11-29-16 Impact Fee Advisory Committee MinutesL'I-1''41�o L- . no MONT.4NA IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date: Tuesday November 29, 2016 4:04 -5:34 P.M Location: City Hall Council Chambers Attendees: Board members ❑ Jeff Zauner (Chair) ® Jason Mueller (Vice Chair) ® Justin Ahmann (Secretary) ® Blake Robinson ® Merna Terry ❑ Jim Cossitt ❑ Nancy Cunningham Others Present: ❑ Doug Russell ❑ Charlie Harball ® Susie Turner ® Terri Loudermilk ® Tom Gould (HDR) Public Comment: None Jason Mueller called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM Approval of Minutes Merna made a motion to approval the minutes of 4-28-15. Jason seconded. Motion approved. Introduction of members, role of IFAC, and Robert's Rules handout Susie Turner Presentation of City's overall stormwater program. MS4 permit, DEQ-8 (mention of changes ahead). Description of receiving water bodies metrics. Tom Gould Fundamental description of how the impact fee is calculated. Listing of potential stormwater projects. Key assumptions for draft analysis. Several committee members wanted clarification on why stormwater impact fees are charged if on -site controls are required. Old business None. Jason made a motion to adjourn at 5:34 PM. Date of next meeting: January 24, 2017 Respectfully Submitted by Justin Ahmann Page 1 of 1