12-14-16 Street Tree Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION
MEETING HELD December 14, 2016
Present: Members: Andrea Davidson, Dave Jones, Tony Nelson, Rick
Moore, Terry Richmond
Staff: Fred Bicha, & Lisa Simmer
The meeting was officially called to order at 4:00 pm by Dave Jones.
Agenda Topics:
Public Comment
Approval of November 2016 minutes
2017 Work Plan
Arbor Day Planning
Urban Forest Management Plan Update
Misc. Business
There was no public comment.
Public Comment
Approve Minutes
Members unanimously approved November 2016 minutes.
Current Business
2017 Program Development Grant
The group celebrated the announcement that Kalispell has been chosen for Program
Development Grant funding in the full amount asked for of $15,000 from DNRC. Dave Jones
noted that the grant application scored the highest in the state. Fred explained the three parts to
the grant application included pruning of hazardous trees, funding for a partial tree inventory
which is the start of the needed inventory update and a couple thousand dollars of grant money
would be utilized to host a tree worker training. Fred said the training will consist of bringing in
professional trainers in aerial lift, rigging and chainsaws. This training would be geared towards
arborist training. Dave explained the grant committee when reviewing applications is looking
for communities that are growing their urban forestry program and Kalispell's grant fit very well.
2017 Work Plan Development
Fred distributed copies of the information he compiled from committee input. Fred reviewed the
list with members, noting which items received the most support and which the least. The group
reviewed the list, discussing each item individually and prioritizing tasks and goals for the
upcoming year.
Members discussed the fact that they did not get all of the media/newspaper articles completed in
2016. All agreed this is a good project that they would like to continue making an effort to
complete. Dave suggested he has an article regarding planting and right tree right place that he
will pull out, dust off and run. Andrea suggested the group might consider submitting these
articles to publications other than the Daily Inter Lake and possibly to online publications.
Fred said and all members agreed that Arbor Day and Tree Cycle should always be kept on the
list as they are the staple projects.
Fred informed members of the dates of Northern Rockies Tree School, September 27, 28 & 29,
2017, in Billings to add to their calendars. Dave reviewed some of the typical topics you can
find at the school; arborist climbing and structure, pruning and methods of saving historic trees,
trees in urban settings, right tree right place, and the mental and physical benefits of trees.
The group discussed the pros and cons of the complied list of activities and decided their 2017
strategic plan should include:
1. Continue with Arbor Day Celebration.
2. Continue with Tree Cycle fall event.
3. Be part of a nonprofit night at Picnic In the Park promoting trees and the tree board.
• Tony took the lead.
4. Invite the public to a pruning workshop in the field with hands on pruning at Lawrence
• Dave took the lead with Rick and Terry assisting.
5. Insure the 50/50 trees are watered. Street Tree Board members distributing tree care and
watering information and talking with citizens who planted 50/50 trees.
• Rick to take the lead with all members assisting.
6. Develop curriculum about importance of trees and community parks that can be given to
teachers to integrate prior to Arbor Day.
• Barb to be lead.
7. Create an awards program for tree advocates in the community.
• Terry to take the lead.
8. Media articles, submit articles to local publications regarding tree care.
• Dave & Fred to take the lead.
9. Engage citizens and volunteers in tree maintenance. Working with the Master Gardeners
or like groups to adopt trees at specific locations. Volunteers to water and mulch trees
planted through grants, Arbor Day and 50150 plantings during dry months.
• Andrea took the lead on this project.
10. Volunteers to water downtown and young trees.
• Fred would like to work with Barb and Vik to get these trees watered.
Members voted unanimously to include these items in their 2017 work plan.
Misc. Business
Lisa asked members to fill out City of Kalispell volunteer forms for up to date information.
Urban Forest Management Plan — Fred quickly briefed the group on status of the plan, explaining
he was waiting for a new draft for review and editing. Fred said he expects one by Friday and
will review it quickly as it needs to be completed by the end of the year.
After thorough discussion, members decided they would host Arbor Day 2017 at the Kalispell
Youth Athletic Complex, unless construction plans prohibit it. Fred asked members to think up
ideas for a theme and bring them to the next meeting.
There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 5:06 pm.
Next meeting scheduled for January 11, 2017.
Minutes approved unanimously by the Street Tree Committee January 11, 2017.