Ordinance 199 - Regulating Pawnbrokers, etcRM
ORDINKTIMP, 70. 199,
Section 1. Any person -who loans money on deposit or pledge of
personal property, or other valuable thing, or who deals in the purcYAs-
ing of personal property or other valuable thing on condition of sell-
ing the sarrie back again at a stipulated price, or who loans money sec-
ured by chattel mortgage on personal property, taking possession of the
property, or any part ticiereof so mortgaged is hereby defined to and
declared a pawribroskers
Section 2. Every person who shall be engaged in the business
of pawnbroker as above defined, or xx dealers in second I -and goods, or
junk dealers, shall keep a book, in which shall be fairly written ir,
ink, at, the time of each loan or purchase, an accurate account or
description,in the 'Rnglifsh language,cf the goods, article or tither
thing pawned, pledged or purchases ,the aLount of money loaned or paid
therefor, the time of the receipt of the same, the name, residence and
descr ipt ion of Vine person pavorning, or pledging or selling the same ,
Which bookas well a; the articleVawned or purchased, shall at all
reasonable times be open to the inspection of the Mayor or any member
of the police force,
Section 3. It sYA11 be the duty of every such pawnbroker,
dealer in .second 'hand goods, or Junk dealer,to make out and deliver to
the 'Chief of Police, every dal before the hour of twelve M. , a legible
.and correct copy, from the book required in section two hereof , of all
personal property or other valuable things, received, deposited or
purchased duzring the preceeding day,together with the time when received
or purchased, and a description and name or names of the person,or
persons by who left in pledge, or fm m wlnm the same was purchased.
PROVIDED,. that no person shall be required to furnish such
de.scrJ(.F'-t1-ent6fnax*,. property purchased from private residences, Manufact7
...res or wholesale dealers, having, an established place of business,or of
goods purchased at open sale from aiy bankrupt stock, or from any other
person doing business and having an established place of business in tkB
city® But such goods must be accompanied by a bill of sale, or other
evidence of -61i6iftear legitimate purchase and must be shown to the 1,�ayor
or any member of the police force .when',de manded.
Section 4. No personal property receive'on deposit or purchased
by and such pawnbroker, dealer in second band goods or junk dealer,,
shall be sold or permitted to be redeemed from the placeof business - of
such person for a space of forty eight hours after the copy and state-
ment required to be delivered to the Chief of Police shall have been
ctej_�,varea as required in section three h2r4hfs ordinance.
And whenver the Chief of Police or arZ member. of the police
force desiF_nated by the Chief of Police shall notify any such dealer or
dealers not to sell any property received on depolt or purchased by them
or permit the same to be r3deemed, such properts shall not be sold or
permitted to be redeemed until such time as may be determined by such
Chief of Police or member of the police force designated by the Chief
of Pol Ice, so re firing them to be -held.
Section 5. Every person who zskull engage in the bus ire es, of a pamnbrokr
as in sectior on; definod, or to a dealer in second hand goods or a JunA
dealer, in the pity of ydL ispell,shall before engaging in such business,
obtain from said city a license agreeable to the ordinai-ice pertaining to
licenses in said cizy of yalispell,
Section 6 . pefore any person hs all receive a license for doing
business as a pawnbroker, as in section one defined, me shan foe winn
toe pity clerk a bond, with at least two sureties, to be approved by
the City Clerk, in the am of one thousand dollars, and before any licyne
shall be issued to any person fro doing business as a dealer in second
hand goods or as a junk dealer having an established place of business,
he shall file with the City Clerk a bond in the sum of One thousand
dollars, with at least two sureties to be approved by the said CAv
plorl, a-0 before aay license shall be issued to any erson for doing
business as a junk peddler or j"nk dealer having no esmabished place or
basin nsav he shall file with the pity Clerk a bond in the at m of one
hiLdr6d dollars,with at least two sureties to be ppproved by the said
City lerkiall such bonds to be conditioned that the principal named
therein will observe the ordinances of said city in relation to pawn-
brokers, dealers in second hand goods and junk dealers; and conduce his
business in nonlopmIty thereto,and that he will account for and Mver
to any person legally entitled �,oere4u,any goods, wares or rfierclAndise
article or thing, which may have come into his hoLde through hisbuslie ss
as snchpawnbbokar, dealer in second hand ygcods or junk deavvy,or ill
lieu thereof will pay in money to such person or person6 the reasonable
value thereof. The Ciby Trea64,ur SWI keep a record of the number,
name and place of tasIdence of all persons to whom a license shall be
issued to do buslass as a junk #4441er or junk aealer having go estabiss,
ed place of businessi and*vecy such junk peddler or junk dealer havil-
no established place of business snall at all limes while agaged in
business as such peddler or dealer, wear in a conspicsous place on his
h"t or cap: a badge at least four inches long ad two inches wide upon
which shall be inscribed his number aW the words "junk Peddler" or
"Junk Dealer" as the case may be, and shall also have his written lieerna
with him forlnspeejlon when so engaged in business. No junk dealer or
peddler,or dealer infewond hand goods shall purchase any goods, wares
or merchandise article or tKng from minors,
sectidn 7. Avery tamnbroker, agent, or other dealer mentiornxi in
this urdinance,who shah vioiate,neglect or refuse to comply wit. any W
the provisions of this ordAnance,snall fon every such offense be fined
a SM not less than ten, nor more than one hundred dollars, and in case
of default in the payment of sueb Anel may, in the descretion of thle
Cowfi be imprisuned in the City jail for a period of not Mre than
ninety days,
Section 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inounsisterra with
this ordinance are -hereby repealbd.:::::
Section 1. This ordinance shall take effect and be in for thirty
days from and after its passage,approval and publication.
I It was zoved by Alderman Schumann and seconded by Alderrmflan
Buckingham that sain ordinance be passed. Said mosion was carried by
Lhe Following vote: Alderman Bieng, Buckingham , Schumann M., d Rogn-
lien Aye? No toes. Ordinance immediatly signed bit Acting Mayor.