Resolution 215 - SaloonsM
A Resoltuion Regulating and limiting the number of Bars,
saloons and othier places in the City of yalispell where intoxicatin
liquors are sold at retail.
Be it Resolved by the City Council Of the CitY of Kalispell:
WHEREAS, it appears that it is necessary for the peace, health
SaRty of the City of Kalispell, and the residents thereof that
IN hus Ar of places where intoxicatinz liquors are sold at retail
be limited , and that a resoltuion to that effect be passed to take
effect I smediatly,
Be it thereAre further resolved that from and after this date
the number of saloon, bars and other places whore intoxicating liquors
are sold in the City of Kalispell, shall not exceed twent7 two, and the
City clerk is xxt aball not Issue any lioneses in excess of that
All Resolution in conflict with the foregoing resoltuion Ax are
hereby repealed.
The foregoing resoltnion to take effect and be in force
imumedlatly after this date,
Siad resoltion was passed by the following vote; Aldermen,
Bienz, BuckinghaT Dickey, and Schumamn, AYe- 7-No 34oes.
Petiton for erection of Street light was received and the,
same laid over for future comaideration