Ordinance 194 - Prohibits Horses Grazing on StreetsW ORWANCR NO. 194. AND ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE TIFI'TC C.F 1ICRSES? C'A` TLC CP OTEFR AgTULS SO T T TEXY WI71 GRAZE UrON THM STRE ``IS, AZLEY 0 F OTHER PU FLIC PIACXS WITH IN T HCITY OF XAL 0PELM; M O TA A, aR SC TEW THE SAME WILL WALK OYER AND UPON THM WALKS OF TIE CITY OF KALTSPELLz, AND PROVIDIING AN PENALTY FOR TIE VIOLATION THEREOF: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TER CITY OF WISPELL, O TAB A. Section I* That it shall be unla'iful for sane, or corporation to tie any horse, cow, or animals, Capon any private lot, or other piece City limits of the City of Kalispell, Montana,, said horse, cow or other animal or animals may alleys or ether public places iithin the rite, any person, or per - other animal or of land within the in such a. manner that graze upon the street; l im it s of the City of Mogen, Montana, or to so tie said horse, �cow or or animals so that the same may walk upon or over the other an izal sidewalks of the Cite: of Kalispell., Hontana, ect ion 2. Any person or persons or corporation violating the provisi.onn of Section 1, of this ordinance will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and taDon conviction thereof will be fined an7r s= not exceeding Twenty Five dollars. sect i:an 3 All card inances>.and part so of ordinance's in conflict with the provdions of this ordinance are horaby repealed, This ordinance to take e ffect i,~<z edia,tely upon its passage and approval. Passed and approved this it day caf James RArbert,_ Attest: B4 A. Kendall, City Clerk.