Ordinance 175 - Bond IssuanceW
a_nd said 'oond-., shilll be of t-he denomi-nmotinn of Five Flundred �ol]lars
an' d ?1 t 7 1 r e Mtnd be redeem�Oole ,.nd or, the dL*�y of
'rom I to 40 e_%ch. inclusi-7,e, 191.5, ��nd shall be na Obered If
and rlesimn�4ted as I'D", ��ll of t -h e s ame i_�,gf,,-,te-4ting the mm of
'lL"ri,,)7,jsand Dollarr', issue do 1-"ks up t)-r refurd :� c e r
da-7, of 00-obe-11895D thle IaSlll� e,o' s�tid olatst,,tr.din,,-
ser-Les of Bonds of Said Cit�v olp, '7isjpell.
Section 3. That the sxifl nonds aond tqe intereat -'U-hp-eon; On +he
f-r-prL-,t-erof tist women
penl,,tj-on he:,he lntere
they ehall
Oome "lap_ �inrl -,p-_,yA'bl_e, ire p��yable at the of-
-Pic e o r t Cl T 2- ae,,s iLr e r of Baii Cit TV 1-1 on t "n, 4, -vrhi 0.17 117� llls_�)e 11
c n, 1,T, eo n s inva9t show tlae clue and the w=lber of Ouch bonds to
q i c'n --hey sp-7erally, belonry, or in case tlae pizrcher of said 1Ronds
'�nat I---- wishes vie ar *ls go -I id by -him pillr es no t- e _n u r-
and tlne interest th er enn I to "Ce pa in New York -Clil-, Yew
?i 'L, LS p e no -,r_ionu �l 'be Tee in n d muzz t-
retunn ed 0 C i �"O xnC 11 it �i v ex+ -,Recul,_Ay6
be lm,edl_ s"ild ilit,v Clerk.
7ec-14--irml 4. F,:� i 1) Q -n "J's vi'len _f'or te �_,.ahrertised
f qr sale in not less vanone newspaper of g i eras. circulation, pAb-
lished in that State of Mintana, or a period of not leos than four
weeks Preceding the date 'Pied fol its sale of said bands , and said.
bonds ,ma y n th .0 discretion of jCity o cl be advertised in ca
eras i u; tjpn; said advertisement shall briefly describe the
bon do, s a atinq the time when due and Onelace Where,said sale shall
ca It ice �..)1 ad g%} thit rid, b<d ds. shall not be oold at l s H t saw? par val-
�- end 40' e interest, and id City C£2unol a is authorized to
rej e at c r bi d made and sell laid b and-. t: rjr -ram to sale r 'exch--` g
then olghtstanding bone , if they deem it for the b em t interest rest f
sa i d of do soy at or after thladvertised a
ale at
heir fade value with uncrued iT3ttreat a ad eta.
sectIOW5. Each at said b sha lreE-pstered
the My G l ark in a 30d,pp, gist er Bpok provided for that purpose,
hic W Shill: A ft the date, number, term and s'_ount of each of maid
' n day gQVIhe p era or payans to Wom tylsaid banes are issued
and , �` ; Ate of matuTity or the principajIgHd Merest and
actind All mnneys a r s in, 1 from th gale Of eai d, bph MUS
_phig,into the City
t SFr on .
3ectiog 7. tax to be f ixe.d jy,prdinanceal be lavlad each
tr fqr jhe aqrF_ose pf paying intere t on the o mentiped,
. er t inking fvnd for the. r retie ipjan maturity.
Motion n That said bands .l l be as nearly as pay be in t wh
'Lowing form-
I za
TJ TI I T E 7) S T A T R S 0 F A N R R I C A.
State of Montan",
No-! $500.00
Cit,,T of 7�iispeil. "RefUnding City Bonds" Series A%
Y in That the City of Thlispell, in
,1707T A-Uh 7,7,771 7Y 71-!-'1,77 P? S-V,.r,,TS;
the County of Flathead, State of Montana, is legally indebted to and
pramimea to Pau to the bearer, for value receivedl the sum of Five
Hundred Dollars, this and payable in lawful money of the UnIted
States of -America, on the ist day of October, 1915, togetAer with
interest thereon from the ist day of 'I-Lrch, 1906, 'pa7able in like
-ff-til pAd, pc:�,
money, at the rate of four percent. per annIAM, -!:�- e
seihi—��nruo,lly on the ist day of September and the Ist day of March
in eath and every yaur thereafter, according to the tenor and effect
of the interest coupons hereto "ttanhed; and that the priocipal and
intereat on the proper presentation of this Bond and the interest
co-upon-s- --&ttndhed, Men the sarn shall become duB "nd payalle, are
p�-t,-!i-�Lble at the off ice of the said City Treasurer of said City of
Ta2ispell, Mont,Ar,;;&, �,;Lt ,lispell, or if the holder thereof shall
give notice in writing to the said City Treneurer of the City of
Kaliopell that he wishes this bond and the interest thereon to be
paid in the City of Yew York, then "t Uke City of Now York, in th
State of 7ew 77ork, ;mot such Rtuxk "s be designated by said CAY
T r as ur e. r.
Thin bond is one of a series iosynd for the purpose of takin,
up or refunding outstanding Banded indebtedness with interest there-
on, amainting in the aggrerate sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars,' and
that this bond is one of Series sense arounting in the Wiz` greg"te mam
of Wenty Thousand Doll4rs, andh of like tenor and date nereof, is-
seed y ysid City of K"Iis ell; by virtue and in fullcnity'
and co w � c with tfh city conferred by he provisions of a
Act of the FiEhth Legi l a lre Assembly of he State of '_'bntany, en-
titled,Pk .act Giving Authority to the Oiy or Town Council of r
alt y or Tomm, to Issue u1jon '-,e Cre:d.t of said Cite or Town, Coupam
Ban do under Certain Conditions," Approved March 7t , 1990 and he
nd the re irenen s of the Constitution Of the StW o
MonvAna and of Wid Act and Ordinance Na.111 of said C07 of KIM-
ell, Passed and approved by said City Council an the d a in o
:QVINWar 11905, providing the manner of
passage ardpublic"tian Of
r ina ee an , precedent to the lawful slue of this Boni,
have been in all r es pec e fully- ly- n canpletely uoqplied wit axed
It is hereby certified and recited that equal a7nt of the
bonded indebtedness refunded y he issue of this on .s .multa-
pel with the issue of this Series of Bonds called in, refunded,
aq {.tr Zit.€_ Ls's4. .i: .b 4:: tA. Y:g'bsi said City 3`_,. -9. « ',F„$.e :i total -
Bonded indebtedness ond all bonded indeltedneso including the issue
Kalispell;limitation for said City of
that the said City of Kalis-
poll hereby expresslythe irnt to redeent this bond
time of s er the0st dan- of o gab , A.D. , 1915.
1X MI eR SS T" E RNO ' the said City of Kalispell has caused this
bond d the coupons +t aned thereto t be signed by tor .7,d
attested by its City Clerk °"cd the Corporate e"! of said City" of
Kalispell to be affixed thereto, in said City of
At t es t �.�
t ?Rlr nfte c e2 por e seal of said
he ret .
s QS
u C 1 rk a