05/07/12 - Senior Corps WeekPROCLAMATION
WHEWF,AS, older Americans, bring a lifetime of skills and experience as parents, workers, and citizens that can be tapped
to meet challenges in our communities; and
WHF,,RIB P.'AS,, for more than four decades, Senior Corps, and its, three programs — RSVP, Senior Companions, and Foster
Grandparents -- have proven to be a highly effective way tau engage Arnericans, ages 55 and over in meeting national and
community needs; and
WH],,J?F!AS, Senior Corps volunteers provided more than 96.2 IllilliOD hours, of service last year by helping, to improve tile
lives of our most vulnerable citizens, strengthen our educational system, protect our environment, provide independent
living services, and contribute to our public safety; and
WHE'Rh,'AS, Senior Corps volunteers serve more than 65,fi00: non-profit, community, educational, and faith -based community
groups, nationwide; and
WIIE,RP,'AS,, Senior Corps Week is an opportunity to thank these volunteers for their service and to recognize the positive
impact and value they have in our communities and nation.
THE'RE,T,ORE Bk.1 .IT RESOLVED, that 1, Tamrni Fisher, Mayor of the, City of Kalispell,, do hereby proclaim the week of
May 7-1 1, 2012 as
and I urge all citizens, to, recognize Senior Corps volunteers, and programs for their valuable impact on our communities.
DATED this, 7th day of May, 20,12.
Tammi Fisher