Resolution 232 - Enlarging 2nd Street SewerST i '2 ;� I,- :� A RESOMUTION PROVIDITr7 _�,'OTK T-,JF Tj0'iTRI7:G ATI'D _7i17TGA_RGI:1GT OF, T�7, MAIN SYTKR IN SECOND STREET 7ROM T7,U.' ALLT"17 BET=47 LAIN STRENT AND P02T AVANUT WAST TVA POINT 228 FT. EAST OF TAX EAST LITE OF PIPTH AVENUS EAST/. Whereas, it is the sense of the majority vote of the CiQj, Council of the City of Kallspell,Montana that it is necessary for sanitar7 pnrposes to enlarge and lower the sewer in Second Street in said City in the alley between lain St. and Pirst Avenue East to a point 228 ft. east of the east line of Pifth Avenue East and to replace the eQht inch sewer pipe therein with a larger pipe. I 13F IT "i.'TT-WR_'R,70RR RESOURD, that a sewer fifteen inches in diahater from the alley between Nhin Street and Pirst Avenue East to alley between,ThiQ and Yourth Avenue East and twelve inches fro... said last ra_med ge-wer to alley between 7ourth and 7ifth Avenues East ana ten inches in diart-ieter from saij last named alley to a point 228 ft. of th e east line of 7ifth Avenue East, the savqR being a total distance of 1932 ft., be constructed accordine to the plans and specifications of the City Engineer, and wn6er thle supervision of said City Engineer. The naterial af which said sewer is to be constructed shall, be vitrified sewer nine, The total estimated cost of said sewer he!i ing the mu.,i of $46091A. Said sewer to be constrocted b7 contract let to the lowest bidder after due notice for bids has been job- lised as reqnK ad by law. BE IT 79RTHUR RE'nnT,717D, That to defray the costs and ex- penses of the eplargment and Icnering of said sewer the said sum of $4609.00, or any other gum for which tin contract may be lei by the City Council, together with such additional sNms as may be included in supervising the cent -act ofsaid sewer, will be ap- portioned among and assessed against the property in Blocks No. I - 20 - 210 - 4W - 410 - 3Y - 42- - 38- - 4S - 37 10 44 ­ 81- - SON - 60— 61"- 79,- 62 - Q and Lots 1 and 12 in Block 100, all in the Original Townsite of and Blocks 191 - 192 - 193 - 194 - 195 - 196 - and 197 of Addition 7o. 2 to the townsite of Kul- ispall, Moutana. and that a levy be made against each of the lets in said blocks, share and share alike, reqrVInE the payment of the costs thereof in three equal annual installments, ths first of which shall be paid in the year 1909, and all deferred pa7ments to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable annuall, BE IT TURTHIR RESOLVED, That notice be published in one issue of the Kalispell Journal at least five days befroe the 25th daw of May UK, notifying all Tersons whose proyerty is affected by tbB corstrnction ofethe above wentioned sewer that the City Council will meetin the Wncil Chankers at the City EAU on Tuesday evening May 25, 1909 at eiFht o'clock P.A. to hoar and entertain objections to the construction of said sewer, either in nerson or by the agent of property owner to be affected on henefitted thereby. It was thereupon moved by Alderman Bienz and seconded by Alderman Kaffroth that said Resolution be passed and thp Clerk direcQ4 to publish notice as required by law.