Ordinance 204 - DogsO R D INANCE NO, 204,
1).R 7 , . 1) -TO. T,09,,PAq,-3RD A.111 OV OF K_ATISP_VLTj, A,,TD 'z,'PPAAL D_ A P PR T)
141.Aff 4-11 ,1,000.
;I �-t
Sect,ion 1. -- The r,,mning,at large of dloEs upon the streets,
av efiu- es , alleys , parks o r .sic, grounds of the C ity of Kal ispell
is he -ebb- prohibited and declared to be a nuisance.
Section, 2. -- It is '--he duty'I
clt` il-lhie, pc)uncbriaster to tape lip
and i�-nponand anir dog running at, larEe cont'ary to a,ny ,provis.io-ns of
th i s o rd i -r4an -_ P,
Sect �,A Ti 3 It is umlawful nor an.v person �o own, keep or
ar arLbor an, do irm"'P, or felr'nalp lvihicli by loud a nd - frequent barking
I -
howli2ag, or ye'_IpinE or by any other manner or ,way cause anno�r-
ance or dist-jArbathis
aice to any person in ts city .
S e c 1; i o n 4. - - '7hen, ever a, f f 44Ld a v 44 t sell b P, mia d e b, e f- o r e +1 h e
police _faagistrate of the city tt any dog has bitten a person or
any a-fiiaiial I'a said oit-_,r and t-Vat tlllf� -peArson so bittenwas not at
tifile possessor of s�,4dj dog t-kie police magistrate issne an
order directing the owner or possessor of said dog to kill it
,vithin twenty--fmir hoi-irs after rec-ei.-Vi-Ig S"10'q Order. Th"',
Ticjs3essor who shall refuse or neglect to kill said clog wit-hirz
twent-r-fo,lir z cars after receivinp such order shall be guilty of
violating this ordinance and it s.hAl1be the dlity of the poundrriaster
fortwitto kill or destroy said dog.
Sect ion 5. The "la—,ror shall, vfpoint some suituble rerson as
pound ryas -114er, and said pound ra, ster shall at the exp-r-se of t1B
city brow Vle a sulitable and retired place forl_,the impound inn of
dogs, the location of t-he dOE pound shall be nmblished in i' qe
- ich the ordinances of the city are; piiblis,"Ied, or
newspapqr in ivh) e
Ported in the United States Post Office in ",je City r, and the pound
and master s1hail have general supervision of the Cit,7 dog , po iml , a7qd
slu3,11 see that the sar_�et, is conducted in a q,niet. rel"Lable and
proper _tTLnner.
Section 6. No pe-son slhall break, open or iyij,,�zre tag: C'Lt-,
pound or in e,my manner adur lvysa tl'ip b-eaking, opening or in-
juringia off' t -h�e rill- polund, nor sr 11 any Gerson BLTrader, dellay or
obstruct any officer -,.ihile enEaxed in taking to th7 city round anor
dog liable to be imDounded cinder the 'IrOV4p -0 115 aQf
The ,�,ord doe includes both nalp and Pe -male and the word pound incl',id
es the cit�r doe pound.
Sect ion 7. It is t1ae dut_'v of the pound master to impound
every dog running at lame cont.rary to any provilsioof t'Iis ord-
inance. If an impoiinded dog be not redeei---ed ,,iithin forty-eig'ht
hoiirs after said dop, its impoanded the ooiind master s�"11, of-,,r the
impq"�nded doE for s ale at 1-inbl ic a,,i.c tion aithoizt notice and if
no b id to t'he amomnt of Two Dollars be received t"_r2 re or
the Lnpoimded dog shall be killed by him, provided any person may
nded dog on payMent of Tic Dollars ($2. , ) t
reneem all IM-ppou
pound master. The pound master shall be paid One Dollars (1.00)
for every dog impovnded and kiltd by himr, or one Dollar ($1
1 7oo)
for every dog impounded and redep.-med.
Section 8. Every person -,.7- o o-vms I keeps or 'riarbors a (log
in tu'- it" oJ- X,t1i's-nell must ann,ially obtain a liens there- or
from, the Oh of Police or Pound 1.1aster and shall ray for such
I icense the sum of Three Dollars (,' 3.00) for each -.,-,qalp dog and
the sui:,i of Fifteen Dollars (0,15.00) for Leach fewale doLgl, and all
licenses issl.ed hereunder s'I'lal ejKriire on ".'he 1st day of I'da r C h
of each year. -Any wfio ownit',, kPr--o.s o�- h��--- .-bors anv doe with-
out first obtaining a license thp-Fefor shall be gi.itilty o vio-
lating this ordinance and s1r.11 be subject to a Fine as herein
Section 9, Anyr dog 'havir.g. the a-ppearance of be in nad and,
any feltia-Le V�I.
e(t nwi
Se at lon 10, The members of t'he Police force of the a ity
shall have the same authority in regard to tho mforcement of the
provilsions of thi ordinance, as are conferred on the pound master.
Section 11. Any person violating the provisions of this Ord-
inance sell be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and un'on Conviction-
V_aereof sir "11_ be fined in any sum not to exceed One -Hundred
Dollars (4100.)))
Sect ion 12. Ordinance number 104 of the 0it7r of Kalis-oell
as passed and approved 4";I-h, 1900, is hereby repealed,
Section 13. This ordinan.ce s!iall take effect -1--rilr-,
after -its
Passed ana approved t-IIiis 1.0th dam, of May, 1909.
H. A. Kendall,
State flity Cley'k.
County of F1 theadj)ss.
City of Kalispell. )
I, H. A. Kendall] City Clerk of the Cit-7- f
Kalispell, Mlontana, do hereby certify that on the d a,.'r of
1909, 1 caused the foregoing Ordinance to be poste as requlreci
in Ordinance Nio. 174, and that said ordinance rennained posted fv
a period of five days, and that the-e have been no charges or
alterations made -tIrrein since the passage and appro-val thereof
by the s aid City Col?ncil, nor in the recording the reof.
Re'corded rthis this certificate made t',iis d a Y
of 1909.
H. A. Kendall
It is further ordered by the City Council that all
assessments levied against said property within said Special
Improvement District No. 60, shall be p4-1d in eiE'rit eqii"l
inslul_An nts or payments, the first of which shall be paid in
the year 1909, and all deferred pymeuts to bear ino tires at
the rate of six - ner cent per annum, payaM annnally. on all
amounts remaining unpaid.
Passed and approved this 7th day of Kne, 1909.
end al I I
�,-Tf T, -(71W'r k
B. Jones
Jly-i 1: