (A) , (B) , ( ) , (D) and (E) , Section I, ordinance No. 1 2 6 , (Records of Flathead County, Doc. No, 95 7615080) were initially filed on January 26, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Declarations of Covenants_r Conditions, and Restrictions, Buffalo Commons, were modified on September 9, 2001, by the First Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (No. 2 o 0 0 , 7 3 11080, Records of Flathead County); and WHEREAS, Article IX, entitled Amendment, reads "This Declaration may be amended by an instrument signed by the owners of seventy-five percent (7 5 %-) of the land..."i and WHEREAS, Northwest Healthcare Corporation owns at least 75%r of the land of Buffalo Commons, Medical Prof es s ional Facilities , and desire to amend the Covenants. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of AL I S PELL , AS FOLLOWS SECTION That the Declarations of Covenants, Conditions r and restrict ions, Buf falo Commons, Article V1, , Section 2, Building Size, is hereby amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it as follows; Section 2. Bui,�l�cr Size. Each building or other structure shall be constructed, erected and maintained in strict accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Maximum building height shall be 35 feet, provJ ded that any hospital building height or structure may have a maximum building height not to exceed 60 feet., SECTION I I i All other parts and portions of ordinance No, 1226, not amended hereby, shall remain the same. E NC ORDINANCE NO, 1402 AN ORDINANCE .RELATING TO THE MODIFICATION OF THE LISPELL MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN ( THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN) TO APPROVE A CERTAIN PROJECT AS AN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council (the "Counc i 1 ft) of the City of Kalispell, Montana ( the "City") as follows-, Section 1. Recitals. The City by ordinance No. 933 (the "Ordinance") , passed and approved on September 10, 1979, created the Kalispell Montana Urban Renewal District as an urban renewal district (the uDistrict►►) and approved the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan (the "Plan,") for the District containing a tax increment financing provision as set forth in the ordinance, pursuant to Montana Code Annotated, Title 71 Chapter 15, Parts 42 and 43, as amended (the "Act") . Pursuant to the Act and the procedures contained in the Plan, the city has established the procedures for approving urban renewal projects from time to time. Pursuant to the Act and the procedures contained in the Plan, the City, in Resolution No. 4632, has set forth an intention to establish certain projects as urban renewal projects (the "Projects,,-,) , and modify the Plan accordingly, has given notice and conducted a public hearing with respect thereto. Section 2. 'Modification of Plan and Appal of Project. The City reconfirms the findings contained in Resolution No. 4632 and hereby approves the following project as an Urban Renewal Project and modifies the Plan accordingly: Assistance in the Building of a Health Department Facility+ The project consists of granting to Flathead City/County Health Department/Flathead Board of Counter Commissioners a sum not to exceed $ 5 o o , 0 0 o to assist in the construction of a new Health Department Facility within the Downtown Urban Renewal Area. Section 3. Findings. The Council hereby finds, with respect to the Project described in Section I hereof, as follows a t a workable and feasible plan exists for making available adequate housing for any persons who may be displaced by the Project; b . the Plan, as modified to include the Project, conforms to the comprehensive plan or parts thereof of the City; C. the Plan, as modified to include the Project, will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the needs of the City as a whole, for the 220 the Tax Increment Fund of the City, in proportions yet to he determined, for the purpose of financing all or a portion of the costs of the Project as set forth above; and ethe Project constitutes an urban renewal project within the meaning of the Act and the Plant Section 4. The Urban Renewal Project herein designated and approved may be modified by the City Council of the City of Kalispell if the Council determines by Resolution that an adjustment to a Project or Projects is required in the best interest of the City of Kalispell. Section 5. All actions of the City Council heretofore taken with respect to the Project herein designated, to the extent not inconsistent herewith, are ratified and confirmed. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect from and after 30 days of its passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. Section 7. Ap-Prova l of Pro ] e c t. 'This Council hereby approves , ratifies and confirms modification of the Plan to designate the Project as an urban renewal project within and under and to he undertaken pursuant to the Plan, and the Project is hereby approved. All actions of this Council heretofore taken with respect to the Project, to the extent not inconsistent herewith, are hereby ratified and confirmed. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED on first reading this 1 TH day of O TOE ER , 2001. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED on second reading this 5 TH day of NOVEMBER, 2 o 01. ATTEST; Theresa White City Clerk t h 0 A* ism. E . oha r s i Mayor ■