01-23-17 Work Session Agenda and MaterialsCITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA Monday, January 23, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 201 First Avenue East A. CALL TO ORDER B. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Possible Amendments to the Permit Process and application for Parades, and Special Events, with or without Alcohol C. PUBLIC COMMENT Persons wishing to address the council are asked to do so at this time. Those addressing the council are requested to give their name and address for the record. Please limit comments to three minutes. D. CITY MANAGER, COUNCIL, AND MAYOR REPORTS E. ADJOURNMENT UPCOMING SCHEDULE / FOR YOUR INFORMATION Growth Policy Sub -Committee Meeting — January 24, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. — Conference Room Next Regular Meeting — February 6, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers Coffee with the Chief — February 8, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. — Sykes Diner, 202 2nd Avenue West Next Work Session — February 13, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers Reasonable accommodations will be made to enable individuals with disabilities to attend this meeting. Please notify the City Clerk at 758-7756. Watch regular City Council sessions live on Charter Cable Channel 190 or online at the Meetings on Demand tab at www.kalispell.com. Page 1 of 1 REPORT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Doug Russell, City Manager City Clerk's Office (406) 758-7756 cityclerk@kalispell.com P.O. Box 1997, 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, Montana, 59903 www.kalispell.com am Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk & Communications Manager Possible amendments to the permit process and application for Parades, and Special Events, with or without Alcohol MEETING DATE: January 23, 2017 Work Session BACKGROUND: In 2013, the City Council adopted code amendments to Kalispell Municipal Code 3-18, regulating the service and consumption of beer and wine on city owned property. These amendments provided a permit process for events at specifically listed city owned locations and for not -for -profit organizations wanting to hold events in a public street or right-of- way within the commercial district. Other amendments further augmented the permit process. At the time of these discussions, it was acknowledged that the permit process would likely need adjustments over time. In May, 2015, the City Council amended the municipal code related to alcohol consumption on public places modifying the locations for the sale and consumption of alcohol at Woodland Park and modifying the time frame for application materials to be submitted to the city for review. Questions have arisen whether all for profit events in the street or right-of-way should be automatically excluded from applying to serve alcohol. The City Council held a work session August 8, 2016, where staff recommended separating the alcohol addendum from the parade/special event permit, allowing for profit applicants to apply for alcohol permits, and cleaning up the language throughout section 3-18 of the code and the applications for the permit. At the work session, the City Council agreed that the alcohol addendum should be separated from the permit. Council members however are still debating whether the alcohol addendums should only be made available for not -for -profits or can be opened up for application by for profits, and whether or not the alcohol addendum should be administratively approved or Council approved. In November, 2016, another issue was brought forward regarding the December 21't to March 21st date restrictions related to the hockey rink and surrounding area at Woodland Park that is listed under code 3-18 2. B. 7. The Hockey Association requested an alcohol addendum for their annual Craft Brewers Festival and Hockey Tournament with a date outside of the allowed date range. The Hockey Association was denied the permit. They have since notified the city they would like Council to reconsider the date range to accommodate moving the tournament permanently to the first weekend in December. If Council would like to make this change, a simple date revision could be made to code 3-18 2. B. 7. with any of the following options. All of the following options for City Council consideration assume that the City Council has already agreed that the alcohol addendum should be separated from the parade/special event permit and be considered an alcohol permit. OR OR 1) Separate the alcohol addendum from the parade/special event permit adjusting the applications accordingly, but make no other changes in the code or the permit process. This would continue the practice of only allowing not -for -profits to apply for alcohol addendums within the street or right-of-way. As the code is currently written, the Hockaday, Conrad Mansion, Kalispell Chamber, and Central School Museum would need to begin applying for alcohol addendums every time they served alcohol at an event in order to come into compliance with the code. OR 2) Separate the alcohol addendum from the parade/special event permit making it an alcohol permit and change the approval process to administrative. 3) Separate the alcohol addendum from the parade/special event permit making it an alcohol permit, and allow for profit applicants to apply for alcohol permits, and continue the practice of City Council approval. This option would allow for profit organizations to apply for an alcohol permit for an event within the street or public right-of-way. The applicant would then be obligated to provide testimony that the event would benefit the community. Additional questions are proposed for the permit application, and the applicant would be expected to attend the City Council meeting when the application was considered. 4) Separate the alcohol addendum from the parade/special event permit making it an alcohol permit, and allow for profit applicants to apply for alcohol permits and change the approval process to administrative. AND In addition to deciding between the above options the Council may want to consider whether locations such as the Hockaday Center, the Conrad Mansion, The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce, and Central School Museum should be exempted from applying for an alcohol permit. These buildings are city property so are included in the list of locations able to apply for an alcohol permit, but they are not managed by the city. RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends that the City Council discuss these proposed options and direct staff as to which option(s) staff should bring forward as an Ordinance amending Section 3-18 of the Kalispell Municipal Code. ATTACHMENTS: Revised Municipal Code Section 3-18 with red strike -outs showing proposed options. OPTION 1) SEPARATE THE ALCOHOL ADDENDUM FROM THE PARADE/SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT ADJUSTING THE APPLICATIONS ACCORDINGLY, BUT MAKE NO OTHER CHANGES IN THE CODE OR THE PERMIT PROCESS. 3-18 Consumption in Street, Alley, or Public Place Prohibited; Exceptions. 1. A. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no person shall sell, serve, dispense, consume or possess an open container of any alcoholic beverage in or upon any building or other property owned or occupied by the City or upon any street or sidewalk unless such action is within the permitted uses authorized through an alcohol permit issued by the City Council, in conjunction with a parade/special event permit issued by the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the legal sale, service, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages on the grounds of the Buffalo Hill Golf Club. 2. B. Persons wishing to use the following City owned property: 1. Hockaday Center for the Arts and its grounds; 2. The Conrad Mansion and its grounds; 3. The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce building; 4. The Central School Museum and its grounds; 5. Depot Park; 6. Lakers Ball Fields; The hockey rink and surrounding grounds between the dates of December 21 st and March 21 st, at Woodland Park; or, if the applicant is a not -for -profit organization: 8. A street or right-of-way within the commercial district belonging to the City for an event which involves the consumption, possession or sale of, beer and/or wine shall first tie asubmit a wfitten ap heatieti feF a city alcohol permit application in conjunction with a city parade/special event permit application to the City Manager Attorney's Office. Parade/special events that do not include the distribution or consumption of alcohol will be approved or disapproved administrative) through hrough a parade/special event permit application, and shall be submitted with enough time prior to the event for multiple departments to review the application. An alcohol permit application for any such event in which beer and/or wine is distributed or consumed outdoors shall include a detailed map specifically showing the proposed location of a fenced area in which all such distribution and consumption shall occur and be monitored. All such alcohol permit applications shall be filed with the City Clerk in time to be scheduled on the next regular city council agenda. The City Manager shall, within such period, make a recommendation on the alcohol permit application and place all applications before the City Council as an action item to approve or disapprove the recommendation made by the City Manager. 3. C. The applicant for an alcohol permit shall comply with all statutes and regulations of the Montana Department of Revenue governing sales of beer and/or wine, and shall ensure that a trained volunteer or employee in one of the preapproved Montana Department of Revenue training courses is present at the point of sale and service. 4. D. The City Council may grant an alcohol permit allowing the sale of beer and/or wine, if, considering the type of function, it finds that: 1. The time, location and duration of the function are not likely to significantly interfere with public services; 2. The number and concentration of participants at the function are not likely to result in crowds exceeding limitations in the City fire regulations, or other significant inconvenience to the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods; 3. Underage persons will not obtain alcoholic beverages served at the function, and the precautions proposed, such as fencing barriers to create separation, use of ID bracelets, and manned security, are likely to adequately secure and supervise the area and the participants during the function; 4. The applicant agrees to limit the consumption under the permit to the hours between 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.; 5. The applicant agrees to pay such fees and damage deposit as the City Council has established by resolution to reimburse the City for its costs of solid waste pick up and removal and barricade placements and comply with all rules set out in the permit regarding the treatment of solid waste, material that may be used, e.g., no glass bottles; 6. The applicant agrees to provide security for the permitted function commensurate with the recommendations of the Chief of Police; 7. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees and agents for all liability claims arising out of the event as well as provide liability insurance coverage in the amount of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) per occurrence and one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) aggregate naming the City of Kalispell as an additional named insured. 5. E. Not -for -profit entities may apply for and the City Council may approve a seasonal speeial publie evew Alcohol permit for public events that recur in the same location in the commercial district over a period of time not to exceed four (4) months. 6. F. The City Council may deny a permit on the grounds that approval would be detrimental to the public safety, health, order or welfare by reason of the nature of the event, or result in the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors, or the failure of the applicant to conduct a past event in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The request may also be denied if another event has previously been scheduled for that location on the same day and time, or if the event would unreasonably interfere with normal activities and customary and general use and enjoyment of the facility. 7. G. The City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated as follows: 1. With respect to restaurant beer and wine (RBW) licenses as authorized by Montana Code Annotated Sections 16-4-420 through 16-4-423 only, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by eliminating entirely the distance requirement between licensed establishments and a church, synagogue or other place of worship, so long as such licensee is located within the General Business B-2 and the Industrial -Commercial B-5 City land use zones. 2. With respect to any level of liquor licenses, as authorized by Montana Code Annotated, Title 16, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by eliminating entirely the distance requirement between licensed establishments and a church, synagogue or other place of worship, so long as such licensee is located within a Central Business, B-4 land use zone. 3. With respect to any level of liquor licenses, as authorized by Montana Code Annotated, Title 16, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by reducing the distance requirement between licensed liquor establishments and schools to three hundred (300) feet in the General Business B-2, Central Business B-4, and the Industrial -Commercial B-5 City land use zones. (Ord. 1355, 6-5-2000; amd. Ord. 1638, 6- 2-2008; Ord. 1725, 6-17-2013; Ord. 1757, 5-18-2015) OPTION 2) SEPARATE THE ALCOHOL ADDENDUM FROM THE PARADE/SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT AND CHANGE THE APPROVAL PROCESS TO ADMINISTRATIVE. 3-18 Consumption in Street, Alley, or Public Place Prohibited; Exceptions. 1. A. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no person shall sell, serve, dispense, consume or possess an open container of any alcoholic beverage in or upon any building or other property owned or occupied by the City or upon any street or sidewalk unless such action is within the permitted uses authorized through an sp alcohol permit issued by the City Council, in conjunction with a parade/special event permit issued by the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the legal sale, service, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages on the grounds of the Buffalo Hill Golf Club. 2. B. Persons wishing to use the following City owned property: 1. Hockaday Center for the Arts and its grounds; 2. The Conrad Mansion and its grounds; 3. The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce building; 4. The Central School Museum and its grounds; Depot Park; 6. Lakers Ball Fields; 7. The hockey rink and surrounding grounds between the dates of December 21 st and March 21 st, at Woodland Park; or, if the applicant is a not -for -profit organization: 8. A street or right-of-way within the commercial district belonging to the City for an event which involves the consumption, possession or sale of, beer and/or wine shall first e asubmit a city alcohol spoeial publie eveHt permit application in conjunction with a city parade/special event permit application to the City N4aRage Attorney's Office.deseribingthe date, lace, and time f4 afly SUC-h eVe Parade/special event permits and alcohol permits will be approved or disapproved administratively and shall be submitted with enough time prior to the event for multiple departments to review the application. An alcohol permit application for any such event in which beer and/or wine is distributed or consumed outdoors shall include a detailed map specifically showing the proposed location of a fenced area in which all such distribution and consumption shall occur and be monitored.,N4 sueh appheations shall be filed with the City Cler-li in time to be seheduled on the next regUlm agew6, The City Manager shall, within sueh period,r-eeemm-end-ation an the applieation and plaee all applieations before the City Couneil as an aetion item to appFe" C. The applicant for an alcohol permit shall comply with all statutes and regulations of the Montana Department of Revenue governing sales of beer and/or wine, and shall ensure that a trained volunteer or employee in one of the preapproved Montana Department of Revenue training courses is present at the point of sale and service. 3. D. The City Counei-1 Manager or his designee may grant an alcohol speeial publie event permit allowing the sale of beer and/or wine, if, considering the type of function, it finds that: The time, location and duration of the function are not likely to significantly interfere with public services; 2. The number and concentration of participants at the function are not likely to result in crowds exceeding limitations in the City fire regulations, or other significant inconvenience to the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods; 3. Underage persons will not obtain alcoholic beverages served at the function, and the precautions proposed, such as fencing barriers to create separation, use of ID bracelets, and manned security, are likely to adequately secure and supervise the area and the participants during the function; 4. The applicant agrees to limit the consumption under the permit to the hours between 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.; 5. The applicant agrees to pay such fees and damage deposit as the City Council has established by resolution to reimburse the City for its costs of solid waste pick up and removal and barricade placements and comply with all rules set out in the permit regarding the treatment of solid waste, material that may be used, e.g., no glass bottles; 6. The applicant agrees to provide security for the permitted function commensurate with the recommendations of the Chief of Police; 7. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees and agents for all liability claims arising out of the event as well as provide liability insurance coverage in the amount of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) per occurrence and one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) aggregate naming the City of Kalispell as an additional named insured. 4. E. Not -for -profit entities may apply for and the City Geaned Manager or his designeemay approve a seasonal parade/special event permit or an alcohol permit for public events that recur in the same location in the commercial district over a period of time not to exceed four (4) months. 5. F. The City GauHeil Manager may deny a permit on the grounds that approval would be detrimental to the public safety, health, order or welfare by reason of the nature of the event, or result in the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors, or the failure of the applicant to conduct a past event in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The request may also be denied if another event has previously been scheduled for that location on the same day and time, or if the event would unreasonably interfere with normal activities and customary and general use and enjoyment of the facility. 6. G. The City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated as follows: 1. With respect to restaurant beer and wine (RBW) licenses as authorized by Montana Code Annotated Sections 16-4-420 through 16-4-423 only, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by eliminating entirely the distance requirement between licensed establishments and a church, synagogue or other place of worship, so long as such licensee is located within the General Business B-2 and the Industrial -Commercial B-5 City land use zones. 2. With respect to any level of liquor licenses, as authorized by Montana Code Annotated, Title 16, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by eliminating entirely the distance requirement between licensed establishments and a church, synagogue or other place of worship, so long as such licensee is located within a Central Business, B-4 land use zone. 3. With respect to any level of liquor licenses, as authorized by Montana Code Annotated, Title 16, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by reducing the distance requirement between licensed liquor establishments and schools to three hundred (300) feet in the General Business B-2, Central Business B-4, and the Industrial -Commercial B-5 City land use zones. (Ord. 1355, 6-5-2000; amd. Ord. 1638, 6- 2-2008; Ord. 1725, 6-17-2013; Ord. 1757, 5-18-2015) OPTION 3) SEPARATE THE ALCOHOL ADDENDUM FROM THE PARADE/SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT AND ALLOW FOR PROFIT APPLICANTS TO APPLY FOR ALCOHOL PERMITS, CONTINUING THE PRACTICE OF CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL. 3-18 Consumption in Street, Alley, or Public Place Prohibited; Exceptions. A. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no person shall sell, serve, dispense, consume or possess an open container of any alcoholic beverage in or upon any building or other property owned or occupied by the City or upon any street or sidewalk unless such action is within the permitted uses authorized through an special „ublie e entalcohol permit issued by the City Manager or designee in conjunction with a parade/special event permit issued b thy --Notwithstanding the foregoing, this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the legal sale, service, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages on the grounds of the Buffalo Hill Golf Club. B. Persons wishing to use the following City owned property: 1. Hockaday Center for the Arts and its grounds; 2. The Conrad Mansion and its grounds; 3. The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce building; 4. The Central School Museum and its grounds; 5. Depot Park; 6, Lakers Ball Fields; 7. The hockey rink and surrounding grounds between the dates of December 21 st and March 21st, at Woodland Park; 8. A street or right-of-way within the commercial district belonging to the City for an event which involves the consumption, possession or sale of, beer and/or wine shall first pFovide-�t submit a city alcohol special publie even* permit application in conjunction with a city parade/special event permit application to the City ManagefAttorneys office. Parade/special events that do not include the distribution or consumption of alcohol will be approved or disapproved administratively through a parade/special event permit application, and shall be submitted with enough time prior to the event for multiple departments to review the application. An alcohol permit application for any such event in which beer and/or wine is distributed or consumed outdoors shall include a detailed map specifically showing the proposed location of a fenced area in which all such distribution and consumption shall occur and be monitored. All such alcohol pernut applications shall be filed with the City Clerk in time to be scheduled on the next regular city council agenda. The City Manager shall, within such period, make a recommendation on the alcohol permit application and place all applications before the City Council as an action item to approve or disapprove the recommendation made by the City Manager. C. The applicant for an alcohol ;,et"' i . 'Hkiie e,,ent permit shall comply with all statutes and regulations of the Montana Department of Revenue governing sales of beer and/or wine, and shall ensure that a trained volunteer or employee in one of the preapproved Montana Department of Revenue training courses is present at the point of sale and service. D. The City Council may grant an alcohol permit allowing the sale of beer and/or wine, if, considering the type of function, it finds that: Staff has approved, or will approve a parade/special event permit for the function; 2. The community will benefit from the event; The time, location and duration of the function are not likely to significantly interfere with public services; �4. The number and concentration of participants at the function are not likely to result in crowds exceeding limitations in the City fire regulations, or other significant inconvenience to the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods; 5 Underage persons will not obtain alcoholic beverages served at the function, and the precautions proposed, such as fencing barriers to create separation, use of ID bracelets, and manned security, are likely to adequately secure and supervise the area and the participants during the function; 64. The applicant agrees to limit the consumption under the permit to the hours between 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.; 7-. The applicant agrees to pay such fees and damage deposit as the City Council has established by resolution to reimburse the City for its costs of solid waste pick up and removal and barricade placements and comply with all rules set out in the permit regarding the treatment of solid waste, material that may be used, e.g., no glass bottles; 86. The applicant agrees to provide security for the permitted function commensurate with the recommendations of the Chief of Police; 9-. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees and agents for all liability claims arising out of the event as well as provide liability insurance coverage in the amount of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) per occurrence and one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) aggregate naming the City of Kalispell as an additional named insured. E. Not -for -profit entities may apply for and the City Council may approve a seasonal speei l p„"l _ event alcohol -permit for public events that recur in the same location in the commercial district over a period of time not to exceed four (4) months. F. The City Council may deny a permit on the grounds that approval would be detrimental to the public safety, health, order or welfare by reason of the nature of the event, or result in the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors, or the failure of the applicant to conduct a past event in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The request may also be denied if another event has previously been scheduled for that location on the same day and time, or if the event would unreasonably interfere with normal activities and customary and general use and enjoyment of the facility. G. The City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated as follows: 1. With respect to restaurant beer and wine (RBW) licenses as authorized by Montana Code Annotated Sections 16-4-420 through 16-4-423 only, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by eliminating entirely the distance requirement between licensed establishments and a church, synagogue or other place of worship, so long as such licensee is located within the General Business B-2 and the Industrial -Commercial B-5 City land use zones. 2. With respect to any level of liquor licenses, as authorized by Montana Code Annotated, Title 16, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by eliminating entirely the distance requirement between licensed establishments and a church, synagogue or other place of worship, so long as such licensee is located within a Central Business, B-4 land use zone. 3. With respect to any level of liquor licenses, as authorized by Montana Code Annotated, Title 16, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by reducing the distance requirement between licensed liquor establishments and schools to three hundred (300) feet in the General Business B-2, Central Business B-4, and the Industrial -Commercial B-5 City land use zones. (Ord. 1355, 6-5-2000; amd. Ord. 1638, 6- 2-2008; Ord. 1725, 6-17-2013; Ord. 1757, 5-18-2015) OPTION 4) SEPARATE THE ALCOHOL ADDENDUM FROM THE PARADE/SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT, ALLOW FOR PROFIT APPLICANTS TO APPLY FOR ALCOHOL PERMITS AND CHANGE THE APPROVAL PROCESS TO ADMINISTRATIVE. 3-18 Consumption in Street, Alley, or Public Place Prohibited; Exceptions. A. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no person shall sell, serve, dispense, consume or possess an open container of any alcoholic beverage in or upon any building or other property owned or occupied by the City or upon any street or sidewalk unless such action is within the permitted uses authorized through an speeial publie e efi*alcohol permit issued by the City Manager or his designee in conjunction with a parade/special event permit issued by the City- Notwithstanding the foregoing, this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the legal sale, service, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages on the grounds of the Buffalo Hill Golf Club. B. Persons wishing to use the following City owned property: 1. Hockaday Center for the Arts and its grounds; 2. The Conrad Mansion and its grounds; 3. The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce building; 4. The Central School Museum and its grounds; 5. Depot Park; 6. Lakers Ball Fields; 7. The hockey rink and surrounding grounds between the dates of December 21st and March 21 st, at Woodland Park; 8. A street or right-of-way within the commercial district belonging to the City for an event which involves the consumption, possession or sale of, beer and/or wine shall firstffevide-h kk'FiReH apphEatiOH fO submit a city alcohol speeial publie event permit application in conjunction with a city parade/special event ermit application to the CityMafiager Attorney office. stieh eve Parade/special event permits and alcohol permits will be approved or disapproved administratively and shall be submitted with enough time ime prior to the event for multiple departments to review the application. An alcohol ermit application for any such event in which beer and/or wine is distributed or consumed outdoors shall include a detailed map specifically showing the proposed location of a fenced area in which all such distribution and consumption shall occur and be monitored--4 such applieationsshail he filed with the City QeFIE in time to besehedtiled on the neXt Fegtilit or disapprove the reeommendation made by the City N4anageF. C. The applicant for an alcohol speeial publie event permit shall comply with all statutes and regulations of the Montana Department of Revenue governing sales of beer and/or wine, and shall ensure that a trained volunteer or employee in one of the preapproved Montana Department of Revenue training courses is present at the point of sale and service. D. The City Eeu-xei4-Manager or designee may grant an alcohol spee al :;!-! c c : e * permit allowing the sale of beer and/or wine, if, considering the type of function, it finds that: Staff has approved, or will approve a parade/special event permit for the function; 2. The community will benefit from the event; 3. The time, location and duration of the function are not likely to significantly interfere with public services; _-24. The number and concentration of participants at the function are not likely to result in crowds exceeding limitations in the City fire regulations, or other significant inconvenience to the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods; -�. Underage persons will not obtain alcoholic beverages served at the function, and the precautions proposed, such as fencing barriers to create separation, use of ID bracelets, and manned security, are likely to adequately secure and supervise the area and the participants during the function; 04. The applicant agrees to limit the consumption under the permit to the hours between 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.; 7-�. The applicant agrees to pay such fees and damage deposit as the City Council has established by resolution to reimburse the City for its costs of solid waste pick up and removal and barricade placements and comply with all rules set out in the permit regarding the treatment of solid waste, material that may be used, e.g., no glass bottles; 8€4. The applicant agrees to provide security for the permitted function commensurate with the recommendations of the Chief of Police; 9-7. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees and agents for all liability claims arising out of the event as well as provide liability insurance coverage in the amount of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) per occurrence and one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) aggregate naming the City of Kalispell as an additional named insured. E. Not -for -profit entities may apply for and the City mil -Manager may approve a seasonal 1 H•'`4lie e'Te*Rtl parade/special event permit or an alcohol -permit for public events that recur in the same location in the commercial district over a period of time not to exceed four (4) months. F. The City GauReil Manager may deny a permit on the grounds that approval would be detrimental to the public safety, health, order or welfare by reason of the nature of the event, or result in the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors, or the failure of the applicant to conduct a past event in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The request may also be denied if another event has previously been scheduled for that location on the same day and time, or if the event would unreasonably interfere with normal activities and customary and general use and enjoyment of the facility. G.The City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated as follows: l . With respect to restaurant beer and wine (RBW) licenses as authorized by Montana Code Annotated Sections 16-4-420 through 16-4-423 only, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by eliminating entirely the distance requirement between licensed establishments and a church, synagogue or other place of worship, so long as such licensee is located within the General Business B-2 and the Industrial -Commercial B-5 City land use zones. 2. With respect to any level of liquor licenses, as authorized by Montana Code Annotated, Title 16, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by eliminating entirely the distance requirement between licensed establishments and a church, synagogue or other place of worship, so long as such licensee is located within a Central Business, B-4 land use zone. 3. With respect to any level of liquor licenses, as authorized by Montana Code Annotated, Title 16, the City supplants the provisions of subsection (1) Section 16-3-306, of Montana Code Annotated, by reducing the distance requirement between licensed liquor establishments and schools to three hundred (300) feet in the General Business B-2, Central Business B-4, and the Industrial -Commercial B-5 City land use zones. (Ord. 1355, 6-5-2000; amd. Ord. 1638, 6- 2-2008; Ord. 1725, 6-17-2013; Ord. 1757, 5-18-2015)