Ordinance 200 - Minors Under 21 Prohibited in Pool HallsORDINATCE NO* 200. An ordinance TO PROHIBIT CER`AM MSONSFROM SUFFERING OR PERNIT) ING M BUT OR GIRL UNDER TEN AGE OF TWENTY ONE TO BE IN ANY PLABS OF BUSINESS WHERE ANY BILLIARD TABLE? POOL TABLEMIGRON HOLE TABLE? NIN71 OR TEN PIY ALLEY OR OTARR LIKE GAMRS'ARE CO?-TDUCTFD FOR HIRE. BE IT ORDAINID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ALI-SPELL, M[ONTAV110! ARA: SECTION 1, It shallbe unlawfull for any person or persons, firm, comparyocipliahlocorporation, or any employee of such persa� or persons, firm, company, association or corporation having charge of or who conducts or maintains any place where any pool table,billiara table, pigeonhaletablev"nine or ten pin alley,or other like games are conducted for hire or compensation,wo permit any boy under the age of twenty one years aiihin such place where any pool table, billiard table pigeion hole table, nine or tee pin a ley or other like game is conduct for hire or compensation, Section 2, Any person violating any of the provisiIns of sect iva one of this ordinance shall be deemod guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction tntreof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding three hundread dollars (§300.00) and the Council may by resolution revoke any licnese uhier Mich said places mentioned in section on hereof shall hagve been conducted, either without or with refunding pro-rata the amount of the money paid far any unexpired term for Which said license pay have been grInted$ and -such revocation shall depend only upon the pers.onor persols firm,comparl ass cation or corporation charged with this violation of tilt ordinancet and not uponoconviction t1wreuni or. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances. in conflict with the provisions of thds ordinance are hereby repealed, Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect QQjy days from andafterto passage, approval and publication. It was thereupon moved by .1derman Buckingham and seconded by Alderman Schnmann$ that said ordinance be passed. On roll call said motion was carried by the following vote: Alderman Buckingham,, Bienz, Rognlien and Schumann, Ave. No . Noes. The ordinance was declar- ed passed and sigrad by the ActiQ NAyor. The following resoluiiun wls,1hereupon read: