Ordinance 202 - Disability Fund - Fire DeptThe Coitviitte on aays and Means reported and reccomended tie following ordinance for passage: ORD WNCE 21 0 21 AN ORMANCECREATIN3 A DISABUITY 7UND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF TAE CITY OF KALISPELL, AND PROVIDTNG PO R TVN !KnAG) T 'A ID FUND. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT7 OP XALISPELL: I Sec. 1. That there is hereby created and established a fund In QW. City Treasury of the City of Kalispell, Montana, to be known as the Disability Fund" of the Fire Department of tie City of Kalispell. Sec, 2. That said Disability 7und of the Fire Department shall, consist of s4ch swas of mo4ey as may be derived from the levy of an annual tax for that purpose, levied by the City Council as herein, We p rovided I and donations to the fire department from any source, in land, money, and other valuable gifts. No member of the fire depart- ment stall receive any gift of money or other valuable thing for his atervices other than the salary Pixed by orAQ"noe,and in the eventh any member of the fire department shall receive any gift of money or other valuable thing, the same shall be turned into the said Disabilit Fund; provided and excepting however, that any member of the fire department partment -k-.Ay recelin as a gift any medal,badge, emblem,or other article of adornment, in recognition of individual bravery or hereoic action in the discharge of his duties as such fireman. Sec, 3. For the purpose of maintaining said Disability Fund the city council, ,aay, in the manner prvTided by law,, and at the time of the levy of the annual tax,levy a special tax of not to exceed one tenth of a mill on the dollar upon the assessed valuation of t all tax- able property within the limits of the said city of Kalispell which said tax shall be collected as other taxes, and whRn so collected sbhail be paid into the DisabilitY 71nd of the Fire department. See. 4. A board of trusters of said Disability Fund is hereby created to consist of the mayor, clerk and attorney,th, chief of the fire depattment, and one member of the fire department, who shall be selected by a majority of the members of th.e fire department between the first and tenth day of May of each year in which the city of Wispell shall elect a ma7ar,and shall hold his position as such trustee during the administration of the then encumbent mayor. Sec, 5. The Board of Trustees of thte said Disability Fund shall audit the same from time to time, at least twicerdqrine kh each fiscal year, and report the condition of the said fund annually to the City Council, on or Wfore the first day of April of each year. No payments shall be made therefrom except upon the order of the Council upon Whe written reccomendation of a majority of the board of trustees. The City Council may provide for the investment of all or any part of sold funds in Bonds of the United States or of the State of Montana,or of the City of Kalispell, aid for the sale of such bohds when desirable. All such bonds shall be deemed part of the City Treasury, and the Treasurer stall be responsiblo iiirgTon 0 11,ap irlanner as for the moneys of the fund. 455 See. 6. Said fund shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever other than the relief o0firemen of the city of Kalispell whL may be disabled in the line of duty of such fire departnBnt; not shall this ordinance render the city of yalispell liable for such disability, but shch fund shall be and Lfi the qV7 Tressuri,to be drawn upon by warrant of the yayor, countersigned by the Clerk, in such sums as a be allowed under the provisions of section 7 of this ordinance, fdr the relief of disabled firement, until such fund be exhAusted, whan no further warrant thereon shall be isshed. See. 7. Benefits shall only be allowed on the recommendation of the Board of Trustess or a majority t1--ereof,approved by the City Counal Whenever the Board of Trustess shall recto rend to the Councul the payment of any benefit to any member of the fire departnent, disabled in the lina of duty, the recommendation shall be in writing, Stating the name of the beneficary, the character of the disability, when and -;vhere now received, and the amount to be paid to such beneficary, the benefit paid to any member of the fire department who may be disabled in t4e lin of duty shill not exceed a sim Pq,,Aal in amount to the loss of salary and reasonable cost of medicnine and medical service incurred by amy such member on account of any such disability. In tho event UZI any member of said fire department becomes disabled or maimed for life, or shall suffer death in the line of said duty, the Board of frusteEs may, xubject to the approval of the Counctua in each instance, a a suitable allowance to tip said member or his heirs, which allowance shall not exceed the sum of $500. 00 The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all members of the r.ire Department of the City of Kalispell, bot paid and volunteer and in case any mam volunteer member of said fire department shall become disabled in the line of duty, the maximum amount to be allowed for loss of sala ry shall not exceed seventy five dollars per month. See. 8. All ordinance and parts of ordinances in conflict wit the provisions of this ordinan:e are hereby repelaed. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty days from and after its passage. It wns thereupon moved by Alderman Bienz, and seconded by Alderman Dickey, that said ordinance do pass. The motion was carried by the following vote. Buckingham, Bienz, Dickey, Schumann, Aye. Ho Noes, the ordinance was declared duly passed and was signed by the Acting Mayor. In the matter of the Resolution for the extension of th he SO as to Include Pfishers Addition to Xaly, el limits had f corporate lits which matter d been laid aver r ture action byre. the City Council. at a meeting th,ereof held on the 4th day of January 1909, the following resolution was introduced, upon petition of resident free holders of said Fishers Addition.