Ordinance - Licenses81 AN 01;DINANCE providing for the manner of issuing, refusing to issue and revoking licenses in the City of KEilispell: BE IT M&CTFD BY TRE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITf OF KIAL ISPM: Sec..l. That it is the duty of the City Treasurer and City Clerk to collect for and issue licenses for any purpose provided for by city ordinance, upon application of any person, except as to those cases hereinafter specified. Cec.2. No license shall be issued for the purpose of carrying on or conducting a retail liqu6r business, except that.& written appli- cation therefor) approved by the Mayor, Chief of Police and Pres- ident- of.the Council, shall first be presented to the City Treasur- er and by him filed. An y person refused a license shall have the right to present s application to the City Council at the next regular meeting(or special meet.ing) after said refusal, and if the City Council shall deteinba If votes that said license should be is- rme y ma jority a� sued, Ahe City Treasurer shah ::coilee t for and the City Clerk shall issue e said license to begin the date following the meeting at vCich saCity Co authorized the issuance of said license. id seo.4. The 14ayor shall have power to revoke awy city license when he deems it to the best interests of the City to do so, and. any person, company or corporation whose license is so revoked shall not receive a Ite to engage in the same occupation, pursuit ..or-' profession within a year of said revokation , unless by order of a majority.vote of the City Council. sec.5. Any person attempting to evade the provisions of this ordinance, and any person, whose license has been revoked or refused as proabovemho o sh,,nll procure or attempt to procure a license in the -n ame of any corporation or other person, persons,, c:01knaTWITi. or Who ha-veing ha his license revoked or refused as