Resolution 162 - Resolution of Intent - SID 24RM A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL WROVEMENT DISTRICT NOV& BE IT RESOLVED FT TBX CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KATIRPELL: That it is the Qtenticn of said city council to cfeate a new Special Improvement District to be known as Special Improvement District I .1q for the purpose of improving the a7enues there into estdD ish, grades, curbs, and construct grass plots sow grass seeds and plat trees therein and to grade the aysnne6 tierein, the boundaries of which said Special Improvement District' are to be as follows, to -wit; Beginning at a point where a line drawn through the center of Fifth Street would intersect a line drawn thrnagh the center of the alley between main street and first avenue west and from thence running in a southerly 114"ythzaugh the center of the ally to a point in the center of nInth street and from thence running inua westerly direction through the center of ninth street to a point qhBre a lira so drawn would Intersect a line drawn thrvugh the cen- ter of the ally between first and second avernew west and from theme in a northerly direction through the center of the said alley to a point in the center of fifth street and from thence to the place of beginning. Said special. Improvement District herein above described to be improved as follows; by establishing a Frade upon First Avens- NO& within the limits above described construct in curbs Fryrewithin, said boundaries on bolt sides of said -first Avee rest gravelling grating and boulevarding tie sane, sowing grass seeds and planting trees in the grass plats, grading up the qlater of said Avenue between said curbs which curbs shall be Vow"Al feet from the properly line,bringing the avenue to grade anj, placilg grave! thBreon,givinp it a founded and yomoth appearance and surface and also by establishing and puttinE in crossing where the same may be necessary. That the grass plats sfall be arranged as followsi nest to the property line on each side of the street there shall be a grass plat 7 i/i feet in width, then a walk five feet in Width and between the walk and curb there 'shall be a grass plat 7 1 2 feet in width. . The APPrOximate scats of said improvements is the sum of $000.00 and the same shall be paid Q special assessments upon all of to assess in le property wit hin said special.. Improvement District exclusive of streets,alleys and public places.and eaqh parcel or piece of !an! within said district shall pay that proportion of the cost of said imporvements as the area thereof bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, alley and public place Be t further re.soly d` that noticebe published in t �ralispell " r al for at lest one i; aue ofor the full ti e required by, lair therefor,- said X.AliapeI1 journalsbeg i, A ndwsp per of general ir- cula ion in tie said city of .i pe 1, ontana, giving, notice of the intention on the part < ofsaw pity �,ouncil . to make said improve eats notifying all owners or agents o� the property within said Pp ci.al„ T .pro er.,:ert District o to be affected or benefited thereby,; that said. City ouncii oAl�he City of Kalispell will meet n the 21st, day cif` . y 1906, ;at. p � cico P, Y in. the mouncil embers. at the City Hall,, Kalispell, Montana, to consider my objection t the fnal estab.isTiment of said q , pecial Improvement District,. whihc said objection must be written and filed with the City (,lrk on or before said dates It :is. furtb r ordered by the 7i,ty council, that all assessments levied a Est said propert within. said spec i.al Improvement S)is- trict NOV shad.=< paid in three equal annual installments or payments, he fits of which Shall be paid in the year 1908, and all deferred paymenrs to bear int est at VI rate of sip. percent p ,r_ arms pay -able annually. It was thereupon Imoved by ld rm= pognlier. and seconded d0rmAn Buckln , that said r°e`s€ lut,.ion do Pass, whichmotion was carried on the following, vote;, Al.d emen,; Buckingham die zj dickey, 'ores, ppgnline and Schtu nn, Aye; No noes,