Ordinance 208 - Acceptance of Ground for StreetORD INX CE NO — 208. ANARDINKM RRIATIN9 TO AND ACMEPTINQ A STRIP . OF qROUND POR ussay Tim allZY A&HWTRAVE1IWqPUBLIC,. YOR STREET PURPOSES 0N1!; NDR CERTAINAIMITATIONSY RESERVATIONS AND CONDITIONS; AMMAROVIDUR FOR> , INATION OF SUC&USE UPM TBX v IL 4TIan CY THE TERMS OF THIS ORDMUCE. WENREAS, The Great Northern Railway Company has offered to ent er into, and .has executed, on its behalf, sub j ect to its acceptance, ratification and execution on the part of the City of Kalispell, the following contract, to -wit: - "This Agreement, Made and entered into this Sth. day of September, A.D. 1909, by and between the Great N rthern Railway Company, a co oration duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, ( her inafter called the Rail wad Company) the first party, and the Cite of Kalispell, a municipal corporation of the State ,o f Montana, N re inafter called the City) second. party; I ITNESSETH: That the said Railway Company does hereby give and grant unto the said City the right, privilege and autiority to use for the purpose of a public street the fol.- lowing described lands in the City of Kalispell., County of Flathead, State of Xnt na, particularly bounded; and described as follows, tewit: - A strip of land Fifty (0) feet in width, extending from the west sale of Fourth Avenue East to the east sti e. of Fifth Avenue West, of said City of -Kalispell along the south side of the right-of-way or station grounds of said Railway Company and immediately adjoining the.pla.tted townsite of said City, upon the terms, conditions and agreements, subject to the restrictions and r sservations 'aereinafter set forth, to-w it: - (l) . The ad id City is to pay thee xpense of removing all buildings belonging to the Railwa y company, situate.lithin the limits of the property hereinbefore described, t6a suitable location on the Company's grounds adjacent thereto. The work cf such removal is 'to be done by the Railway Company and the. actual cyst thereof will be paid , by the City to said Rail y C ommany upon demand. (2). The said strip is not to be used in such manner as to in anyway interfere with the loading and unloading of teams at the warehouses and freight depot ad joingi.n said s trip` €gin the slat ion grounds of said Railway Company, (3) . 'The said Railway Company reserves the right to lay town, maintain and ope rate its railway wa.y tracks in, across and Tong said strip., and each and every portion thereof, but in so doing shall conform as nearly as mat be to the grade of said street, and. in the construction, maintenance and operation of sid tracks the said company shall conform to any reasohable regulations that :rasa be made by said City.