Ordinance 209 - Dogs Running at LargeORDINANCE NO.209, AN ORDIKANCE FROHIRITIRG THE RUNNING AT LARGE !R THE CITY OF HALISFELL&F ANY DOG OF A FEROCIOUS OR VICOUS CHARACTER, HABIT OF DTSPOSITIONAND PROVIDING MEANS FOR TEE ENFORCEMENT OF THE PROVISIONS THEW9. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Kalispell. Sec.1, It shall A unlawful for any person who is the owner or keeper of any daE of a ferocious or vicous charac- ter, habit or disposition, to at any time permit such dog to run at large within the City of Kalispell. Se at. Any peroon violatinE the provisions of this orninance shall be guilty of a misdemeancr and finad in any su----, not less than twenty-five dollars nor move tkan two hundred do!- larz, and in addition to such fine the Police jud-w may order such dog killed by the Chief of Police or any jolice officer. Sec.3. All ordinunc&a and parts of ordinamces & conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. sec.4. This ordinance shall take offect thirty days after its passage and approval. Passed and approved thIsm Eth day of December,1000. state of Yontanap County of Flathead, SS. City of Kalispell, !, .A.Ke n a l My Clark of the City of Kalispell, yontana, to hereby certify that on the :=- day of__ 1 1900 causod the foregoing resolution to be required by Ordinance No,174, in the Kalispell— a newspaper of general circulation within h✓ City o.i!!,having «,yiTwns being «i> published and having a genaral circulation within said City, and that there have been no changes of alterations made '?Frei since thereof.the paasaEe and approval thereof by said City Council, nor in the recording Recorded herein and this c ertificate made this --- day of_--1969. Clerk.