Ordinance 184 - Annual AppropriationsORDINANCE NO, 180 An ordinance providing and making the amount of the annual appropriation for the City of Kalispell, Montana, for the fiscal year ending on the first Monday in ''May, 1909, and fixing the salar- ie a of, the off icers of the 0 ity of Kal ispell, Montana fro_: the first Monday in Mayo, 1908 to the first Monda7 in May, 1910. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Kalispell: See. 12 That there is hereby appropriated to defray the expense of the City of Kalispell, Montana, for the fiscal year ending on the, first Monday in May, 1909, the followine amounts, to -wit: Water & Light Fund $7600.00. Interest and Bond Fund, 900.00. Street Pend 4000,00, General Fund 100000.00. Library Fund 1650.001, Contingent Fund 16,000.00. Section 2, The annual salaries of the sevoral City officers for the *wo years ending on the first Monday in May, 1910, shall be paid free the contingent fund and shall be as follow*, payable monthly at the end of each month:. Mayor, $200.00. Alderman, each, 72.00, Chief of Police,, 900.00. Patrolmen, each, 900.00. City Clerk & Attorney, 500.00. Police Judge, 400.00. City Treasurer, 700.00. Chief of 7ire Dept. 120.00, n fficer MEN The City NITUThe � shall be paid the sum of $125.00 per month during the months of April to Odtober inch isive. onhe saliry o the Cfty Ubrarla r, hiereby --lixed :t� $75.00 pert onth which shall be paid from the Library Fund. Section 4. The foregoing specified ,amounts as set forth in Section I shall be aTyropriated to the water _& Light Pond from moneys dollected at the tax collection in the year 1908, and the residue after making such appropriations, together with all noneys received from and on account of licenses and fines, shall be appro- priated to the contingent found. Wsed and alTroved this 4th day of May, 1908. W. F. Mwlaneyb MY A jj orT_- n -may. Attest: W. B. Wades. City -Cl-erk.