10-13-16 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Lower Level Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Jeff Clawson, Building Official Chad Fincher, Parks & Rec. Director
Keith Haskins, City Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Wade Rademacher, Police Captain
Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary
GUEST: Margaret Davis, citizen
Krispy Kreme — We discussed their traffic circulation on site last week. Tabler will check into their
traffic circulation. They are cleaning out the sanitary sewer today, and Crowley will be inspecting it.
The grease inceptor has been approved. Their opening day is scheduled for October 18th
Chick-Fil-A — They finished wrapping up their landscaping yesterday.
USFS — 650 Wolfpack; new storage building. The final version of their SIA came in yesterday.
Nygren and Haskins will review it and then take it to the City Manager. They have submitted their
Plat. They sent us their updated Landscape Plan, and Fincher will review it. They also addressed
Public Works' concerns about the bottom of the pond being planted as a wet pond. This will be on
the agenda for next week.
First American Title — 219 E. Center; new office building. This was tabled at ARC regarding their
building design. The area in front has bus pull outs. Haskins stated they will need to correct it to
show curbing straight across. Their winding sidewalk will also need to be made straight and be put in
as close to the ROW line as possible. Boulevard trees will be required. A new revised Landscape
Plan will be coming in next week. They need to submit plans to Public Works. This will be on the
agenda next week.
Glacier View Professional — 165 Commons Loop; new office. Some revisions were provided to
Sorensen. This is still under review by Public Works and Parks and will be on the agenda next week.
KRMC — 320 Sunnyview Lane; new digestive health building. This will be going off the north of the
existing building, right near the Women's/Children's Clinic. Haskins and McIntosh are working on
this regarding their mid -block crossing area. Their street trees are a sight obstruction and will need to
be moved. Fincher will work with them on this. Electronic Plans will be submitted soon.
This will be on the agenda for next week.
Airport Road & Teal - 96-Unit, 3-Story Complex — This project went to a work session this week.
There were approximately 48 people from the public present. There was a lot of response from the
community, so the Public Hearing has been postponed. They will be submitting a redesign by next
week. Jentz commented that they would be better off at this location with a RA-1 zone.
Silverbrook Estates — Phase 2. They are wanting to move forward with this. Haskins noted they
have utilities outside of the road, the intersection at the west angles, and when they removed the
plaza, there is no direction as to how they will bring those other two streets together. Because of
these changes that they have made, now we have main extensions that are not in the right location.
One of the issues that Public Works has with this project is that all of the streets come in at unusual
angles. We stressed that the roads need to be more uniform. We will have to work together to try to
get some of that ironed out. A lot of the infrastructure is already in. It's hard for us to say, make this
exactly perpendicular which would move the water main and sewer main outside of the road. Nygren
forwarded Haskins comments to them. He stated they have a preliminary plat of everything out there,
but that still had the plaza shown. So when they took it out, they just had the road dead -ending.
There was supposed to be a park going in there.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager Fairgrounds
Bldg. Fire City Clerk
Planning Parks Comm. Dev
City Airport
Public Works