Ordinance 206 - Licensing of Hotels, EtcO R D I X A N C RTTO. 206.
. An ordinance providing for the licensing and regulating of
hotels, restaurants? e at. 1 ng . booths ar4 lodging houses and pro)
vidi,�g means for. the enfo-rce.ment of theprovisions tie reof and
I revised
re-r �L .pealing sectid*R.95 of (!-n,--tpter vii of Article i of the rev,$
ordinances of 160t 'as aver-ded by ordinance U�� passed and
approved Octabbe 1-006 /
Section 1 That every 1 tql . person who shall .1-e reaf ter erZave in
the bu s ine s s of condilcting a hotel, lodging- house, restwirant,
eat.in, booth or any Tp lac e wh e re food or lodging or bath aw
be had for Xi e must f it st- present a written arp-L i Cat ion f or
such license tT, ether wit-h at ariff or sohediile of rates or
prices to be charged by zv T)l icant, in condlict'ing av ch
bus im ss to the Mayor and President of the Counc it for their
ar, p rig Va I
Section 2. If the Iddlayor and President of th;e Cmincil ap-
prove or disap-,,prove the said application and scl e-dale of ri:.tes
and prices they will endorse upon the smme the fact of their
approv..tl or disapproval and if the same be approved by the
Mwor and President of the Council the said applicant shall
present said appll-ication, 4, th the Mlayorls and President of
the Coii-ncil cTipm val the -mon, to the C ity Treawirer who s-T"-11
collett t.rie fees as hereinafter -1,.rovided as a license to do
business under the provisions of this ordinance, and issue a
receipt therefor, whic'n receipt shall entitle t?_2P, said appli-
cant to a license to P_TFage in such bus ir_-ss.
Any person who shall enEage can any business as
designated in "his ordinance v;ithmit first obtainle a license
as hireiy-1 -rrovided or w'rro shall en-ave in; ay*r business as here,
in named odesignated after the said appliration has been
disaj,pmved by the _Itda-�ror and President o" the Coi-mcil s:"11 be
deemed guilty of viola t-ine the provisions of this- ordinance, and
shall befined as herein provided.
Section 5. Every person granted a license under the pro-
visions of this ordinance shall at all times keep posted in a
conspici,ioils place in hims place of bus iress a copy of ,'Qhe sche-
dule of-[�rices so f 4led
in is a -Inn! Le7st'Lor. for such license and
any person -u_ho shall charge a greater si= for fib od <or lo(,tEing
that the rates an.41 prices specificed in the applicat ion filed
dal be guilty of violating provisions of tr-is ordinance and
subject, to a --fine as '-ve rein pro vid. ed.
Section 4. It s'�,Il be the duty of every person engaged in
an:,r of the occupations 4m,en1'1 i o Tied Jllrl this ordinance to keep
the premises about and arovnd his place of bul'iness free and
clean froi-P, all dirt, filth, cans, slop, swill and other
E_arbage or ref-,13e.
All accunmla,""ion of garbage, arm.,;nd the place of busi-ness
of any of the aforesaid occupations shall be hauled away at
least once in every twent�r-four hot.'rs by the owners thereof,
and if the owner of said busmesss-hall fail to keep "Uis fre-
mises clean and free from dirt and filth as aforesaid shall be
g1l ilty ofviolating 11-Lis ordinance, and fined as hereinafter
Prov ide . d -
Secticn 5. Ever, person that keeps or carries on a business
such as hotel, lodging house, eating booth or restaurant in
any perranent frame or brick W,,,ilding shall pay a license of
Two Dollars (12.00) per quarter; and every person who carries
on a business such as hotel, lodging house, eating booth or -
restaurant in any boot hy"tent or terporar., woo a en structure
shall pay Wlicense of Ten Dollars Q10.00) per quarter.
Secticn 6. Any person viclatiiZ- any of the provisinns of
this ordinance shall be gNilty of a misdemeanor and upon con-
viction thereof be subject to a fine of not less than Twenty
Dollars (J20.00) nor more than One Hhndred Dollars (8100.00)
and such conviction shall work a forfeiture of said license,
and the Mayor shall have anthdrity to suspend any licenses issizi
under the provisions of this ordinance, for cause, pending the
decision Of the court in any act jcn br6uEht against any jerson
for violating the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 7. The word person as used herein shall be con-
strued to include associations, corrorations and co"panies.
Section 8. Section 25 of Ordinance To. 183 entitled
"A n ordinance to amend Chapter III Article I of the Revised
Ordinance of 1899 regarding licenses." is hereby repealed.
Section 9. Vat it is immediately necessary for the per-
servation of the pence, health and safety of the City of
KaTispell and the inhabitants thereof that tids ordinance
take effect immediately upon its passuEe by the City Council
and approval by the Mayor.
Passed and approved this 7th day of June, 1909.
Attest: B. Jones .. Ma7,7 0 r .
H. A. Kendall
state of Montana, )
County of Platheadl) ss.
City of Kai isp4L 1. ;
1, H. A. Kendall, 007 Clerk of the City of Kalispd-1
Montana, do hereby certify that on the da- of 1909,
I caused the foregoing 0-dinance to be posted as YequTed in
Ordinance No. 174 and that said Ordinance remained posted.for
a period of five days, and that there have been no chances or
algerations made therein iin: e thepassage and approval thereof
by the said City Council, nor in the recovding thereof.
RedbVd.Jd',',hMvein and this certificate madethis
day of 11909 W
14 A. Kendall,
---- ----- __ Vt y Clerk.