Ordinance 205 - Poles and Telephone Lines-J49 0 R-D INANCE 'N 0 . 205. AiT 001101TCE GRANTING TO W. 54 GRIFFIN OR hIS ASSIGNS TBE RIGET TO PLACE AND TAINTAIN POLES AND TELEPHONE LIKES IN TAN 7 STREETS, AILYY5 AND PUBLIC WAYS OP TYR CITY 07 KAMISPESL ON VEEP, TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN STATED. BE IT ORDA17RD BY ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE cITY OF KAMSPRIL, Section 1. That W. H. Griffin and his assigns is hereby auth- orized and permitted to erect and maintain in th, streets, alleys and public ways of said City poles, fixtures and wires necessary for the purpose of 'pplying the citizens of said City, and to the public comi"aumoat icn by telephone or other improved electrical devi eves of the nature of a telephone system. Svc use to be con- tinued upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated. Section 2. Upon the filing with tie Clerk of the :3 aid City of Kalispell of a written notice of the intention of said W.H Griffinior his assigns to construct, maintain and operate a line or system of telephone within said City, the City Council shall at its first meeting he-eafter instruct the City Engineer of sadd City to desienate the streets, avenues and alleys of said City where poles may be located and thereafterripen the presonttion to, and filine with the said City Engineer -of a plat or map in in conformity thereto showing the Streets, avenues and alleys upn which poles are desired to be erected an! wires to be placed, the said City Engineer shall prongtly designate upon such plat or map thn places upon andoklon; said Streets, Avenues and Alleys 'where poles may be located whichere siFnation shall be subject to and in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance; providd that it shall be the My of the. engineer or in all cases to designate the places in alleys wheh Ptacticable for such poles to be located. Abeing the intention and purpose of the Council to reqvire all poles to be located it and all wires to be strung .along alleys, except in such instances,where it is impract1dablo-N to use an, alley for such purposes; and provid ed further that the City Counwil reserves the right to require said W. H. Griffin or his assigns, at his or their cost or expense, to change the lo- catinn-of any pole or poles when in the judgment of the Council such cliange shall at any time be deemed necessary or proper. section 3. All wires except service wires shall be placed not less than twenty-five feet above the ground and no wires shil be so placed as to interfere with the proper or successful op- eration of the wires of any other association, corporation or i-111, divIdual. Service wires shall be strung in accordance, wits: the direction of thn City Engineer. The Conncil reserves the right to require by resolution or direction of its City Engineer, the said W. H. Griffin and his assigns to carry any and all wires in c ables wherever the Council or City Rngineer slall deem, it nec- essary or proper to use suah cables. Section 4. In c on5 ide rat ion wha reef sat d W. H. Gr if f in or his assigns, sialland by the acceptance of this ordinance does agree to allow 'the dity of Kal ispd 1, Montana, for off ic ial services, the use of ten telephones free of charge, during the period of time said W. H. Qriffin, or his assQns, wag naintain and operate with in said City its lines and telephone system. Section 5. The City Cquncll reserves the right to regulate and fix the rate of tolls and charges to be made or imposed by said company,Sjon the Qhabitmts of sEad City, provided that such tolls and charges sell, be uniform. Section 6. The right to use the streets, alleys and public ways of said City shallnot be deemed oxclusive and the City Cov-_ cil reserves the riCht to establish a telephone system to be owned and controlled by the Cite for the use of the inhabitants the7eof, and also reserves the right to grant any othor additialit al telephone franchise and right of way to any person, company or individual? Section ?. If the said W.H.Griffin dr his assigns, shall within a period of two months fail to start construction and within twelve months after the passage and approval of this ord- Qakce fail to ester blish, operate and iziaintain a telephone sys- tem within said City or thereafter fail, refuse or neElect to make such reasonable extensions of said s7stem as the.CityCoundl may direct, then in that event the .City Covncil may upon thirty days not i:e to said W. H. Griffin or his assigns, and upon due pro6f that said W. H. Griffin, or his assigns, have fail od to construct, ope-ate and maintl n a telephone system in sue: d City or have neglected failed or refused to rake: such reasonable ex- tension as the City Council may direct; may declare such rig -hat of way, the right Q the use J the streets, alleys and public ways of said City of said W. H. Griffin, or his assigns forfeita section 6. The 'said W. H. Griffin and assigns agree to construct, operate and maintain their ssaid telephone system in a caraful. manner and at all times save the City and officials t thereof harm ss on account of any negligence or carelessness on the part of said W. H. Griffin, or his assigns, agents, serv- ants or eiqployee6 in the cons t. ruct ion, operation and maintenance thereof. -- Section 9. The said City hereby reserves the rIght, free of charge, to use the poles to be erected and ma intained by said W. H. Griffin and his assigns for the purpose of establish- ing, operating and maintaining a fire alarm system in said City of Xal'spell. Section 10. This Ordinance is given upon a)ndition that said W. H. Griffin dr his assigns, shall erect and operate a long distanne telephone line jetween KAI.ispell and Ravelli orsome other suitable point, having lone distance connections and is to ho void if said long distance line is not erected and,maintained. 409 (4). The right of said City to use said property is hereby limited to street purpa3 es solely, and it shall not have the right to grant any franchise, or permit, or r ighX of way, across, along or over said strip of land hereinbefore de- s Bribed, or any portion thereof, to any person, railway or other company for laying tracks or maintaining a line or rail- way of any kind thereon, and no ra ilua,y track or tracks, ex- c ept - ng those p rov,id. ed for in Article Three of t hi s a gree tent shall .ever be laid upon said strip which said City is hereby per muted to use for street purposes. (5) . The said City may grate, pave, sidewalk -or otherwise improve the lands hereinbefore mentioned for street purposes, but such aprovements shall,be made at the sole cost and expense of the City, and the Company shall not be required to contribute thereto except as a general tax payer of the City, and no assessment shall ever be levied upon any of the property of said Railway Company, either as an abutting € caner or mherwise, for grading paving, sidewalking or otherwise improving said land fa- street purposes. Provided, however, and it is hereby agreed, that no sidemralk shall ever be ccn- stru ted along the north s t e of the property . here inb efofe described, and ths, use of which is hereby authorized for street purposes, it being the intention hereof that sidewalk may be constructed along the south side of said strip of land, but that the north side thereof shall be kept Free of any sidewalk, so that the same may be used for driving purposes up to thD south line Of the CorTany's property. (6) . The City will, at its 9wn cost and expense, put in and maintain a suitable crossing across said strip-- ofo lan€i leading to and from the pa.sspnger . deport and freight depot of said Railway Company situated on adjoining lands. (7) . In case said City shall rail, neglect or refuse to keep the covenants hereinbefore set forth to be by it kept and performed, all rights herein given by the Railway Company to the City chsll terminate and be at an end, and the right to use for street purposes herein given to said City shall cease and the Company shall have the right to, immediately take possession of all the property.herein described, and to exclid e said City and the public theref€ rem and deny to said City and the public the right to make any ape of the -same for street or other m poses, it being the intention hereof that the City sha.l.l. have the right to use the lands hereinbefore mentioned for street purposes only so long as it shall comply with the covenants and agreements herein contained. IN SUESS WEEREOF, the said part h s have executed this agreement v in duplicate the day ant year first above written." THUPORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TBE COUCNIh OF THE CITY 4P KAL WPE L: Section 1. That said coot"act and offer be, and the same is hereby accepted, ratified and approved by the City of Kalispell., an6 that the Honorable Mayor and City Clerk be, and they are, herby authorized and instructed to execute the said agree- ment on behalf of the City of Kalispell, and any and all rights to the use of said strip of ground granted to the said Cite f Kali.spel.l by virtue of said contract shall. terminate and cease to ax,ist at, the option of the Railway Corapany, in case arer of the t e rms of said c ont Tact are violated or ignored by said City. Passed are? approved "this 7th dad' of September, 1909. B. Jore.s Mayor. Att^st: H. A. Kew all CzY Clerk, BE IT ?,FS OLV 9 3 BY VO, CITY COYCIL OF 10 C TTv 0747 KAL I PFLL: That :the scam of One Hundred Forty-six Dollars ( 146. C0+ .be transferred from the Dog Fend to the General Fund. Passed and approved this 7th dad= of September, 1909. Attest: H. A. Kendall,:. C R-y—ld lerk. B. Jones yar