Ordinance - Annual AppropriationsUZI AN ORDI11TANCE PROVIDING -LID AKING V U K OT. NOF I�M A`T"- fIA7j APPROPRTAT 10'� �!`OR T � CI LY OF KAL1gPE%,1«O7,?-A1 A, FOR T�!D� FIKCAL YEAR E-41DTNCT f.T .t_ , .P!R a'� _':` Oe DAB ', ��` ,19 LO• BE is DA1.72) BY "-�THN CIT COUNCIL OP T �� CITY OF KALI SPELL: Section 1. T hat t1h,e re is he -eby appropriated to def mLy the ex- penses cf the City of Kalispell for the .fiscal year ends ng on the first 11ionday in ICE-i,y, 1910, the flo 110'yr ink t o--,v it : - later a?id Light Flind-------------- $127000.00 Interest an(1 Bon-cf Fund _ _- _ _ _ 900.00 General. Fund, --------------------- 10,000.00 Library Fund, -------------------- 27 00.00 Contingent Viand ------------------ 16,000.00 Pare Fund, ----------------------- 1,000.00 Street F;zrd - _ -___ _m_.e_.,___��_ 41000.E Section 2. to le J re ;:>.ins spec if is amounts silall bp; a1mrop bated to the ,eater. & Light Fund, Interest &: Bond Fund, Street-, Fund, General. Pu nd, Library Fund and Par'; u .d., for all -moneys collected at the a-nniaal tax collection forthe -Peas 1909, and t";e re's-.daze such a.p r-o-,:r :iat ion ,together wit:ri what xmoneys as are received .Lfrom. and can acmint of Licenses and p6llce coo-�r°t _fines, shall be appropriated to t_eie; Contingent Fund. Passed and approved this 3rd day of Jgar, 1909. D. eJones 2417a 2 1,4 r . Attest: -H. Kendall ,.,-.�... m.,... �. C it.y� _'Clerk,