01-09-17 Work Session Agenda and MaterialsCITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA Monday, January 9, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 201 First Avenue East A. CALL TO ORDER B. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Light Maintenance Fund Update 2. Lofts at Ashley Apartment Complex Conditional Use Permit Request, KCU-16- 05 (located at 2050 Airport Road) 3. Silverbrook Planned Unit Development Amendment Request (located on the southwest corner of Church Drive and U.S. Highway 93) C. PUBLIC COMMENT Persons wishing to address the council are asked to do so at this time. Those addressing the council are requested to give their name and address for the record. Please limit comments to three minutes. D. CITY MANAGER, COUNCIL, AND MAYOR REPORTS E. ADJOURNMENT UPCOMING SCHEDULE / FOR YOUR INFORMATION City Offices Closed — Monday, January 16, 2017 — Martin Luther King Jr. Day Next Regular Meeting — TUESDAY, January 17, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers Next Work Session — January 23, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers Growth Policy Sub -Committee Meeting — January 24, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. — First Floor Conference Room Reasonable accommodations will be made to enable individuals with disabilities to attend this meeting. Please notify the City Clerk at 758-7756. Watch regular City Council sessions live on Charter Cable Channel 190 or online at the Meetings on Demand tab at www.kalispell.com. Page 1 of 1 MONTAN City of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, MT 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 To: Doug Russell, City Manager V - From: Susie Turner, P.E., Public Works Director Re: Light Maintenance Fund Meeting Date: January 9, 2017 BACKGROUND: The light maintenance fund has been operating under the new assessment criteria since the final adoption of the FY 15/16 budget. Subsequently, the health of the fund has sufficiently improved, affording Council's directive for the installation of new luminaries as capital improvement projects to be added to the FY 16/17 budget. At this meeting staff will take the opportunity to review and receive comments from Council for the following: • The status of the fund • Flathead electric program for LED conversion • New luminaire installing protocols • Potential for LED conversion for city owned lights • Potential requisition of luminaires located in Glacier Village Greens Subdivision PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE REPORT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEETING DATE: M01ffANA Doug Russell, City Manager Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Planning Department 201 V Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispell.com/planning KCU-16-05 — Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Lofts at Ashley 55 unit Apartment Complex January 9, 2017 (Work Session) BACKGROUND: A request from Lofts at Ashley, LLC for a conditional use permit for a 55 unit multi- family apartment complex within the RA-1 (Residential Apartment) Zoning District. The 55 unit multi -family apartment complex would be comprised of a 2-story 12-plex, 2-story 14-plex, partial 3-story 20-plex and nine (9) 2-story attached units (single-family row house design). The residential units will be comprised of 34 2- bedroom units and 21 3-bedroom units. The site plan also depicts parking, a berm acting as a buffer between residences to the west all located on a 3.8-acre parcel at 2050 Airport Road, Kalispell. During their regularly scheduled meeting on January 3, 2017, the Kalispell City Council considered the conditional use permit request. After lengthy discussion the council tabled the motion to approve and requested a work session to discuss several unresolved issues. Staff has evaluated the three conditions of concern and developed the following language for Council's consideration. Additions are underlined and deletions are struck out: 2. That the development of the site shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted architectural and site plan drawings in regards to setbacks, landscaping, parking, recreational amenity and height. In particular, the building plans shall incorporate decks, roof pitch, and colors as shown on the architectural renderings submitted. For the reason that the proposed structures are on a larger scale than the abutting neighborhood and serves as an entry into the neighborhood, materials that are de- signed to show an aged agrarian "weathered" look are incongruous with the established existing neighborhood and shall not be used. 13. A minimum 6' tall landscaped berm with a 3:1 slope shall be constructed along the entire westerly property boundary. The berm shall be landscaped with grass, trees bushes and shrubs to form a pleasing sight obscuring visual barrier. The plan shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. The toe of the berm shall be setback a minimum distance from the westerly property line in order to provide for drainage swell/feature to address storm water runoff. 14. The applicant shall provide a minimum 4' tall fence along the westerly property line in an area in which a fence does not exist at the time of construction. Questions for the Council to consider: 1. Are the proposed amendments to conditions 2, 13 and 14 appropriate? Report compiled: January 4, 2017 c: Aimee Brunckhorst, Kalispell City Clerk Planning Department 201 lst Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispell.com/planning REPORT TO: Doug Russell, City Manager p FROM: Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner SUBJECT: KCU-16-05 — Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Lofts at Ashley 55 unit Apartment Complex MEETING DATE: January 3, 2017 BACKGROUND: A request from Lofts at Ashley, LLC for a conditional use permit for a 55 unit multi- family apartment complex within the RA-1 (Residential Apartment) Zoning District. The Council approved the second reading for the initial zoning of RA-1 on the subject property on December 19, 2016. Multi -family apartment complexes are permitted within the RA-1 Zone provided a conditional use permit is obtained per 27.09.030 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. This application request was before the planning board the last two months and was originally submitted as a 96 unit complex, reduced to an 82 unit complex and now a 55 unit complex. The 55 unit design stems from the zoning designation of RA-1, which provides for a maximum of 55 units on the subject property. The 55 unit multi -family apartment complex would be comprised of a 2- story 12-plex, 2-story 14-plex, partial 3-story 20-plex and nine (9) 2-story attached units (single-family row house design). The residential units will be comprised of 34 2-bedroom units and 21 3-bedroom units. The site plan also depicts parking, a berm acting as a buffer between residences to the west and landscaping. The subject property is located at 2050 Airport Road, at the southwest corner of the intersection of Airport Road and Teal Drive. The property can be legally described as Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey #19815, in the SW4 of Section 30, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.,M., Flathead County, Montana. The Kalispell Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing December 13, 2016, to consider the application request. A motion was presented to take the Lofts at Ashley off the table, as it was tabled prior to discussion at the previous planning board hearing subsequent to the RA-1 Zone being approved. Staff presented staff report KCU-16-05 providing details of the proposal and evaluation. Staff reported that the proposed CUP was compatible with the zoning, the growth policy, and the applicant has met the burden of proof requirements. Staff recommended that the Planning Board adopt the staff report as findings of fact, and recommend to the City Council that the CUP be approved, subject to seventeen (17) conditions. During the public comment portion of the hearing, the applicant spoke regarding the CUP request. Additionally, two members of the general public spoke regarding the CUP request. One member of the public representing the neighborhood spoke. They were thankful of the progress of the project to date, but still had concerns regarding the design of the units in regards the use of steel, reclaimed wood, windows and landscaping. They were concerned with the materials because they did not fit the neighborhood and would be difficult to maintain long term. They felt that more uniform or traditional materials would be appropriate for the project. They were also seeking to eliminate second floor windows along the west and increase landscaping along the north side of Teal Drive for privacy. There being no other public testimony the public hearing was closed. A motion was presented to adopt staff report KCU-16-05 as findings of fact, and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the CUP be approved, subject to conditions. The Board discussed the public's concerns regarding the materials at length, at which time a motion was presented to amend condition #3. The amendment stated that the architectural review committee should take into consideration public comment and Board discussion prior to the issuance of the building permit. Board discussion concluded that amending condition #3 was not appropriate, as the motion failed 3 in favor and 3 opposed. Another motion was presented to amend condition #13 to change the 6' tall landscaped berm to a 7' tall landscaped berm in order to screen the project more for the neighboring residences. Board discussion concluded that the amendment was not appropriate, as the motion failed 1 in favor and 5 opposed. Further discussion concluded that the CUP was appropriate, and the original motion passed unanimously on roll call vote. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit KCU-16- 05, with the seventeen (17) conditions of approval. FISCAL EFFECTS: Approval of the request would have minimal fiscal impact to the City. ALTERNATIVES: Deny the request. ATTACHMENTS: CUP Staff Report KCU-16-05, Minutes of the December 13, 2016, Kalispell Planning Board and Application Materials c: Aimee Brunckhorst, Kalispell City Clerk Return to: Kalispell City Clerk PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 City of Kalispell P. O. Box 1997 Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 GRANT OF CONDITIONAL USE APPLICANT: Lofts at Ashley, LLC F.O. Box 534 Bigfork, MT 59911 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey #19815, in the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. ZONE: Residential, RA-1 The applicant has applied to the City of Kalispell for a conditional use permit to construct a multi -family apartment complex comprised of a 2-story 12-plex, 2-story 14-plex, partial 3-story 20- plex and nine (9) 2-story attached units (single-family row house design). The residential units will be comprised of 34 2-bedroom units and 21 3-bedroom units. The site plan also depicts parking and a berm acting as a buffer between residences to the west all located on a 3.8 acre parcel at 2050 Airport Road, Kalispell, Montana in the RA-1 zoning district. The Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission, after due and proper notice, on December 13, 2016, held a public hearing on the application, took public comment and recommended the application be approved subject to six conditions. After reviewing the application, the record, the KPD report, and after duly considering the matter, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, pursuant to the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance, hereby adopts Kalispell Planning Department Conditional Use Report #KCU-16-05 as the Council's findings of fact, and issues and grants to the above -described real property a conditional use permit to construct a multi -family apartment complex comprised of a 2-story 12-plex, 2-story 14-plex, partial 3-story 20-plex and nine (9) 2-story attached units (single-family row house design). The residential units will be comprised of 34 2-bedroom units and 21 3-bedroom units with parking and landscaping pursuant to the site plan submitted on an existing 3.8 acre parcel located at 2050 Airport Road, Kalispell, Montana in the Residential, RA-1 zoning district subject to the following conditions: 1. That commencement of the approved activity must begin within 18 months from the date of authorization or that a continuous good faith effort is made to bring the project to completion. 2. That the development of the site shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted architectural and site plan drawings in regards to setbacks, landscaping, parking, recreational amenity and height. In particular, the building plans shall incorporate decks, roof pitch, colors and materials as shown on the architectural renderings submitted. 3. Architectural renderings are required to be submitted to the Kalispell Architectural Review Committee for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Future sanitary sewer connections east of the subject property are unlikely due to low-lying floodplains between Ashley Creek and Airport Road. Rather than extending the sanitary sewer main in Teal Drive to the far east property line as required in the City of Kalispell Design and Construction Standards, the development may opt to extend the sewer main west in Teal Drive far enough to provide future sewer service to lot 4C to the north of the subject property. If the development chooses this option to meet the intent of the City of Kalispell Design and Construction Standards, an appropriate easement for future sewer service shall also be provided through Entryway Landscape Area "A". 5. The existing water main south of the subject property shall be extended to connect with the existing water main in Teal Drive to form a looped connection. 6. The developer shall submit to the Kalispell Public Works Department for review and approval a storm water report and an engineered drainage plan that meets the requirements of the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Standards. 7. A letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department shall be submitted stating that all new infrastructure has been accepted by the City of Kalispell or a proper bond has been accepted for unfinished work. Sidewalks, curb and gutter shall be constructed per the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Standards within the right-of-way of Airport Road the length of the property. 9. A minimum 15' wide unobstructed utility easement shall be provided for the existing storm main and appurtenances running adjacent to the westerly property line. Vehicle access shall be provided to maintenance points on the existing storm system. The 15' easement shall be outside of the landscaped berm as provided for in condition number 13. 10. If the storm main along the westerly property boundary is relocated, it shall be constructed per the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Standards. 11. To ensure the traffic flow and access comply with Kalispell Design and Construction Standards, the development shall receive Site Review Committee approval prior to issuance of the building permit. 12. To ensure the property is fully landscaped and is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, a landscape plan shall be submitted along with the building permit. The landscape plan shall be in substantial compliance with the submitted renderings and approved by the Parks and Recreation Director prior to issuance of the building permit. 13. A 6' tall landscaped berm with a 3:1 slope shall be constructed along the entire westerly property boundary. The berm shall be landscaped with grass, trees bushes and shrubs to form a pleasing sight obscuring visual barrier. The plan shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. The toe of the berm shall be setback a minimum distance from the westerly property line in order to provide for drainage swell/feature to address storm water runoff. 14. The applicant shall provide a minimum 4' tall fence along the westerly property line. 15. Prior to any work within the public right-of-way along Teal Drive, the property/owner will work with the Parks and Recreation Director to establish tree protection zones and file a permit for any tree removals with the Parks Department. 16. A minimum of 500 square feet of land per unit which has recreational value as determined by the Kalispell Parks and Recreation Director, or recreational amenities equivalent to the fair market value of 500 square feet of land shall be provided. 17. Prior to filing the building permit issuance, the Site Review Committee shall review the design and location of the snail delivery site. The mail delivery site shall not impact a sidewalk or proposed boulevard area. Dated this 3rd day of January, 2017. STATE OF MONTANA : ss County of Flathead Mark Johnson Mayor On this day of January, 2017, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Mark Johnson, Mayor of the City of Kalispell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of the City of Kalispell. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal, the day and year first above written. Notary Public, State of Montana LOFTS AT ASHLEY REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT STAFF REPORT #KCU-16-05 KALISPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT DECEM 3ER 1, 2016 A report to the Kalispell City Planning Board and the Kalispell City Council regarding a request from Lofts at Ashley, LLC for a conditional use permit (CUP) for multi -family residential apartments within the RA-1 Zone. The property is located at 2050 Airport Road in south Kalispell. A public hearing has been scheduled before the planning board for December 13, 2016, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Kalispell City Council Chambers. The planning board will forward a recommendation to the Kalispell City Council for final action. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Petitioner / Owner: Lofts at Ashley, LLC P.O. Box 534 Bigfork, MT 59911 Summary of Request: A request for a conditional use permit for a 55 unit multi- family apartment complex within the RA-1 (Residential Apartment) Zoning District. Multi -family apartment complexes are permitted within the RA-1 Zone provided a conditional use permit is obtained per 27.09.030 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. The multi -family apartment complex would be comprised of a 2-story 12-plex, 2-story 14-plex, partial 3-story 20-plex and nine (9) 2-story attached units (single-family row house design). The residential units will be comprised of 34 2-bedroom units and 21 3-bedroom units. The site plan also depicts parking, a berm acting as a buffer between residences to the west and landscaping. Location and Legal Description of Properties: The property under consideration is located at 2050 Airport Road, at the southwest intersection of Airport Road and Teal Drive. The 3.8-acre parcel can be described as Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey # 19815, in the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. Existing Land Use: The 3.8 acre site is currently undeveloped grasslands with some landscaping topography, mature trees, irrigation and "Ashley Park" entry sign. The property was originally owned by the developer of the Ashley Park Subdivision to the west. The landscaping was put in place as an entry into the subdivision. This coincides with the .21 acre "Entry Landscaped Area A" parcel to the north. It can be assumed that this was done in order to create an aesthetically pleasing entrance into the subdivision. Although the small .21 acre parcel to the north is limited to landscaping only, the subject property is not. Subdivision records indicate that the subject property was never required to be parkland, even though it was developed that way. The developer paid a park -in -lieu fee as each phase of the Ashely Park Subdivision was developed, meeting the parkland requirement. 1 Existing Zoning: The subject property is located within the RA-1 (Residential Apartment) Zone. The Kalispell Zoning Regulations state that the RA-1 Zone is "a residential district intended to provide for urban areas for multi -family use and compatible non-residential uses of medium land use intensity. It should be served with all public utilities and be in close proximity to municipal services, parks, or shopping districts. This zoning district would typically be found in areas designated as urban residential or high density residential on the Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map." Size: The subject property is 3.8 acres. Adjacent Land Uses: North: Single-family residence, Ashley Creek and Begg Field East: Single-family residence, vacant land, Ashley Creek and city wastewater treatment plant, West: Single-family residential, South: Single-family residential. Adjacent Zoning: North: City R-4 and county SAG-10 East: County I-2 West: City R-4 South: City R-4 and county R-4 General Land Use Character: The general land use category of the area can be described as a mix of uses in transition. The primary use within the area is single- family, with the Ashley Park Subdivision to the west and a few adjacent residences constructed in the county on large lots. Additional uses within the vicinity include a meat processing plant, baseball fields, mobile home park, city wastewater treatment plant, city airport and salvage yard. Much of the area directly to the east of the subject property is located within FEMA Flood Zone adjacent to Ashley Creek. This area will likely not be developed. Looking into the future, School District 5 owns an approximately 25 acre parcel about .10 miles to the south where a new elementary school will be located. It can be suspected that the new elementary school, along with the completion of the bypass, will drive new residential development on the south end town. Relation to the Growth Policy: The Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map designates this area as Urban Residential development. The project is in compliance with the growth policy in the following ways: "Urban residential areas shown on the plan map should be encouraged to be developed when adequate services and facilities are available". The subject property is adjacent to Airport Road, which is an arterial roadway, and the Kalispell Bypass. Both of these transportation modes provide adequate access into the development and city as a whole. Municipal services, such as sewer mains and water mains are located within the vicinity of the property to the south and north. These utilities will be extended to the property at the time it undergoes development. The property will be served by the Kalispell Fire 2 Department. Similarly, the property will be served by the Kalispell Police Department. 'Single-family houses are the primary housing type, but duplexes, guest houses, accessory apartments, and small dispersed areas of multi family housing are also anticipated. " The subject property is zoned RA-1, which provides for a dispersed area of multi -family housing. It also provides a housing need in an area that lacks alternative housing options other than single-family residential. Alternative housing options will be important as the area grows with the anticipated construction of a new elementary school directly south of the subject property. "Inclusion of multi family dwellings in some areas designated as urban residential may be appropriate depending on the character of the surrounding neighborhoods and anticipated trends." The multi -family project is being developed at a density similar to the single- family densities in the surrounding developments. Additionally, in conjunction with the city's development standards, the conditions of approval adequately mitigate any potential adverse impacts to the neighboring residences. The proposed multi -family housing units will provide additional housing options in an area lacking multiple housing options. Multiple housing options in south Kalispell will be important as the area grows with the construction of a new elementary school. Utilities and Public Services: Sewer: City of Kalispell Water: City of Kalispell Refuse: City of Kalispell Electricity: Flathead Electric Cooperative Telephone: CenturyLink Schools: School District No. 5 and Elrod Elementary Fire: City of Kalispell Police: City of Kalispell EVALUATION OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT This application has been reviewed in accordance with the conditional use permit review criteria in the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance (KMC 27.33.080). A conditional use permit may be granted only if the proposal, as submitted, conforms to all of the following general conditional use permit criteria, as well as to all other applicable criteria that may be requested: I 1. Site Suitability: a. Adequate Useable Space: The subject property is 3.8 acres in size and relatively flat with some undulating topography. Although there is some undulating landscaping topography, the entire property is developable. b. Height, bulk and location of the building: There are four groups of buildings proposed. The southernmost building will be comprised of nine (9) 2-story units. These units are designed very similar to what would be seen with attached townhome development and could be considered similar to single-family development. These units are similar to what would be expected if the property were to be developed with an R-4 Zoning. The west side of the development has a 2-story 12-plex building. This building has been oriented as to not have any decks facing the residences to the west and have been setback from the west property boundary 5 Fin order to limit the perceived scale and bulk of the building. The north side of the development has a 2-story 14-plex. These units have been reduced to 2 stories to limit the perceived scale and bulk of the buildings. Lastly, there is a partial 3-story 20-plex located at the east side of the development. This building is proposed as 3-story only in the middle of the structure to reduce its scale and also give it architectural variation. This building is located far enough away from the single-family residences to the west that they should not be impacted by the height, bulk and location of the building. The location of the building along Airport Road makes this larger building an appropriate location for these units. In addition, the buildings meet all of the required height, setback, parking, landscaping, and recreational requirements limiting the impacts to the surrounding neighborhood. Staff presented the existing site plan and elevation drawings to the Architectural Review Committee at their September 26, 2016, meeting. The committee was generally favorable of the development and was appreciative of the architecture, i.e. - design, colors, materials, etc. Originally, they had mentioned that the geometry of the site seemed off with a proposed 12-plex at the northwest end of the subject property, and 9 units at the center of the development seeming forced. However, since their last review the site has been redesigned significantly from 96 units to 55 units. The redesign has addressed some of their initial comments; however, prior to building permit issuance their approval will be required. C. Adequate Access: The subject property is adjacent to Airport Road, which is an improved arterial roadway, and Teal Drive an improved city street. Additionally, the intersection to the bypass is to the south providing efficient access to the entire city. The project has two access points, one off of Teal Drive and another off of Airport Road. d. Environmental Constraints: There are no known environmental constraints, such as steep slopes, streams, floodplains, or wetlands, on the property which could affect the proposed use. El 2. Appropriate Design: a. Parking Scheme/Loading Areas: The development shall comply with the Off -Street Parking and Design Standards as set forth in Chapter 27.24 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. For 55 units the zoning code requires 83 spaces and the applicant has provided 107, exceeding the minimum parking requirement by 24 parking spaces. b. Lighting: Chapter 27.26 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance sets standards for all outdoor lighting on commercial or residential structures. Exterior lighting installed in conjunction with the development will be reviewed for compliance with the zoning ordinance during site development review. C. Traffic Circulation: A 24' wide two-way drive isle will provide access through the development and onto both Teal Drive and Airport Road providing adequate access and circulation. d. Open Space: The proposed development has approximately 29,057 square feet of undeveloped area that can be used for recreation. There is additional open space surrounding the development that is being used for setback area and landscaping. e. Fencing/Screening/Landscaping: The site plan has provided adequate landscaping area in regards to parking, buffering, etc. Additionally, to ensure the property is fully landscaped and is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, a landscape plan shall be submitted along with the building permit. The landscape plan shall be approved by the Parks Department prior to issuance of the building permit. Currently, the subject property does have an undulating landscaped berm approximately 9' tall that functions as a buffer between the residences to the west and Airport Road. The applicant has proposed a 6' tall landscaped berm along the westerly property line in order to replicate this feature (albeit closer to the residences). The landscaped berm is intended to buffer the development from the adjacent single-family residences where there is a proposed parking lot. As a practical matter the intent of the berm is to limit the noise, lights, smell, etc. associated with the vehicles parked (20 parking spaces) in such close proximity to the residences. Staff feels that an adequate berm would be 6' tall and at a 3:1 slope along the entire westerly boundary. A 6' tall berm at a 3:1 slope along the westerly property boundary may require the relocation of the unit at the southwestern most portion of the development. It will also require the redesign of the turnaround area at the southwest portion of the development. A 6' tall berm at a 3:1 slope would adequately obscure the development from the residences and maintain its ability to be maintained. If the berm were not properly maintained it would become an eyesore to the residences west of the development. f. Signage: The development shall comply with all of the sign standards as set forth in Chapter 27.22 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. At this point no signs are being proposed. 5 3. Availability of Public Services/Facilities: a. Sewer: Sewer service will be provided by the city. The developer will be required to pay the cost for the utility extension. b. Water: Water service will be provided by the city. The developer will be required to pay the cost for the utility extension. C. Storm Water Drainage: Storm water runoff from the site shall be managed and constructed per the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Guidelines. Final design will be approved by Kalispell Public Works Department prior to building permit issuance. Prior to receiving a building permit the developer will need to submit a construction storm water management plan to the Public Works Department. This plan will need to show how storm water will be treated and where it will be directed during construction activities. Additionally, there is an existing storm water line locate along the westerly boundary of the subject property. The storm water line is currently located where the landscaped berm would be constructed. A berm cannot be located on top of the storm water due to maintenance reasons. Accordingly, staff has conditioned the project to require the applicant to provide for a 15' easement for the storm water line. The landscaped buffer would not start until the edge of the 15' easement, which allows for the city to maintain the existing line. If providing the easement is not an option, the storm water line could be relocated into another location. If the storm water line is relocated so as to not require the 15' easement, a minimum setback should be required between the neighboring properties to the west and the toe of the proposed slope. The setback should be of size to accommodate all the drainage coming off of the berm so the neighboring properties to the west are not flooded. d. Solid Waste: Solid waste pick-up will be provided by the city. e. Fire Protection: Fire protection will be provided by the Kalispell Fire Department. There is adequate access to the property from the public road system and the buildings will be constructed to meet current building and fire code standards. Station 61 is 1.5 miles from the site and response time will be good. f. Police: Police protection will be provided by the Kalispell Police Department. No unusual impacts or needs are anticipated from the proposed use. g. Streets: The primary street frontages are Teal Drive and Airport Road, both improved city streets capable of handling the traffic anticipated from the proposed development. h. Sidewalks: There are existing sidewalks along the entire property frontage of Teal Drive. The developer will need to install sidewalks along the entire property frontage of Airport Road in accordance with the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Guidelines. 2 i. Schools: This site is within the boundaries of School District #5. An impact to the district may be anticipated from the proposed development depending on the demographics of the residents. On average twenty eight (28) students K-12 would be anticipated from 55 dwelling units. j. Parks and Recreation: Section 27.34.060 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance requires approximately 27,500 square feet of recreational amenities for the development based on 500 square feet of land, or equivalent value in recreational amenity based on 55 units. The design shows approximately 29,057 square feet of area that could be classified as recreational area, therefore meeting the recreational amenity requirement. 4. Neighborhood impacts: a. Traffic: A traffic impact study for the development was completed by Abelin Traffic Services. The document studied the possible effects on the surrounding road system from the multi -family project. The study evaluated all of the intersections between 18th Street and the Kalispell Bypass, which included the intersections of 19th Street, Teal Drive, Merganser Drive, Cemetery Road and the Kalispell Bypass. The study projected that the apartments would generate 638 (based off of 96 units) daily trips in the area. Accordingly, the project will not create any additional roadway capacity problems within the area studied. All of the intersections within the area will continue to operate at a level of services (LOS) C or better with the additional traffic being counted. No roadway improvements or intersection modifications are necessary. Therefore, although there will be a change in the amount of traffic in the area, the traffic study has concluded that there are no significant traffic impacts and that the transportation system will continue to operate at a satisfactory level with the construction of 55 multi -family units. b. Noise and Vibration: The development of the property as multi -family residential will create additional noise and vibration. Primarily the aforementioned will be generated from automobiles. The residents most impacted by the noise and vibration from the automobiles would be the residences immediately adjacent the development. The site plan shows 107 parking spaces of which approximately 20 are adjacent to single-family residences to the west. Additionally, there is a turn -around area located at the southwest area of the subject property that is adjacent to the residences to the west. The noise and vibration can be mitigated through the construction of a 6' tall landscaped berm built at 3:1 slope. C. Dust, Glare, and Heat: The use of the property as a multi -family residential would not generate any unreasonable dust, glare, and heat other than during construction. d. Smoke, Fumes, Gas, or Odors: The development of the property as multi- family residential will create additional smoke, fumes, gas and odors. Primarily the aforementioned will be generated from automobiles. The residents most impacted by the smoke, fumes, gas and odors from the automobiles would be the residences immediately adjacent the development. This issue can be mitigated through the development of the 7 W tall landscaped buffer as mentioned previously. e. Hours of Operation: As the development if for residential there will be no hours of operation. 5. Consideration of historical use patterns and recent changes: The property was originally owned by the developer of the Ashley Park Subdivision to the west. The landscaping was put in place as an entry into the subdivision. The residents of the Ashley Park Subdivision have perceived the property was parkland, as it had been developed that way. Subdivision records indicate that the subject property was never required to be parkland, even though it was developed that way. The developer paid a park -in -lieu fee as each phase of the Ashely Park Subdivision was developed; meeting the parkland requirement and leaving the property open for future development. The general character of the area is mixed and in transition. Although the land uses in the area is mixed, the primary character of the area would be single- family residential with the Ashley Park Subdivision to the west. The area is also in transition as the bypass has been completed allowing for unobstructed north/south access and a new elementary school is proposed just south of the subject property which will spur new development. 6. Effects on property values: The requested development could have negative impact on the immediately adjacent single-family residences to the west of the project site. However, those potential impacts can be mitigated through the conditions of approval listed below. The development itself will bring considerable value to the neighborhood and surrounding community that is in need of new development and additional housing options. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report KCU-16-05 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit, be approved subject to the conditions listed below: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL General Conditions That commencement of the approved activity must begin within 18 months from the date of authorization or that a continuous good faith effort is made to bring the project to completion. 2. That the development of the site shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted architectural and site plan drawings in regards to setbacks, landscaping, parking, recreational amenity and height. In particular, the building plans shall incorporate decks, roof pitch, colors and materials as shown on the architectural renderings submitted. 3. Architectural renderings are required to be submitted to the Kalispell Architectural Review Committee for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Future sanitary sewer connections east of the subject property are unlikely due to low-lying floodplains between Ashley Creek and Airport Road. Rather than extending the sanitary sewer main in Teal Drive to the far east property line as required in the City of Kalispell Design and Construction Standards, the development may opt to extend the sewer main west in Teal Drive far enough to provide future sewer service to lot 4C to the north of the subject property. If the development chooses this option to meet the intent of the City of Kalispell Design and Construction Standards, an appropriate easement for future sewer service shall also be provided through Entryway Landscape Area "A". 5. The existing water main south of the subject property shall be extended to connect with the existing water main in Teal Drive to form a looped connection. 6. The developer shall submit to the Kalispell Public Works Department for review and approval a storm water report and an engineered drainage plan that meets the requirements of the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Standards. 7. A letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department shall be submitted stating that all new infrastructure has been accepted by the City of Kalispell or a proper bond has been accepted for unfinished work. 8. Sidewalks, curb and gutter shall be constructed per the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Standards within the right-of-way of Airport Road the length of the property. 9. A minimum 15' wide unobstructed utility easement shall be provided for the existing storm main and appurtenances running adjacent to the westerly property line. Vehicle access shall be provided to maintenance points on the existing storm system. The 15' easement shall be outside of the landscaped berm as provided for in condition number 13. IO.If the storm main along the westerly property boundary is relocated, it shall be constructed per the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Standards. 11. To ensure the traffic flow and access comply with Kalispell Design and Construction Standards, the development shall receive Site Review Committee approval prior to issuance of the building permit. 12. To ensure the property is fully landscaped and is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, a landscape plan shall be submitted along with the building permit. The landscape plan shall be in substantial compliance with the submitted C renderings and approved by the Parks and Recreation Director prior to issuance of the building permit. 13. A 6' tall landscaped berm with a 3:1 slope shall be constructed along the entire westerly property boundary. The berm shall be landscaped with grass, trees bushes and shrubs to form a pleasing sight obscuring visual barrier. The plan shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. The toe of the berm shall be setback a minimum distance from the westerly property line in order to provide for drainage swell/feature to address storm water runoff. 14.The applicant shall provide a minimum 4' tall fence along the westerly property line. 15. Prior to any work within the public right-of-way along Teal Drive,. the property/owner will work with the Parks and Recreation Director to establish tree protection zones and file a permit for any tree removals with the Parks Department. 16. A minimum of 500 square feet of land per unit which has recreational value as determined by the Kalispell Parks and Recreation Director, or recreational amenities equivalent to the fair market value of 500 square feet of land shall be provided. 17. Prior to filing the building permit issuance, the Site Review Committee shall review the design and location of the mail delivery site. The mail delivery site shall not impact a sidewalk or proposed boulevard area. 10 KALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING December 13, 2016 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and CALL Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were: Chad Graham, Steve Lorch, Doug Kauffinan, Christopher Yerkes, Rory Young, Charles Pesola & Ronalee Skees, Tom Jentz, Jarod Nygren and PJ Sorensen represented the Kalispell Planning Department. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Yerkes moved and Lorch seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2016, meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously on a vote of acclamation. PUBLIC COMMENT None TEAM DEVELOPMENT, LLC A request from Team Development, LLC for a major subdivision PRELIMINARY PLAT of an 8.83 acre parcel into 37 single-family lots. The subject SOUTHSIDE ESTATES property is located approximately 100 feet south of the intersection of Pintail Drive and Merganser Drive. BOARD MEMBER STEPPED Board member Young stepped down from the discussion and vote DOWN on the Southside Estates because he is representing the applicant. STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff report KPP- 16-02 for the board. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report KPP-16-02 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat Southside Estates be approved, subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Kauffinan asked about proposed utility plans. Nygren stated that preliminary engineering plans have been submitted and reviewed by public works. Lorch asked where the sound barrier wall would be placed. Nygren advised east of bike path on the property line. Lorch asked if that could be changed and Nygren said only if the MDT approved it, which they have not indicated that they would, but planning staff would support it. Graham asked about placement of utilities and which direction they would be extending for future use. Nygren advised they would be extended to the cast but there is no evidence at this time that the property to the east will develop in the city. Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the ineetina of December 13, 2016 Page I 1 PUBLIC HEARING Rory Young — Jackola Engineering, 2250 Hwy 93 S. stated he is representing the applicant. Young said there are no plans to upgrade any pumps or circuitry, public works will just be doing a cosmetic upgrade. MOTION Lorch moved and Kauffman seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report KPP-16-02 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat Southside Estates be approved, subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION None. ROLL CALL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. BOARD MEMBER SEATED Board member Young returned to his seat. SCHOOL DISTRICT N0.5 A request from School District No. 5 to annex a 25.28 acre parcel ANNEXATION into the city and zone the land P-1 (Public) upon annexation. The property is located at the 2100 block of Airport Road. STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff report KA-16-04 for the board. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff` Report #KA-16-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the property be annexed and the initial zoning for this property upon annexation be P-1 (Public). BOARD DISCUSSION Lorch asked if there is a way to determine the costs for the cost of services analysis. Nygren advised because it's a school and is tax exempt they will be paying assessments and impact fees but without knowing what structures, etc. will be going there it's difficult at this point to determine costs. At this time it's being assessed as vacant land. PUBLIC HEARING Aaron McConkey — 3819 Lower Valley Rd. stated he is representing the applicant. McConkey noted the school district is working with the neighbors to the north to clean up where the property line is. MOTION Young moved and Skeen seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KA- 16-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the property be annexed and the initial zoning for this property upon annexation be P-1 (Public). BOARD DISCUSSION None Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the ineeting of December 13, 2016 Page 12 ROLL CALL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. LOFTS@ ASHLEY A request for a conditional use permit for a 55 unit multi -family CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT apartment complex within the RA-1 (Residential Apartment) Zoning District. The property is located at 2050 Airport Road in south Kalispell. BOARD MEMBER STEPPED Board member Lorch stepped down from the discussion and vote DOWN on the Lofts at Ashley due to a conflict of interest. MOTION -Kauffman moved and Skees seconded a motion to take the Lofts at Ashley off the table. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously on a vote by acclamation. STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning -Department reviewed Staff report KCU-1 6-05 for the board. Nygren noted that there will be some discussion from the neighbors in regards to the materials proposed as well as the design of the project; along with some new recommendations they have for the applicant. He advised the planning board to keep these in mind when hearing the public, and addressing them before approving this application. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report KCU-16-05 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use pen -nit, be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION None. PUBLIC HEARING Mike Morgan - 265 W Front St, Missoula - representing applicant - mentioned materials they are using for this project have minimal impact on the environment and are easy to replace if damaged. Garth Schuscke - 2245 Canvasback Court - outlined the new neighborhood recommendations and gave a copy to the planning board, which is attached to the minutes. Lorraine Reid - 2256 Canvasback Ct. - pointed out that the majority of the neighbors do not want rusty, recycled metal siding on this project. They would like something more conventional. MOTION Skees, moved and Pesola seconded a motion to adopt Staff Report KCU-16-05 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use per-trift, be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Graham stated he feels the board should be moving forward with Kalispell City Planning Board MilILLICS Of the meeting of December 13, 2016 Page 13 the design standards to the Architectural Review board. Jentz advised the board to look at the neighborhood conditions briefly to be sure they reflect what you think you are voting on verses what the applicant is offering and that you want to nail down some things and not assume what was offered tonight becomes a condition. Skees then asked if they needed to make an amendment to the conditions. Jentz replied yes, if you heard something tonight that you would like to see as part of the project you need to add that as part of the project. He went on to say that they .need to give the architectural review committee some direction and that the planning boards job is to address neighborhood compatibility. Young stated he feels the applicant has gone out of their way to accommodate the neighborhood requests and that he doesn't feel it's necessary to guide architectural review committee beyond what the applicant has requested and that the board has sufficiently addressed the neighborhood. Graham agreed but expressed some concern with the visual compatibility of the neighborhood and giving some guidance to the architectural review committee on the materials used. Skees and Kauffman noted that they feel the hoard is asking the architectural review committee to pick one product over another and that is out of their scope. Graham went onto to say that he feels the two go hand in hand. MOTION — AMENDMENT TO Graham moved and Skees seconded a motion to amend condition CONDITION NO.3 #3 to state that the Architectural renderings are required to be submitted to the Kalispell Architectural Review Committee for review and approval taking into consideration public comment and board discussion prior to issuance of a building permit. BOARD DISCUSSION Graham advised the reason he wants to amend the condition is so that everyone's voice is heard. Skees confi n-ned w/ Graham that the board is not telling the Architectural Review Committee how to decide just giving them more opinions to help them decide. Graham confirmed. ROLL CALL The motion failed on a roll call vote of 3 in favor and 3 opposed. MOTION — AMENDMENT TO Graham moved and Pesola seconded a motion to amend condition CONDITION NO. 13 #13 to change the 6' tall landscaped berm to a 7' tall landscaped berm. BOARD DISCUSSION Kauffman asked if changing the berm to 7' would mean that it would have to be 7'and could not undulate. Graharn confirmed. Pesola noted that the applicant has expressed in his renderings and his comments that he will, to the best of his ability, provide 7' heights where needed. ROLL CALL The motion failed on a roll call vote of 1 in favor and 5 opposed. Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the ineeting of December 13, 2016 Page14 ROLL CALL — ORIGINAL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. MOTION BOARD MEMBER SEATED Board member Lorch returned to his seat, OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Jentz mentioned the next meeting will include the KRHC PU_D Amendment, the Kalispell North Town Center Preliminary Plat, the B-3 Core Area Re -zone and the Stampede Packing Annexation. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:15 p.m. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Kalispell Planning Board will beheldon Tuesday, January 1.0, 2017 at 6:00 p.m., located in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 1 "Avenue East. Chad Graham President APPROVED as submitted /2017 Kari Hemandez Recording Secretary Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the meeting ol'December 13, 2016 Page 15 KI Neighborhood Recommendations for The Lofts at Ashley 12-8-2016 I would like to thank the board for recommending to the city council the RA-1 zoning. I I would also like to thank Dr. David Weber, the developer of The Lofts at Ashley for his modifications to his original plans, And his participating at last weeks meeting with the residents of Ashley Park Subdivision. w At that meeting some final concerns of the residents wer" discussed. I would like to share the residents recommendations with you tonight, I -Any steel used for the exterior walls and roof would be of a heavy gauge and of colors that blend with the overall color of the exterior walls. -The reclaimed wood used for siding must be treated to resist aging and fading with time to maintain its original look. -That there be no 2nd floor windows on the west facing side of the buildings, of the south and west buildings, to help maintain privacy of exist—ing' homes, - The addition of mature, (as Possible) conifer trees be placed on the north side of Teal Drive in numbers to the satisfaction of the homeowners at that location. These too would be for privacy. - That the residents original request for an 8 foot landscaped berm with a 3:1 slope, be reduced to a 7 foot landscaped berm, as a compromise to the 6 foot berm proposed by the developer. If Dr. Weber is willing to meet these conditions, the residents of Ashley Park Subdivision feel he will have met his obligation to working with his neighbors. In closing I would like to thank all the residents of Ashley Park for your efforts and contributions in this process. 4-- il-li It J Lrl T- CP ;A - CIO CIO C rri z 0 A I I a C,1 r-, L-, Planning Department 201 1st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispell.com/planning APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROPOSED USE: OWNER(S) OF RECORD: Name: 1-C2�31 a7�_ 4/e � Ile_ Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: AVE Phone: 5!?o --1 S`10 PERSON(S) AUTHORIZED TO REPRESENT THE OWNER(S) AND TO WHOM ALL CORRESPONDENCE IS TO BE SENT: Name: _i ,L►1G lh'le�s't - d s0a-ale' � Mailing Address: 9 5 tP J �rrv? City/State/Zip: �/� �: 001Z Phone: �' � - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Refer to Property Records): Street ,t_ ! Sec. Town- Range Address: /y^D.� / e! No ship No. Subdivision Tract Lot Block Name: � r. a Q5 N.(s). No(s). No._ 1. Zoning District and Zoning Classification in which use is proposed: 14 -f 2. Attach a plan of the affected lot which identifies the following items: a. Surrounding land uses. V, b. Dimensions and shape of lot. C. Topographic features of lot. Ll d. Size(s) and location(s) of existing buildings e. Size(s) and location(s) of proposed buildings. f. Existing use(s) of structures and open areas. g. Proposed use(s) of structures and open areas. tz h. Existing and proposed landscaping and fencing. Iz 1 3. On a separate sheet of paper, discuss the following topics relative to the proposed use: a. Traffic flow and control. tZ, l , b. Access to and circulation within the property. C. Off-street parking and loading. tom' d. Refuse and service areas. e. Utilities. V_ f. Screening and buffering. g. Signs, yards and other open spaces. h. Height, bulk and location of structures. F i. Location of proposed open space uses. tr j. Hours and manner of operation. k. Noise, light, dust, odors, fumes and vibration. 4. Attach supplemental information for proposed uses that have additional requirements (consult Planner). I hereby certify under penalty of perjury and the laws of the State of Montana that the information submitted herein, on all other submitted forms, documents, plans or any other information submitted as a part of this application, to be true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Should any information or representation submitted in connection with this application be incorrect or untrue, I understand that any approval based thereon may be rescinded, and other appropriate action taken. The signing of this application signifies approval for the Kalispell Planning staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval and development process. Applicant /Signature Date 2 265 West Front Street Missoula, Mt 59802 406-728-8847 www.HM-Assoc.com 12/5/2016 The Lofts at Ashley is envisioned as a mixed -scale multifamily village designed to be in keeping with traditional Rocky Mountain architecture. It is our intention to create a high quality, human scaled environment which balances architecture, landscaping and the necessities of automobile ap rking. We believe that urban infill in the form of multi -family housing is the best way to limit suburban sprawl and preserve Montana's open spaces. Architecture The architecture of The Lofts atAshley is based on local traditions, drawing inspiration from Montana's rural buildings, such as barns, mills and cabins. Each of the 4 proposed buildings is unique in scale, orientation and configuration. They have been arranged on the site to best preserve the most significant mature trees, to create attractive street elevations along Airport Road and Teal Street, and to mitigate impact on the adjacent existing neighborhood. The scale of each building is visually reduced as much as possible by varying roof lines, incorporating dormers, and using several different cladding materials/colors. Windows and individual balconies also vary in size and type and are oriented away from the adjacent existing homes. Exterior materials will include stained wood cladding, galvanized metal cladding/roofing, asphalt single roofing and stained post and beam timber detailing. Landscaping 50% of the site is set aside for landscaping with approximately 40% of existing trees being preserved. The main feature of the landscape design is a 30,000 square feet, 51 feet wide, 6 feet high berm and landscape buffer with dense coniferous plantings designed to diminish any impact on the adjacent neighborhood. Elsewhere, existing trees, as well as new plantings, are used extensively to visually anchor and scale down the new buildings. The landscape design also functions to lessen the visual impact of the parking areas by breaking up rows of parking with landscape islands and by buffering parking from adjacent city streets. A licensed Montana Architect will create the final landscape design. Parkin The plan is provided with ample on -site parking at a rate of 1.9 parking spaces per dwelling unit. The parking areas have been planned along driving lanes within the core of the site and are thus well screened from the public right of ways and the adjacent neighborhood by landscaping and new architecture. The driving lanes and parking rows are curvilinear with frequent landscape islands and pedestrian crosswalks which are intended to act as traffic calming features. It is intended that no parking rows should exceed 15 spaces in length and all rows should be bordered by landscaping. Also, parking has been oriented and bermed to limit any visual or lighting impact on the adjacent neighbors. Exterior lighting along the driving lanes and parking areas will be pedestrian scaled and all fixtures will be "full cut- off" in order eliminate light pollution. It is intended that light levels be 0 foot candles at all the property lines. A z O � W � 2 w ts) z I— z lu 0 LL K O ^o z Zo �o z< LL 0 q �p Jfj !, Low f)l . . . . . . . . . . . . IV Q. LL LU cl:i '.L7 fl EIM M W cm f 6. rri, t6 am 40, Mal UP 2050 Airport Rd SECTION 19, T28N., R.21W. NORTH TRACT 1 of COS 20138 ,O r , 07 (' Subject PropertyJUst G PARK r � + �F •,` ,, "�` REi; ARK aR ,: i.w 150ft. Mailin cv 7. _ . fiP Ott S MEA�O`1JS Q Y i1R `` iw� T.VA=99 �.. 14 ` 1 �- Not worm cc lot *� r Q Jbb�•� 2 _� _. .._.. �•...r�.. �;�..['`� ..� __+1 /► --, DWY.iaQr WDDENT" 4' �r 11 i •.: _►, x mwAP^r Date: Sept. 20th, 2016 0 Kalispell Pla0oning Dept. 600 FilePath:l\2016\mailings\09202016 Feet By: SANDS SURVEMG.I.. Topography Of. 2V)Ilflge Laap RaS.spcll, M7 59901 TRACT 1 of COS 20138 (406) 755.6481 IN SEC.19, T.28N., R.21W., P.M.,M., FLATHEAD COUNTY JOB IN 447401 DATE: May 13.2016 NG1LE.: t'=J9' FOR: HOFFMANN, MORGAN & ASSOCIATES OWNER LOFTS AT ASHLES', LLC. Notev V"aB D'h : NAVD BR per Clty Benchmark " so NESr Wabutmentwhere Ahport Roadv¢s/ea MhlcyC—k El—d.n.t'V - 293d.69' Boundary shorm 4 record per COS 20138 >1a 31..Y.k sb qY J - r ao11 Ydx O 1 � �. Flw. c JSl0.15 a.eb md. g/•- Srorou.epn ' • 14gf "'P C ft. 994 Aee1EL sr �a, 09.1r� Asuey <'raa MT %off, s:19 Lu11934r TEAL DRD'E P.Intl hl-u10. Poner 31 OI 4'nn IJ 1. L�13361 N8838 I fi B865" P.1. HI.D 1 rMr �y 1 Lw�v11YNtl Trmd r eaW% , -.Mmun . o6Ysr.ncva [ �.ma�nl3Pb_ , DG4:ND. L Faand l/2"Rehar&Cap (7974S) S �ofLvu a Boundary AdJoNlug '^ . �'� 1 Bnwdary SLhjml � _ f Pnre�ent O O I � F er 1 ne 1 nde.gnnnn • m6•r ova � � C J Pn..1 r .r fluBalnN 1 Irons s'ndr.•+n,p % trt.Mrcan.<atr. r M1.1 ?; T 1 of m Mvmud �Wrie COS 20138 eh fl.rin ? irrfq�ttan�/ iwwul Rax rL' wire a . i Sbrfl A® NitA � Nisu7 vsa./v 6i.n.Ib. rw flp lhmh 3l.r mr m. ) Ird�u� Y- su.i I G4l.+, � SIwtl20.tt.0 r.aere...a r +Ytl -lnee eew �l le3u; Pa.n 1 .r ov+3s1 r..,aL a s! ran.= xvsyse BBB'3B'S2W 2B8. o0 P.r A , '' IMPORTANT NOTE 28th November, 2016 Jarod Nygren City of Kalispell Planning & Building Department Senior Planner 201 1st Street Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 inygren@Kali.s-pell.com Re: Lofts at Ashley: 55 Unit Version Jarod, Barb Gallagher forwarded the most recent plans for the 55 unit "Lofts at Ashley" apartment complex at the corner of Airport Road and Teal Drive. My wife and I live at 2236 Canvasback Court in the Ashley Park subdivision. We don't share a property border with the west border of the project but live within line of sight of the proposed apartment complex. Currently, I am living in the Czech Republic until February 1", 2017, and will have to give my input via email. Although Dr. Weber has responded to public sentiment by modifying his original plans, I believe that the present plans would continue to detrimentally impact the neighborhood integrity of the Ashley Park Subdivision. At the present, the entire Ashley Park subdivision consisted of single and duplex family dwellings. The "Lofts at Ashley" plans introduces a drastically increased density of people and vehicles in a 3.8 acre area. There must be architectural and landscaping plans which create a visuallphysical buffer and transition between the established neighborhood and the new apartment complex. As per Ashley Park citizens recommendations presented November. 9, 2016, the "Lofts at Ashley" plans must include an 8 foot high, maintainable berm (landscaped with appropriate trees) on the entire western side of the property. This will provide an adequate buffer and "push back" between the existing neighborhood residences and the new apartment buildings as well as car parking lots. The present plans do not provide a buffer for residents on the south- west portion of the apartment complex property. Townhouse unit plans to the south provide a mere 25' distance between car parking and Ashley Park residence property. There is no provision for a visualIphysical buffer between existing houses/yards and the town houses and car parking on the south end of the western border of the apartment property. My wife and I strongly protest the current "Lofts at Ashley" 55 unit plan and request that the it be updated to include an 8 foot high, maintainable berm (landscaped with appropriate trees) on the entire western side of the property. David and Sharyn Curtis 2236 Canvasback Ct. Kalispell, MT 59901 Cc Barb Gallagher KAUSPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Neighborhood Recommendations -Ashley Park Subdivision RE: "Lofts At Ashley' Development Flan November 9, 2016 Observations The residents of the Ashley Park Subdivision recognize that the City of Kalispell is one of the most rapidly -rowing cities in Montana. There is a great need for affordable, good quality, rental housing. The proposed building site for the "Lofts At Ashley' would be an excellent location for a low density, multi -family building zone The proposed 82 unit, three story apartment complex with accompanying 159 automobile parking lots would detrimentally impact the neighborhood integrity of the Ashley Park Subdivision Recomrnenclations Incorporation and zoning the 3.79 acre property RA- I : low density, multi Family units, maxirnurn 55 units. Create a plan for a two story, 55 unit apartment complex 8 foot high, maintainable berm (landscaped with appropriate trees) on the entire western side of the property will provide an adequate buffer between the existing neighborhood residences and the new apartment buildings as well as car parking lots. Such a buffer will decrease the impact of vehicle and resident noise, apartment and car lightin- 4 foot chain link fence on the western property border will prohibit access to existing neighborhood property. Also a drainage ditch along the west border to prevent flooding of existing properties. To decrease the impact to existing property on the north border of the complex of Teal Drive and Airport Road the addition of conifer trees to maintain the privacy of those home owners. To fit in with the integrity of the existing subdivision it is recommended to use stone for the exterior instead of the corrugated metal. As the stone will retain its tasteful appearance fordecades. ,4shkv 1'cxt-k Subclirisiott Inc°cotntl2c��zcicztifms: I'tlgc 1 C PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE A 3 AC AA I 6 7 A —d —/AC/ 8 fv gee tq c 9 12 13 14 ZU-Ajqoj&),.:F 15 ,I El 0 16 917 19 20 21 22 -ye 23-- 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 co cM VVI C' E:— ADDRESS v -�n'5 be-1c. m PHONE LM - 0-7 5167 2 L ill - Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 9:08 AM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW : From: Connie Gomez [mailto:pgtsoluskalispelll algmail.coml Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:13 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Mr. Nygren: I want our neighborhood Integrity preserved! We want R-4 Zoning, the current zoning, to remain intact!! 'Though we live a few streets down off Teal, we do NOT want a large complex down the street. Teal is the main access road for us, and we do not want congestion!! Turning onto Airport Road can be a challenge now. We hope you appreciate the fact that we want neighborhooduitegrity preserved!! Thank you for your consideration! Sincerely, Dennis & Constance Gomez 2116 Merganser Drive Kalispell Pets Plus Pet & Home Sitting Serving the Flathead Valley 406.257.7155 "We stay when you're away!" Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 4:57 PM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Ashley Lofts From: James Reid [mailto:jimreid0centuD&el.net1 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 4:54 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Ashley Lofts October 11, 2016 COMMENTS REGARDING THE LOFTS ATASHLEY LLC Jared, We will be at the planning work session tonight but I wanted to make comments that would take too much time at the meeting. We are two of the few property owners within 150 feet of the project who were first notified by your letter dated (I just noticed that there was no date on that letter). Our property at 2256 Canvasback Court is on the corner with Teal Drive that backs up against the proposed project. Our house is a rental, with the same lady living there for the past 13 years. We were gravely disappointed that the dentist who purchased the property gave no thought to the impact on the adjacent subdivision when he decided to plant his second high-rise complex on the lot we all know as "Ashley Park". I began talking to the other residents who were notified and found that they all were as alarmed as I was. They went to the media and articles appeared in the Daily Inter Lake and Beacon last week. One of the residents on Canvasback shared a flier that she had made up and distributed to some of her neighbors. I called Tim Gard who owns the house between ours and Glenn Wills and he was ready to fly in for tonight's meeting until he talked to Tom Jentz who told him it had been cancelled. I talked to Tim again yesterday and he said he would have flown in for this meeting but for the fact that Tom told him it was cancelled. Tim is not very happy about that. Last Sunday I made copies of the last letter we received from your office Dated October 4`" and the map of the project showing the 150 ft. area of notification, and started going door to door in the Ashley Park Subdivision. I started at the end of Teal Drive and worked my way toward Airport Rd. In 5 hours on Sunday and another 3 yesterday, I met a lot of very nice people. I told them that I was canvassing the neighborhood because I was a fellow homeowner and I was concerned that the majority of the residents had no information of what was going on. That turned out to be correct. They all expressed how much they loved their neighborhood and how dismayed they were to hear about the proposed project. A majority of them said they planned to send an e-mail to the planning office to voice their concerns about the negative impact this project will make on the place they call "home". I had time to visit only about a third of the residents and feel it is wrong for the city not to have notified all residents of the subdivision regarding a proposal of this size that would affect every one of them. Jim and I feel that the loss of view, privacy, property value, ability to sell, increase in noise level, not to mention vehicle congestion in the last block of Teal Drive where it intersects with Airport road will negatively change the integrity of the adjacent neighborhood irreversibly. Sincerely, Lorraine & Jim Reid Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 3:08 PM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: lofts at ashley From: lance robson[mailto:lanceelkrobsonC&yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 2:27 Pik To: Jarod Nygren Subject: lofts at ashley My name is Lance Robson and I live in Ashley Park subdivision as a home owner. I strongly oppose any change in zoning for this neighborhood I would like to keep it R4 zoning. Do not ruin my neighborhood Lance Robson 2148 Harlequin ct Kalispell Mt 5o901 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 3:37 PM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: I oppose The Lofts of Ashley rezoning and building project on airport road. From: Tim Gard(mailto:comicvisions0gmail.coml Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 3:15 PM To: Jarod Nygren Cc: jimreidC-acenturytel.net Subject: I oppose The Lofts of Ashley rezoning and building project on airport road. I oppose rezoning this area to allow this apartment complex. I would have attending the meeting today in person had I not been advised the meeting had been rescheduled to November. Approving a new zone rating would grossly negatively impact on the neighborhood. RA2 also allows office commercial space in a residential community. This property was purchased for development a year ago. However the notice to interested parties was only sent to adjoining properties a short time before the public hearing. As such I have not yet had adequate time to fully research all the hardships this training will cause. I'm unsure if the ti'eedom of information laws apply to city, county, state but I would like to formally request copies of any correspondence between your office and the developers including telephone logs, email, faxes, texts and hard copy letters so that all interested parties can be fully aware of any existing discussions pro or con Oil this proposed project. 1. Any new structure this near to the airspace of an active existing small airport would have building height restrictions. Has the FAA been consulted and approved this proposal'? 2. I'm requesting the results of your study that verifies that green space requirements for this entire area have been met prior to and if any structure are allowed with occupancy beyond a single family dwelling. 3. I read recently that a new school is going in just south of this proposed project. This area is already under traffic stress prior to the schools construction and this project would endanger public safety by adding so much residential density in such a small area. 4. This is an established single family dwelling community. This project unnecessarily will reduce the value of every property within I mile. Although it may appear superficially that this project would increase city coffers with new tax revenue, any such predicted profits will be offset as existing properties in the area are devalued due to this project. 5. Im in the process of finding out if airport road may meet or currently be a part of a scenic highway corridor and as such any apartment facility would diminish not enhance this status. Please deny this request and only approve single family dwellings, if anything at all, on this property Respectfully Tim Gard 2252 Canvasback court Kalispell, MT. 59901 Tim@timgard.com Www.timgard.com Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 2.06 PM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: From: Jan Tow [mailto:ibt76 outlook.com1 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 12:59 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: I was concerned to hear of the request for a 96 apartment development to be built against my subdivision. I just turned 90 and as an active driver(yes, and still a good one), the idea of the traffic congestion is a basic concern to me. Thank you, Jan Tow Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:46 AM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Lofts at Ashley From: ctmannina@charter.net [mailto:ctmanningocharter.netl Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:43 AM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts at Ashley Hello - I'm writing; to you in regards to the new apartment complex that is plamied to be built at the corner of Airport Road and Teal Drive. I read about this in the paper just last week and have to say I was quite surprised and a bit upset over it. My family lives on Ruddy Duck Drive, I realize that it's a few blocks away from the proposed apartments but it will still have impact on our neighborhood. The Ashley subdivision is a mostly peacelid area with just duplexes and single family homes. A giant apartment complex will take away the small subdivision feeling. My husband and I would ask that it be R-4 zoning; to preserve the neighborhood integrity. Thank you fbr your time, Trey &. Christy Manning Michelle Anderson From: Scott Smith [scotttexsmith@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:18 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts of Ashley To whom it may concern, I am sending this email in regards to the proposed building of apartments on Airport Road and Teal Drive, Lofts of Ashley. I and my family are completely against the building of these apartments for many reasons. I am originally from Atlanta, Georgia and I have seen first hand the problems that this type of housing brings in. The first problem is the traffic. With the school bond passing and the proposed building sight of a new school on Airport Road this would increase the amount of traffic on Airport Road significantly. Secondly with the increase of traffic comes the possibility of the increase of crime. I have seen it time and time again with apartments. The City of Kalispell already has issues with the number of police officers that are on duty and to add more to their plate would be reckless on the city's behalf. I have proudly called Kalispell home for the last twenty years but lately it is turning into another Missoula. I know you can't stop progress but you can build these types of buildings in an area that is more suitable. The families that live in the proposed being area are perfectly happy with the way things are and by allowing these apartments to be built would only add undue stress to those families. Kalispell is growing but at some point we have to say enough is enough. Also these apartments would take away the view of The Rockies that many of the families bought their house for. Now they will be forced to look at apartments instead of the mountains. The Flathead Valley was known for it's beauty and slow going pace but all of this being ruined by these kinds of buildings. If the builder had wanted to build homes, such as the existing ones in the area, that would be one thing but adding another grotesque apartment building is another story altogether. The area is currently zoned R-4 and it needs to stay that way. These apartments would significantly drop the property value in the area, as most people don't want to live near these types of buildings. For these reasons we are against the building of The Lofts of Ashley. Keep the Zoning R-4 and keep the property owners, who pay property tax, happy. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Scott Smith Michelle Anderson From: Theodore Witzel [tpwitzel@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 9:27 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts at Ashley Park Sub Division We request the R-4 Zoning to remain to preserve neighborhood integrity. We are residents at 2232 Pintail Ct. Theodore and Patricia Witzel Michelle Anderson From: Kayla Fender [corasmom2212@gmaii.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 5:22 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Comments/concerns re: Lofts at Ashley jmj Dear Jarod Nygren, It has recently come to our attention that a developer has purchased the Ashley Park property at the intersection of Airport Rd. and Teal Dr., and that said developer is proposing to build a 96-unit apartment complex with corresponding parking areas on that properly. Our opinion regarding this venture is as follows: t) Our primary prejE rence is that the property- be developed into a recreational area. As large as our development is, Begg Part: (baseball fields and adjoining playground and basketball court) answers only partially for the needs of so man-%T residents, and we have long felt the need for more. space to be devoted to common use for leisure activities. 2) Our primary concern is that the apartment complex would be or become a low-income housing development, lowering the property values of current residents, and potentially the quality of the neighborhood as well. Even if the Lofts at Ashley is not intended by the developer to be low-income Dousing, the prospects of so many apartment units concentrated in such a limited area and the un- prestigious view of the waste water treatment plant across the street may alter expectations and, consequently, reality. 3) Finally, the concept of five 3-story apartment buildings and 177 parking spaces confined within the spacial limits of the Ashley Park property seems excessive, to say the least; literally overshadowing the adjoining neighborhood and with no provision made within the complex for the recreational needs of the ,apartment residents. All this being said, and in the event that ,a recreational parr is out of the question, Nve respectfully but strongly urge that the City of Kalispell elect to uphold R-4 zoning with regard to the Ashley Park: property, for the sake of preserving neighborhood integrity, as well as respecting the wishes and concerns of the community immediately affected by any development within their environs. Thank ,you for yotir time and attention. You is respectfully, Brticr & Kayla render 22t2 Ruddy Duck Dr. Kalispell Michelle Anderson From: Heather Snedigar [hsnedigar@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 9:22 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts at Ashley Dear Jarod Nygren, I am writing to voice my concerns about the construction plans for the Lofts at Ashley off Airport Road. I am concerned about preserving the integrity of our neighborhood. I have lived in this neighborhood for three and a half years and feel that building five three story apartment buildings will degrade the neighborhood. I am very concerned that traffic will be greatly affected by adding the planned 96 apartments. These added apartments will considerably increase traffic on an already busy Airport Road. The zoning of the proposed property does not support a project of this magnitude. I agree that affordable housing is needed in the valley, but this is the wrong location. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, Heather Snedigar Resident of Ashley Park Subdivision �•\'l.iI \ 6:1 I li ��a.Sll`a€i!i' (�:I1:IX`, `lI: 0. _3Cl A1", 1 -j:, ) 1 F Ili�I1� Michelle Anderson From: BARBARA SLAGHT 0b65slaght@msn.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 6:57 PM To: Jarod Nygren Please zone the Ashley lots R-4 to preserve neighborhood integriy. Michelle Anderson From: Britney Wheeler [bcdewheeler@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 9:19 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Tuesday work session I-Ii Jarod! Please forward this email or bring it to work session as I any unable to be at the meeting in person. My name is Britney Wheeler and I live at 2138 Merganser Drive. I was just informed of the proposed appartinents and parking spaces that a developer wants to put at the entrace of our neighborhood off of Airport Road. While I understand that growth is inevitable, it makes me sad to think that someone wants to put 3 story complexes on this end of town. We have owned the house we live in for 9 years and have always enjoyed this more quiet part of town. It's actually kind of ironic that I just found out about this because on Monday I had to tell our realtor that we reconsidered putting our house on the market because you just can't beat this location right now. I am begging you all to consider keeping the zone R-4 so that such a huge monstrosity wouldn't be put right at the font of our dear little neighborhood. If apartments have to go in, then it would be amazing if they would be less in number and therefore less parking spaces. I hate to think of all those trees being leveled just for almost two parking spaces per unit. Besides the property, though, is all the children we have in our neighborhood. Our kids play outside with the neighbors all the time, and 96 homes being put right at the end of our street would up the traffic in a substantial way and that makes me nervous just thinking about it. Like I said, I understand that change happens but if if could be on the smaller scale, I believe we could continue to keep that friendly neighborhood vibe that we have all come to appreciate. Thank you for your time and good luck Britney Wheeler Michelle Anderson From: Laura Hawkins [theladyhawk@live.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 6:55 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts of Ashley, LLC Dear Mr. Nygren, We were very disappointed to hear that a large apartment complex may soon be under construction in our cozy little neighborhood. We chose this area, because it has a beautiful view of Lone Pine, and the Swan Mountain Range, while being close to town. While there seems to be more crime on the west side of town, because of the low income housing and apartments, we are thankful that our quiet little neighborhood has not been affected so far. It is comprised of single-family homes and duplexes, who value the appearance of their homes and safety of their surroundings, and even watch out for each other when out of town, etc. We are very concerned that a huge apartment complex will not only bring crime and heavy traffic, but also will lower the value of our home. Please do your very best to preserve the R-4 zoning in our Ashley Park Subdivision and neighborhood. ]"hank you for you kind consideration. S incercly, Jeremy & Laura Hawkins 2220 Pintail Court �Wni prom lily Veri/on, Oataxy 9,nlartj)hon Michelle Anderson From: Mary Ryckman [maryryckman70@gmail.com) Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:43 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts at Ashley Lcc Hello Mr. Nygren, I was totaly upset when I read the Daily Interlake and found out that what I always thought was a Park, is now going to have 5 apartment building, 3 stories tall. I can not believer that there is room for all that, and can not for the life of me believe what the traffic will be like on Airport road. If you can not keep it as a park Please consider an R-4 Zoning. This is the only way we will be able to "sort of keep the intrgity of our neighborhood. Please reconsider this plan. Mary Mary Ryckman 2207 Pintail Ct Kalispell, MT 59901 406-871-3030 Michelle Anderson From: Lynne Lippy [al Iredly nne39@gmaii.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 6:40 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Planning board mtg. Lofts at Ashley, LLC application We are residents of the Ashley Park area. We just heard about the purposed building of 96 apartments by Airport RD. We oppose this being done for these reasons. 1. need to keep the area a R-4 Zone. 2. build one level duplexes or one level condos for seniors. 3. building 96 apartments will only cause more traffic and danger on that area. Airport road can't handle that many cars going; to and from work. Causing troubles on getting on the road. With the school being built out here is already causing more traffic than the road can handle. That is why we don't need more. Seniors need a nice place to live and they don't travel out as much as other citizens would if there was an apartment bldg.like being purposed. 4. If this person wants to build apartments purpose they be built on the land on Cemetery Rd. behind the gas station. 5. We are against the purposed plan. From: Lynne and John Lippy Ashley Park Residents Michelle Anderson From: Barb Montana [montana.babs@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:30 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Proposed apartment buildings at Lofts at Ashley Good morning Mr. Nygren, I would like to see the land that has been purchased for the purpose of building 96 apartments and a very large parking area (Lofts at Ashley) be zoned as an R-4 Zone, the same as the rest of the Ashley Park Division. I live on Pintail Court. I love this area of town and I treasure it's quiet, safe community. I think it is fine to build more homes/condos/single family houses and smaller apartment buildings but to bring in such large buildings will not only spoil many people's views of the beautiful mountains but bring in the after-effects of such large apartment building complexes, i.e. congested roads, noise, and crime. We need to preserve the integrity of this neighborhood. Please consider my request when you sit down with the planning board. Thank you. Sincerely, Barbara Hart 2211 Pintail Court Kalispell, MT 59901 Michelle Anderson From: mont1120@builittmail.com Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 6:13 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts at Ashley Objection Jack and Leslie Spillman 2159 Ruddy Duck Ave Kalispell, MT59901 October 10, 2016 Re: Lofts at Ashley Planning Board Application It would appear the meeting set for October 11th, 2016 has been cancelled in lieu of a proposed "work session" in order for the LLC to "informally" propose the disastrous apartment building proposal located at Teal and Airport Road in the Ashley Subdivision. I am certainly unsure why this tactic is being employed, nonetheless, myself and my wife Leslie place our most strenuous objections to the City of Kalispell's Planning Board allowing any variance permitting a 96 unit apartment complex on this property. I have talked to several homeowners in the Ashley Subdivision, and I have found ZERO support for this project. Every single person I have spoken to does not want this project to receive the variance needed to proceed. The construction of this project will destroy the nature and integrity of this quiet and well maintained area that has flourished in the city of many years. This subdivision is home to working class citizens such as firefighters, construction workers, Sheriff Deputies, plumbers, woodworkers, roofers, 911 dispatchers, and a host of other tax payers who have worked incredibly hard to preserve their small piece of the American dream, owning a home. Now, a year old LLC has decided to buy a small parcel of property and build a monstrous apartment complex which will destroy the value and nature of the neighborhood. Allowing this zoning variance of a conditional use permit would be a slap in the face of voters who passed a tax to build a new school in the Airport Road area. Voters rose to meet the need in the County to do so, and to now add a tax, while at the same time drastically lowering home values would be incredibly damaging to the City for any future requests from its citizens. We are requesting the City enforce the R-4 zoning regulations as is in place now. Let the Lofts of Ashley LLC build duplexes or houses that are affordable to the working woman and man of this area, thus keeping the neighborhood intact. The cities map of Airport Road reveals huge tracts of open land that could be used for multi family dwellings. That the proposed builders want to shoe horn in a massive 3 story human warehouse is a poor use of a tiny tract of land located in an R-4 zone. If zoning is subject to change anytime a builders wants it done, why bother with zoning at all? Respectfully; Jack and Leslie Spillman 1 Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 3:22 PM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: October 11, 2016 Planning Board - Lofts at Ashley, LLC application requests From: Gordon ParsonsjmaiIto. urgent. parsons(nbgmaiLcomi Sent: M U—Jay, October 10, 2016 2:i6 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: October 11, 2016 Planning Board - Lofts at Ashley, LLC application requests I Currently own a house that backs up to the proposed development. This high density housing project is incompatible with all the houses and duplex townhouses that currently exist in Ashley Park development. it should not he gL)Lnwved! A development of this nature will result in a total lack of privacy, cause a serious devaluation of the homes backing up to this proposed development, and probably render them unsaleable in the future. To propose such a development at this time when Ashley Park is probably 99 percent built out is unconscionable and a disservice to all who own homes in Ashley Park. When the Ashley Park residents purchased their homes, we were told this area would remain a park by the developer and builder. I would never have purchased a home in this area had a large apartment development been disclosed or proposed. I realize the owner's circumstances may have necessitated his sclling of the property, but how many Planning Board members would want this type of development at the entrance to their subdivision? I urge you to do what is right for 99 percent of -the homeowners who have invested in their futures by purchasing their homes in a normal R-4 residential development and disapprove this application request. Gordon Parsons 756-1265 P 0 BOX 25 10 KALISPELL, MT 59903-2510 Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 11:21 AM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Lofts at Ashley Creek From: Tim Carter[mailto:tim@chuckolsonrealestate.coml Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 11:02 AM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts at Ashley Creek The proposed development will have an adverse affect on property values and the integrity of the surrounding neighborhood. I would urge the zoning for this property if annexed to be the same as Ashley Park Subdivision R-4 Warmest Regards "Tim Carter 2124 Harlequin Ct Kalispell, MT. 59901 Cell: 406-253-9164 Fax: 406-752-8894 Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 11:22 AM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Proposed apartment development at Airport Rd. and Teal Dr. From: Tim Bochman [mailto timbochmanOgmail,coml Sent: Monday, OLiober 10, 2016 i1:031 A� i To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Proposed apartment development at Airport Rd. and Teal Dr. Dear Mr Nygren, I am writing you to express my concern about the proposed 100 unit apartment development being considered for the plot of land at the corner of Airport Rd. and Teal Dr. As a member of the neighborhood affected by this proposed development (My family and I live at 1974 Teal Dr) I do not feel that such a high density development is in the best interest of our neighborhood. Please direct the developer to pursue an alternate project for this parcel of land that conforms with the same zoning as the rest of the neighborhood and preserves the family friendly atmosphere of our neighborhood. Thanks for your consideration and support. -Tim "him Bochman 1974 Teal Dr. Kalispell, MT Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 1:09 PM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: apartment complex From: Marie[maillto:cmwbellavita@montanasky.netl Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 12:28 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: apartment complex I am not able to attend meeting about the plans to build a large apartment building and parking on corner of Teal Dr.and Airport Rd. I am extremely concerned about the plans as 1 live a few blocks back from the area on Eider Dr. Teal Drive is already used as a freeway as cars speed through it for a short cut to wherever they are going. It gets lots of fast traffic and we would be subject to more if a large apt building goes in on that corner. An apt complex that size does not belong in a neighborhood that is mostly single family homes. Also I feel that all the area should be notified when this is happening as it affects all of us. Please have consideration for us as home owners. Mrs. Marie G. Williams 2100 Eider Dr. Kalispell, Mt. 59901 This entail leas been checl(ed for viruses by ,avast antivirus software. www.avast.com Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 1:10 PM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Lofts at Ashley From: Keith Valentine[maiIto: keith.valentinetcDmannmortgage.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 12:12 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts at Ashley Good afternoon, I am unable to attend the work session, but wish to voice my concern. I am a home owner on Harlequin Court and wish to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood with ONLY R4 zoning. I do not wish to have a large apartment complex within our neighborhood, especially on land that was supposed to be a park for all to enjoy, as I understand it, as a part of such a large subdivision being approved originally. Keith Valentine Loan Officer NMLS #405843 Mann Mortgage #2550 Cell: 406-253-0464 Office: 406-204-3653 Fax: 406-751-6282 A& Mann Mortgage Apply online at: https://keithvalentine.mannmortgaee.com/ Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 10:16 AM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Ashley Neighborhood Concern From: deputygriz [mailto:deputygHzCalyahoo.com1 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 9:30 AM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Ashley Neighborhood Concern Jarod, My family and I are residents who live at 2132 Harlequin Court in the Ashley Park subdivision. I also previously lived on Salem Street for over 3 years, so I am very familiar with this neighborhood. One of the many draws to living in this neighborhood is the "family neighborhood" feel. We wanted a neighborhood where our family felt safe for our kids to ride their bikes and hang out with other neighborhood kids. We have greatly enjoyed this area. I recently heard that someone had purchased the large lot on the corner of Airport Road R. Teal Drive, and I was hoping someone was going to put in a park, similar to the one across from the Lakers field. When I heard that there were plans being drawn up for a large apartment complex, my heart sank. One big reason we chose this neighborhood for our children was that all of the homes were single-family or townhomes. To hear that someone wants to change that neighborhood landscape with an apartment complex is very disheartening. I was born and raised in the Flathead Valley, and I love to call this place home. I always wanted to raise my children in the valley, and wanted a nice family neighborhood for my children to grow up in. I feel that building a large apartment complex would greatly take away from the neighborhood that has taken years to build. I fully understand that population is ever-increasing in the valley, and housing is at a shortage. With that being said, I don't believe building a bunch of apartments, especially a three-story multi -unit building in a single- family neighborhood, is the answer. I love that the City Council has begun building apartments up near the bypass by Glacier HS, and in undeveloped areas it makes sense. But to build an apartment complex in a single- family neighborhood makes no sense and ruins the years of development to make this neighborhood what it has beco file. I am asking the Planning Board to reconsider changing the zoning in this neighborhood to allow someone to build something that doesn't belong in this neighborhood. If they want to develop homes and townhouses, I am all for it. Just please don't allow them to change the entire landscape of this great family neighborhood. Thank you for your time and coiLsideration. Sincerely, Josh 13uls & Family 2132 Harlequin Court 406-459-0337 Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 10:17 AM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Housing From: Ellie Bissell [mailto:thebiss5ftyahoo.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 9:36 AM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Housing I am Ellie Bissell , and very concerned about the building plan for Airport Road. With the amount of traffic the school will have,buses and parents taking and picking up there students and expected traffic from the plan building, and many people using the Teal road, where in the world are the new lights for traffic control going to be, and I would like to know if this is a listed LOW COST housing units, many things, also no need for 3 story units. please have the R-4 zone rule come into effect, I drive past the area every day and know it was not kept up as a park but this many house units is not good for the road area, and speed on the road. Thank you for bringing this to attention. Mrs. James Bissell' Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:19 AM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Lofts at Ashley, LLC application request For 1313 From: Greg Griffin [mailto:ggrriffin,mbi ftmail.coml Sent: Monday, vctober 10, 2-016 6:51 AM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Re: Lofts at Ashley, LLC application request Jarod, As a current resident and previous developer and builder, I would like to add my comments to the consideration for the zoning change of Lofts at Ashley. In the past, and in another state, I was a home builder working in partnership with my friend who developed land. I'm familiar with the rezoning processes and the right of people to pursue the rezoning of land for their profit. For the land that I developed in the past, in a different state, we choose a piece of land that was zoned for farming, adjacent to an R-4 on two sides, a main road on the third and farm on the 4th. We then sought R-4 zoning to keep the area, neighborhood and streets in a common theme. There were no objections and we added to the city's plan, the neighboring property values, and the neighbors' desire. In the case of the Lofts at Ashley, I realize the difficulty in splitting the difference between the appearance of Airport Rd being commercial or other zoning and the Ashley Park neighborhood. I also realize that in the back of the mind of the Planning Board is that someone has paid money to purchase land with the intent of making profit. They have already invested more money in developing plans. I would propose, that their investment in the land was a known risk. They had no guarantee and hoped to make a lot of money, but they do this over and over. Sorne they win and some they lose. For this particular case, I do believe that the board should STRONGLY consider the recent developments of the school that will be built on Airport Rd. with the recent passing of the bond. This will eventually reduce the speed limit of Airport Rd as an abundance of children from Ashley Park will be walking across the road to school and the speed limit only 1 /4 of a mile away is 25mph. If the road were to continue at a residential speed, this properly in question becomes more desirable for R-4. The speed limit will change the perceived environment of the road as well. You will be setting precedence with your decision that the school will be surrounded by apartments or homes. A mix use zoning in this area sets up for more apartment to be built, because of their strong profitability as opposed to the environment that people move to this area to enjoy --residential. Adjacent to Ashley Park to the south is more property that will be well suited for R-4 and most likely be developed sooner with the passing of the school. Once again, does this area of Kalispell become known for the abundance of apartments. The context of the school and the adjoining R-4 properties makes this property in question prime for additional R-4 zoning and not bring down the property values of homes in the Ashley Park development. I do believe that not only adjacent properties will be negatively affected, but all properties will negatively affected as the entrance to our neighborhood will take an inner-city, low-income feel. Imagine all of the other newer residential developments throughout Kalispell and the valley. How many of them have apartments spanning their entrance'? Adding to the congestion of their entrances. Adding non -residence toot -traffic with dogs eliminating on our lawns. It is your job to plan into the future for what this area will look like, not just this property. I would strongly request the Planning Board to close their eyes and imagine this area growing with more and more home surrounding the school and not filled with apartments. Which would you like surrounding your schools. There is a place for apartments to be expanded. I realize the need for balance in housing. I would propose that plan for Kalispell not be to mix zoning in this area but increase the already established R-4 that is growing here. I do believe that an approval of this rezoning would not show good future vision or planning. Please reject this request. If I had the money today, I would invest and develop for R-4 in that property right now. Respectfully Submitted Greg Griffin 2216 Ruddy Duck Dr. 406-260-5 l 90 Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:19 AM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Lofts at Ashley For PB From: Deborah Daub [mailto:deb.daub0hotmail.coml Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2916 11:11 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Lofts at Ashley To Jared Nygren: As a home owner/resident of Ashley Park I am requesting that the R-4 Zoning be maintained to preserve neighborhood integrity. Thank you, Deborah Daub 2134 Teal Drive Kalispell, MT 59901 Michelle Anderson From: Jarod Nygren Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:20 AM To: Michelle Anderson Subject: FW: Ashley Creek Apartment Complex For P8 From: Rory Brown [mailto:gozargozadan gmaii.coma Sent: Sunday; October 09, 2016 8:26 PM To: Jarod Nygren Subject: Ashley Creek Apartment Complex Hello, This weekend I was made aware of plan to develop an apartment complex in the Ashley Creek subdivision. believe this is something the whole subdivision should be able to weigh in on, but only a few residents were made aware. This complex is too large for this area. The zoning for this should be reduced in order to force a smaller complex, or perhaps block it all together. The effect on the neighborhood would have a negative impact due to the number of residents in such a small area, including traffic, and statistically would bring higher crime rates. I feel that I would need to sell my house in order to keep the same quality of neighborhood if this is built. If this area was maintained and had park equipment in it, it would be used by the kids in this subdivision. Please keep this in mind as this goes forward and thank you for your time. PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE REPORT TO: Doug Russell, City Manager FROM: PJ Sorensen, Planner Planning Department 201 1" Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalisnell.com/planning SUBJECT: PUD Amendment Request — Silverbrook MEETING DATE: January 9, 2017 (Work Session) BACKGROUND: Under the Planned Unit Development ("PUD") provisions in the zoning ordinance, a developer can submit a request to amend a PUD. The request is submitted to the Site Development Review Committee. Site Review then determines if the amendment is minor or major. If it is minor, the amendment can be approved administratively. If it is major, it is forwarded to the City Council for review. Generally, the distinction between a minor and a major amendment is based on whether and to what extent the proposal changes the intent and purpose of the original PUD, which went through a public hearing process and was approved by the Council. A minor amendment provides a method to make small adjustments that may become necessary as the project goes through a more detailed design process after the PUD is approved, while still maintaining the original intent and purpose of the PUD. A major amendment, while perhaps entirely justifiable given changed circumstances or business climates, is a request that changes the intent and purpose as originally approved by the Council. When Site Review deems an amendment request to be major, the determination is simply that the nature of the request requires Council review; it is not a determination as to the merits of the request. In this case, the developer at Silverbrook has requested an amendment to the commercial area of the PUD. The original PUD intended to create a residential development with a neighborhood scale commercial area in the northeast corner of the development near the intersection of Church Drive and Highway 93. According to the application statement from the original developer, the businesses are intended to include those that "serve primarily the residents of this development. Those types of business that will be encouraged include small boutique businesses, coffee shops, beauty shop/day spas, video rental stores, convenience stores, specialty retail, banking and grocery stores." The PUD placed caps on both the total amount of commercial square footage (120,000 square feet) and the size of individual buildings (25,000 square feet and single story, 25 ft maximum height construction) in an effort to ensure that any commercial component would maintain the neighborhood scale envisioned when the PUD was approved. The 25,000 square foot limit was added later to address the fact that the owner envisioned a neighborhood grocery store and a typical grocery store serving this type of an area needed 25,000 square feet to operate. To date, there has not been any commercial development in the PUD, but there are two potential businesses which have expressed an interest in being located in Silverbrook: Kalispell Regional Healthcare and Mann Mortgage. Kalispell Regional is considering an approximately 14,000 square foot clinic. The clinic would appear to fit within the existing PUD provisions. Mann Mortgage would locate its headquarters there. The building would be multi -story with up to 40,000 square feet, plus a related 6,000 square foot bank. While the bank would also appear to qualify, the main issue is related to the office/headquarters building. While Mann Mortgage as an office would meet part of the PUD intent, there are three aspects of the proposal that run contrary to the original PUD: • The Mann Mortgage office building serves as a nationwide headquarters which offers no real connection to the Silverbrook community. • The proposed square footage of the building is 40,000 square feet, which exceeds the 25,000 square foot maximum building size. • Mann Mortgage is asking for a multi -story (2 floors) building and the PUD limits the building height to a single story with a maximum height of 25 feet. In order to allow the Mann Mortgage project, the developer has proposed the following amendments: • The total gross footprint square footage for all buildings on the 13 commercial lots in Phase 2A shall not exceed 120,000 square feet. The footprint of the largest building shall not exceed 25,000 gfess square feet. These buildings will be limited to one two-story construction and to a maximum of 24 40 feet in height. In Site Review's opinion, the change to "footprint" rather than gross square footage for both the total amount of commercial development and for individual buildings has the potential to significantly change the scale of the businesses locating there, including potentially doubling the total amount of commercial development in terms of floor area. The resulting encouragement to locate commercial projects in the neighborhood business component of the PUD that are not locating to primarily serve the neighborhood changes the primary intent and purpose of the original PUD. The change is extensive enough that the change is major in scope and needs to be forwarded to the Council for review. At this point, it makes the most sense to schedule the matter for a discussion at a work session for the City Council. The Council should then provide direction on how to proceed with their consideration. ATTACHMENTS: PUD Amendment Request Report compiled: December 20, 2016 c: Aimee Brunckhorst, Kalispell City Clerk L�Avffffl1�1 PI anning Surveying Engineering Design IG R 0 U P December 12, 2016 Kalispell Site Development Review Committee Attn: P.J. Sorensen, Esq., Chairman 201 1st Ave. East Kalispell, MT 59901 RE: Application for Minor Amendment to Silverbrook Estates Planned Unit Development. Dear Mr. Sorenson: On behalf of Silvermont Properties, WGM Group, Inc. is submitting a request for minor amendments to the Silverbrook Estates Planned Unit Development (PUD). This request is being submitted to the Kalispell Site Development Review Committee (Committee) pursuant to §4.02 of the Silverbrook Estates Subdivision PUD Agreement. Background: The PUD overlays approximately 325 acres of land zoned R-2, R-4 and B-1 on the southwest corner of Church Drive and U.S. Highway 93. The PUD was originally approved by the Kalispell City Council on December 18, 2006.' Pursuant to condition #7 of the approval, a PUD Agreement was created by the city attorney and signed by the City of Kalispell and the original developer of Silverbrook Estates on February 15, 2008. The PUD constitutes the zoning for Silverbrook Estates, and includes by reference both the content of the original PUD application as well as the conditions of preliminary plat approval of Silverbrook Estates Phase 1. In 2015, the developers of Silverbrook Estates requested preliminary plat approval of Phase 2. Two amendments to the PUD Agreement were identified by City of Kalispell planning staff as part of Phase 2 and were reviewed by the Committee .2 The amendments to the PUD Agreement were deemed to be minor by the Committee and were approved with recommended conditions. The conditions were included in Kalispell City Council's approval of Silverbrook Estates Subdivision Phase 2 as conditions #2, #23, #24, and #25.3 Requested Amendments: Silverbrook Estates is now owned by Silvermont Properties and the owners are working to bring the B-1 Neighborhood Commercial portion of the project to life. Residential construction in Silverbrook Estates is continuing and a neighborhood is beginning to emerge. Unfortunately, attracting small businesses such as bakeries and barbershops to locate in Silverbrook Estates "to provide goods and services at a neighborhood level" is difficult without having anchor land uses to generate daytime traffic. Two significant anchor land uses have recently selected Silverbrook Estates and are moving forward with conceptual site and building designs. Mann Mortgage is designing a corporate headquarters office building and retail store and Kalispell Regional Healthcare is designing a Kalispell City Ordinance #1597• z Staff Report KPP-15-04 (pp. 17). 3 Kalispell City Resolution #5749• KALISPELL OFFICE 151 BUSINESS CENTER LOOP, STE A • KALISPELL, MT 59901 TEL: 406.756.4848 + FAX: 406:756-4849 MISSOULA OFFICE 1111 E. BROADWAY + MISSOULA, MT 59802 TEL: 406.728.4611 • FAX: 406:728-2476 WWW.WGMGROUP.COM Silverbrook Estates PUD Amendment Request 1`•���1' I December 12, 2016 1 Page 2 of 2 '3 U P medical clinic. Both are proposing professional office and retail land uses that provide well - paying jobs and add to the tax base. These land uses are proposed in an area of Kalispell with existing services and infrastructure between a developed highway interchange and a developing residential neighborhood. Furthermore, the proposed land uses are permitted in the underlying B-1 Neighborhood Business zoning, comply with the "Neighborhood Commercial' land use designation in the Kalispell Growth Policy4 and comply with the goals and objectives of the Silverbrook Estates PUD.S Conceptual site plans and rendering of both land uses are included with this request. However, the current restrictions on the size of structures in the PUD are a hardship for anchor land uses that can provide appropriate traffic, bases of employment and the land use transitions specified in the PUD. Therefore, two minor amendments to the bulk and dimensional requirements of the Silverbrook Estates PUD are being requested: Amendment #16 "The total grGs footprint square footage for all buildings on the 13 commercial lots in Phase 2A shall not exceed 120,000 square feet. The footprint of the largest building shall not exceed 25,000 gr-ess square feet." Amendment #27 "These buildings will be limited to enetwo-story construction and to a maximum of 24540 feet in height." We hope the Committee will approve these amendments as minor modifications to the PUD. Silvermont Properties and WGM Group appreciate the consideration of the Committee and look forward to your December 15 meeting. Sincerely, WGM Group, Inc. BJ Grieve, AICP, CFM Senior Planner Encl. 4 Kalispell Growth Policy: Chapter 4, Goal io (p.15), Chapter 6, Goals 3 & 6 (p. 24) 5 20o6 Silverbrook Estates PUD application, PUD Narrative (p. 4) 6 Kalispell City Resolution #5749, Condition #2. 7 2006 Silverbrook Estates PUD application, PUD Narrative (p.8) PLANNING FOIL THE FUTURE Planning Department 201 1rt Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispell.com/ planning APPLICATION FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) PROJECT NAME Silverbrook Estates Subdivision Planned Unit Development (PUD) 1. NAME OF APPLICANT: Silvermont Properties, LLLP 2. MAIL ADDRESS: 315 Parkway Drive 3. CITY/STATE/ZIP: Kalispell, MT 59901 PHONE: (406)885-6081 NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER IF DIFFERENT THAN APPLICANT: 4. NAME: Same as Applicant above. 5. MAIL ADDRESS: I. CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: WGM Group, Inc. MAIL ADDRESS: 151 Business Center Loop, Suite A CITY/STATE/ZIP: Kalispell, MT 59901 PHONE: (406)756-4848 If there are others who should be notified during the review process, please list those. No notification required per Section 27.19.020(9)(a) of City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. Check One: Initial PUD proposal X Amendment to an existing PUD (Requested amendment only to B-1 portion of PUD.) A. Property Address: B-1 portion of PUD is at 240 Church Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901 B. Total Area of Property: B-1 portion of PUD is approximately 20.5 acres. C. Legal description including section, township 8v range: B-1 portion of PUD is on Tract 1 in NE4 of NW4 & N2 of NE4, Section 13, Township 29N, Range 22W. D. The present zoning of the above property is: R-2, R-4 & B-1 PUD (Requested amd. only to B-1 portion of PUD). 1 E. Please provide the following information in a narrative format with supporting drawings or other format as needed: Please see attached letter and exhibits regarding minor modification to existing PUD. a. An overall description of the goals and objectives for the development of the project. b. In cases where the development will be executed in increments, a schedule showing the time within phase will be completed. C. The extent to which the plan departs from zoning and subdivision regulations including but not limited to density, setbacks and use, and the reasons why such departures are or are not deemed to be in the public interest; d. The nature and extent of the common open space in the project and the provisions for maintenance and conservation of the common open space; and the adequacy of the amount and function of the open space in terms of the land use, densities and dwelling types proposed in the plan; e. The manner in which services will be provided such as water, sewer, storm water management, schools, roads, traffic management, pedestrian access, recreational facilities and other applicable services and utilities. f. The relationship, beneficial or adverse, of the planned development project upon the neighborhood in which it is proposed to be established g. How the plan provides reasonable consideration to the character of the neighborhood and the peculiar suitability of the property for the proposed use. h. Where there are more intensive uses or incompatible uses planned within the project or on the project boundaries, how with the impacts of those uses be mitigated. How the development plan will further the goals, policies and objectives of the Kalispell Growth Policy. j. Include site plans, drawings and schematics with supporting narratives where needed that includes the following information: (1) . Total acreage and present zoning classifications; (2). Zoning classification of all adjoining properties; (3). Density in dwelling units per gross acre; (4). Location, size height and number of stories for buildings and uses proposed for buildings; (5). Layout and dimensions of streets, parking areas, pedestrian walkways and surfacing; 2 (6). Vehicle, emergency and pedestrian access, traffic circulation and control; (7). Location, size, height, color and materials of signs; (8). Location and height of fencing and/or screening; (9). Location and type of landscaping; (10). Location and type of open space and common areas; (11). Proposed maintenance of common areas and open space; (12). Property boundary locations and setback lines (13). Special design standards, materials and / or colors; (14). Proposed schedule of completions and phasing of the development, if applicable; (15). Covenants, conditions and restrictions; (16). Any other information that may be deemed relevant and appropriate to allow for adequate review. If the PUD involves the division of land for the purpose of conveyance, a preliminary plat shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the subdivision regulations. Please note that the approved final plan, together with the conditions and restrictions imposed, shall constitute the zoning for the district. No building permit shall be issued for any structure within the district unless such structure conforms to the provisions of the approved plan. The signing of this application signifies that the aforementioned information is true and correct and grants approval for Kalispell Planning staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during review process. (Applicant Signature) (Date) 3 APPLICATION PROCESS APPLICABLE TO ALL ZONING APPLICATIONS: A. Pre -Application Meeting: A discussion with the planning director or designated member of staff must precede filing of this application. Among topics to be discussed are: Master Plan or Growth Policy compatibility with the application, compatibility of proposed zone change with surrounding zoning classifications, and the application procedure. B. Completed application form. C. Application fee per schedule, made payable to the Kalispell Planning Department. PUD/CONCEPT PUD Zoning Review Fee Residential (no subdivision) $1,000 + $125/unit Commercial (no subdivision) $1,200 + $100/acre Residential (with subdivision) $1,000 + $100/acre Commercial (with subdivision) $1,000 + $100/acre D. A bona fide legal description of the subject property and a map showing the location and boundaries of the property. Please consult the with staff of the Kalispell Planning Office for submittal dates and dates for the planning board meeting at which it will be heard in order that requirements of state statutes and the zoning regulations may be fulfilled. The application must be accepted as complete forty-five (45) days prior to the scheduled planning board meeting. L, 12/12/2016 02:32PM 4809408228 VHIERATH PAGE 01/01 (6). Vehicle, emergency and pedestrian access, traffic circulation and control; (7). Location, size, height, color and materials of signs; (8). Location and height of fencing and/or screening; (9). Location and type of landscaping; (10). Location and type of open space and common areas; (11). Proposed maintenance of common areas and open space; (12). Property boundary locations and setback lines (13)_ Special design standards, materials and, / or colors; (1.4). Proposed schedule of completions and phasing of the development, if applicable; (1.5). Cavenants, conditions and restrictions; (16). Any other information that may be deemed relevant and appropriate to allow for adequate review. If the PUD involves the division of land for the purpose of conveyance, a preliminary plat shah be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the subdivision regulations. Please note that the approved final plan, together with the conditions and restrictions imposed, shall constitute the zoning for the district. No building permit shall be issued, for any structure within the district unless such structure conforms to the provisions of the approved plan. The signing of this applications sig:nifies that the aforementioned information is true and correct and grants approval for Kalispell Planning staff to be prescnt on the property for routine monitoring and itispection during review process. <Ap p lic angA6iature) (Date) 3 or �, V� ����\�, Ii 1 ry \ 1 I ■ ---- N ---- M Hl�:ION E6 AVMHOIH 'S'n R� m u FF �`•,,6 VNVINOIN "ll3dSIlVH NOID313S 31lS )I00d9U3ATS 39d91�101N NNVA - HOGHWAY.93 BOUTH •�examso:x o�mmY Sw�a� ' raY6.a 3 Wo W 0 --N VNVINOW 'll3dSIlVN o NOI1D3135 31lS NOON8iBATS o l 3E)VE)i OA NNdW � �! i � • i�� � Nab LLi f o or, g LU I:D d i W I L) f- a � c. LL s tV W 0 Z 1 � 4 i i f �t I � J l 1y ✓ v / / / R f / ;j a O o �-- ry "' LLJ 0W zn X W Wv,dooll i i x x x 0