07-25-06 ARC MinutesMINUTES
DATE: Tuesday, July 25, 2006; 7:30 a.m., Wheat Montana
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gini Ogle (Chair), Corey Johnson, Carol Nelson, Mark Norley
OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff - PJ Sorensen
Guests — Norman Beach (Greenery)
Hear the Public: None
Old Business: None
New Business:
Greenery (60 4-Mile Dr) is beginning construction of the third/fourth buildings. These
buildings will match the two existing. The freestanding sign was also discussed. Carol
moved to approve (including the sign), and Mark seconded. Approved 4-0.
Office Solutions (700 Sunset Blvd) is proposing and exterior remodel and a loading dock
addition. There are a number of zoning code issues to be addressed. General questions
from the committee include landscaping, parking, lighting, and creating a more interesting
west elevation with windows and/or other visual relief. Corey moved to table, and Carol
seconded. Project was tabled on a 4-0 vote.
Sportsman & Ski Haus and 121 Financial Drive were both removed from the agenda.
Other Discussion:
US Forest Service: Preliminary review of plans. The committee viewed the project
favorably, and particularly noted the fit with the general architecture for new commercial
projects on the north side of town as well as the use of natural materials reflecting the
agency's work.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:30