07-13-16 Street Tree Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION
MEETING HELD July 13, 2016
Present: Members: Andrea Davidson, Tony Nelson, Dave Jones
Guests: Rick Moore, Barb Anderson and Wendy Olson Hansen
Staff Fred Bicha, Lisa Simmer and Mark Friedline
The meeting was officially called to order at 4:04 pm by Andrea Davidson.
Agenda Topics:
Public Comment
Approval of April & June minutes
Tree Cycle Planning
Misc. Business
There was no public comment.
Public Comment
Current Business
Introductions were made with Fred introducing Wendy from Flathead County Health
Department and explaining that FCHD would be helping with Tree Cycle 2016.
Members unanimously approved April & June minutes.
Tree Cycle Brainstorming:
Fred informed members he provided the Chamber of Commerce with brochures from last year's
Tree Cycle, specifically making sure Diane Medler, Director of the Convention and Visitor
Bureau received one personally and was made aware of them. Dave gave an overview of last
year's Tree Cycle for those unfamiliar with it, explaining the goal of the ride is to draw attention
to and educate the community about the urban forest.
The group discussed brochure printing and related costs for users who want to independently
walk or bike the route. Andrea suggested some type of labeling the tree so that people didn't
have to use a GPS coordinate to find the correct tree.
Barb suggested members check with Gil at the Museum at Central School to see if the event
could start inside with a look at and discussion of the section of the "Indian" tree that is on
display there. Barb provided some history and background on the tree and the group agreed it
would be worth asking Gil about the possibility of using this as a starting point, and the benefits
it might provide both the museum and Tree Cycle. Fred distributed copies of a list of possible
2016 trees he put together. Discussion was held regarding a new route versus last year's route,
escorts and safety concerns, historical houses in association with trees, tree value tags,
advertising, possible media, bike shop, and other partnerships to assist and attend the event.
Barb offered to invite Brenda Ahern, photographer with the Daily Inter Lake to attend the event.
The group agreed to the date of October 2, with October 9 being a rain out day. Tony, Fred and
Dave agreed to be the route committee and to meet on July 201h to ride and to start determining a
route. Tony suggested that the route be solidified by the end of the month, so that brochures can
be created. Andrea suggested a reporter be invited to join after the route has been established,
with the thought they may write an article in advance. Barb volunteered to take the lead on the
media and marketing. Fred noted that Marcus designed the color posters last year and everyone
could assist with poster distribution this year. Fred said he thought last year he had run 40
brochures specifically for the event. Wendy offered to have the county run the color brochures
for this year's event, suggesting Fred send her a digital file of the brochure that she could test run
and bring to the next meeting. Tony proposed he contact someone he had just met who is
studying the history of Kalispell for possible historical house locations that have noteworthy
trees that could be incorporated into the route. Fred asked for a lead on partnerships with
businesses and organizations, noting he was looking for in -kind and not monetary sponsorships.
Mark offered to work with Wheatons to see if they would like to participate in the event and if
they could assist with escorting and assisting with intersections. Mark said the KPR recreation
department could facilitate some bike games.
Wendy suggested talking to Dennis Bain of KPD, as he is the lead bike policeman and he could
perhaps organize and lead a bike safety and rodeo. Wendy offered to contact Dennis if the group
would like her to. The Flathead County Health Department will be supplying helmets for sale at
the low cost of $8 per helmet, however stated they would not compete with a bike shop if they
were there selling helmets and they would only fit helmets on participants. Bike rentals were
discussed and Lisa reminded everyone that if there are sales or rentals by a company, they will
need to get a $10 special event vending permit.
Fred informed the group of the Arborist Breakfast he has scheduled for July 19, 2016 at Perkins
at 7 a.m. inviting all to attend.
Fred updated the group on the Urban Forestry Management Plan, noting that the city has signed
a contract with Community Forestry Consultants out of Spokane. Fred explained the first part of
the plan will be for Jim Flott to look at and gather data on the existing conditions of the forest
which should be completed by Sept 9. Fred said he hopes to get board members copies of the
draft information a couple of weeks in advance to review the information. Fred told the group
that Jim Flott wants to attend their regularly scheduled meeting on September 14, to get their
thoughts. Fred reminded the group that at one time they had talked about having a booth at
Picnic In The Park to promote the urban forest, the management plan and tree cycle. Mark
volunteered to assist the members with setting up a table at the concert series. Mark suggested
the group consider August 9 and have it be considered as KPR's partner night with both the
Street Tree Committee and Paws to Play having tables. Members agreed to the evening of
August 9, 7 — 9 pm.
There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 5:05 pm.
Next meeting scheduled for August 10, 2016.
Minutes approved unanimously by the Street Tree Committee August 10, 2016.