Ordinance 198 - Liquor LicensesORDITANCE NO. 198. AN ORDINA14CE TO AMEND ORDINAWR O. 127 RRIATING TO TiQ IICEFSE OF PERSONS, ASSOCIATIONS AND CORPORATION SELIIOG SPIRIT- UOUS, WOWS, XAITT OR ?_nILFHITED 110,1JORS. BE IT ORDAINED B7 THT CITY COUNCIL OP THR CIT7 OF XAL- ISPETI? ROYTANA: . MhAW.oildroan ce No.. 127 passed Pabruary 5th, 19 03 , re- lating to the license of persons, associations and corporation selling spiritious, vinnons, malt or fermented liqnors'be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section I. Revery person, association or corporation that sells spiritons, vinupps, malt or fermented liquors in less quantit4es than one quart, shall pay a license to the City of Kalispell of One hundred Twenty Dollars per qnarter. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict with the above provisions is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shallbe in force and effect thirty days from and after t;s passage and approval. Passed arm approved Ws 7th da7 of December, 1908. Ac t in Mayor. Attest: H. A. Kendall, City Clerk. State of Montana, County of Piatheadi) ss. City of Kali spelt 1. I, H. A. Kendall, City Clerk Of the City of Kal ispell, Wntana, do hereby certify that on the day 6f 1907, 1 caused the foregoing Ordinance to be Yublished 4sreqrired in O-dinance No. 174, in the "Kniispoll Jorrnal"a newspaDer of general cireclat icon w1thin the City limits of the City of Kalis- pell, having a general circulation within such limits, and there have been no chanFes or alterKtions nade therein since the passage and approval thereof b7 said City Council, nor in the recording thereof. Recorded Annein anO triis ce,,tiptcate _.rriadf� thii_ day o f t 1907 . H. A. Kendall, C07 Clerk. Clerk at any time Kthin twenty du7s after the date of the first publiat ion of said notice. ;eSt .1 Passed and approved this Ist U7 of March, 1909/ H. A. Kendall, 01 I . J'nes