Ordinance 203 - Inner Fire Limits0 R D INA N C E IT.O. 203. AN ORDINANX-9 D:RRTj';T1NG TIP, 1"j,7M13,`R -Pliki' LTAIOW T'� (,IITY OF KAT_ I5PT4T1Tj31.,!01TTAT,T1A, A711D REPRALDNG MIRS AIICR 1957 PASSED AIND APPROVEM JUKE 17TH11008. BE IT (PDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP T!UU CITY OF KALICE LL: Sect ion 1. That all that port ion of the City of Xalisy L - ell colit,�i nevi -,-Vitliin the folloviing Olin Aries, to-vvit: - Commencing at the in ersect ion of tIrle soi,,th line of the Great Northern Rail- 'way's right of vay with,t.he center line Of the allgir between first and Second avennues east; tl-Pnce south along the center line of said alley to its intersect io-j -vitij t:p_ . cente- line of Fourth Streetj thence wrest along the center lin_e. between Main Street and Firs", Avenue East, thence south along the center line of said alley to its Intersection with, t',je center line of Eighth Street) thence West a'on-g t-he c;ft..nter line of wid Bigielth Street to its intersect 'Lon wit-h the center li-ne of t-he -1,11 m,,, Tgetween Main Street and Firs' Avenue West; tlhe_nce !Torthj. ajorg the center link-, of said alley'11-6tits irate rsed-tion with the center line of Fourth Streeti thence -vest along the center line of said Fourth Street to its intersect on Nvith the center line of the alley between F4 st ir -and Second Avenues v. West3 , thence IT rth alonthe c rater line o 4' k�l e sr4id allf?-17 to its lintersect,Ion with t1ri;_!, s0,;t1h line of t',Ici G.rez�tu Nortlfier Rallviay Cocxpanyls right.-of-wav; thence east along the south line of said rJEht-of-,jav to the place of beginning. Section 2. That Ord ina-nce I'To. 195 def ininp , the inner fire limits of tie City of Ka-lispell, Passed and approved June, 17t�_I,, 1908, and all other ordinances and parts ofordinancesin' conflict with th�,- troyismans of ts -,,rdinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. That it is necessary for the pease, health and safet.-­ of the Cit-, of Kalispell, and the in -habitants t2nereof that this ordinance take effect irxiiediately itpon its passaCe and ap, Pr oval. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect djt-,,edjat,-,jv upon its passage by the Co'lncil and ap- )rov�l by the Xffajror. Attest: Passed and approved t.�is 3rd. day of I - , 1909. B. Jo es Mayor. A. Xen.dall, cit�, Clerk. State of Montana, County of Flathead,) ss. City cif Kalispell. ) I, H. A. Kendall, City Clerk of the Montans ,do. her certify tha"L; o the day, caused the '(orey.oing Ordinance tc be p'o'sted a NTo. 17A ayv' t1riat sald Ordinance ream ined -post five days, azid that the-e have been no clhanEe therein Sincethe passe,-e and ap-roval thereo Council, nor in the record8;qg thereoff., Recorded 3arerell'i zi-Irld cent ficate TT A C ity 01, xalisrell, of s refit.' ?red In <Ord inn ice ed for a period of" s or altller��t ions made f by 4-he-SQL id.. ity m ,r ade this