Resolution - Amended Water Main Extension 3A RES01=10. 054mw WINSTONS TO T-Ia,' "WA5I'h4,.X4:P Well be aw.A is howelay r"Wiro to SO".., V4 Q:Opv of this ,n wor & wastria Ow, tygV057-mer with- = order requiring saIA OWAnXion to bo MW$0, Una, S.".. 40' City 0:,r HU-1i 1* Be it forther resolved 044 g4ja & Mectrim Go. be not allaw* to u8swangampoo ia t1lewonstrUNIOU of mid NAK, but won ve rojorea, to ups pw , Aoxammoo w4th tue prQV4,84.�Qnz of OrdSWO KOM aad approved this 13th dow of Sept&%bor, QQ6.* Attest A city Clerk.