Staff Report/Meadow Park 4PLANNING FOP, THE FUTURE POLOINIrM1 REPORT TO: Doug Russell, City Manager Plb FROM: Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Planning Department 201 1" Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispell.com/planning SUBJECT: KPP-16-01 — Meadow Park Unit No. 4 Subdivision MEETING DATE: September 6, 2016 BACKGROUND: This is a request from Andrew Bestwick for a major subdivision of a .61 acre residential lot into two residential lots consisting of .28 and .33 acres. In addition to the subdivision request, the applicant has requested to remove an existing plat condition that was placed on the underlying plat of Meadow Park Unit 3 in 2006 which limited development of the property to single- family dwellings only. The property is located within the R-4 (Residential) Zoning District, which provides for townhouse and duplex development. The property is currently undeveloped grasslands. The subject property is located on South Woodland Drive, just south of 2230 South Woodland Drive. The property can be legally described as Lot 1 of Meadow Park Unit No. 3 of Section 20, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.,M., Flathead County, Montana. The Kalispell Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing August 9, 2016, to consider the application request. Staff presented staff report KPP-16-01 providing details of the proposal and evaluation. Staff recommended that the Planning Board adopt the staff report as findings of fact, and recommend to the City Council that the Preliminary Plat be approved, subject to eleven (11) conditions. During the public comment portion of the hearing, a neighboring property owner spoke out against the request to allow for the removal of the 2006 plat notation, limiting the property to single-family dwellings only. The neighbor discussed how they had purchased their property with the idea that the subject property could be developed with one single-family home and the proposal would allow up to four units. The applicant spoke in favor of the project, answering questions regarding his purchase of the property and the desire to have the ability to develop the property to the R-4 Zone standards. There being no further testimony, the public hearing was closed and a motion was presented to adopt staff report KPP-16-01 as findings of fact, and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the subdivision be approved, subject to eleven (11) conditions. There was lengthy discussion regarding the request to remove the note from the plat. The Board concluded that the original note on the plat limiting the development to single family homes only was still appropriate. A motion was presented to amend condition eleven (11) to specifically state that the original 2006 plat condition limiting the property to single family development be maintained, thus denying the applicants request to have that plat statement removed. The motion to amend condition eleven (11) passed 3 in favor and 1 opposed. Further Board discussion concluded that the preliminary plat application was appropriate, and the original motion passed unanimously on roll call vote. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve Preliminary Plat application KPP-16-01, with the eleven (11) conditions of approval as amended. FISCAL EFFECTS: Approval of the request would have minimal fiscal impact to the city. ALTERNATIVES: Deny the request. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 5781 Preliminary Plat Staff Report KPP-16-01 Minutes of the August 9, 2016, Kalispell Planning Board Application Materials Aimee Brunckhorst, Kalispell City Clerk MEADOW PARK UNIT NO. 4 REQUEST FOR MAJOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT STAFF REPORT #KPP-16-01 KALISPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT JULY 29, 2016 A report to the Kalispell City Planning Board and the Kalispell City Council regarding a request for preliminary plat approval of a 2-lot residential subdivision. A public hearing has been scheduled before the Kalispell Planning Board for August 9, 2016 beginning at 6:00 PM in the Kalispell City Council Chambers. A recommendation from the Kalispell Planning Board will be forwarded to the Kalispell City Council for final action. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: A request for a major subdivision of a .61 acre parcel into two residential lots consisting of .28 and .33 acres. In addition to the subdivision request, the major subdivision would remove an existing plat note limiting the property to single-family dwellings only. The subject property was annexed into the city with R-4 (Two -Family Residential) zoning by Ordinance 1562 on December 19, 2005. In addition to the annexation, a preliminary plat application (KWP-06-01) was submitted creating the subject .61 acre parcel. During the public review process of the preliminary plat application, it was determined that placing a note on the plat limiting the property to single-family dwellings was appropriate. This was determined because the owner intended to build and market single-family residential lots, because the surrounding neighborhood development is single-family dwellings, and because of testimony received at the planning board in support of only single-family development of this site. The R-4 Zoning District overlaying the property allows townhouse and duplex dwellings as permitted uses. The note placed on the plat contradicts the zoning and creates confusion. Removing the note on the plat would allow for townhouse and duplex development which are anticipated forms of residential housing within the R-4 Zoning District. Although there are not any townhouse or duplex developments in the direct vicinity, there are townhouse residential units nearby, which are also within the R-4 Zoning District. A. Petitioner and Owners: Andrew Bestwick 28 Willowbrook Close Whitefish, MT 59937 Location: The subject property is located on South Woodland Drive just south of 2230 South Woodland Drive. The property can be legally described as Lot 1 of Meadow Park Unit No. 3 of Section 20, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.,M., Flathead County, Montana. B. Size: Total area: .613 acres Lot 1: .334 acres Lot 2: .279 acres 1 C. Existing Land Use and Zoning: The subject property is undeveloped grasslands. The property is located within the R-4 (Residential) Zoning District. The Kalispell Zoning Ordinance describes the intent of this district: "This district is comprised of primarily single-family and duplex dwellings. Development within the district will require all public utilities, and all community facilities. This zoning district would typically be found in areas designated as urban residential on the Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map." D. Adjacent Land Uses and Zoning: The existing zoning and land uses of the land surrounding the subject property are as follows: North: Single-family residence and R-4 Zoning East: Single-family residence and R-4 Zoning South: Undeveloped grasslands and R-4 Zoning West: Single-family residence, grasslands and R-4 Zoning E. Relation to Growth Policy Map: The subject property lies within the jurisdiction of the Kalispell City Growth Policy. The Growth Policy Map designates this area as commercial. The commercial designation of the property is a holdover from prior to the subject property being annexed into the city and thereafter subdivided. The commercial designation is more in line with existing development to the west of the subject property along the U.S. 93 corridor. Although the property is not in strict compliance with the growth policy, it is aligned with the R-4 Zoning and the land use category of the surrounding residential properties. The surrounding residential properties are within the Urban Residential land use category which would anticipate residential and two-family residential development. F. Utilities and Public Services: Sewer service: City of Kalispell Water service: City of Kalispell Solid Waste: Private Electric: Flathead Electric Cooperative Phone: CenturyLink Police: City of Kalispell Fire: City of Kalispell Schools: School District #5, Kalispell REVIEW AND FINDINGS OF FACT FOR THE PRELIMINARY PLAT This application is reviewed as a major subdivision in accordance with state statutory review criteria and the Kalispell City Subdivision Regulations. Note that while only two additional lots are being created, the request is the second subdivision of a tract of land, requiring major subdivision review. A. Effects on Health and Safety: Fire: The area is anticipated to be at low risk from wildfire due to the urban location, lack of woody fuel and good access to the site. The proposed subdivision is not expected to significantly impact the service provided. A fire hydrant is located in the cul-de-sac just west from this property. Flooding: The site is generally level with a gentle rise to the southwest (rear) of the proposed lots. It is not near a designated 100 year flood plain nor is it subject to slope failure, subsidence or severe erosion. Access: Access to the site can be obtained directly from South Woodland Drive. This is an existing city street that is owned and maintained by the City of Kalispell. The impacts to the roadways in the area will be minimal. Additionally, a 20' wide driveway easement is being places within Lot 1 in order to provide adequate access to the lots. Sidewalks are located on the north side of South Woodland Drive on the opposite side of the street. When the subdivision was platted in the county in 1994, sidewalks were only required on one side of the street. This application request includes a condition that requires the inclusion of the sidewalks along the frontage of the proposed subdivision in accordance with the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Standards. B. Effects on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat: The subdivision is not located in known big game habitat and the property is not considered suitable habitat for other significant wildlife since the subject property is within an urban area. C. Effects on the Natural Environment: The subject property exists in an established residential area of Kalispell. The site is level and is not in or near a designated 100-year floodplain per Flood Insurance Rate Map Number 30029C1820J, nor is it subject to slope failure, subsidence, or severe erosion. The subdivision will be served by City of Kalispell water and sewer minimizing impacts to groundwater. Impacts to the natural environment are not expected to occur as a result of this subdivision. D. Effects on Local Services: Sewer and Water: The City of Kalispell will provide water and sewer service to the lots. There are existing water and sewer mains directly accessible to the proposed lots within South Woodland Drive to the north. Individual water and sewer lines will be required for each residential unit. Access and Roads: Access to the site can be obtained directly from South Woodland Drive. This is an existing City street that is owned and maintained by the City of Kalispell. Additionally, a 20' wide driveway easement is being places within Lot 1 in order to provide adequate access to the lots. The impacts to the roadways in the area will be minimal. Schools: This site is within the boundaries of School District #5. Some impact to the district may be anticipated from the proposed lots depending on the demographics of the residents. Section 76-3-608(1) of the Montana Code 3 Annotated states that the governing body may not deny approval of a proposed subdivision based solely on the subdivision's impacts on educational services. Parks: The developer shall dedicate a cash in lieu payment equal to .03 acres per dwelling unit. It shall be up to the subdivider to provide satisfactory evidence of the fair market value. The fair market value is the value of undivided, unimproved land at the time of filing of final plat. Police Protection: The property is served by the Kalispell Police Department. It is not anticipated that this subdivision will significantly impact the service provided by the Police Department. Fire Protection: Fire protection services will be provided by the Kalispell Fire Department and the subdivision will be required to comply with the International Fire Code. Refuse Disposal: Solid waste disposal will be provided by a private hauler. No significant increased impacts are anticipated as a result of the proposed subdivision. Medical Services: Emergency medical service is provided by the Kalispell Regional Medical Center; ambulance and life flight services are also available. E. Effects on Agriculture and agricultural water user facilities: This subdivision is in the urban area of Kalispell and the area has been developed to an urban density. Future development of this site will have no effect on agricultural activities in the valley. F. Relation to the Kalispell Growth Policy: The Growth Policy Map designates this subject property as commercial. The commercial designation of the property is a holdover from prior to the property being annexed into the city and thereafter subdivided. The commercial designation is more in line with existing development to the west of the subject property along the U.S. 93 corridor and not the appropriate designation for the subject property. Although the property is not in strict compliance with the growth policy, the subdivision is aligned with the existing R-4 Zoning of the property and the land use category of the surrounding residential properties. The surrounding residential properties are within the Urban Residential land use category which would anticipate residential and two- family residential development as anticipated with this subdivision. G. Compliance with Zoning: The subject property is within the R-4 Zoning District. This subdivision complies with the minimum lot size and lot width requirements of the R-4 Zone. The subdivision complies with the zoning for the property. H. Compliance with the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations: This subdivision complies with the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations and no variances have been requested. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt N staff report KPP-16-01 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat of Meadow Park Unit No. 4 be approved subject to the conditions listed below: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. That the development of the site shall be in substantial compliance with the application submitted, the site plan, materials and other specifications as well as any additional conditions associated with the preliminary plat as approved by the city council. 2. The preliminary plat approval shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval. 3. New infrastructure required to serve the subdivision shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Kalispell's Standards for Design and Construction and Montana Public Works Standards. The design shall be certified in writing by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Montana. All design work shall be reviewed and approved in writing by the Kalispell Public Works Department prior to construction. This infrastructure shall include but not be limited to streets, street lighting, street signage, curb, gutter, boulevard and sidewalks. 4. Water and sewer main extensions shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the current City of Kalispell's Standards for Design and Construction and Montana Public Works Standard Specifications. The water and sewer main extension plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department. Prior to final plat, a certification shall be submitted to the Public Works Department stating that the water and sewer mains have been built as designed and approved. 5. A letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department shall be submitted stating that all new infrastructure has been accepted by the City of Kalispell, or a proper bond has been accepted for unfinished work. 6. The developer shall dedicate a cash in lieu payment equal to .03 acres per dwelling unit. It shall be up to the subdivider to provide satisfactory evidence of the fair market value. The fair market value is the value of undivided, unimproved land at the time of filing of final plat. 7. All existing and proposed easements shall be indicated on the face of the final plat. Utility easements for city water and sewer shall be provided to allow for the logical extension of utilities from this subdivision to adjoining properties. A letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department shall be obtained stating that the required easements are being shown on the final plat. 8. The following statement shall appear on the final plat: 'The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm or corporation, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, telegraph, electric power, gas, cable 5 television, water or sewer service to the public, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair, and removal of their lines and other facilities, in, over, under, and across each area designated on this plat as "Utility Easement" to have and to hold forever." Developer's Signature 9. All utilities shall be installed underground. 10. All areas disturbed during development shall be re -vegetated with a weed -free mix immediately after development. 11. The note on the final plat of Meadow Park Unit No. 3, stating; "The lots in this subdivision shall be developed with single-familv dwellini4s only" shall remain in effect on the final plat for Meadow Park Unit No. 4. 2 Planning Department 201 15E Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispell.com / planning SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION FEE SCHEDULE: Minor Subdivision...(5 or fewer lots) Mobile Home Parks & Campgrounds (5 or fe-ATer spaces - land is not subdivided) Amended Preliminary Plat Amendment to Conditions Only Re -configured Proposed Lots Add Additional Lots or Sublots Subdivision Variance Commercial Subdivisions SUBDIVISION NAME: Meadow Park Unit #4 OWNER (S) OF RECORD: Name Andrew Bestwick FEE ATTACHED: $650 Mailing Address 28 Willowbrook Close City Ghitefish State MT $400 + $125/lot $400 + $125/space $400 base fee Base fee plus $40/lot Base fee plus $125/lot $100 (per variance) $1000 + $125/lot Phone 406.249.1557 Zip 59937 TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPANTS (Surveyor/Designer/Engineer, etc.): Name & Address Andrew Bestwick (Surveyor/Designer/Engineer) Name & Address Name & Address LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: City/County Kalispell/Flathead Street Address 2227 S . Woodland Dr. Assessor's Tract No.(s) 2821X20-MEE-1 Lot No{s) 1 1/4 Sec SE Section 20 Township 28N GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVISION: 2 Number of Lots or Rental Spaces Range 21 W Total Acreage in Subdivision 0.61 AC Total Acreage in Lots 0 . 61 AC Minimum Size of Lots or Spaces 0 .2 8 AC Total Acreage in Streets or Roads 0.00 AC Maximum Size of Lots or Spaces 0 . 33 AC Total Acreage in Parks, Open Spaces and/or Common Areas 0.00 AC i PROPOSED USE(S) AND NUMBER OF ASSOCIATED LOTS/SPACES: Single Family Townhouse Mobile Home Park Duplex Apartment Recreational Vehicle Park Commercial Industrial Planned Unit Development Condominium Multi -Family- Other Subdividing vacant land APPLICABLE ZONING DESIGNATION& DISTRICT Kalispell R-4 ESTIMATE OF MARKET VALUE BEFORE IMPROVEMENTS $ 3 7, 0 0 0 IMPROVEMENTS TO BE PROVIDED: N/A Roads:Gravel Paved Curb —Gutter —Sidewalks Alleys Water System: Individual Multiple User —Neighborhood —Other Public --Other Sewer System: Individual —Multiple User —Neighborhood —Public -----Other Other Utilities: Cable TV Telephone —Electric —Gas Solid Waste: Home Pick Up —Central Storage —Other —Contract Hauler Owner Haul Mail Delivery: Central Individual .. - School District: Fire Protection: Hydrants Tanker Recharge — Fire District: Drainage System• PROPOSED EROSION/ SEDIMENTATION CONTROL: N/A VARIANCES: ARE ANY VARIANCES REQUESTED? (yes ia If yes, please complete the information below: SECTION /REGULATION OF REGULATIONS CREATING HARDSHIP: EXPLAIN THE HARDSHIP THAT WOULD BE CREATED WITH STRICT COMPLIANCE OF REGULATIONS: PROPOSED ALTERNATIVES) TO STRICT COMPLIANCES WITH ABOVE REGULATIONS: 2 PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THE SPACES PROVIDED BELOW; 1. Will the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare or injurious to other adjoining properties? 2. Will the variance cause a substantial increase in public costs? 3. Will the variance affect, in any manner, the provisions of any adopted zoning regulations or Master Plan? 4. Are there special circumstances related to the physical characteristics of the site (topography, shape, etc.) that create the hardship? 5. What other conditions are unique to this property that create the need for a variance? 3 APPLICATION CONTENTS: The subdivider shall submit a complete application addressing items below to the Kalispell Planning Department at least thirty five (35) calendar days prior to the date of the Kalispell City Council meeting at which it will be considered, unless other arrangements have been made with the planning staff. Submittals shall include: V 1. Preliminary plat application. 2. 5 copies of the preliminary plat. V 3. Electronic copy of the plat. V 4. One reproducible set of supplemental information. (See Appendix A of / Subdivision Regulations for the city where the subdivision is proposed.) V S. One reduced copy of the preliminary plat not to exceed 11" x 1 7" in size. 6. A bona fide legal description of the subject property and a map showing the location and boundaries of the property. V 7. Application fee I hereby certify under penalty of perjury and the laws of the State of Montana that the information submitted herein, on all other submitted forms, documents, plans or any other information submitted as a part of this application, to be true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Should any information or representation submitted in connection with this application be untrue, I understand that any approval based thereon may be rescinded, and other appropriate action taken. The signing of this application signifies approval for the Kalispell Planning staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval and development process. tell t w---- 06/17/2016 (Applicant) (Date) 21 SECTION 20, T.28N., R_21 W: NORTH 2227 S. Woodland Dr TRACT NO. 2821 X20-MEE-1 ®Subject Property '� NMI •, 0150ft. Mailing List Ilk °o r ,r y� L�� :. r N. A i a � Date: July 20th, 2016 Kalispell Planning Dept. 0 150 300 FilePath:1120161mailings107202016 Feet ZEl-TT-1 U- -� U- W .. �.�_ Cl) s 6s a ' Q g n Aell z LLI `� Q u z N z oz0 wh UU _ UJ cn Z �0 zF-d O I I H Via= ~ D0_3 Z Y F- O Q QEL LIJ ,_ r C � a'(=1� W a Y 3: t-- a J of o =) o�aw caa� 2 W w W 2313: ar owo rzr KM Q O O oLL, Z " 0 Q W OJ�Q z CY n� - O�-U (n (n z ° a. i W Q0 C6 co ❑ rp 6Y. O z \ ¢3W x \ z W g Q 0 \\ > Q s asryB W� W V I I / 9 VWj JN yy3 � < Ln ea / Lo �a / Z z Q Q / d p M 3r� razor w h E E � a