03/07/10 - Girl Scout WeekPROCLAMATION WHEW S, March 7�;1,3, 201.1.0 rn.axks Girl Scout Week. as designated by G.Irt Scouts, of the USA, a moveni,ent. f6unded Ii.n. 191.2, by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah., Geoirgia.; and 41 WHEREAS, g.I.rI.s thrive thfough the, ded'Ication., tinie, a,.nd talent of GI.A. Scout. voluti-teer's dd-iffbirent backgrounds, abii .1i ;.ti , es,, and areas olf expertise;: an,d WHEREAS, through, Gill: Scouting's, mique leadership d,ev:eIoip.n,.1.e,n.t prograni,, gIrIs: deffii.iz lead.ershi!,p by i!,naking'. the world, a, befteri place, by, di scovef nigi, c(-d.i.n.g,: and taaking action, in the' at j,r communities., .id WHEREAS ting helps girls achieve III. I Girl Scou I I ewr pioten.,t]-al by imi,cre,asitng aware n-ess of'opportuni,ties emstent in the fields, of: math, science., spofts, tech.nology, and . oither prolfessziiona]. we is and WHEREAS more than 3; it Scout membier's nationwide are cel-ebratlingi 98 yearsi of thi:ls A,m.e,riicat,.i,1. tradjitiion. and welcolme girls, froirn: every background to J0.1.11. -he Sitate, of'Mointana, do hereby - NOW THEREFORE.'''d, Il Tammi. visher, Mayor ofthe, City- of'Ka,li-spell, I n, t. I I -ig has, made to suppoll thei leadership development of America s gifts -mid proudly appilaud the, commitment, G d, Scioutii of is the: week of March: 7 as A' i;h !,n. Kalispell, Montana:. Girl Scout Week DATED this 1-st day of Marich, 2011"). Tamm.1 Flsiher Mayor