Ordinance 212 - Repeals Ord 175 1/2 - Creates Office of City ClerkWMANCE 212. AN ORBIWCE 0 EWING THE OTTICE OF CITY CLERK AUD Fit- 1NG THE SALINY OP SAID OF. 10E WE RITE11W 0R01nAFCV NO,1751 PASSW AND APPROVED LAY 7th,1900. BE !T WhINED BY THE C17Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALI SPELL, MOWANA. section 1. 7he Mayor shall by and wihh the consent of the City Council appoint oome suitable person to the office of City Clerk. Section 2. That the duties of the of0ce of City Clerk shall be such as prescribca by the Statuts of the State of Montana. Section 3. The City 21enk shall file with the City TreasurN of the City of Kalispall a bord in the sum of one thousand dollark3 with two sufficient sureties to be upprovad by the City Council. Section 4. The sulary of the Wy Clenk is h oreby fixed at the sum of nine handrud dollars p.r year, payable monLhly for the term of two years from'and after the ycond day of May 1910. Section 5. Ordinonce No.175j passcd and approved May 7th, 1906, is hereby repealed. Section 6. This oddinance shall take approval and publication as provided by Ww. Pabscd and approved this Attest; H,T.Kendail, CiW Clerk. State or Montana. County of Plathead, City of Kali Pell, effect aftur its passage, 27th day of Pay, 1G1Q. C. hjpps' . Mayor,, 1, H. �. Kendall, City Clerk of the City of Kai- iapell, Montana, do hereby cortiVy that on the day of 1910, i caused the foregoing ordinance to bq pootou as reclubed Ordinance No.174 and th.t sid ardinancu rexalned pos4ed for a per® of five days, and that there have been no ahanges or alterations made thpruin since the pas.age and approval thereoZ by the City Cour cil, nor in the zee cop thereof, Eecorded herein and this certificate made this ci'ty Clerk.