04-13-16 Street Tree Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION
MEETING HELD April 13, 2016
Present: Members: Andrea Davidson, Bette Albright, Terry Richmond, Tony Nelson and
Dave Jones
Guests: Barb Anderson, Dusty Gage, Rick Moore
Staff. Fred Bicha
The meeting was officially called to order at 4:00 pm by Andrea Davidson.
Agenda Topics:
Public Comment
Arbor Day Planning
Arbor Day Sponsorships
Misc. Business
There was no other public comment.
Public Comment
Old Business
Bette explained that she went to see all the vendors who had sponsored the recycling drive over
the years and personally thanked them, however asked the group to consider placing a paid ad in
the Daily Inter Lake acknowledging and thanking sponsors. The group agreed they were in favor
of this idea, with no one opposed. Bette said she would gather the information on costs and
sponsors and get back to the group.
Dave questioned if Bette has received calls regarding the canceling of the drive to which she
answered yes she's had quite a handful of calls. Andrea said she had noticed an ad was run in
the Daily Inter Lake informing the public there would not be a recycling drive.
New Business
Arbor Day Planning — 2016
Fred distributed information related to Arbor Day including an updated agenda, maps, etc. Fred
explained he took into consideration adding a station to the lunch hour. Fred stated this bumps
the ceremony to 1:15 pm to allow for the extra station. The goal is to be finished at 2:45 pm as
requested by School District 95 transportation department. This allows for 30 minutes of formal
ceremony and then students will go with their classrooms to plant their trees.
The group reviewed and discussed final preparations including but not limited to: Lisa Tannahill
and classroom leading poem, invitation extended to Mayor, use of DNRC PA system and prior
testing needed, in -field walk through prior to event, tools and equipment needed and who would
be responsible for bringing various items, student volunteers and shirt sizes provided by Bette
and Fred emailing maps and updated agenda to the teachers. Litter bags, tree seedling and
brochure preparation were discussed, with members contributing input regarding which aspects
they have taken care of or will be responsible for.
Arbor DaySponsorships.
Fred provided an overview of the monetary sponsors, totally $2,245.00. Members thanked Terry
for his dedicated fundraising efforts. Fred noted that he has 17 environmental booths confirmed
and he would be emailing these people the notes. Barb provided suggestions on how to talk to a
3rd grade audience and also asking them to bring more swag items for the children. These groups
have been informed to have their booths ready to go at 9:20 am.
Misc. Arbor Day Planning:
Fred distributed the lunch supplies list. Fred said it had been decided to grill and serve burgers.
Members discussed specifics regarding the lunch preparations, duties and responsibilities were
Dave mentioned that help would be needed first thing around 7:30 am for putting booth signage
stakes out, tarps for lunches, etc. Fred said before the next meeting he would prepare a list
detailing duties for individuals.
Other miscellaneous topics were discussed including: t-shirts, the Arbor Day contest on the City
of Kalispell Facebook page and future Facebook Arbor Day posts, media invites and contacts.
Dave informed the group that Kalispell had been nominated for Montana Tree City of the Year,
however the award went to Butte this year.
Misc. Business
50150 Tree Planting Cost Share Article:
Fred thanked board members for their review, input and comments on the article he wrote. Fred
said that due to being busy with Arbor Day, he has not had the time to incorporate the comments
and finalize the article. Fred said he would be trying to get the revisions made and another
review edition out to the board members soon.
City Council Arbor Day Proclamation and Tree City USA Presentation:
Fred noted that the Arbor Day Proclamation and Tree City USA presentation to council is
scheduled for Monday, April 18, 2016, 7 p.m. Members discussed who would be present, read
the speech and present the flag. Members reviewed the 2015 speech and made suggestions and
revisions accordingly.
Board Membership & Vacancies:
Fred stated there are two board member terms expiring at the end of April, those being Bette and
Andrea's. These in addition to vacancy makes for a total of three vacancies at the end of April.
Andrea said she would like to stay on the board and would be re -applying.
Dave gave an overview of other city's Arbor Day celebrations, noting that Columbia Falls will
be May 5 and that is similar to Kalispell's however not quite as big. Dave notes that Whitefish,
Shelby, Thompson Falls and Libby are on the 29t', Troy (who is a new Tree City USA) will host
theirs on the 22nd and Eureka also celebrates Arbor Day, although Dave is not certain of their
date. Dave mentioned that Ronan is trying to re-establish their Tree City USA status. Dave
noted there are between 42 — 44 Tree City USA cities in Montana.
There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 4:59 pm.
Next meeting scheduled for May 11, 2016 — field trip to visit trees planted through the ARRA
Minutes approved unanimously by the Street Tree Committee July 13, 2016.